150 research outputs found

    Flavoring agents present in a dentifrice can modify volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) formation in morning bad breath

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a flavor-containing dentifrice on the formation of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) in morning bad breath. A two-step, blinded, crossover, randomized study was carried out in 50 dental students with a healthy periodontium divided into two experimental groups: flavor-containing dentifrice (test) and non-flavor-containing dentifrice (control). The volunteers received the designated dentifrice and a new toothbrush for a 3 X/day brushing regimen for 2 periods of 30 days. A seven-day washout interval was used between the periods. The assessed parameters were: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), organoleptic breath scores (ORG), VSC levels (as measured by a portable sulphide monitor) before (H1) and after (H2) cleaning of the tongue, tongue coating (TC) wet weight and BANA test from TC samples. The intra-group analysis showed a decrease in ORG, from 3 to 2, after 30 days for the test group (p < 0.05). The inter-group analysis showed lower values in ORG, H1 and H2 for the test group (p < 0.05). There was no difference between the amount of TC between groups and the presence of flavor also did not interfere in the BANA results between groups (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that a flavor-containing dentifrice seems to prevent VSCs formation in morning bad breath regardless of the amount of TC in periodontally healthy subjects


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    O objetivo neste texto é apresentar o projeto de formação de professores em Educação Física, na modalidade à distância, da Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Goiás, vinculada a Universidade Aberta do Brasil – UAB. Partindo da problematização da experiência através do processo de elaboração e implantação do curso e considerando a produção da área de formação e da modalidade, identificou-se a necessidade de desenvolver um curso que pudesse: a) garantir a especificidade do campo da Educação Física na formação; b) formular uma política de Estágio Supervisionado considerando a modalidade, sem implicar diminuição da qualidade; c) promover a utilização, de modo integrado, das tecnologias de comunicação e informação na formação de professores de forma não reativa; e d) integrar o curso presencial e a distância na formação de professores. Palavras chaves: formação de professores; educação física; Ea

    Short-term immunosuppressive therapy does not affect the density of the pre-existing bone around titanium implants placed in rabbits

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da administração de ciclosporina A (CsA)/nifedipina e sua interrupção na densidade óssea em uma região lateral à superfície de implantes de titânio inseridos em coelhos. Dois implantes de titânio comercialmente puros foram inseridos bilateralmente em vinte e oito coelhos. Os animais foram aleatoriamente divididos em um dos seguintes grupos experimentais, recebendo injeções diárias subcutâneas por 14 dias: Grupos A e C: veículo (dimetil sulfóxido); Grupos B e D: CsA (10 mg/kg) e nifedipina (50 mg/kg). Os animais pertencentes aos Grupos A/B e C/D foram sacrificados 14 e 42 dias após a colocação dos implantes, respectivamente. Após o sacrifício, as tíbias foram removidas para a obtenção de secções não-descalcificadas. A densidade óssea foi obtida em uma zona de 500 mm lateral à superfície do implante através de análise histométrica. A análise intergrupo não revelou diferenças para os grupos teste e controle em 14 e 42 dias (p >; 0,05). Dentro dos limites deste estudo podemos concluir que a associação CsA/nifedipina, administrada em um curto prazo, não apresenta uma influência negativa na densidade do osso preexistente ao redor de implantes de titânio inseridos em coelhos.The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the administration and withdrawal of cyclosporin A/nifedipine on the bone density in a lateral area adjacent to implants placed in rabbits. Two screw-type titanium implants were placed bilaterally in twenty-eight New Zealand rabbits. The animals were assigned to one of the following groups and received daily subcutaneous injections for 14 days: Groups A and C: vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide); Groups B and D: CsA (10 mg/kg) plus nifedipine (50 mg/kg). The animals in Groups A and B were sacrificed 14 days postoperatively and, in Groups C and D, 42 days postoperatively. After sacrifice, the tibiae were removed and undecalcified sections were obtained. Bone density was obtained in a 500 mm-wide zone lateral to the implant surface. Intergroup analysis showed no significant difference (p >; 0.05) in the degree of bone density between control and test groups either on day 14 or on day 42. Thus, it appears that a short-term immunosuppressive therapy may not present a negative influence on the density of the pre-existing bone around titanium implants placed in rabbits

    Immunosuppressant therapy and bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis: a study in rats

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    O uso de agentes imunossupressores tem sido reconhecido como um fator que afeta os tecidos moles do periodonto. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre o seu efeito na progressão da periodontite. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência da ciclosporina (CsA), associada ou não à nifedipina, na perda óssea resultante da periodontite induzida por ligaduras em ratos. Vinte e quatro ratos Wistar machos, adultos, foram incluídos no estudo. Após anestesia, foram colocadas ligaduras de fio de algodão ao redor do primeiro molar inferior direito ou esquerdo, aleatoriamente escolhido. O dente contralateral foi deixado sem ligadura. Os animais foram aleatoriamente escolhidos para receber um dos seguintes tratamentos: Grupo A - solução salina; Grupo B - CsA (10 mg/kg); Grupo C - nifedipina (50 mg/kg); Grupo D - CsA (10 mg/kg) e nifedipina (50 mg/kg). Após 45 dias, os animais foram sacrificados para a análise histométrica. A análise intergrupos não revelou diferenças significativas quanto ao volume da perda óssea entre os diferentes tratamentos (0,46 &plusmn; 0,11; 0,63 &plusmn; 0,32; 0,53 &plusmn; 0,14; 0,50 &plusmn; 0,18, para os grupos A, B, C e D respectivamente - p >; 0,05). Entretanto, a análise intragrupo mostrou um maior volume de perda óssea nos dentes com ligadura, quando comparados aos dentes sem ligadura (p ; 0.05). However, intragroup analysis showed a greater bone loss volume in the ligated teeth than in the unligated ones (p < 0.05). Within the limits of the present study, the conclusion was that the administration of CsA, associated or not with nifedipine, may not influence bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats


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    PARTY MEANINGS: REFLECTIONS AND KNOWLEDGE &nbsp; Abstract: This moment in the dossier contemplates multiple actions and knowledge of those and those who work in many places and in different ways at Amazonian festivals. Items, creators, fans, presidents, composers present themselves from different perspectives to speak, in an autoetnographic methodology, of their points of view about the views of the points where they are located. Aiming to give visibility to the people who make and live the party, the communications presented here show the parties in full force and action, with subjects moving in the great webs of joy. Keywords: Parties; Art; Popular culture.Este momento do dossiê contempla múltiplos fazeres e saberes daqueles e daquelas que atuam em muitos lugares e de diversas formas nas festas amazônicas. Itens, criadores, torcedores, presidentes, compositores apresentam-se por diversas perspectivas para falar, em uma metodologia autoetnográfica, de seus pontos de vista acerca das vistas dos pontos em que se situam. Objetivando dar visibilidade ao povo que faz e vive a festa, as comunicações aqui apresentadas mostram as festas em potência e ato, com sujeitos em movimento nas grandes teias da alegria. Palavras-chave: Festas; Arte; Cultura Popular

    Ocorrência de dirofilariose canina na região da Grande Cuiabá, Estado de Mato Grosso - Brasil

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    A fim de determinar a ocorrência de Dirofilaria immitis em cães da cidade de Cuiabá e adjacências, foram utilizadas 500 amostras de sangue de cães de qualquer raça e ambos os sexo e com idade superior a seis meses, as quais foram coletadas em domicílio ou durante campanhas de vacinação anti-rábica, realizadas pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Cuiabá, por equipe de professores e alunos da Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária da UFMT, no período de setembro de 1995 a janeiro de 1997. A técnica utilizada para a pesquisa das microfilárias circulantes foi a de KNOTT modificada (Newton; Wright, 1956). Dentre as 500 amostras examinadas, foram encontradas microfilárias de D. immitis em 29 (5,8%) e de Dipetalonema reconditum em três (0,6%). Estes relatos de dirofilariose canina na região da Grande Cuiabá constituíram-se em estudo preliminar para que, numa segunda fase, possa ser determinada a prevalência da doença, mediante imunodiagnóstico.In order to determine the occurrence of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in Greater Cuiabá and environs, 500 samples of blood of dogs of any breed and both sexes, with ages over six months, have been collected in houses or during anti-rabic vaccination campaigns carried out by the Centro de Controle de Zoonoses and by the team of professors and students of Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, from September 1995 to January 1997. The technique used in the circulating microfilariae research was KNOTT modified (Newton; Wright, 1956). From the 500 samples examined, 29 (5.8%) presented D. immitis microfilariae and three (0.6%) of Dipetalonema reconditum. These accounts of the occurrence of canine dirofilariosis in greater Cuiabá show the results of a preliminary study, which will lead to further studies so as to determine the prevalence of canine heartworm disease, by means of immunediagnosis

    Vitamin D and prognostic factors in patients with severe Covid-19 in the amazon region

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    Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble compounds involved in essential biological functions in the human body, besides playing a role in immunomodulation, lung and muscle function, cardiovascular health and in the prevention of infectious diseases. Evidence shows high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency worldwide, which is considered a public health problem. In the context of Covid-19, a correlation between low vitamin D levels and cases/mortality was identified and that vitamin D deficiency increased hospitalization and total mortality, verifying a strong association between disease severity and vitamin D3 deficiency. To evaluate data on vitamin D3 dosage in patients with severe Covid-19 in the Amazon region, correlating it with prognostic variables (nosographic and anthropometric data) arising from the disease. The medical records of patients of both sexes, belonging to age groups equal to or greater than 18 years old, with the diagnosis of severe Covid-19 were evaluated. This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study between October and November 2021 involving patients with severe Covid-19 that presented in their medical records anthropometric data, seen at urgent and emergency healthcare units in the city of Manaus-AM, Northern region of Brazil. The sample consisted of 68 patients with a mean age of 56.8 ± 20.0 years, 50% female and 50% male, with a mean BMI of 28.5 ± 6.2 kg/m2 and most of them overweight or obese (69.8%). Hypertension (57.1%) and Diabetes Mellitus (44.6%) were the most frequent comorbidities among the evaluated patients. Body mass index showed weak inverse correlation with vitamin D3 (P=0.044) and overweight/obese patients had lower vitamin D3 serum levels than eutrophic participants (P=0.004). Classification of serum vitamin D3 levels indicated that most patients were deficient. Significant relationships were found between vitamin D levels and the number of cases of Covid-19 and, especially, the mortality caused by this infection. The population group most vulnerable to the disease, the aging population, is also the one with the most deficient vitamin D levels

    Intraoral versus extraoral cementation of implant-supported single crowns: clinical, biomarker, and microbiological comparisons

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    Objectives: Implant supported single metal-ceramic crowns cemented either extraorally or intraorally were comparatively evaluated by clinical, radiologic, biomarker, and microbiological parameters. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients with bilateral single tooth gap in the maxillary posterior region received two locking-taper implants; 4.5 mm width, 8 mm length. Selection of intraoral (IOC) or extraoral cementation (EOC) using screwless titanium abutments was done randomly. Peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF), gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples were collected from the implants, adjacent teeth, and bleeding on probing, soft tissue thickness, keratinized tissue width were recorded before starting the prosthetic procedures (baseline) and 3, 6 months after implant loading. Crestal bone loss was measured on radiographs taken immediately and 6 months after cementation. Cytokine levels, amounts of bacteria were determined in PICF/GCF samples. Data were tested by appropriate statistical analyses. Results: Clinical findings were similar in the crowns cemented extraorally or intraorally at all times (P &#60; .05). PICF and GCF data were similar. At 3 month, interleukin-17E and osteoprotegerin levels were lower in the intraorally cemented crowns. Conclusion: Extraorally and intraorally cemented crowns exhibited similar crestal bone loss after loading. Higher amount of osteoprotegerin at 3 month at the EOC than the IOC sites might bode well for good osseointegration

    Combining ability of summer-squash lines with different degrees of parthenocarpy and PRSV-W resistance

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    The aim was to assess heterosis in a set of 16 summer-squash hybrids, and evaluate the combining capacity of the respective parental lines, which differed as to the degree of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W (Papaya Ringspot Virus-Watermelon strain). The hybrids were obtained using a partial diallel cross design (4 × 4). The lines of parental group I were 1 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-01-bulk, 2 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-03-10-bulk, 3 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-04-bulk and 4 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-05-01-bulk, and of group II, 1′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-04-08-bulk, 2′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-02-11-bulk, 3′ = Clarice and 4′ = Caserta. The 16 hybrids and eight parental lines were evaluated for PRSV-W resistance, parthenocarpic expression and yield in randomized complete-block designs, with three replications. Parthenocarpy and the resistance to PRSV-W were rated by means of a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 = non-parthenocarpic or high resistance to PRSV-W, and 5 = parthenocarpic or high susceptibility to PRSV-W. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important in the expression of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W. Whereas estimates of heterosis in parthenocarpy usually tended towards a higher degree, resistance to PRSV-W was towards higher susceptibility. At least one F1 hybrid was identified with a satisfactory degree of parthenocarpy, resistance to PRSV-W and high fruit-yield