464 research outputs found
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengdiagnosa penyakit pada burung walet yang di tandai dengan adanya gangguan pada burung walet. Hal ini dapat memberikan dampak yang buruk apabila terganggunya pertumbuhan pada burung
walet. Maka dari itu penulis membuat sistem pakar agar mengetahui bagaimana cara mengatasi setiap penyakit yang ada pada burung walet serta solusi penanganannya.
Sistem pakar ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metodologi pengembangan sistem RUP (Rational Unified Process) dengan tahapan sebagai berikut, yaitu fase inception, elaboration, construction, dan transition. Aplikasi ini
dirancang dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java. Penentuan penyakit burung walet dalam sistem pakar ini dilakukan melalui proses konsultasi antara sistem dengan pengguna. Sehingga diharapkan sistem pakar ini dapat memberikan informasi dan penanganan secara dini jika anak terdeteksi mengalami gangguan pada burung walet
Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif dengan Aplikasi Autorun Pro Enterprise II pada Mata Kuliah Komputer Multimedia di Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan
This type of research is research development (Research and Development / R & D). This research uses Borg and Gall development model with a modified step that is (1) Doing Planning, (2) Developing the initial product, (3) Conducting product validation, (4) Conducting a limited trial and (5) Result of the final product. The product validity test is done by three validators, two media validators, and one material validator. The product test was conducted to 21 students of the FTP UNP Department of KTP who took the Multimedia Computer Courses semester July-December 2017. The instruments used were a questionnaire, assessment format, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitative to know the quality of interactive multimedia developed. The results of the analysis show that interactive multimedia for multimedia learning, in the material aspect is in the "Good" category, for the media aspect is in the "Very Good" category. Furthermore, the results of product practicality test that has been done is in the category of "Very Good". These results show that interactive multimedia is practically used as a source of learning and alternative media in multimedia learning
Analisis Minat Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah Hilir Tahun Pembelajaran 2014 / 2015
Interest is more like a taste and sense of attachment to a thing or activity, without being told. This study aims to determine the interest in learning biology class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah Downstream Learning Year 2014/2015, this kind of research is quantitative descriptive, the population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah downstream. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique, the sample in this research is class VIII A and VIII B of SMP Negeri 1 Rambah downstream. Based on the results of research and data analysis has been done, it can be concluded that the interest in studying Biology class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah Downstream Learning Year 2014/2015, with indicators: 1) The interest of Students with percentages of 75, 52% in both criteria, with a statement Biology is an interesting learning. 2) Seriousness of students following study Biology with a percentage of 85, 94% on the criterion very well, with my statement to follow and implement learning activities in earnest. 3) Attention / student responses with a percentage of 71, 35%, both criteria with the statement I am always happy to go to school when there is a learning Biology
Pada dasarnya banjir itu disebabkan oleh luapan aliran air yang terjadi pada saluran. Sekarang ini banjir sering terjadi disebabkan oleh ulah manusia yang mulai tidak menghiraukan keseimbangan alam. Bisa terjadi dimana saja, ditempat yang tinggi maupun tempat yang rendah. Banjir adalah dimana suatu daerah dalam keadaan tergenang oleh air dalam jumlah yang begitu besar. Bencana banjir sudah menjadi langganan setiap tahun pada saat musim penghujan selama puluhan tahun di wilayah Pasar Baru Baserah, bencana banjir selain akibat kerusakan ekosistem ataupun aspek lingkungan yang tidak terjaga tetapi juga disebabkan karena bencana alam itu sendiri seperti curah hujan yang tinggi. Dalam Penelitian ini curah hujan dihitung dengan Analisis Frekuensi yang dimulai dengan menentukan curah hujan harian maksimum rerata, kemudian menghitung parameter statistik untuk menentukan distribusi yang paling cocok. Berdasarkan analisis frekuensi yang didapatkan besar hujan rancangan untuk kala ulang ulang 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, tahun adalah sebesar 51,51 mm ; 56,96 mm ; 58,81 mm ; 60,22 mm ; 60,86 mm ; 61,29 mm
Jamur antagonis Trichoderma sp. merupakan salah satu agen antagonis yang dapat mengendalikan patogen penyebab penyakit pada tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat Trichoderma sp. yang lebih efektif untuk menghambat pertumbuhan jamur P. palmivora penyebab penyakit busuk buah kakao secara in vitro. Tempat penelitian di Laboratorium Fitopatologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Metode penelitian secara eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Pengujian antagonis isolat Trichoderma sp. dilakukan dengan metode biakan ganda dan metode uap biakan. Hasil uji antagonis menggunakan metode biakan ganda menunjukkan bahwa persentase daya hambat berkisar antara 51,24% sampai dengan 58,61%. Pada metode uap biakan isolat T. harzianum yang paling efektif dalam menghambat P.palmivora dengan efektivitas 50,77 %.
Kata kunci : Trichoderma sp., Phytophora palmivora, antagoni
Striking Down Physician-Only Laws: A Necessary and Constitutionally Required Answer to the United States’ Critical Abortion Provider Shortage
In 2020, women in South Dakota were deprived of an abortion provider in their state for seven months because the pandemic prevented out-of-state physicians from traveling. And as of late 2021, multiple states had only one abortion provider: if just one physician left, entire states or regions would be cut off from abortion access. The dearth of abortion care is not just caused by the pandemic or the escalating state-imposed restrictions on clinics that force them to close: it is the fact that laws in thirty-six states limiting the provision of abortion to physicians exclude an entire group of practitioners willing and able to safely administer early-term abortions. Including advanced practice clinicians (APCs)—who hold master’s or doctoral degrees—in the provision of first-trimester abortion will ameliorate the United States’ abortion provider shortage, especially for marginalized women.
Excluding APCs from abortion care is not just impractical: it is also unconstitutional. Since the Supreme Court made clear in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt that medical evidence must support a state’s health-motivated abortion restriction, physician-only laws cannot pass constitutional muster. It is well established that there is no difference in health outcomes between APC and physician-administered first trimester abortions. But the Supreme Court overturning Roe. v. Wade signals an unwillingness to appropriately follow bedrock abortion precedent, meaning that federal and state legislatures must also repeal physician-only laws in the case that the Supreme Court continues to disregard long-standing precedent
Penelitian ini didasarkan atas permasalahan kesulitan belajar dan rendahnya pemahaman siswa SMA pada konsep kelarutan dan tetapan hasil kali kelarutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menyusun desain didaktis yang meminimalkan learning obtacles yang ada dan sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa SMA, mengetahui karakteristik respon siswa dan self-reflection guru dengan lesson analysis dari implementasi pada konsep kelarutan dan tetapan hasil kali kelarutan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan Didactical Desain Research. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas XI IPA2 SMA Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes, observasi, lesson analysis, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 4 karakteristik learning obtacle yaitu learning obstacle terkait connection, learning obstacle terkait conceptual, learning obstacle terkait contruction, learning obstacle terkait struktural. Bentuk desain didaktis yang dikembangkan adalah dengan pemberian fenomena yang diikuti dengan percobaan dengan apersepsi yang menggali pengetahuan siswa yang terkait dengan konsep kelarutan dan tetapan hasil kali kelarutan. Desain didaktis disajikan dalam bentuk chapter design dan lesson design yang telah disesuaikan dengan karakteristik siswa kelas XI IPA2 SMA Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Implementasi dari desain didaktis ini yaitu berkurangnya learning obtacle dan meningkatnya kemampuan siswa yang semula kebanyakan di kategori kemampuan 1, 2 dan setelah implementasi rata-rata meningkat di kategori kemampuan 3, 4. Lesson analysis pertemuan pertama ini lebih mengarah ke sesi klasikal dikelas dengan intrepretasi berpusat pada guru dan siswa bila dibandingkan dengan sesi kolaborasi sedangkan lesson analysis pertemuan kedua lebih mengarah pada interpretasi kolaborasi. Self-reflection yang didapatkan secara umum adalah penekanan pada materi terdahulu yaitu kesetimbangan kimia terutama dalam penulisan reaksi kesetimbangan dibagian apersepsi pembelajaran.
Kata-kata Kunci : Desain Didaktis, Lesson Analysis, Learning Obstacle, Self-reflection, Kelarutan dan Tetapan Hasil Kali Kelarutan
This study was based on student’s learning obstacle and the student’s low understanding on solubility and solubility constant product concept. The aim of this study is to arrange didactical design for minimalizing identified student’s learning obstacle and based on student’s characteristic, to know characteristic of student response dan teacher’s self reflection through the implementation of lesson analysis on solubility and solubility constant product concept. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive method with Didactical Desain Research (DDR) approach. This study was conducted on students of grade XI2 at Senior High School Indonesia University of Education (UPI). The data was collected by test, observation, lesson analysis, interview, and documentation. Findings of this study showed the characteristic of student’s learning obstacle; learning obstacle about connection, learning obstacle about conceptual, learning obstacle about contruction, learning obstacle about structural. Didactical design developed in this study was giving phenomenon in experiment activity that explored student’s understanding on solubility and solubility constant product concept. The didactic design was presented on the form of chapter design and lesson design which had been suited with the characteristics of students of grade XI2 in Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Senior High School. The implementation of didactical design showed the decrease of student’s learning obstacles and the increase of students’ understanding which the ability category was at 1, 2 before the implementation and advanced to 3, 4 after the implementation. Lesson analysis on the first meeting tended to be teacher centered learning on classical session and students collaboration on grouping session. Lesson analysis on second lesson meeting tended to be students centered learning on classical session and students collaboration on grouping session. Teacher’s Self-reflection based on lesson analysis was an affirmation on previous concept about chemical equilibrium and chemical equation concept on appperception activity.
Keywords: Didactical Design, Lesson Analysis, Teacher’s Self Reflection, Solubility and Solubility Constant Product Concep
Leaf Spring Damages Analysis on Four Wheel Vehicle
Leaf spring is a component that accept dynamic loads and provide driving comfort. Leaf springs that have been used for a long time will experience a decrease in the quality that causes fracture. The test of leaf spring includes chemical composition, hardness, fractography and metallography. The results show leaf spring is medium carbon steel of 0.47% C, the average hardness value of broken leaf springs is 419.7 means does not experience significant changes, the microstructure of broken leaf springs was tempered martensitic, has corrosion attack, trans granular cracking, secondary crack and crevice corrosion, and the fracture first occurred in the upper position of the middle leaf springs, while the remaining fractures were at the edges, there was also a corrosion attack on the bottom of the leaf springs, forming rough holes. The initial fracture is marked by the presence of a beach mark. This shape is a characteristic of fatigue fracture. Keywords: chemical composition, hardness, metallography, fractography DOI: 10.7176/CPER/63-04 Publication date:October 31st 202
In this research, data collection and processing of sales of electronic goods were carried out with CV. Berkah Elektronik. The data obtained is then aggregated with the K-Means algorithm to gain knowledge about which electronic products are selling well on the market and which are not. In this study, the clustering method was used with Tanagra 1.4.48 software, and the K-Means algorithm was used as an algorithm to draw conclusions about which items were selling well and which were not inputted, namely product prices. goods and sale of goods. And from the results of testing and manual testing with the Tanagra application, the same clusters are produced, namely, products that do not sell well (Cluster_KMeans_1) and products that sell well (Cluster_KMeans_2)
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