1,095 research outputs found

    Low Immunogenic Potential of Human Neural Stem Cells

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    In operando XAS investigation of reduction and oxidation processes in cobalt and iron mixed spinels during the chemical loop reforming of ethanol

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    FeCo2O4 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been studied as oxygen carriers for the Chemical Loop Reforming (CLR) of ethanol. By using in operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy we have followed in real time the chemical and structural changes that take place on the materials as a function of temperature and reactive atmosphere (i.e. ethanol/water streams). During the first step of CLR for both oxides the most active chemical species are the cations in the tetrahedral sites, irrespective of their chemical nature. Quite rapidly the spinel structure is transformed into a mix of wustite-type oxide and metal alloys, but the formation of a metal phase is easier in the case of cobalt, while iron shows a marked preference to form wustite type oxide. Despite the good reducibility of FeCo2O4 imparted by the high amount of cobalt, its performance in the production of hydrogen is quite poor due to an inefficient oxidation by water steam, which is able to oxidize only the outer shell of the nanoparticles. In contrast, CoFe2O4 due to the residual presence of a reducible wustite phase shows a higher hydrogen yield. Moreover, by combining the structural information provided by X-ray absorption spectroscopy with the analysis of the byproducts of ethanol decomposition we could infer that FeCo2O4 is more selective than CoFe2O4 for the selective dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde because of the higher amount of Fe(III) ions in tetrahedral sites

    Language re-discovered: A death education intervention in the net between kindergarten, family and territory

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    The article presents the positive results of a death education experience, realized owing to a collaboration between school, family and territory. The project, with the scope of reflecting on topics of death and spirituality, included 46 children of 5 from kindergarten and 50 parents, and then mobilizing the entire community. Social services and public administration had a special role in this, aiming to guarantee the necessary support for the families in the existential reflections. The experience was monitored with participatory observation, via interviews and questionnaires. The children answered questions regarding death and spirituality during an open and sincere conversation with the teachers. The parents, who at home talked about certain pre-defined teams with the children, were asked to give their informed consent and were given a questionnaire with open questions ex-ante/ ex-post. All data were processed via qualitative analysis of the texts. The results are truly positive, showing that children are capable of facing the problem of death and are able to acquire a certain representation of the spiritual dimension. The parents, who in the beginning demonstrated some anxiety, eventually were greatly satisfied and expressed their willingness to continue to search for the connection between death and transcendence

    Anthracnose susceptibility for grapevines with resistance loci to downy and powdery mildew in Southern Brazil

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    Anthracnose, downy and powdery mildew are the principal fungal diseases of grapes in tropical and subtropical regions. The pesticide active ingredients that control downy and powdery mildew diseases provide some protection against anthracnose attack. The release of varieties with resistance alleles to downy and powdery mildew results in less pesticide use that can increase anthracnose attack. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate anthracnose susceptibility of genotypes with resistance loci to downy and powdery mildew under Southern Brazilian conditions. Genotype susceptibility was tested, as well as the influence of the environment (location and crop season) on increased susceptibility to anthracnose infection. To accomplish the objective, a trifactorial design was established that included 20 genotypes, two locations, and two crop seasons. Anthracnose incidence and severity were evaluated under natural infection in the field. Temperature around 16 °C and relative humidity at 84 % increased susceptibility to anthracnose infection compared to temperature around 20 °C and relative humidity at 75 %. All tested genotypes with resistance alleles to downy and powdery mildew presented symptoms of anthracnose. 'Baron', 'Cabernet Cortis' and 'Calardis Blanc' showed the least susceptibility to anthracnose, whereas 'Aromera', 'Felicia', 'Gf.2004-043-0004' and 'Gf.2004-043-0021' were the most susceptible and bore symptoms of anthracnose. Other genotypes showed variable susceptibility during the evaluation period, depending on environmental conditions. Overall, all interactions among the three tested factors were highly significant

    Mild Hypoxia Enhances Proliferation and Multipotency of Human Neural Stem Cells

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) represent an optimal tool for studies and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. We recently established a v-myc immortalized human NSC (IhNSC) line, which retains stem properties comparable to parental cells. Oxygen concentration is one of the most crucial environmental conditions for cell proliferation and differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. In the central nervous system, physiological concentrations of oxygen range from 0.55 to 8% oxygen. In particular, in the in the subventricular zone niche area, it's estimated to be 2.5 to 3%.We investigated in vitro the effects of 1, 2.5, 5, and 20% oxygen concentrations on IhNSCs both during proliferation and differentiation. The highest proliferation rate, evaluated through neurosphere formation assay, was obtained at 2.5 and 5% oxygen, while 1% oxygen was most noxious for cell survival. The differentiation assays showed that the percentages of β-tubIII+ or MAP2+ neuronal cells and of GalC+ oligodendrocytes were significantly higher at 2.5% compared with 1, 5, or 20% oxygen at 17 days in vitro. Mild hypoxia (2.5 to 5% oxygen) promoted differentiation into neuro-oligodendroglial progenitors as revealed by the higher percentage of MAP2+/Ki67+ and GalC+/Ki67+ residual proliferating progenitors, and enhanced the yield of GABAergic and slightly of glutamatergic neurons compared to 1% and 20% oxygen where a significant percentage of GFAP+/nestin+ cells were still present at 17 days of differentiation.These findings raise the possibility that reduced oxygen levels occurring in neuronal disorders like cerebral ischemia transiently lead to NSC remaining in a state of quiescence. Conversely, mild hypoxia favors NSC proliferation and neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation, thus providing an important advance and a useful tool for NSC-mediated therapy of ischemic stroke and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease

    The interplay between hormone signaling and defense gene expression in grapevine genotypes carrying genetic resistance against Plasmopara viticola

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    The present study aimed to investigate plant defense related pathways during Plasmopara viticola infection in Vitis vinifera varieties. Plant material consisted of 'Chardonnay' (no Rpv), 'Regent' (Rpv3-1), 'Bronner' (Rpv3-3+Rpv10), 'Calardis Blanc' (Rpv3-1+Rpv3-2), and the breeding selection GF15 (Rpv1+Rpv3-1). Gene expression analysis was carried out for the varieties 'Regent', GF15, 'Bronner', and 'Chardonnay'. Hormonal quantification was performed for jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and trans-zeatin-ribose (tZR). The samples were collected from plants cultivated in vitro inoculated with Plasmopara viticola sporangia, and collected at 0, 1-, 3-, 5-, and 7-days post inoculation (DPI) for gene expression; and 0, 3, 5, and 7 DPI for hormonal quantification. The results showed an interaction between genotype and time post inoculation in gene expression and hormonal pathways linked with pathogen recognition. Both jasmonate and salicylic acids were involved in the resistance response. The role of stilbenes acting against the pathogen at different times was also confirmed. Changes in the expression of genes linked to cell defense were observed in all evaluated genotypes; however, genotypes with R-loci responded more quickly than the variety without R-loci, activating mechanisms of cell death, resulting in symptoms of hypersensitivity

    Raised homocystein plasma concentration in patients with Heart Failure: clinical significance

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    Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine is associated with increased risk of thrombotic and atherosclerotic vascular disease. Several studies have demonstrated that hyperhomocysteinemia is an indipendent risk factor for vascular disease and is associated to heart failure. However there are no data regarding the association between homocysteine and various objective as well as subjective measures of heart failure. We hypothesized that plasma homocysteine is associated with clinical and echocardiographic signs of heart failure. On this ground we have analysed levels of homocysteine in patients with heart failure and possible correlation between these levels and clinical-functional pattern (NYHA class and ejection fraction). Methods: Plasma homocysteine levels were determined in 123 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (59 males, 64 females, mean age 67±10 years, mean EF 31±11% and mean NYHA 2.4±0.9, 47 idiopatic and 76 postischemic cardiomyopathy) and 85 healthy control subjects (homogeneus group for sex and age). Patients with chronic renal failure, vitamin B12 and folate deficiency or factors affecting homocysteine plasma levels were escluded from this study. Homocysteine levels were determined in coded plasma samples by immunoenzimatic methods. Results: Patients with heart failure had a higher homocysteine level (mcg/L) than control subjects (21.72±10.28 vs 12.9±6.86, p<0,001) both postischemic (20.89±9.6 vs 12.9±6.86, p<0,001) and idiopatic cardiomiopathy (23.0±11.2 vs 12.9±6.86, p<0,001). A significant correlation was observed between homocysteine and NYHA functional class (p<0,001), age (p<0,001), creatinine (p<0,001), colesterol (p<0,05) while no correlations were observed with hemodynamic (HR, BP), functional (ejection fraction) and other metabolic parameters (triglycerides). Serum homocysteine was lowest in control and increased with increasing NYHA class. In idiopatic cardiomiopathy the correlation between homocysteine and NYHA functional class, creatinine (p<0,001), fibrinogen (p<0,05) was confirmed; in postischemic cardiomiopathy a significant correlation with creatinine and NYHA class (p<0,001) and with triglycerides (p<0,05) was also found. Conclusion: Plasma homocysteine was directly related to NYHA class. This observation may underline the strong relations of plasma homocysteine to congestive heart failure. Further research is indicated to evaluate a causal or noncausal mechanism for this association

    Worsening renal function in patients hospitalised for acute heart failure: clinical implications and prognostic significance.

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    BACKGROUND: Renal function is a powerful prognostic variable in patients with heart failure (HF). Hospitalisations for acute HF (AHF) may be associated with further worsening of renal function (WRF). METHODS AND RESULTS: We analysed the clinical significance of WRF in 318 consecutive patients admitted at our institute for AHF. WRF was defined as the occurrence, at any time during the hospitalisation, of both a > or =25% and a > or =0.3 mg/dL increase in serum creatinine (s-Cr) from admission (WRF-Abs-%). RESULTS: Patients were followed for 480+/-363 days. Fifty-three patients (17%) died and 132 (41%) were rehospitalised for HF. WRF-Abs-% occurred in 107 (34%) patients. At multivariable survival analysis, WRF-Abs-% was an independent predictor of death or HF rehospitalisation (adjusted HR, 1.47; 95%CI, 1.13-1.81; p=0.024). The independent predictors of WRF-Abs-%, evaluated using multivariable logistic regression, were history of chronic kidney disease (p=0.002), LV ejection fraction (p=0.012), furosemide daily dose (p=0.03) and NYHA class (p=0.05) on admission. CONCLUSION: WRF is a frequent finding in patients hospitalised for AHF and is associated with a poor prognosis. Severity of HF and daily furosemide dose are the most important predictors of the occurrence of WRF

    Polymorphisms, diet and nutrigenomics

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    Every human being possesses an exclusive nutritional blueprint inside their genes. Bioactive food components and nutrients affect the expression of such genes. Nutrigenomics is the&nbsp; science that analyzes gene-nutrient interactions (nutrigenetics), which can lead to the development of personalized nutritional recommendations to maintain optimal health and prevent disease. Genomic diversity among various ethnic groups might affect nutrients bioavailability as well as their metabolism. Nutrigenomics combines different branches of science including nutrition, bioinformatics, genomics, molecular biology, molecular medicine, and epidemiology. Genes regulate intake and metabolism of different nutrients, while nutrients positively or negatively influence the expression of a number of genes; testing of specific genetic polymorphisms may therefore become a useful tool to manage weight loss and to fully understand gene-nutrient interactions. Indeed, several approaches are used to study gene-nutrient interactions: epigenetics, the study of genome modification not related to changes in nucleotide sequence; transcriptomics, the study of tissue-specific and time-specific RNA transcripts; proteomics, the study of proteins involved in biological processes; and metabolomics, the study of changes of primary and secondary metabolites in body fluids and tissues. Hence, the use of nutrigenomics to improve and optimize a healthy, balanced diet in clinical settings could be an effective approach for long-term lifestyle changes that might lead to consistent weight loss and improve quality of life

    Transplantation of clinical-grade human neural stem cells reduces neuroinflammation, prolongs survival and delays disease progression in the SOD1 rats.

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    Abstract Stem cells are emerging as a therapeutic option for incurable diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). However, critical issues are related to their origin as well as to the need to deepen our knowledge of the therapeutic actions exerted by these cells. Here, we investigate the therapeutic potential of clinical-grade human neural stem cells (hNSCs) that have been successfully used in a recently concluded phase I clinical trial for ALS patients (NCT01640067). The hNSCs were transplanted bilaterally into the anterior horns of the lumbar spinal cord (four grafts each, segments L3–L4) of superoxide dismutase 1 G93A transgenic rats (SOD1 rats) at the symptomatic stage. Controls included untreated SOD1 rats (CTRL) and those treated with HBSS (HBSS). Motor symptoms and histological hallmarks of the disease were evaluated at three progressive time points: 15 and 40 days after transplant (DAT), and end stage. Animals were treated by transient immunosuppression (for 15 days, starting at time of transplantation). Under these conditions, hNSCs integrated extensively within the cord, differentiated into neural phenotypes and migrated rostro-caudally, up to 3.77 ± 0.63 cm from the injection site. The transplanted cells delayed decreases in body weight and deterioration of motor performance in the SOD1 rats. At 40DAT, the anterior horns at L3–L4 revealed a higher density of motoneurons and fewer activated astroglial and microglial cells. Accordingly, the overall survival of transplanted rats was significantly enhanced with no rejection of hNSCs observed. We demonstrated that the beneficial effects observed after stem cell transplantation arises from multiple events that counteract several aspects of the disease, a crucial feature for multifactorial diseases, such as ALS. The combination of therapeutic approaches that target different pathogenic mechanisms of the disorder, including pharmacology, molecular therapy and cell transplantation, will increase the chances of a clinically successful therapy for ALS
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