41 research outputs found

    On the influence of various physicochemical properties of the CNTs based implantable devices on the fibroblasts' reaction in vitro

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    Coating the material with a layer of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been a subject of particular interest for the development of new biomaterials. Such coatings, made of properly selected CNTs, may constitute an implantable electronic device that facilitates tissue regeneration both by specific surface properties and an ability to electrically stimulate the cells. The goal of the presented study was to produce, evaluate physicochemical properties and test the applicability of highly conductible material designed as an implantable electronic device. Two types of CNTs with varying level of oxidation were chosen. The process of coating involved suspension of the material of choice in the diluent followed by the electrophoretic deposition to fabricate layers on the surface of a highly biocompatible metal-titanium. Presented study includes an assessment of the physicochemical properties of the material’s surface along with an electrochemical evaluation and in vitro biocompatibility, cytotoxicity and apoptosis studies in contact with the murine fibroblasts (L929) in attempt to answer the question how the chemical composition and CNTs distribution in the layer alters the electrical properties of the sample and whether any of these properties have influenced the overall biocompatibility and stimulated adhesion of fibroblasts. The results indicate that higher level of oxidation of CNTs yielded materials more conductive than the metal they are deposited on. In vitro study revealed that both materials were biocompatible and that the cells were not affected by the amount of the functional group and the morphology of the surface they adhered to

    Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of inflammatory and infectious vascular disease

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    This review article discusses the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in diagnosis and management of vascular disease. We stress usefulness of this method in large vessel inflammation and infection. In our work we based on the literature analysis and clinical cases diagnosed in our institution by use of 18F-FDG PET/CT. The literature exploration was focusing on vascular inflammation and infections and 18-FDG PET. The search was performed on PubMed database and cross referencing. We present the practical review with several images of vascular diseases like: Takayasu arteritis, giant cell arteritis, vascular graft infections, abdominal aortic aneurysm infections and cases of aortitis and periaortitis. From this work inflammation associated with atheromatic process and vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque we excluded. 18F-FGD PET/CT is a sensitive metabolic, reliable, non-invasive imaging modality suitable for diagnosis and follow-up of inflammation and infections in vascular system. This review article discusses the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in diagnosis and management of vascular disease. We stress usefulness of this method in large vessel inflammation and infection. In our work we based on the literature analysis and clinical cases diagnosed in our institution by use of 18F-FDG PET/CT. The literature exploration was focusing on vascular inflammation and infections and 18-FDG PET. The search was performed on PubMed database and cross referencing. We present the practical review with several images of vascular diseases like: Takayasu arteritis, giant cell arteritis, vascular graft infections, abdominal aortic aneurysm infections and cases of aortitis and periaortitis. From this work inflammation associated with atheromatic process and vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque we excluded. 18F-FGD PET/CT is a sensitive metabolic, reliable, non-invasive imaging modality suitable for diagnosis and follow-up of inflammation and infections in vascular system

    Patterns of vascular graft infection in 18F-FDG PET/CT

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    BACKGROUND: 18F-FDG PET/CT has become an important tool in diagnosis of prosthetic vascular graft infections (PVGI). The aim of the study was to identify the patterns of vascular graft infection in 18F-FDG PET/CT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performed in 24 patients with vascular graft infection, in 17 patients implanted in an open surgery mode and in 7 patients by endovascular aortic repair (EVAR). Vascular prostheses were evaluated by two visual scales and semi-quantitative analysis with maximum standardized uptake values (SUV max). RESULTS: In the 3-point scale: 23 patients were in grade 1 and one patient was in grade 2. In the 5-point scale: 19 patients were in grade 5 with the highest activity in the focal area, 4 patients were in grade 4 and one patient in grade 3. The visual evaluation of 18F-FDG PET/CT study revealed that peri-graft high metabolic activity was associated with occurrence of morphological abnormalities (n = 21) like gas bubbles and peri-graft fluid retention or without abnormal CT findings (n = 3). The presence of the gas bubbles was linked to higher uptake of 18F-FDG (p < 0.01, SUVmax 11.81 ± 4.35 vs 7.36 ± 2.80, 15 vs 9 pts). In EVAR procedure, the highest metabolic activity was greater than in classical prosthesis (SUVmax 21.5 vs 13). CONCLUSIONS: 18F-FDG PET/CT is a very useful tool for assessment of vascular graft infections. CT findings like gas bubbles, or peri-graft fluid retention were associated with significantly higher glucose metabolism; however, in some cases without anatomic alterations, increased metabolic activity was the only sign of infection

    Quantitative evaluation of crossed cerebellar diaschisis, using voxel-based analysis of Tc-99m ECD brain SPECT

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    BACKGROUND: In the recent literature there is no consensusregarding the relationships between crossed cerebellar diaschisis(CCD) with the primary lesion size, severity or location.Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate relationshipbetween the size and severity of cerebral lesions and CCD in patientswith chronic stroke, using voxel-based analysis of Tc-99mECD single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed dataof 57 patients with chronic ischemic lesions localized unilaterallyin the cerebral hemisphere. SPECT evaluation was performedwith the voxel-based analysis. The percentage inter-hemisphericasymmetry index (AI) and the volume of abnormal clusters ofvoxels (CV) were ascertained for hypoperfusion in the supratentoriallesion and contralateral cerebellum.RESULTS: CCD was present in 35.1% cases. In Group CCD(+), the CV and AI of supratentorial hypoperfusion (median128.1 ml and 21.9%, respectively) were significantly highercompared with Group CCD(–) (median 41.4 ml and 18.0%,respectively). Statistically significant correlation was foundbetween CV of supratentorial and cerebellar perfusion defects(r = 0.4; p < 0.05), between AI of supratentorial and cerebellarperfusion defects (r = 0.6; p < 0.05) and between CV of supratentorial defect and AI of cerebellar perfusion defects (r = 0.6; p < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest, that in the chronic stageof stroke, the size and severity of the supratentorial lesion aredeterminants of CCD, correlating with the degree of cerebellarhypoperfusion

    Przezkroczowa ultrasonograficzna diagnostyka zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego i nietrzymania moczu

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    The examination standards developed so far, including the analysis of the quantitative parameters, greatly minimize the potential subjectivity of the assessment of the existing disorders. Apart from its low costs, the main value of the sonographic examination of the pelvic floor is the possibility to dynamically assess the changes in statics which take place during functional testing. Not only does it have a cognitive significance, but also it allows to adjust the scope of the surgical correction to the existing damages. Thus, indirectly, it can contribute to the reduction of a number of subsequent remedial surgeries. Three-dimensional sonography allows to thoroughly examine the construction and functioning of the anal levators and to detect their possible damage. It is the trauma to these muscles - occurring, among others, during childbirth - that is one of the major causes of pelvic organs descent and prolapse in women. Sonographic examination also enables to visualize the artificial material, the use of which is increasingly frequent in the surgical treatment of pelvic organs prolapse. The remedial kits currently in use are not visible in classic X-ray examinations and CT, however, they can be easily visualized by means of a sonographic test. This way it is possible to locate the positioned tapes or meshes and to establish their orientation towards the urethra, the bladder and the anus. It is also possible to observe the complications (e.g. hematomas) following the surgical procedures via the transvaginal access. Transperineal sonography is a relatively inexpensive method that may be performed in almost every ultrasonographic laboratory. Its value, approaching the MRI diagnostic value in the assessment of the pelvic floor defects and its low cost, place ultrasonography on the first place among the methods of imaging the pelvic and uro-genital diaphragm. The results of diagnostics of pelvic organs prolapse obtained by placing the sonographic head on the patient’s perineum may also help in establishing the changes of the support apparatus for the uterus and the vagina, bladder, urethra and perineum during functional testing and, thus, to verify the clinically established degree of the prolapse. It seems, also, that this method may be used during peri-urethral injections of specific substances and postapplication follow-up, an increasingly frequently employed method of urinary incontinence treatment.Postęp technologiczny jaki dokonuje się w konstrukcji aparatów ultrasonograficznych i coraz powszechniejszy do nich dostęp sprawia, że zakres diagnostycznego zastosowania badania ultrasonograficznego znacznie się poszerza. Dotyczy to także zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego. Aktualnie stosowane w codziennej praktyce położniczo-ginekologicznej zestawy ultrasonograficzne, pozwalają uzyskać wgląd w struktury tworzące dno żeńskiej miednicy mniejszej, a uzyskane obrazy mogą stanowić wartościowe uzupełnienie badania fizykalnego. Aplikacja głowicy ultrasonograficznej na krocze pacjentki umożliwia wizualizację trzech kompartmentów żeńskiej miednicy mniejszej. Po zamrożeniu obrazu można dokonać oceny położenia struktur anatomicznych w stosunku do kości i wyznaczonych płaszczyzn , ustalić wzajemne odległości oraz zmierzyć odpowiednie kąty. Najwięcej informacji uzyskuje się w ten sposób w zakresie kompartmentu przedniego, którego uszkodzenia często łączą się z nietrzymaniem moczu. Wypracowane do tej pory standardy badania obejmujące także analizę parametrów ilościowych, w znacznym stopniu minimalizują subiektywność oceny istniejących zaburzeń. Istotną wartością ultrasonografii dna miednicy mniejszej oprócz niewysokich kosztów jest możliwość dynamicznej oceny zmian statyki do jakich dochodzi podczas testów czynnościowych. Ma to nie tylko znaczenie poznawcze lecz także pozwala na dostosowanie zakresu korekcji chirurgicznej do istniejących uszkodzeń. W sposób pośredni może więc przyczynić się do zmniejszenia ilości kolejnych operacji naprawczych. Ultrasonografia trójwymiarowa umożliwia z kolei dokładne prześledzenie budowy i funkcji mięśni dźwigaczy odbytu oraz detekcję ich ewentualnych uszkodzeń. To właśnie urazy tych mięśni do których dochodzi np. podczas porodu są jedną z głównych przyczyn obniżenia i wypadania narządu rodnego u kobiet. W badaniu ultrasonograficznym można również dokonać wizualizacji materiału sztucznego, który jest stosowany coraz częściej w chirurgicznym leczeniu zaburzeń statyki

    Improving quality in nanoparticle-induced cytotoxicity testing by a tiered inter-laboratory comparison study

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    The quality and relevance of nanosafety studies constitute major challenges to ensure their key role as a supporting tool in sustainable innovation, and subsequent competitive economic advantage. However, the number of apparently contradictory and inconclusive research results has increased in the past few years, indicating the need to introduce harmonized protocols and good practices in the nanosafety research community. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate if best-practice training and inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) of performance of the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assay for the cytotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials among 15 European laboratories can improve quality in nanosafety testing. We used two well-described model nanoparticles, 40-nm carboxylated polystyrene (PS-COOH) and 50-nm amino-modified polystyrene (PS-NH2). We followed a tiered approach using well-developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) and sharing the same cells, serum and nanoparticles. We started with determination of the cell growth rate (tier 1), followed by a method transfer phase, in which all laboratories performed the first ILC on the MTS assay (tier 2). Based on the outcome of tier 2 and a survey of laboratory practices, specific training was organized, and the MTS assay SOP was refined. This led to largely improved intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility in tier 3. In addition, we confirmed that PS-COOH and PS-NH2 are suitable negative and positive control nanoparticles, respectively, to evaluate impact of nanomaterials on cell viability using the MTS assay. Overall, we have demonstrated that the tiered process followed here, with the use of SOPs and representative control nanomaterials, is necessary and makes it possible to achieve good inter-laboratory reproducibility, and therefore high-quality nanotoxicological data.Web of Science108art. no. 143