49 research outputs found

    Revisiting labour and gender issues in Export Processing Zones : the cases of South Korea, Bangladesh and India

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    The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether

    Eficácia anti-helmíntica de três doses de uma associação de pamoato de pyrantel, pamoato de oxantel e praziquantel em gatos naturalmente infectados

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a atividade anti-helmíntica de três diferentes doses de uma associação de pamoato de pyrantel, pamoato de oxantel e praziquantel em dose única e via oral, em gatos naturalmente parasitados. Os animais foram obtidos no Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do Município de Diadema (SP) e divididos em quatro grupos de oito animais cada, baseados nos resultados de exames coproparasitológicos. Os gatos do Grupo 1 não receberam tratamento, os do Grupo 2 foram tratados com 5 mg de pamoato de pyrantel, 5 mg de pamoato de oxantel e 2,5 mg de praziquantel/kg de peso vivo (pv). Os gatos do Grupo 3 receberam 10 mg de pamoato de pyrantel, 10 mg de pamoato de oxantel e 5 mg de praziquantel/kg pv e aos animais do Grupo 4 foram ministrados 20 mg de pamoato de pyrantel, 20 mg de pamoato de oxantel e 10 mg de praziquantel/kg pv. Calculou-se a porcentagem de redução do número de ovos presentes nas fezes e a porcentagem de eficácia. As médias dos números de ovos tiveram um decréscimo significativo já no segundo dia póstratamento, independente da dose de medicamento utilizada. Houve decréscimo, não significativo, nos números de formas imaturas de Toxocara cati e de Ancylostoma spp. nos grupos tratados e significativo em relação às formas adultas. A porcentagem de eficácia contra Toxocara cati foi de 93,0%; 97,6% e 100,0% para os grupos 2, 3 e 4, respectivamente. Em relação ao Ancylostoma spp. a eficácia foi de 96,5%; 99,0% e 100,0%. O produto mostrou-se eficaz contra Dipylidium caninum, mas não atuou sobre Physaloptera spp. e Strongytoides stercoralis, no esquema de administração utilizado.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of three different doses of an association of pyrantel pamoate, oxantel pamoate and praziquantel in a single oral dose, in naturally infected cats. Animals were obtained from the Centro de Controle de Zoonoses, from Diadema, São Paulo, and divided in four groups each of eight cats, based on pretreatment faecal examination. Group 1: untreated control cats; Group 2: 5 mg of pyrantel pamoate, 5 mg of oxantel pamoate and 2.5 mg of praziquantel/kg body weight (BW); Group 3: 10 mg of pyrantel pamoate, 10 mg of oxantel pamoate and 5 mg of praziquantel/kg BW and Group 4:20 mg of pyrantel pamoate, 20 mg of oxantel pamoate and 10 mg of praziquantel/kg BW. The percentage of reduction in egg counts and percentage of efficacy were calculated. Mean egg counts from all treated cats decreased significantly from the second day after treatment on. The number of immature Toxocara cati and Ancylostoma spp. worms also decreased, however it was not significant. The number of adult worms decreased significantly in the treated groups. The percentage of efficacy for Toxocara cati was 93.0%, 97.6% and 100.0% and for Ancylostoma spp. was 96.5%, 99.0% and 100.0%, for groups 2,3 and 4, respectively. The compound was effective against Dipylidium caninum and ineffectiveagainst Physaloptera spp. and Strongyloides stercoraiis in a single dose

    Application of hot spring pool training in outpatients with chronic diseases and its clinical evaluation

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    1996年4月より6月までの3ヵ月間に,三朝分院内の温泉プールで水泳ないし歩行訓練を受けた内科外来患者は延べ2109例(実数213例)で,外来患者総数(延べ6848例)に対する利用率は30.8%であった。これらの対象症例について,リハビリテーション受診カードにより,性別,年令別,疾患別の検討を行った。その結果,性別では女性が多く(72.3%),年齢別では50才以上の患者が多い(80.3%)傾向が見られた。また,地域別検討では,鳥取県内からの患 者が多い(88.3%)傾向であった。さらに,1996年12月より1997年1月へかけて,アンケート調査を行い(集計数;64例)継続期間,利用回数,効果を感じた期間,効果のあった症状などについて疾患別に比較検討した。その結果,慢性閉塞性肺疾患を主とした呼吸器疾患では,週に1~2回の利用回数(50.0%)で長期間(3年以上:52.9%)続けている患者が多い傾向であった。また慢性関節リウマチ,腰痛などの慢性疼痛性疾患では,訓練期間は比較的短期間であっ たが(3年以下:52.9%),利用回数は週に3~5回(38.0%)と多い傾向が見られた。温泉プール訓練では,疾患本来の症状改善に加えて,全身状態の改善,精神的リラックス,気分転換などを感じていることが示唆された。For three months from April to June in 1996, 2109(30.8%) of 6848 outpatients (the total number) had swimming and walking traning in a hot spring pool. Of the 213 patients (the actual number), the numbers of female patients (72.3%), of patients over the age of 50 (80.3%), and of those coming inside Tottori prefecture (88.3%) were larger in analysis by the consultation cards for rehabillitation. The results of questionnaire from the patients performed from December 1996 to January 1997 demonstrated that patients with chronic respiratory disease had pool training 1 to 2 times a week (50.0%) and for longer term (more than 3 years, 52.9%), and patients with chronic pain disease had the training 3 to 5 times a week (38.0%) and for shoter term (less than 3 years, 61.9%). It was suggested from the results that tha training in a hot spring pool improved subjective and objective symptoms of each disease, and, furthermore, brought about improvement of general condition, psychological relaxation, and a change of feeling

    Eficácia e persistência da associação de cipermetrina 4,5 % + DDVP 50% (Ectofarma®) no controle do Boophilus microplus e de larvas de Dermatobia hominis em bovinos leiteiros, mestiços, naturalmente infestados

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    Testou-se a sensibilidade da cepa de B. microplus do campus de Pirassununga da USP ao Ectofarma®, na diluição 1:400 através dobiocarrapaticidograma. A ovipostura no grupo tratado (A) foi reduzida em 95,34%, em relação ao grupo-controle (B) e a eclosão de larvas provenientes dos ovos do grupo B foi de 100%, enquanto no grupo A não ocorreu eclosão. Diante desse resultado, efetuou-se o teste a campo, utilizando dois grupos de nove bovinos mestiços. No dia 0 os números médios de B. microplus a 5 mm e de bernes nos animais dos dois grupos eram estatisticamente iguais. Os bovinos do grupo A foram aspergidos com o produto na mesma diluição utilizada no teste in vitro. Os carrapatos foram contados nos dias 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 e os bernes no 3fi dia pós-tratamento (dpt) e depois, semanalmente, até a 68 semana. Houve redução drástica no número médio de carrapatos do grupo A do primeiro ao 210 dpt, aumentando a partir de 28® dpt. A redução do número médio de larvas de D. hominis chegou a 65% no 35 dpt, nos animais do grupo tratado, e embora a eficácia do produto tenha sido baixa, o número médio de bernes no grupo A foi sempre menor do que no grupo B, após o tratamento.The effectiveness and persistence of Ectofarma* in the control of B. microplus and D. hominis larvae were evaluated. Initially, the effect on estimated reproduction and percentage of reduction was determined by dipping female ticks in 1:400 diluted solution of the product. The percentage of reduction was 95.34, and the reduction on hatchability of larvae was 100%. Then, in a field trial the product, in the same dilution, was handsprayed over a group of nine bovines. The number of ticks on treated and untreated animals were counted on days 0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,7 ,1 4 ,2 1 , 28, 35 and 42 after treatment. D. hominis larvae were counted on day 3 and further, weekly, until the sixth week. The efficacy in vitro of Ectofarma" on the hatchability of B. microplus eggs was 100%. In the field trial this product was highly effective against ticks during 3 weeks, and ticks mean number on the treated group was lower than on control one, until thefourth week after treatment. Reduction of D.hominis larvae reached 65% on the third day post-treatment, and mean number of larvae in treated animals was always lower than the amount found in untreated ones

    The involvement of Gab1 and PI 3-kinase in β1 integrin signaling in keratinocytes

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科血管分子科学The control of the stem cell compartment in epidermis is closely linked to the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. β1 integrins are expressed 2-fold higher by stem cells than transit-amplifying cells. Signaling from these β1 integrins is critical for the regulation of the epidermal stem cell compartment. To clarify the functional relevance of this differential expression of β1 integrins, we established HaCaT cells with high β1integrin expression by repeated flow cytometric sorting of this population from the parental cell line. In these obtained cells expressing β1 integrins by 5-fold, MAPK activation was markedly increased. Regarding the upstream of MAPK, Gab1 phosphorylation was also higher with high β1 integrin expression, while Shc phosphorylation was not altered. In addition, enhanced phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation was also observed. These observations suggest that Gab1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase play pivotal roles in the β1 integrin-mediated regulation of the epidermal stem cell compartment. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    女子学生の食生活実態調査 : 平日と休日の比較

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    In general, researches on diet exclude meals taken on a day off. However, students usually have long holidays and some spend more than half a year as their holidays. This took place in May and June of Heisei 14. Weekdays are supposed to be from Monday to Friday, when classes are open, and days off are supposed to be Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, when there are no classes. We have got the following findings. 4.3% of students take no breakfast on weekdays and 18.7% of students on days off. Sleep is the major reason for taking no breakfast on days off. They get up one hour later than those who take breakfast. 14.5% of students take refreshments on days off as a means of communication. The rate is significantly higher than 1.6% on weekdays. On the other hand, it is remarkable that they have refreshments on weekdays to relieve the feeling of hunger. The length of their mealtime on days off increases in every meal compared with weekdays. They seem to take much time for meals on days off, and also there is a tendency that they spend longer time if they have someone with them when they take a meal. The result of the survey on intake of food is as follows. Sufficiency of energy is 93%. They take slightly more nutrients and variety of food on days off than on weekdays but there is no such significant difference between the two


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    IT(Information Technology)ヘルスケアシステムが高齢者の認知機能の向上に影響をもたらすか,その効果を測定するため,デイサービス事業所5か所において調査を行った.効果測定は,認知機能評価スケールMini Mental State Examination(MMSE)を用い,介入前後に測定できた49人(介入群40人,対照群9人)のデータを分析し比較検討した.結果,ITヘルスケアシステム(ITHCS)介入前後のMMSE得点,および認知機能の変化(前後差)において,介入群の方が有意に高い得点を示す項目はなかった.しかし,介護度別にみると介入後の方が有意に高い認知機能の変化を示した項目(即時想起,物品呼称,自発書字)もあった.そのためITヘルスケアシステムの効率性を高めるには,利用者への個別的対応を組み合わせるなどのアプローチが必要であると結論付けられた.This article examines how effective IT(Information Technology)health care system is in improving cognitive functioning for the elderly people. We have organized a small project for health promotion among elderly people at five day-care centers and evaluated its effectiveness in the cognitive abilities of the service users. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is used to assess the project’s efficacy, including the impact of the IT health care system. Eleven types of cognitive abilities are tested on 49 people (40 within intervention group and 9 within contrast group) prior the intervention and after. The result doesn’t show significant improvement on the score, however, some improvement on cognitive abilities such as short-term memory, calculation, identifying objects, and following simple directions, was seen in some group according to their care requirement level. Therefore, we concluded that the program with IT health care system combined with some individualized approach is necessary in order to improve its effectiveness

    Lifestyle Habits Adjustment for Hypertension and Discontinuation of Antihypertensive Agents

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    Background: Hypertension is one of lifestyle-related diseases, and prevention and effect of reduction pressure can be expected by non-pharmacological interventions. Authors have continued guidance of adjustment for lifestyle to thousands of hypertensive patients, resulting 4.6%-6.1% case could discontinue hypertensive agents. This study enrolled patients with all necessary related data. Subjects and methods: Subjects were 50 patients with hypertension (M/F: 25/25, age 65.4 ± 8.6 vs. 53.4 ± 6.2 years, BMI 23.4 ± 2.7 vs. 22.3 ± 2.5, respectively), who could discontinued antihypertensive agents. They received consultation and intervention from registered dietitian nutritionists, exercise therapists and nurses. Results: The comparative results on males and females are as follows: smoking habit was 76% vs. 0%, alcohol intake was 60% vs. 0%, diabetes complication was 16% vs. 8%, and hyperlipidemia was 32% vs. 52%, respectively. These cases showed rare to none incidence of cerebral vascular accident (CVA), coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Consultations in median were 4.0 vs. 4.0 times, median weight reduction was 2.2 kg vs. 1.6 kg and median period withdrawal of the drug was 2.0 years vs. 2.5 years. Discussion and conclusion: When living adjustment is advised, blood pressure decreases due to behavior change. Our results suggest that these cases have less arteriosclerosis development, which enables withdrawal of medicine. It is necessary to carefully observe the progress whether the antihypertensive drug will be unnecessary or will be restarted. Current results obtained would become the fundamental data in the future, and the adjustment for diet and exercise would be useful for more adequate treatment for hypertension

    Research Activities in the Department of Nursing

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    Research activity at the Department of Nursing is overviewed from the point of research topics, the theme of the projects admitted for grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Japan, and expected research topics, trying to clarify the needs and challenges of the Department from multilateral aspects in future research activities. The Department of Nursing, Aino University is currently divided into the five areas and further into 12 fields. On the other hand, according to the Scientific Research Grant Program (2015 fiscal year), the research topics in nursing science is subdivided into the five areas; a) basic nursing, b) clinical nursing, c) lifelong developmental nursing, d) elderly nursing, and e) community health nursing