97 research outputs found

    "It's just in that sea of things that I never cared about" : Perception of hepatitis B amongst university students in Aberdeen, North East Scotland

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    Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Elaine Adam (MA, PhD) who was involved in the data collection and analysis. Funding: This study was funded through NHS Endowments. The funding body had no role in the design of the study or the collection, analysis and interpretation of data or writing the manuscript. Availability of data and materials: The audio recordings and transcripts are held in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen. They are not publicly available as they contain potentially participant identifiable information.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Detection of a Substantial Molecular Gas Reservoir in a brightest cluster galaxy at z = 1.7

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    We report the detection of CO(2-1) emission coincident with the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) of the high-redshift galaxy cluster SpARCS1049+56, with the Redshift Search Receiver (RSR) on the Large Millimetre Telescope (LMT). We confirm a spectroscopic redshift for the gas of z = 1.7091+/-0.0004, which is consistent with the systemic redshift of the cluster galaxies of z = 1.709. The line is well-fit by a single component Gaussian with a RSR resolution-corrected FWHM of 569+/-63 km/s. We see no evidence for multiple velocity components in the gas, as might be expected from the multiple image components seen in near-infrared imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope. We measure the integrated flux of the line to be 3.6+/-0.3 Jy km/s and, using alpha_CO = 0.8 Msun (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1 we estimate a total molecular gas mass of 1.1+/-0.1x10^11 Msun and a M_H2/M_star ~ 0.4. This is the largest gas reservoir detected in a BCG above z > 1 to date. Given the infrared-estimated star formation rate of 860+/-130 Msun/yr, this corresponds to a gas depletion timescale of ~0.1Gyr. We discuss several possible mechanisms for depositing such a large gas reservoir to the cluster center -- e.g., a cooling flow, a major galaxy-galaxy merger or the stripping of gas from several galaxies -- but conclude that these LMT data are not sufficient to differentiate between them.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Phase Space and Stellar Populations of Cluster Galaxies at z ~ 1: Simultaneous Constraints on the Location and Timescale of Satellite Quenching

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    We investigate the velocity vs. position phase space of z ~ 1 cluster galaxies using a set of 424 spectroscopic redshifts in 9 clusters drawn from the GCLASS survey. Dividing the galaxy population into three categories: quiescent, star-forming, and poststarburst, we find that these populations have distinct distributions in phase space. Most striking are the poststarburst galaxies, which are commonly found at small clustercentric radii with high clustercentric velocities, and appear to trace a coherent ``ring" in phase space. Using several zoom simulations of clusters we show that the coherent distribution of the poststarbursts can be reasonably well-reproduced using a simple quenching scenario. Specifically, the phase space is best reproduced if satellite quenching occurs on a rapid timescale (0.1 < tau_{Q} < 0.5 Gyr) after galaxies make their first passage of R ~ 0.5R_{200}, a process that takes a total time of ~ 1 Gyr after first infall. We compare this quenching timescale to the timescale implied by the stellar populations of the poststarburst galaxies and find that the poststarburst spectra are well-fit by a rapid quenching (tau_{Q} = 0.4^{+0.3}_{-0.4} Gyr) of a typical star-forming galaxy. The similarity between the quenching timescales derived from these independent indicators is a strong consistency check of the quenching model. Given that the model implies satellite quenching is rapid, and occurs well within R_{200}, this would suggest that ram-pressure stripping of either the hot or cold gas component of galaxies are the most plausible candidates for the physical mechanism. The high cold gas consumption rates at z ~ 1 make it difficult to determine if hot or cold gas stripping is dominant; however, measurements of the redshift evolution of the satellite quenching timescale and location may be capable of distinguishing between the two.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Ap

    Minocycline 200 mg or 400 mg versus placebo for mild Alzheimer's disease: the MADE Phase II, three-arm RCT

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    Background: Minocycline is an anti-inflammatory drug and protects against the toxic effects of Ī²-amyloid in vitro and in animal models of Alzheimerā€™s disease. To the best of our knowledge, no randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials in patients with Alzheimerā€™s disease looking at the efficacy and tolerability of minocycline have been carried out. Objectives: The trial investigated whether or not minocycline was superior to placebo in slowing down the rate of decline in cognitive and functional ability over 2 years. The safety and tolerability of minocycline were also assessed. Design: A Phase II, three-arm, randomised, double-blind, multicentre trial with a semifactorial design. Participants continued on trial treatment for up to 24 months. Setting: Patients were identified from memory services, both within the 32 participating NHS trusts and within the network of memory services supported by the Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (also known as DeNDRoN). Participants: Patients with standardised Mini Mental State Examination scores of > 23 points and with Alzheimerā€™s disease assessed by the National Institute on Agingā€“Alzheimerā€™s Associationā€™s criteria were identified from memory services. Intervention: Patients with mild Alzheimerā€™s disease were randomly allocated 1 : 1 : 1 to receive one of three treatments: arm 1 ā€“ 400 mg per day of minocycline; arm 2 ā€“ 200 mg per day of minocycline; or arm 3 ā€“ placebo. Patients continued treatment for 24 months. Participants, investigators and outcome assessors were blind to treatment allocation. Main outcome measures: Primary outcome measures were decline in standardised Mini Mental State Examination and Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale scores of combined minocycline treatment arms versus placebo, as analysed by intention-to-treat repeated measures regression. Results: Between 23 May 2014 and 14 April 2016, 554 participants were randomised. Of the 544 eligible participants, the mean age was 74.3 years and the average standardised Mini Mental State Examination score was 26.4 points. A total of 252 serious adverse events were reported, with the most common categories being neuropsychiatric and cardiocirculatory. Significantly fewer participants completed treatment with 400 mg of minocycline [29% (53/184)] than 200 mg [62% (112/181)] or placebo [64% (114/179)] (p < 0.0001), mainly because of gastrointestinal symptoms (p = 0.0008), dermatological side effects (p = 0.02) and dizziness (p = 0.01). Assessment rates were also lower in the 400-mg treatment arm: 68% (119 of 174 expected) for standardised Mini Mental State Examination scores at 24 months, compared with 82% (144/176) for the 200-mg treatment arm and 84% (140/167) for the placebo arm. Decline in standardised Mini Mental State Examination scores over the 24-month study period in the combined minocycline arms was similar to that in the placebo arm (4.1- vs. 4.3-point reduction; p = 0.9), as was the decline in the 400- and 200-mg treatment arms (3.3 vs. 4.7 points; p = 0.08). Likewise, worsening of Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale scores over 24 months was similar in all trial arms (5.7, 6.6 and 6.2 points in the 400-mg treatment arm, 200-mg treatment arm and placebo arm, respectively; a p-value of 0.57 for minocycline vs. placebo and a p-value of 0.77 for 400 vs. 200 mg of minocycline). Results were similar in different patient subgroups and in sensitivity analyses adjusting for missing data. Limitations: Potential limitations of the study include that biomarkers were not used to confirm the diagnosis of Alzheimerā€™s disease, as these and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotyping are not routinely available within the NHS. Compliance was also worse than expected and differential follow-up rates were observed, with fewer assessments obtained for the 400-mg treatment arm than for the 200-mg treatment and placebo arms. Conclusions: Minocycline does not delay the progress of cognitive or functional impairment in people with mild Alzheimerā€™s disease over a 2-year period. Minocycline at a dose of 400 mg is poorly tolerated in this population. Future work: The Minocycline in mild Alzheimerā€™s DiseasE (MADE) study provides a framework for a streamlined trial design that can be usefully applied to test other disease-modifying therapies

    HĪ± star formation main sequence in cluster and field galaxies at z āˆ¼ 1.6

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    We calculate HĪ±-based star formation rates and determine the star formation rateā€“stellar mass relation for members of three Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) clusters at z āˆ¼ 1.6 and serendipitously identified field galaxies at similar redshifts to the clusters. We find similar star formation rates in cluster and field galaxies throughout our range of stellar masses. The results are comparable to those seen in other clusters at similar redshifts, and consistent with our previous photometric evidence for little quenching activity in clusters. One possible explanation for our results is that galaxies in our z āˆ¼ 1.6 clusters have been accreted too recently to show signs of environmental quenching. It is also possible that the clusters are not yet dynamically mature enough to produce important environmental quenching effects shown to be important at low redshift, such as ram-pressure stripping or harassment

    Plantar fascia segmentation and thickness estimation in ultrasound images

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    Ultrasound (US) imaging offers significant potential in diagnosis of plantar fascia (PF) injury and monitoring treatment. In particular US imaging has been shown to be reliable in foot and ankle assessment and offers a real-time effective imaging technique that is able to reliably confirm structural changes, such as thickening, and identify changes in the internal echo structure associated with diseased or damaged tissue. Despite the advantages of US imaging, images are difficult to interpret during medical assessment. This is partly due to the size and position of the PF in relation to the adjacent tissues. It is therefore a requirement to devise a system that allows better and easier interpretation of PF ultrasound images during diagnosis. This study proposes an automatic segmentation approach which for the first time extracts ultrasound data to estimate size across three sections of the PF (rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot). This segmentation method uses artificial neural network module (ANN) in order to classify small overlapping patches as belonging or not-belonging to the region of interest (ROI) of the PF tissue. Features ranking and selection techniques were performed as a post-processing step for features extraction to reduce the dimension and number of the extracted features. The trained ANN classifies the image overlapping patches into PF and non-PF tissue, and then it is used to segment the desired PF region. The PF thickness was calculated using two different methods: distance transformation and area-length calculation algorithms. This new approach is capable of accurately segmenting the PF region, differentiating it from surrounding tissues and estimating its thickness
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