81 research outputs found

    Standardizing and Disseminating Knowledge: The Role of the OECD in Global Governance

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    If ‘knowledge is power’, it is unsurprising that the production, legitimation, and application of social scientific knowledge, not least that which was designed to harness social organization to economic growth, is a potentially contentious process. Coping with, adapting to, or attempting to shape globalization has emerged as a central concern of policy-makers who are, therefore, interested in knowledge to assist their managerial activities. Thus, an organization that can create, synthesize, legitimate, and dissemination useful knowledge can play a significant role in the emerging global governance system. The OECD operates as one important site for the construction, standardization, and dissemination of transnational policy ideas. OECD staff conducts research and produces a range of background studies and reports, drawing on disciplinary knowledge (typically economics) supplemented by their ‘organizational discourses’. This paper probes the contested nature of knowledge production and attempts to evaluate the impact of the OECD’s efforts to produce globally applicable policy advice. Particular attention is paid to important initiatives in the labour market and social policy fields—the Jobs Study and Babies and Bosses

    Highly Sensitive In Vitro Methods for Detection of Residual Undifferentiated Cells in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Derived from Human iPS Cells

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) possess the capabilities of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell types, and they are free of the ethical problems associated with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). These characteristics make hiPSCs a promising choice for future regenerative medicine research. There are significant obstacles, however, preventing the clinical use of hiPSCs. One of the most obvious safety issues is the presence of residual undifferentiated cells that have tumorigenic potential. To locate residual undifferentiated cells, in vivo teratoma formation assays have been performed with immunodeficient animals, which is both costly and time-consuming. Here, we examined three in vitro assay methods to detect undifferentiated cells (designated an in vitro tumorigenicity assay): soft agar colony formation assay, flow cytometry assay and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay (qRT-PCR). Although the soft agar colony formation assay was unable to detect hiPSCs even in the presence of a ROCK inhibitor that permits survival of dissociated hiPSCs/hESCs, the flow cytometry assay using anti-TRA-1-60 antibody detected 0.1% undifferentiated hiPSCs that were spiked in primary retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Moreover, qRT-PCR with a specific probe and primers was found to detect a trace amount of Lin28 mRNA, which is equivalent to that present in a mixture of a single hiPSC and 5.0×104 RPE cells. Our findings provide highly sensitive and quantitative in vitro assays essential for facilitating safety profiling of hiPSC-derived products for future regenerative medicine research

    Naturinspirerad trÀdgÄrd i skogen : att skapa en mjuk övergÄng frÄn trÀdgÄrden till naturen

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    Idag syns en vÀxande trend med naturalistiska planteringar som efterliknar naturens ekologiska system och det naturens estetiska uttryck, det Àr dock inte helt nytt. Historiskt sÄ har detta förhÄllningssÀtt funnits i hundratals Är, det har utvecklats och nya infallsvinklar har tillkommit. Vad som kan tolkas som en naturlig trÀdgÄrd, eller en naturlik trÀdgÄrd, eller vad de olika begreppen innebÀr Àr inte helt enkelt att avgöra och svaret finns eventuellt i betraktaren. Det finns olika principer att anvÀnda för att skapa naturalistiska planteringar och inspirationen hÀmtas ur naturen. Arbetets litteraturstudie innefattar hur natulika trÀdgÄrdar sett ut genom tiderna och hur det tolkas idag, vilken nytta en naturlik, vildare trÀdgÄrd kan göra för den biologiska mÄngfalden. Samt hur naturen kan bjudas in i trÀdgÄrden och lÄta grÀnsen suddas ut eller mjukas upp. Vilka verktyg kan anvÀndas för att efterlikna naturens system och hur kan olika stÄndorter och vegetationstyper efterliknas? Vilken roll spelar de inhemska arterna och hur kan de anvÀndas? Delar av det som framkom i litteraturen har applicerats pÄ en utvald naturtomt. En analys av platsens, och omgivningens stÄndort och historia har genomförts. DÀr olika vegetationssystem som finns i naturen efterliknas. Det har resulterat i en gestaltning av en del av tomten, som skapar en mjukare övergÄng mellan omgivande natur och trÀdgÄrd. VÀxtval och utformning Àr gjort efter de ekologiska principer och estetiska principer som studerats i litteraturen.Today we can see a growing influence of naturalistic planting designs, that is inspired from the ecological principles and aesthetical look that exist in nature, but itŽs not a new approach. Historically this approach has existed for hundreds of years, and it has developed and new approaches has been added. What can be known as a natural garden, or a natural-like garden, or what the differences between them is, can be hard to decide and maybe the answer lies in the one whoŽs observing. There are different principles to use when you create naturalistic planting design where the inspiration comes from nature. This workŽs literature study includes what natural gardens looked like historically and how it is interpreted today, what benefits for the biodiversity a natural, wilder garden can have. And how nature can be invited to the garden and let the boundaries melt together. Which tools can be used to imitate wild communities and how can different types of vegetation systems be imitated? What role does native species have and how can native plants be used in a naturalistic planting? A selected natural plot has been used to apply parts of the principles that were found in the literature. An analysis of the place, history and its surroundings has been made. Where the different types of natural vegetation systems are imitated. This has resulted in a design proposal that should create a smoother transition between the garden and the surrounding nature. The design of the place and 5 plant material are made after the ecological and aesthetical principles that was studied in the literature

    Farmakoterapi vid primÀr skleroserande kolangit : En genomgÄng av lÀkemedelsprövningar i ljuset av nya rön

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare chronic liver disease characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the biliary ducts, resulting in cholestasis and eventually liver failure. No effective treatment is currently available and most patients ultimately require liver transplantation in order to survive. The underlying mechanisms of the disease is poorly understood but a range of hypotheses exist, many of which recognize and grapple with PSC's close relationship with inflammatory bowel disease. Most agree genetics is involved, predisposing for an imbalance in 1) bile acid metabolism, 2) immune response and/or 3) gut microbiota. This literature study aims to describe and elucidate recent progress in the field of pharmacotherapy, as it relates to PSC and our current understanding of the disease. Covered in this study is a total of seven randomized, controlled trials, published between 2015-2022, and available through the medical database/search engine PubMed. Endpoints of particular note are ALP and ELF. ALP, or alkaline phosphatase, is an enzyme found in the liver. Rising levels of ALP in the blood stream is indicative of liver damage. ELF, or Enhanced Liver Fibrosis, is a blood test measuring markers of fibrosis, useful in assessing and staging fibrosis in chronic liver disease. Drugs included in this literature study are aldafermin, cilofexor, fenofibrate, norUrsodeoxicholic acid, obeticholic acid, simtuzumab and vancomycin. With the exception of aldafermin and simtuzumab, all showed promise as ALP reducing agents, in general lowering levels with 15-40 percent. In the case of fenofibrate, a reduction of 65 percent was observed. Of the drugs measured against ELF, only aldafermin produced a statistically significant reduction in fibrosis markers. At the time being it is not entirely clear what to make of the results, due to uncertainties surrounding ALP as a prognostic marker. To what extent ALP predicts transplantation free survival is still a matter of debate. Although considerable efforts have been made to further our understanding of PSC, much is yet to be solved. With regards to pharmacotherapy, the field is experiencing somewhat of a renaissance, showcased by the dozen on-going randomized, controlled trials on a plethora of potential PSC substances. Thus, the search for an effective therapy against PSC goes on

    Utvecklingsstörning och sexualitet - en studie kring kunskapen om och synen pÄ den

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    Author: Erika Noaksson Title: Intellectual disability and sexuality – a study about the knowledge and perceptions on it Supervisor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson The purpose of this study is to examine both the degree of knowledge within society, and overall societal perceptions of intellectual disability in relation to sexuality. In addition it also examines what kind of consequences a lack of knowledge in this field could result in for the target group. The study has gathered empirical data regarding three distinct focus groups. The first group (the target group) consists of people that have been diagnosed with intellectual disability. The second group consists of professionals working with people diagnosed with intellectual disability, and the third group is intended to represent a cross-section of society at large. The study used a qualitative method whereby research was conducted by interviewing professionals that have worked with or currently work with the target group. The various professionals with which interviews were conducted were given the same questions. It is worth noting that in some cases the questions were adapted to suit the professional disciplines of those interviewed, but the context of these questions remained the same. The interviews have been divided into four different areas of questions; information about the person interviewed, their knowledge about sexuality, how they handle the subject within their profession and wider societal perceptions on intellectual disability and sexuality. The analysis has as its starting point five key theories; Social Construction, Erving Goffman's theory of stigma, Howard Becker's theory of labeling, Gagnon & Simon’s theory of sexual scripts and Bengt Nirje’s normalization principle (normaliseringsprincipen). The study has also drawn on other relevant literature to analyze the empirical data collected. In conclusion the study showed that the target group, their families, the professionals and wider society must contribute to a broader knowledge of intellectual disability in relation to sexuality. More knowledge about these issues would be the first step for a greater acceptance to emerge. Key words: disability, intellectual disability, developmental disability, sexualit

    Vilken roll spelar motivation för elevernas lĂ€sutveckling i Ă„r 4–6?

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    Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt Ă€r att undersöka vad forskningen sĂ€ger angĂ„ende motivationens betydelse för lĂ€sutveckling. VĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning har varit: Vilken roll spelar motivation för elevers lĂ€sutveckling i Ă„rskurs 4–6? Metoden har varit systematisk sökning i databaserna ERIC, SwePub och Google Scholar. Information har hĂ€mtats och bearbetats till de resultat som följer. Resultatet av studien visar att motivationens betydelse för varje elev Ă€r relevant i deras lĂ€sutveckling. De teman som speglar frĂ„gestĂ€llningen och resultatets innehĂ„ll Ă€r: lĂ€rarens arbetssĂ€tt, elevernas drivkrafter, inre och yttre motivation, faktorer för lĂ€sutveckling samt förkunskaper. Resultatet följs upp av en diskussion som övergĂ„r till slutsatsen. Att aktivt arbeta med de teman som lyfts Ă€r viktigt i skolan för elever dĂ€r Ă€ven samarbetet mellan förĂ€ldrar och lĂ€rare anses vara betydelsefullt. Slutsatsen Ă€r att olika faktorer spelar roll för motivationen till lĂ€sutveckling för eleverna. Det Ă€r nĂ„got som vi tar med oss i vĂ„rt arbete som framtida lĂ€rare

    Farmakoterapi vid primÀr skleroserande kolangit : En genomgÄng av lÀkemedelsprövningar i ljuset av nya rön

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare chronic liver disease characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the biliary ducts, resulting in cholestasis and eventually liver failure. No effective treatment is currently available and most patients ultimately require liver transplantation in order to survive. The underlying mechanisms of the disease is poorly understood but a range of hypotheses exist, many of which recognize and grapple with PSC's close relationship with inflammatory bowel disease. Most agree genetics is involved, predisposing for an imbalance in 1) bile acid metabolism, 2) immune response and/or 3) gut microbiota. This literature study aims to describe and elucidate recent progress in the field of pharmacotherapy, as it relates to PSC and our current understanding of the disease. Covered in this study is a total of seven randomized, controlled trials, published between 2015-2022, and available through the medical database/search engine PubMed. Endpoints of particular note are ALP and ELF. ALP, or alkaline phosphatase, is an enzyme found in the liver. Rising levels of ALP in the blood stream is indicative of liver damage. ELF, or Enhanced Liver Fibrosis, is a blood test measuring markers of fibrosis, useful in assessing and staging fibrosis in chronic liver disease. Drugs included in this literature study are aldafermin, cilofexor, fenofibrate, norUrsodeoxicholic acid, obeticholic acid, simtuzumab and vancomycin. With the exception of aldafermin and simtuzumab, all showed promise as ALP reducing agents, in general lowering levels with 15-40 percent. In the case of fenofibrate, a reduction of 65 percent was observed. Of the drugs measured against ELF, only aldafermin produced a statistically significant reduction in fibrosis markers. At the time being it is not entirely clear what to make of the results, due to uncertainties surrounding ALP as a prognostic marker. To what extent ALP predicts transplantation free survival is still a matter of debate. Although considerable efforts have been made to further our understanding of PSC, much is yet to be solved. With regards to pharmacotherapy, the field is experiencing somewhat of a renaissance, showcased by the dozen on-going randomized, controlled trials on a plethora of potential PSC substances. Thus, the search for an effective therapy against PSC goes on

    Hur arbetar lÀrare för att motivera elever till att lÀsa i svenskundervisningen?

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka och problematisera hur lĂ€rare arbetar med att motivera elever till att lĂ€sa. Vi har utgĂ„tt ifrĂ„n tvĂ„ frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur beskriver lĂ€rarna sitt arbete med att motivera sina elever till att lĂ€sa olika slags skönlitterĂ€ra texter i svenskundervisningen i Ă„rskurs 4–6? och Vilka möjligheter och dilemman upplever lĂ€rare att det finns vid arbete med lĂ€sning och skönlitterĂ€ra texter?Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten för studien har grundats i det sociokulturella perspektivet. Vidare har vi anvĂ€nt oss av den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden semistrukturella intervjuer för att besvara studiens forskningsfrĂ„gor. Totalt har sju intervjuer genomförts med lĂ€rare frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika skolor som arbetar pĂ„ mellanstadiet. Den empiri som har samlats in har analyserats och bearbetats utifrĂ„n tematisk analys. Resultatet av studien visar lĂ€rarnas uppfattningar om att elevernas motivation till att lĂ€sa pĂ„verkas av olika faktorer. Alla lĂ€rarna som deltog Ă€r överens om att olika arbetssĂ€tt gynnar elevernas motivation och lĂ€slust. Vidare tar lĂ€rarna upp att elevernas intresse för skönlitterĂ€ra texter och lĂ€sning pĂ„verkar deras motivation. Det synliggörs Ă€ven att relationer Ă€r av betydelse för eleverna. De relationer som Ă€r tydliga Ă€r mellan lĂ€rare och elev samt lĂ€rarnas relation med hemmet. Studiens övergripande slutats Ă€r att lĂ€rare behöver arbeta pĂ„ olika vis samt att ha elevernas intresse i fokus för att kunna motivera dem till att lĂ€sa.Nyckelord: LĂ€slust, lĂ€sutveckling, motivation, svenskundervisning & Ă„rskurs 4–6

    Hur arbetar lÀrare för att motivera elever till att lÀsa i svenskundervisningen?

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka och problematisera hur lĂ€rare arbetar med att motivera elever till att lĂ€sa. Vi har utgĂ„tt ifrĂ„n tvĂ„ frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur beskriver lĂ€rarna sitt arbete med att motivera sina elever till att lĂ€sa olika slags skönlitterĂ€ra texter i svenskundervisningen i Ă„rskurs 4–6? och Vilka möjligheter och dilemman upplever lĂ€rare att det finns vid arbete med lĂ€sning och skönlitterĂ€ra texter?Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten för studien har grundats i det sociokulturella perspektivet. Vidare har vi anvĂ€nt oss av den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden semistrukturella intervjuer för att besvara studiens forskningsfrĂ„gor. Totalt har sju intervjuer genomförts med lĂ€rare frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika skolor som arbetar pĂ„ mellanstadiet. Den empiri som har samlats in har analyserats och bearbetats utifrĂ„n tematisk analys. Resultatet av studien visar lĂ€rarnas uppfattningar om att elevernas motivation till att lĂ€sa pĂ„verkas av olika faktorer. Alla lĂ€rarna som deltog Ă€r överens om att olika arbetssĂ€tt gynnar elevernas motivation och lĂ€slust. Vidare tar lĂ€rarna upp att elevernas intresse för skönlitterĂ€ra texter och lĂ€sning pĂ„verkar deras motivation. Det synliggörs Ă€ven att relationer Ă€r av betydelse för eleverna. De relationer som Ă€r tydliga Ă€r mellan lĂ€rare och elev samt lĂ€rarnas relation med hemmet. Studiens övergripande slutats Ă€r att lĂ€rare behöver arbeta pĂ„ olika vis samt att ha elevernas intresse i fokus för att kunna motivera dem till att lĂ€sa.Nyckelord: LĂ€slust, lĂ€sutveckling, motivation, svenskundervisning & Ă„rskurs 4–6
