629 research outputs found

    Paulo Freire revisité : la communication comme principe de l'humanisation

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    Ce mĂ©moire est l'occasion de participer Ă  la re-dĂ©couverte de Paulo Freire, qui a cours tant au Sud qu'au Nord, Ă  la faveur d'une lecture communicationnelle de sa philosophie, articulĂ©e autour des trois concepts de communication, de participation et d'humanisation. Notre dĂ©marche prend naissance avec l'intuition selon laquelle la communication constitue Ă  la fois une des fondations de la philosophie freirĂ©enne et un des fils conducteurs permettant de lier entre eux ses diffĂ©rentes composantes dans une perspective globale. L'Ă©cart qui existe entre, d'une part, la place centrale que prend la communication dans la philosophie freirĂ©enne et l'importance de sa contribution Ă  cette discipline, et d'autre part le peu de travaux qui abordent directement ce concept, nous invite Ă  tenter de redonner Ă  la communication sa juste valeur au sein des concepts freirĂ©ens. Nous poursuivons plusieurs objectifs: attirer l'attention sur l'Ă©volution de la philosophie de Freire, qui n'est pas restĂ©e prisonniĂšre du paradigme rĂ©volutionnaire et s'est au contraire transformĂ©e avec le(s) contexte(s) qu'elle accompagnait; identifier la signification particuliĂšre que prend le concept de communication dans les travaux de Freire; comprendre comment Freire peut nous aider Ă  ĂȘtre, Ă  notre tour, des gens de notre temps. La mĂ©thode retenue est celle de l'analyse conceptuelle, qui repose sur les techniques de la recension d'Ă©crits et de l'observation participante, et dans une moindre mesure de l'entrevue. Notre dĂ©marche de recherche est avant tout thĂ©orique et a pris forme dans le cadre d'un stage de recherche qui nous a emmenĂ© Ă  intĂ©grer le groupe de recherche MediaçÔes pedagĂłgicas e transformaçÔes sociais de Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), dans la rĂ©gion de Porto Alegre au BrĂ©sil. Cette recherche rĂ©vĂšle que la communication permet chez Freire de comprendre l'existence humaine comme une option politique en faveur de l'humanisation. La communication, Ă  la fois stratĂ©gie et objectif de la lutte, devient le principe de l'humanisation. Ces dĂ©couvertes, en laissant entrevoir que c'est en nous enjoignant Ă  lutter pour la radicalisation de la communication que Freire contribue Ă  faire de nous des gens de notre temps, pose Ă  leur tour les questions de la possibilitĂ© d'un dialogue radical Ă  grande Ă©chelle et de celle qu'un tel dialogue soit encouragĂ© par l'État. La communication est-elle condamnĂ©e Ă  rester une pratique de rĂ©sistance et l'humanisation, une utopie? La perspective qu'il en soit ainsi ne remet pas en cause la validitĂ© de la philosophie de Freire. Au contraire, elle indique l'urgence de radicaliser la lutte et de rĂ©inventer Freire Ă  la lumiĂšre de nos contextes contemporains. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Paulo Freire, communication, dialogue, participation, humanisation

    Pour un nationalisme inclusif au QuĂ©bec : repenser l’interculturalisme dans le cadre de la conception de la reconnaissance des individus et des peuples de Michel Seymour

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    L’objectif principal de ce mĂ©moire est de proposer un modĂšle d’intĂ©gration qui permettrait de concilier au QuĂ©bec les deux impĂ©ratifs que sont le besoin d’affirmation nationale et la reconnaissance du pluralisme. Nous croyons que le modĂšle interculturaliste dĂ©veloppĂ© au QuĂ©bec et thĂ©orisĂ© notamment par GĂ©rard Bouchard constitue un bon point de dĂ©part, mais qu’il faut nĂ©anmoins ajuster le tir. L’approche de Bouchard est sociohistorique et culturelle. Or, c’est l’avenue politique qu’il faut selon nous emprunter. Pour que l’interculturalisme favorise le dĂ©veloppement d’un nationalisme inclusif, il doit permettre de dĂ©gager un espace de citoyennetĂ© spĂ©cifique au QuĂ©bec. Puisque la nation quĂ©bĂ©coise est non souveraine, un tel espace de citoyennetĂ© implique de reconnaĂźtre non seulement les individus, mais aussi le peuple. Il faut donc revoir les fondements philosophiques de l’interculturalisme pour que ce modĂšle soit en mesure de prendre en charge Ă  la fois les droits individuels et les droits collectifs. Pour ce faire, nous devons nous tourner vers la conception de la reconnaissance des individus et des peuples dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Michel Seymour. Le premier chapitre se veut une analyse et une synthĂšse de la conception de la reconnaissance de Seymour, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du libĂ©ralisme politique dĂ©veloppĂ© par Rawls. Le deuxiĂšme chapitre vise Ă  refonder l’interculturalisme dans les bases thĂ©oriques dĂ©veloppĂ©es par Seymour. Nous commençons par dĂ©fendre, avec Seymour, une conception sociopolitique de la nation quĂ©bĂ©coise, puis nous montrons que la possibilitĂ© d’un espace de citoyennetĂ© spĂ©cifique au QuĂ©bec est tributaire de la reconnaissance pleine et entiĂšre de la nation quĂ©bĂ©coise par l’État canadien englobant. Nous prĂ©sentons ensuite l’interculturalisme dans sa version politique et examinons le modĂšle de laĂŻcitĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© par Seymour et Gosselin-Tapp en tant que cas de figure de ce modĂšle d’intĂ©gration. Refonder l’interculturalisme sur des bases politiques permet finalement de contribuer au dĂ©bat opposant l’interculturalisme au multiculturalisme. L’interculturalisme se distingue du multiculturalisme en tant que modĂšle d’intĂ©gration permettant de dĂ©gager un espace de citoyennetĂ© propre aux sociĂ©tĂ©s politiques non souveraines. Ce faisant, l’interculturalisme rĂ©vĂšle un potentiel universel et se veut un modĂšle d’intĂ©gration fait sur mesure pour les nations sociopolitiques comme le QuĂ©bec, l’Écosse ou la Catalogne.The main objective of this essay is to propose a model for integration that could reconcile QuĂ©bec’s two imperatives that are the need for national assertion and the recognition of pluralism. We believe that the interculturalism model, developed in QuĂ©bec and theorized by GĂ©rard Bouchard especially, constitutes a good starting point. However, we need to make adjustments. Bouchard’s approach is social, historical and cultural. Yet it is the political approach we need to engage into. In order to stimulate the development of an inclusive nationalism, interculturalism has to draw a citizenship space that is specific to QuĂ©bec. Since the QuĂ©bec nation isn’t sovereign, such a citizenship space entails the recognition not only of individuals but also of the nation itself. Hence it is necessary to review the philosophical roots of interculturalism in order for it to take into account not only individual rights, but also collective rights. To do so, we need to focus on Michel Seymour’s notion of recognition of individuals and nations. The first chapter analyzes and summarizes Seymour’s notion of recognition, which is developed in the framework of Rawl’s political liberalism. The second chapter aims to rebuild interculturalism on Seymour’s theoretical bases. We begin by defending, with Seymour, the QuĂ©bec nation as a sociopolitical nation. We then defend that the possibility of a specific citizenship space for QuĂ©bec depends on the Canadian State’s recognition of the QuĂ©bec nation. The following step consists in elaborating the political version of interculturalism and then in examining the model of secularism developed by Seymour and Gosselin-Tapp as resulting from it. Finally, rebuilding interculturalism onto political bases enables to contribute to the debate between interculturalism and multiculturalism. Interculturalism distinguishes itself from multiculturalism as an integration model that draws specific citizenship spaces for non-sovereign political societies. In doing so, interculturalism reveals a universal potential in constituing a tailored approach for sociopolitical nations like QuĂ©bec, Scotland or Catalonia

    Chemically modified polysulfones for molecular imprinting. Synthesis and complexation with a fluorescent model template

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    Polysulfone (PSU) was chemically modified to prepare new molecular imprinted membranes (MIMs). Several amounts of amine and sulfonyl groups were introduced into the PSU chemical structure in order to create interactions with acid or base templates, such as biomolecules or biomacromolecules. A fluorescent dye, Acridine Orange base (AO), was used as a model template and its complexation with the prepared PSUs was monitored by spectroscopic techniques. This study showed an absence of complexation with the native PSU and a strong complexation with the aminated and the sulfonated PSUs. Partially allylated PSU bearing amine or sulfonyl groups were also synthesized. These compounds are expected to be used as precursors for designing new crosslinked molecular imprinting membranes (MIMs), exhibiting high stability of the template memory

    Chemically modified polysulfones for molecular imprinting. Synthesis and complexation with a fluorescent model template

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    Polysulfone (PSU) was chemically modified to prepare new molecular imprinted membranes (MIMs). Several amounts of amine and sulfonyl groups were introduced into the PSU chemical structure in order to create interactions with acid or base templates, such as biomolecules or biomacromolecules. A fluorescent dye, Acridine Orange base (AO), was used as a model template and its complexation with the prepared PSUs was monitored by spectroscopic techniques. This study showed an absence of complexation with the native PSU and a strong complexation with the aminated and the sulfonated PSUs. Partially allylated PSU bearing amine or sulfonyl groups were also synthesized. These compounds are expected to be used as precursors for designing new crosslinked molecular imprinting membranes (MIMs), exhibiting high stability of the template memory

    Genital Schistosomiasis in European Women

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    Female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) is an isolated chronic form of schistosomiasis. Although most infections occur in residents of endemic areas, it has been clearly documented that brief freshwater exposure is sufficient to establish infection; thus, travellers may also be infected. The clinical manifestations of FGS are nonspecific, and lesions may mimic any neoplastic or infectious process in the female genital tract. It is important to take a careful history and physical examination, making sure to consider travel history in endemic areas. The diagnosis is confirmed by microscopy with egg identification or by serology. The standard of care for treatment is a single dose of oral praziquantel which avoids complications and substantial morbidity. Herein, we report a rare and original case of FGS in a European woman

    Fluid phase equilibria prediction of fluorocompound-containing binary systems with the predictive E-PPR78 model

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    International audienceIn order to reduce the overall emissions of greenhouse gases and to be in compliance with the current environmental regulations, a new class of refrigerants, making use of fluorocompounds has appeared. Such refrigerants are often blends of alkanes, CO 2 and fluorocompounds. Consequently an equation of state (EoS) able to predict the properties of both pure compounds and multi-component systems is required to design processes involving fluorocompounds or to implement a product-design approach aimed at identifying new refrigerant mixtures. It is however well-acknowledged that the phase behavior of binary systems like, e.g., an alkane and its corresponding perfluoroalkane, show significant deviations from ideality that need to be accurately accounted for by a thermodynamic model. In this study, in order to get a predictive model applicable to fluorocompound-containing binary systems, six groups were added to the Enhanced-PPR78 model which combines the Peng-Robinson EoS and a group contribution method aimed at estimating the binary interaction parameters, () ij kT, involved in Van der Waals one-fluid mixing rules

    Measurement of CO 2 + freon phase equilibria and extension of the predictive E-PPR78 equation of state to freon-containing systems

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    International audienceScientific topic: 2 (equations of state) Abstract Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have a high ozone depletion potential (ODP) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants. Consequently, refrigeration and airconditioning industries carry out extensive researches to find highly efficient alternative refrigerants with zero ODP and GWP lower than 150. The search for next-generation refrigerants requires the preselection of good candidate likely to exhibit low environmental impact and leading to high thermodynamic cycle efficiency. To do so, disposing of powerful predictive thermodynamic models is a necessary prerequisite. In this work, the well established E-PPR78 predictive equation of state was extended to systems containing freons. Therefore, 6 different groups were added to the 21 already-existing groups: group 22: CF 3-CF 3 (R116), group 23:-CF 3 , group 24:-CF 2 , group 25: =CF 2 / =CF-, group 26: CHF 2-CH 3 (R152a), group 27: CF 3-CH 2 F (R134a). All the experimental data available in the open literature were then selected to estimate the various group interaction parameters between the 6 new groups and the 21 previously defined. To complete the study, vapor-liquid equilibrium and critical data for the CO 2 + R1234yf and CO 2 + R1234ze(E) systems – deemed as promising alternative refrigerant mixtures – were measured and correlated. The E-PPR78 equation of state finally shows a good ability to model the large variety of phase behaviors encountered in this class of fluids (criticality, azeotropy, liquid-liquid equilibria, vapor-liquid-liquid equilibria etc.) and consequently

    Recurrence of Mitotically Active Cellular Fibroma of the Ovary

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    Background. 10% of ovarian fibromatous tumours typically exhibit increased cellularity, mitotic activity, and less frequently nuclear atypia. Therefore, the classification within the group of fibromatous tumours may represent some difficulties, thus, one or several of these features should appear. Case. We introduce the clinical and pathologic features based on one case of recurrence of a mitotically active cellular ovarian fibroma (MACF) in the pararectal fossa. This recurrence took place six years after primary surgery. Macroscopically, the tumour was firm, fibrous, well delimited, yellow-white without gross necrosis. On microscopic examination, it was composed of a densely cellular proliferation of fibrolastic-like cells with bland nuclear features and arranged in a fascicular pattern. There was no sign of significant atypia or necrosis. Conclusion. Recently, this case is the first report of a recurrence of MACF, following primary surgery with no tumoral rupture or surgical difficulty. The clinical outcome of ovarian cellular fibromas (CFs) and MACFs is typically uneventful. This case, however, strongly suggests maintaining a long-term clinical follow-up even though the principal tumour was surgically treated without tumour rupture or in the absence of adherence or any surgical difficulty
