157 research outputs found

    Effects of Household Waste Disposal on Surface and Ground Waters in the Rapidly Urbanising Mamfe Town (South-West Region, Cameroon)

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    Huge waste generation by the rapidly growing Mamfe town is posing enormous environmental challenges. This work that aimed at examining the implications of household waste on potable water sources, used the mixed research design, combining descriptive and experimental approaches. Ground (Two wells, one borehole) and surface (two streams) sources were sampled and empirical data for physicochemical parameters (PH, EC, water temperature, TDS, and salinity) of the five water samples were measured in-situ using a multi-meter and complemented by questionnaires and interviews information. Data obtained were analysed using the One-way ANOVA and chi-square tests. Except for the pH, values of 11 of the 12 physical and chemical elements (Temperature, EC, TDS, pH, Ca32+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, NO3 -) were within permissible limits of WHO drinking water standard. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed two clusters: EC and TDS; and temperature  (?), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, NO3-, and salinity. Spearman correlation analysis for minor parameters as Temperature, EC, TDS and Cl- and major parameters of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and HCO3,reveals a strong positive correlation between HCO3- and Ca2+, temperature and NO3-. Therefore, municipal authorities are entreated to implement sustainable waste and water management strategies

    Long-run performance of corporate restructurings : evidence from the JSE

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    This research has investigated the long-run performance of corporate restructurings through unbundling transactions on the JSE between 2000 and 2012. The corporate unbundling transactions considered by the research are spin-offs and sell-offs. From the two unbundling transactions, four samples were derived, that is, 21 spin-offs, 14 parent-spin-offs, 14 sell-offs and 20 parent-sell-offs. The share price performance of these samples was investigated by a matching firm methodology under the buy and hold abnormal returns. The research found that positive abnormal returns are present for both samples for up to four years after unbundling. Secondly, with the exception of parent-sell-offs, significant abnormal returns were experienced by both samples for up to four years after unbundling. It was also found that a spin-off is a preferable corporate unbundling strategy to a sell-off over a long-run period. This research implies that companies with heavy structures should unbundle in order to unlock shareholders’ value.Business ManagementM. Com. (Business Management

    Synthesis and Characterization of Three New Tetrakis(N-phenylacetamidato) Dirhodium(II) Nitrile Complexes

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    Three new tetrakis [Rh2(PhNCOCH3)4·xNCR] (R = {2-CH3}C6H4 (x=2), R = {3-CH3}C6H4 (x=1), R = (3-CN)C6H4∞ (x=1)) complexes have been synthesized and characterized. These complexes were characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopies and X-ray crystallography which solved with R1\u3c0.05. [Rh2(PhNCOCH3)4·2NC{2-CH3}C6H4] was triclinic (a=9.79Å, b=14.79Å, c=16.36Å, α=103.84⁰, ÎČ=99.17⁰, Îł=99.77⁰, P-1(#2), ÎŒCN=2227.78cm-1, Rh-Rh=2.42Å, N-C=1.13Å, 1.14Å, Rh-N=2.34Å, 2.35Å, Rh-N-C=151.6⁰, 152.5⁰, Rh-Rh-N=173.0⁰, 174.6⁰). [Rh2(PhNCOCH3)4·NC{3-CH3}C6H4] was triclinic (a=11.71Å, b=13.02Å, c=13.40Å, α=72.34⁰, ÎČ=66.78⁰, Îł=82.74⁰, P-1(#2), ÎŒCN=2241.28cm-1, Rh-Rh=2.40Å, N-C=1.14Å, Rh-N=2.16Å, Rh-N-C=166.3⁰, Rh-Rh-N=175.9⁰). [Rh2(PhNCOCH3)4·2NC{3-CN}C6H4]∞ was triclinic (a=11.88Å, b=13.30Å, c=14.88Å, α=77.98⁰, ÎČ=74.61⁰, Îł=65.48⁰, P-1(#2), ÎŒCN=2233.57cm-1, Rh-Rh=2.41Å, N-C=1.13Å, 1.13Å, Rh-N=2.18Å, 2.38Å, Rh-N-C=166.8⁰, 127.7⁰, Rh-Rh-N=178.4⁰, 175.4⁰). The bond distances, bond angles and bonding interactions (σ and π) are similar to the metal-carbene bond formed during carbenoid transformations catalyzed by dirhodium(II) compounds

    The Role of the Cameroon Diaspora in the Socio-Economic Development of Cameroon

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    This paper is focused on accessing the role of the Diaspora in the socio-economic development of Cameroon. It examines the origins of the Cameroonian diaspora and the causes of the migratory movements and what they have been able to offer in their respective communities in Cameroon. It argues that the Cameroon diaspora is an indispensable tool for homeland development. It discusses some of the main Economic, Political and Social contributions of the Cameroon Diaspora to the homeland. This paper will discuss the Cameroon diaspora as a single entity despite the fact it is distributed in the main developed economies of Europe and America. As such, they unite themselves through ethnic groupings and tribal affiliations. This has however given some difficulties in executing development projects back home because they are not united under a single body. More emphasis is on Remittances as they have been classified as the main tool for homeland development. Most of the Economic developments come in the form of remittances to households in Cameroon. This paper work is divided into two main sections. The first section is the introduction and gives a brief summary of the history of the Cameroon diaspora, the causes of movements and how they are distributed in the main counties in Europe, Asia and the Americas. The second section will duel on the main Economic and Socio-Political contributions of the Cameroon diaspora to the homeland. Keywords: Diaspora, Cameroon, Remittances, Homeland Development, Migration, Emigration, Bush Falling. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 201

    African continental free trade area (AfCFTA): projected economic impact assessment under future warming in CMIP6

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    Launched on 1 January 2021, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) aims to bring together 1.3 billion people in a US$3.4 trillion economic bloc. The World Bank estimates that the AfCFTA could lift tens of millions of people out of poverty by 2035. Previous studies have shown that an increase in annual mean temperature can significantly affect economic growth. The AfCFTA economy will therefore be affected by future warming. However, without the AfCFTA, the impact of the increased annual average temperature on local economies could be severe, further depriving low-income African countries of economic recovery. To assess the damage to regional economic growth caused by future warming, trend analyses are conducted in the aggregated historical CFSR/NCEP and CMIP6 (GFDL-ESM4) climate projection data from 1979 to 2100 for different emission pathways over some major continental economic centres. The long-term impact of surface temperature increase on gross regional product (GRP) per capita growth rates are investigated by fitting CMIP6 daily and annual mean temperatures to a log-polynomial regression model. The results show that an increase in annual mean temperature will significantly affect the economic growth of low latitude and altitude regions compared to high latitude and altitude regions. Most emerging African economies and many member states of the African Union and AfCFTA are located in this low latitude zone. This makes the economies of the newly created AfCFTA very vulnerable to climate change. Several studies suggest that FTAs can help reduce the economic vulnerability of developing countries. The results presented here can contribute to better design and implementation of economic, trade and climate policies in the AfCFTA to mitigate the economic impacts of future warming

    The phonology of loanwords in Ejagham

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    PL8149.E432, ISO 639-3 : etu, Ejagham languag

    English Pronunciation Learning Challenges: A Case study of Mundu EFL learners in Chad

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    The present study aims at investigating the pronunciation components in the prescribed English Language Syllabus for High Schools as well as the pronunciation instruction in some selected High Schools in Moundou, Chad, in order to determine the impact on learners’ production with respect to this phonological feature. The content analysis method was adopted for the investigation. Data were drawn from consultation of the National English Language Syllabus for High Schools in Chad, and 44 English Teachers’ logbooks for the 2021/2022 academic year. These logbooks were collected from 6 Government High Schools in Moundou. Two research questions guided the collection of data which were later on classified, put in numerical data and analysed within the framework of the Factors Affecting Pronunciation Theory. Results of the study revealed a total lack of pronunciation prescription in the English language syllabus and a zero percent representation of pronunciation related lessons in English language classes. Hence, it could be concluded that pronunciation instruction in English language lessons, to a greater extent, has been neglected in some High Schools in Chad. This has created enormous challenges resulting to poor pronunciation, segmental feature errors, and deviances in supra-segments, etc., in the speech production of learners

    Influence du séchage sur le développement des hétérogénéités dans les structures à base de matériaux cimentaires : Impact sur les propriétés mécaniques

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    Ce travail dĂ©crit l’ensemble des phĂ©nomĂšnes qui gouvernent le dĂ©veloppement des hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s dans les structures Ă  base de matĂ©riaux cimentaires lorsqu’elles sont soumises au sĂ©chage ainsi que leur influence sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques du matĂ©riau mis en oeuvre. Il s’agit notamment des facteurs influents tels que la porositĂ©, la teneur en humiditĂ©, le degrĂ© d’hydratation. Tous ces facteurs contribuent Ă  la tenue du matĂ©riau in situ ainsi que son comportement au regard de la  fissuration. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© pour ces matĂ©riaux que, les fissures s’amorcent dans la partie du matĂ©riau qui prĂ©sente les propriĂ©tĂ©s les plus mĂ©diocres et qu’elles se propagent par la suite dans le reste du volume. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la caractĂ©risation et la quantification des gradients de propriĂ©tĂ©s tels que les gradients hydriques, les gradients d’hydratation et les gradients de porositĂ©s. Pour finir nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© leur impact sur l’évolution des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques des matĂ©riaux mis en oeuvre. L’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une parfaite adĂ©quation entre la progression du front de sĂ©chage et les diffĂ©rentes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s observĂ©es en terme de caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques.Mots-clĂ©s : matĂ©riaux cimentaires, bĂ©ton, mortier, sĂ©chage, hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s, propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques

    The Fragility of the Liberal Peace Export to South Sudan: Formal Education Access as a Basis of a Liberal Peace Project

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    This study examines the disjuncture between the policy transposition of the Liberal Peace Project (LPP) in South Sudan from the country's local context. It underlines how deep rooted historical exclusion from social welfare services reinforces political exclusion and exacerbates poor civic engagement among different ethnicities in the country causing a constant relapse to violence. The study combines a qualitative review of data from Afrobarometer, the National Democratic Institute, international NGOs, and South Sudan's government reports within depth interviews and participants' observation. The research finds that restricted access to formal education alongside the conservative and orthodox approaches to peacebuilding, which broadly focus on centralised urban political institutions and exclude diverse local needs and preferences, limit citizenship participation to elections and preclude an equitable social order in South Sudan, establishing a continuum of fragile authoritarian peace, institutional peace and constitutional peace. In an emancipatory approach, the study proposes a framework that prioritizes an extended access to primary and post-primary vocational education as a more credible establishment for sustainable civil peace in the country. The LPP by the international community needs to be tailored to enhance the political will of the South Sudan government to extend free primary education access, incentivize primary education with school feeding programmes and to invigorate vocational training curricula. These will yield civil peace dividends, which avert South Sudan's structural source of relapse into violence with sustainable disincentives. Apart from women's empowerment through education and in all spheres of life, the government needs to ensure sustainability by guaranteeing a sustainable future for the present and for returning refugees by reducing the effects of climate change so as to cope with the increasing pressure on natural resources
