16 research outputs found

    Je fais crise d’angoisse sur crise d’angoisse, de pire en pire : comment intensifier la peur dans le discours sur la « fin du monde »

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    This paper analyses the comments of internet users related to the news about the end of the world on the 21st of December, 2012. We consider which linguistic constructions allow fear to intensify. We indicate a semantic model of intensification which corresponds to the causative construction: Si Intens causes Si intens [very p (quality / condition)] causes [very q (act / new condition)], constituting the basis for the linguistic expression of fear. Because the end of the world is an unimaginable event, it causes fear – a primary and universal emotion. Surfers exploit various (formal, lexical, graphic, etc.) procedures which provide an opportunity for the feelings of fear to intensify. The intensification of the cause (approaching end of the world) provokes an intensification of the consequence (feeling of fear). The analysis is part of the work of the research group DiSEM (Discourse Semantics Inference) composed of researchers from the Pedagogical University of Cracow.This paper analyses the comments of internet users related to the news about the end of the world on the 21st of December, 2012. We consider which linguistic constructions allow fear to intensify. We indicate a semantic model of intensification which corresponds to the causative construction: Si Intens causes Si intens [very p (quality / condition)] causes [very q (act / new condition)], constituting the basis for the linguistic expression of fear. Because the end of the world is an unimaginable event, it causes fear – a primary and universal emotion. Surfers exploit various (formal, lexical, graphic, etc.) procedures which provide an opportunity for the feelings of fear to intensify. The intensification of the cause (approaching end of the world) provokes an intensification of the consequence (feeling of fear). The analysis is part of the work of the research group DiSEM (Discourse Semantics Inference) composed of researchers from the Pedagogical University of Cracow

    CrĂ©er un flou rĂ©fĂ©rentiel : l’analyse de la structure pronom indĂ©fini on + V et de ses Ă©quivalents polonais sur l’exemple des textes fantastiques

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    The starting point for the discussion is the statement that fantasy is born in the language. Among the linguistic measures that create the ‘crack’ in reality indefinite pronouns can be found. They make it possible to form the reference ambiguity/inaccuracy. Our aim is to describe linguistic mechanisms which conceal the perpetrator of action. This is why reflection on the structure indefinite pronoun + V and its Polish equivalents in the corpus of fantasy texts is offered. The purpose of the analysis is not to systematically describe the use of this structure. It is crucial to present the most important contexts in which the structure is present. The choice of corpus is a particularly important matter with regard to the obtained results. We would like to show that the structure indefinite pronoun on + V is one of the invariants of fantasy literature.The starting point for the discussion is the statement that fantasy is born in the language. Among the linguistic measures that create the ‘crack’ in reality indefinite pronouns can be found. They make it possible to form the reference ambiguity/inaccuracy. Our aim is to describe linguistic mechanisms which conceal the perpetrator of action. This is why reflection on the structure indefinite pronoun + V and its Polish equivalents in the corpus of fantasy texts is offered. The purpose of the analysis is not to systematically describe the use of this structure. It is crucial to present the most important contexts in which the structure is present. The choice of corpus is a particularly important matter with regard to the obtained results. We would like to show that the structure indefinite pronoun on + V is one of the invariants of fantasy literature

    How to define fantasy - fantastic and other theories of fantasy

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    The aim of this paper is to define fantasy through juxtaposing, comparing and sorting existing definitions. Taking into consideration elements of fantasy, such as ambiguity and insecurity, a crack in everyday life and the anxiety of the indefinable, the most controversial issues in fantasy were discussed. In the end, a new pattern of relations between fantasy, fabulousness, sciencefiction, and magic was suggested.The aim of this paper is to define fantasy through juxtaposing, comparing and sorting existing definitions. Taking into consideration elements of fantasy, such as ambiguity and insecurity, a crack in everyday life and the anxiety of the indefinable, the most controversial issues in fantasy were discussed. In the end, a new pattern of relations between fantasy, fabulousness, sciencefiction, and magic was suggested

    Description de quelques procĂ©dĂ©s linguistiques de l’ironie, par le biais des tweets sur les transports en commun en français et en polonais

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    Irony is a complex phenomenon. Even though the numerous theories of irony differ from one another, they all seem to agree on the fact that irony implies certain contradiction / discrepancy / inconsistency between what is said and the reality. The purpose of this paper is to describe the language criteria of irony. The studies are contrastive character (French and Polish corpora of tweets about public transport). In the first phase of the study based on contrastive linguistic analysis, we will answer the following questions: What are the language criteria of irony? Are they identical for both languages? The research will help to expand the knowledge of automatic processing of natural language and, more precisely, in the analysis of text data and searching in texts.Irony is a complex phenomenon. Even though the numerous theories of irony differ from one another, they all seem to agree on the fact that irony implies certain contradiction / discrepancy / inconsistency between what is said and the reality. The purpose of this paper is to describe the language criteria of irony. The studies are contrastive character (French and Polish corpora of tweets about public transport). In the first phase of the study based on contrastive linguistic analysis, we will answer the following questions: What are the language criteria of irony? Are they identical for both languages? The research will help to expand the knowledge of automatic processing of natural language and, more precisely, in the analysis of text data and searching in texts

    How to define fantasy - fantastic and other theories of fantasy

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    The aim of this paper is to define fantasy through juxtaposing, comparing and sorting existing definitions. Taking into consideration elements of fantasy, such as ambiguity and insecurity, a crack in everyday life and the anxiety of the indefinable, the most controversial issues in fantasy were discussed. In the end, a new pattern of relations between fantasy, fabulousness, sciencefiction, and magic was suggested

    L’intertexte dans le roman policier

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    Notre objectif est de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur la fonction des genres inclus dans le roman policier. Nous allons appuyer notre analyse sur deux intertextes : l’interrogatoire qui fait partie intĂ©grale de l’enquĂȘte policiĂšre et le fait divers qui appartient au discours journalistique. Nous considĂ©rons les deux comme des marqueurs gĂ©nĂ©riques ouvrant l’accĂšs Ă  des scĂšnes constitutives du roman policier. Nous tenons Ă  montrer comment les parcours intertextuels modifient les fonctions des genres

    Les difficultĂ©s de l’extraction automatique de l’ironie

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    Identifier l’ironie ?

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