4,359 research outputs found

    Perturbations of Dark Solitons

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    A method for approximating dark soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation under the influence of perturbations is presented. The problem is broken into an inner region, where core of the soliton resides, and an outer region, which evolves independently of the soliton. It is shown that a shelf develops around the soliton which propagates with speed determined by the background intensity. Integral relations obtained from the conservation laws of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation are used to approximate the shape of the shelf. The analysis is developed for both constant and slowly evolving backgrounds. A number of problems are investigated including linear and nonlinear damping type perturbations

    Data processing method for a weak, moving telemetry signal

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    Method of processing data from a spacecraft, where the carrier has a low signal-to-noise ratio and wide unpredictable frequency shifts, consists of analogue recording of the noisy signal along with a high-frequency tone that is used as a clock to trigger a digitizer

    Phylogeny and systematics of the Coleoidea

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    15 p., 4 fig.http://paleo.ku.edu/contributions.htm

    Collaboration and contestation in further and higher education partnerships in England: a Bourdieusian field analysis

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    Internationally, ‘College for All’ policies are creating new forms of vocational higher education (HE), and shifting relationships between HE and further education (FE) institutions. In this paper, we consider the way in which this is being implemented in England, drawing on a detailed qualitative case study of a regional HE–FE partnership to widen participation. We focus on the complex mix of collaboration and contestation that arose within it, and how these affected socially differentiated groups of students following high- and low-status routes through its provision. We outline Bourdieu’s concept of ‘field’ as a framework for our analysis and interpretation, including its theoretical ambiguities regarding the definition and scale of fields. Through hermeneutic dialogue between data and theory, we tentatively suggest that such partnerships represent bridges between HE and FE. These bridges are strong between higher-status institutions, but highly contested between lower-status institutions competing closely for distinction. We conclude that the trajectories and outcomes for socially disadvantaged students require attention and collective action to address the inequalities they face, and that our theoretical approach may have wider international relevance beyond the English case

    Research on irrigation of corn and soybeans at Conesville and Ankeny, Iowa, 1951 to 1955

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    Irrigation in the humid and semihumid sections of the United States has increased manyfold since World War II. Before this, irrigation was confined principally to the more arid western states. Some of the reasons for the spread to more humid areas were the development of portable lightweight aluminum pipe and couplers, moderately high farm prices, occurrence of several drouthy seasons, increased use of fertilizers and development of better crop varieties. Drouths in various portions of the state in 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956 have prompted many farmers to buy irrigation equipment. A 1953 survey in Iowa showed that only 55 farmers were irrigating about 3,600 acres. Twenty-two of these farmers were in Muscatine County where irrigation is used on vegetable crops. Two years later, in 1955, another survey indicated that 250 farmers were irrigating approximately 15,000 acres. Indications are that irrigation will continue to increase, particularly along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Along the Missouri River there are about 600,000 acres of bottomland. Most of this area needs better surface drainage. Without too much additional cost, land which is surface drained can be shaped for surface irrigation. Because of good ground water supplies, this area has a high irrigation potential. These conditions also exist to a more limited extent along other major Iowa streams

    Open Space – a collaborative process for facilitating Tourism IT partnerships

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    The success of IT projects depends on the success of the partnerships on which they are based. However past research by the author has identified a significant rate of failure in these partnerships, predominantly due to an overly technical mindset, leading to the question: “how do we ensure that, as technological solutions are implemented within tourism, due consideration is given to human-centred issues?” The tourism partnership literature is explored for additional insights revealing that issues connected with power, participation and normative positions play a major role. The method, Open Space, is investigated for its ability to engage stakeholders in free and open debate. This paper reports on a one-day Open Space event sponsored by two major intermediaries in the UK travel industry who wanted to consult their business partners. Both the running of the event and its results reveal how Open Space has the potential to address some of the weaknesses associated with tourism partnerships
