290 research outputs found

    Crack barriers improve the mechanical and thermal properties of non-metallic sinter materials

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    Means of improving the tensile strength of ceramic composites by introducing ductile intermediate layers capable of absorbing the elastic energy at the rupture front are studied. Tests with an Al203 laminate with niobium inclusions showed that crack propagation could be successfully precluded by dissipation of the energy by deformation and/or delamination at the inclusion/matrix interface

    Evaluation of a magnetic resonance-compatible dentoalveolar tactile stimulus device

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few methods exist to study central nervous system processes following dentoalveolar tactile stimulation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), likely due to inherent technical difficulties. Our primary goal was to develop and perform feasibility testing of a novel device capable of delivering valid and reliable dentoalveolar stimuli at dental chair-side and during MRI. Details of a device designed to deliver dentoalveolar dynamic pressure stimuli are described. Device testing took place in three settings: a) laboratory testing to assess range of stimulus force intensities, b) dental chair-side to assess reliability, validity and discriminant ability in force-pain relationship; and c) MRI to evaluate magnetic compatibility and ability to evoke brain activation in painfree subjects similar to those described in the literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A novel device capable of delivering valid and reliable dentoalveolar somatosensory stimulation was developed (ICC = 0.89, 0.78-1 [95% CI]). Psychophysical data analysis showed high discriminant ability in differentiating painfree controls from cases with chronic dentoalveolar pain related to deafferenting dental procedures (sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 86.7%, area under ROC curve = 0.99). FMRI results of dentoalveolar dynamic pressure pain in painfree subjects revealed activation of brain areas typically associated with acute pain processing including thalamus, primary/secondary somatosensory, insular and prefrontal cortex.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A novel psychophysical method to deliver dynamic dentoalveolar pressure stimulation was developed and validated, allowing non-invasive MRI-based exploration of central nervous system function in response to intraoral somatosensation.</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The organization of the trigeminal system is unique as it provides somatosensory innervation to the face, masticatory and oral structures, the majority of the intracranial contents <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> and to specialized structures (tongue, nasal mucosa, auricle, tympanic membrane, cornea and part of the conjunctiva) <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp>. Somatic sensory information transmitted by the trigeminal nerve is crucial for normal orofacial function; however, the mechanisms of many chronic pain conditions affecting areas innervated by this sensory system are not well understood <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr><abbr bid="B4">4</abbr><abbr bid="B5">5</abbr></abbrgrp>. The clinical presentation of chronic intraoral pain in the area of a tooth or in a site formally occupied by a tooth with no clinical or radiological signs of pathology, referred to as atypical odontalgia (AO) <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B6">6</abbr><abbr bid="B7">7</abbr></abbrgrp>, is one such chronic pain condition of particular interest to dentists that is difficult to diagnose and manage. Recent research suggests both peripheral and central nervous system mechanisms being involved in AO pathophysiology <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B8">8</abbr><abbr bid="B9">9</abbr><abbr bid="B10">10</abbr></abbrgrp>, but the majority of mechanism-based research of patients with AO has focused on the "peripheral aspect" <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B7">7</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an established research technique to study the central aspects of pain <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B11">11</abbr></abbrgrp>. Of existing neuroimaging techniques, fMRI provides good spatial resolution of cortical and subcortical structures critical in the processing of nociception, acceptable temporal resolution, does not involve ionizing radiation, and can be performed using most MRI systems that already exist in research centers and the community. For these reasons, we sought to develop a protocol that allows us to use this tool to investigate the central mechanisms involved in the processes of intraoral pain arising from the dentoalveolar region. Using this device, our long-term objective is to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of persistent dentoalveolar pain.</p> <p>In the past few years several studies used fMRI to investigate the human trigeminal system <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B12">12</abbr><abbr bid="B13">13</abbr></abbrgrp>, with a limited subset focusing on intraoral stimulation - specifically on the dentoalveolar processes, such as lip, tongue and teeth stimulation <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B14">14</abbr></abbrgrp> or only teeth <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B15">15</abbr><abbr bid="B16">16</abbr><abbr bid="B17">17</abbr></abbrgrp>. Some reasons for scarce literature on this topic may be the technical challenges involved in delivering facial/intraoral stimulation inside a MR scanner <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B17">17</abbr><abbr bid="B18">18</abbr></abbrgrp>: possibility of magnetic interference, detriment of image quality, subject discomfort and reduced working space between the subject's head and the radiofrequency coil. As a consequence a MR-compatible device would need to not only overcome these challenges but also be capable of delivering a controlled and reproducible stimuli <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B19">19</abbr></abbrgrp>, as reliability/reproducibility is a necessary feature of sensory testing <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B20">20</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Existing MR-compatible methods of dentoalveolar stimulation are limited and do not adequately deliver stimuli across a range of non-painful to painful intensities and/or cannot be adjusted to reach posterior aspects of the dentoalveolar region. Therefore our goal was to develop and test the feasibility of a device able to: 1) provide reliable and valid dentoalveolar stimuli, 2) deliver such stimulation within the restricted space of an MR head coil, 3) be compatible for use within an MR environment, and 4) produce brain activation in painfree controls consistent to those observed by others using fMRI.</p

    A selected ion flow tube study of the ion-molecule reactions of monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene

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    Data for the rate coefficients and product cations of the reactions of a large number of atomic and small molecular cations with monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene in a selected ion flow tube at 298 K are reported. The recombination energy of the ions range from 6.27 eV (H3_3O+^+) through to 21.56 eV (Ne+^+). Collisional rate coefficients are calculated by modified average dipole orientation theory and compared with experimental values. Thermochemistry and mass balance predict the most feasible neutral products. Together with previously reported results for the three isomers of dichloroethene (J. Phys. Chem. A., 2006, 110, 5760), the fragment ion branching ratios have been compared with those from threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy over the photon energy range 9-22 eV to determine the importance or otherwise of long-range charge transfer. For ions with recombination energy in excess of the ionisation energy of the chloroethene, charge transfer is energetically allowed. The similarity of the branching ratios from the two experiments suggest that long-range charge transfer is dominant. For ions with recombination energy less than the ionisation energy, charge transfer is not allowed; chemical reaction can only occur following formation of an ion-molecule complex, where steric effects are more significant. The products that are now formed and their percentage yield is a complex interplay between the number and position of the chlorine atoms with respect to the C=C bond, where inductive and conjugation effects can be important

    A typology of modifications to peer support work for adults with mental health problems:systematic review

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    © The Authors 2020. Background Peer support work roles are being implemented internationally, and increasingly in lower-resource settings. However, there is no framework to inform what types of modifications are needed to address local contextual and cultural aspects. Aims To conduct a systematic review identifying a typology of modifications to peer support work for adults with mental health problems. Method We systematically reviewed the peer support literature following PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews (registered on PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews) on 24 July 2018: CRD42018094832). All study designs were eligible and studies were selected according to the stated eligibility criteria and analysed with standardised critical appraisal tools. A narrative synthesis was conducted to identify types of, and rationales for modifications. Results A total of 15 300 unique studies were identified, from which 39 studies were included with only one from a low-resource setting. Six types of modifications were identified: role expectations; initial training; type of contact; role extension; workplace support for peer support workers; and recruitment. Five rationales for modifications were identified: to provide best possible peer support; to best meet service user needs; to meet organisational needs, to maximise role clarity; and to address socioeconomic issues. Conclusions Peer support work is modified in both pre-planned and unplanned ways when implemented. Considering each identified modification as a candidate change will lead to a more systematic consideration of whether and how to modify peer support in different settings. Future evaluative research of modifiable versus non-modifiable components of peer support work is needed to understand the modifications needed for implementation among different mental health systems and cultural settings. Declaration of interest None

    Self-management programmes in temporomandibular disorders: results from an international Delphi process

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    Self-management (SM) programmes are commonly used for initial treatment of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The programmes described in the literature, however, vary widely with no consistency in terminology used, components of care or their definitions. The aims of this study were therefore to construct an operationalised definition of self-management appropriate for the treatment of patients with TMD, identify the components of that self-management currently being used and create sufficiently clear and non-overlapping standardised definitions for each of those components. A four-round Delphi process with eleven international experts in the field of TMD was conducted to achieve these aims. In the first round, the participants agreed upon six principal concepts of self-management. In the remaining three rounds, consensus was achieved upon the definition and the six components of self-management. The main components identified and agreed upon by the participants to constitute the core of a SM programme for TMD were as follows: education; jaw exercises; massage; thermal therapy; dietary advice and nutrition; and parafunctional behaviour identification, monitoring and avoidance. This Delphi process has established the principal concepts of self-management, and a standardised definition has been agreed with the following components for use in clinical practice: education; self-exercise; self-massage; thermal therapy; dietary advice and nutrition; and parafunctional behaviour identification, monitoring and avoidance. The consensus-derived concepts, definitions and components of SM offer a starting point for further research to advance the evidence base for, and clinical utility of, TMD SM

    Association between soy and green tea (Camellia sinensis) diminishes hypercholesterolemia and increases total plasma antioxidant potential in dyslipidemic subjects.

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    One hundred dyslipidemic individuals were allocated into four groups. The soy group ingested 50 g of soy (kinako) daily, and the green tea group ingested 3 g of green tea in 500 mL of water per day. A third group ingested 50 g of soy and 3 g of green tea daily, and the control group had a hypocholesterolemic diet. Evaluations were performed at baseline and after 45 and 90 d. Plasma levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, and triacylglycerols were evaluated by automated methods. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol was calculated using the Friedewald equation. LDL was isolated by ultracentrifugation. Total plasma antioxidant capacity and plasma levels of total lipid hydroperoxides and those linked to LDL were evaluated by chemiluminescence. The results were expressed as median values and their 25th to 75th percentiles, with a 5% level of significance.Nome correto do segundo autor: MANDARINO, J. M. G

    Frequency of Nonodontogenic Pain after Endodontic Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Little is known about ill-defined pain that persists following endodontic procedures, including an estimate of the problem’s magnitude. We conducted a systematic review of prospective studies that reported the frequency of non-odontogenic pain in patients who had undergone endodontic procedures

    Frequency of Persistent Tooth Pain after Root Canal Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Little is known about the frequency of persistent pain after endodontic procedures, even though pain is a core patient-oriented outcome. We estimated the frequency of persistent pain, regardless of etiology, following endondontic treatment

    Frequency of Persistent Tooth Pain after Root Canal Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Little is known about the frequency of persistent pain after endodontic procedures, even though pain is a core patient-oriented outcome. We estimated the frequency of persistent pain, regardless of etiology, following endondontic treatment

    Fuzzy modelling of acid mine drainage environments using geochemical, ecological and mineralogical indicators

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    Fuzzy logic was applied to model acid mine drainage (AMD) and to obtain a classification index of the environmental impact in a contaminated riverine system. The data set used to develop this fuzzy model (a fuzzy classifier) concerns an abandoned mine in Northern Portugal— Valdarcas mining site. Here, distinctive drainage environments (spatial patterns) can be observed based on the AMD formed in the sulphide-rich waste-dumps. Such environments were established, as the effluent flows through the mining area, using several kinds of indicators. These are physical–chemical, ecological and mineralogical parameters, being expressed in a quantitative or qualitative basis. The fuzzy classifier proposed in this paper is a min– max fuzzy inference system, representing the spatial behaviour of those indicators, using the AMD environments as patterns. As they represent different levels (classes) of contamination, the fuzzy classifier can be used as a tool, allowing a more reasonable approach, compared with classical models, to characterize the environmental impact caused by AMD. In a general way it can be applied to other sites where sulphide-rich waste-dumps are promoting the pollution of superficial water through the generation of AMD