9 research outputs found
Evaluation of Periodontal Parameters in Patients with Early Stage Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Svrha rada: Procjenjivao se parodontni status ispitanika s KLL-om u ranom stadiju i usporeÄivao s parodontnim statusom zdravih ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini te analizirala veza izmeÄu parodontoloÅ”kih i hematoloÅ”kih parametara bolesnika s KLL-om. Materijali i metode: Pregledano je 60 ispitanika: 30 oboljelih od KLL-a ā u stadiju Rai 0 (ispitna skupina) te 30 zdravih osoba iste životne dobi (kontrolna skupina). Kriteriji za iskljuÄivanje bili su: postojanje neke druge sistemske bolesti ili stanja (npr. dijabetes), veÄ provedena parodontna terapija, lijeÄenje antibioticima tijekom posljednja tri mjeseca i uzimanje lijekova. Socijalno-demografski podatci prikupljeni su upitnikom. Ispitanicima s najmanje osam zuba obavljen je kompletan parodontoloÅ”ki pregled i odreÄeni su API, PBI, PPD, REC i CAL. Medicinski podatci oboljelih od KLL-a preuzeti su iz njihove medicinske dokumentacije, a hematoloÅ”ki parametri oÄitani su iz nalaza krvne pretrage. Rezultati: Skupine su se meÄusobno razlikovale s obzirom na dob, broj zuba i uÄestalost odlazaka stomatologu (p 0,05), nego samo za REC (F = 4,601; p 0,05). ZakljuÄak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da su oboljeli od KLL-a imali loÅ”iji parodontni status negoli zdravi ispitanici. UzroÄno-posljediÄna veza izmeÄu parodontoloÅ”kih i hematoloÅ”kih parametara nije dokazana.Objective: To assess periodontal conditions in patients with early stage CLL and to compare it with the periodontal status of age matched healthy controls and to analyze the relationship between periodontal and hematological parameters in CLL patients. Materials and Methods: 60 subjects were examined: 30 patients with CLL Rai 0 (test group) and 30 age-matching healthy individuals (control group). The exclusion criteria were: presence of other systemic disease or condition (e.g. diabetes), history of treatment for periodontitis, use of antibiotics during the last 3 months, use of medications. Socio-demographic data were obtained by means of a questionnaire. Participants with at least 8 teeth underwent a full mouth examination assessing API, PBI, PPD, REC and CAL. Medical data for CLL patients were collected from the patientsā records, while hematological data were obtained from the hemogram. Results: Difference between groups was statistically significant for age, number of teeth and frequency of dental checkups (p0.05), only for REC (F=4.601; p0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that patients with CLL had worse periodontal status compared to healthy subjects. Causal relationship between periodontal and hematological parameters was not proved
Aspect of nursing care for patients undergoing surgery for infective endocarditis
Infektivni endokarditis ostaje rijetko stanje, ali ono s visokim povezanim morbiditetom i
smrtnoÅ”Äu. Sa starenjem stanovniÅ”tva i sve veÄom upotrebom implantabilnih srÄanih ureÄaja i srÄanih
zalistaka, epidemiologija infektivnog endokarditisa se promijenila. Rana kliniÄka sumnja i brza dijagnoza
kljuÄni su kako bi se omoguÄio pristup ispravnim putovima lijeÄenja i smanjila stopa komplikacija i
smrtnosti. KliniÄka prezentacija infektivnog endokarditisa vrlo je promjenjiva i može predstavljati akutno,
subakutno ili kroniÄno stanje koje odražava promjenjive uzroÄne mikroorganizme, temeljna srÄana stanja i
veÄ postojeÄe komorbiditete. Kod veÄine bolesnika prisutno je s vruÄicom, noÄnim znojenjem, umorom te
gubitkom težine i apetita. Dijagnozu infektivnog endokarditisa kod kardiokirurŔkih bolesnika treba pažljivo
razmotriti kod onih koji imaju predisponirajuÄe Äimbenike rizika, Å”um na srcu, vaskularne i emboliÄke
pojave povezane s infektivnim endokarditisom Antimikrobna terapija opÄenito se ne bi trebala zapoÄinjati
dok se ne uzmu tri skupa krvnih kultura. Aspekti sestrinske skrbi vežu se dobroj procijeni, detaljnoj
sestrinskoj anamnezi te pravovremenom reagiranju na sve patoloŔke promijene nakon kardiokirurŔkog
zahvata. Izradom plana zdravstvene njege sestra prevenira moguÄe neželjene dogaÄaje koji mogu ugroziti
život bolesnika i osigurava oporavak bolesnika.Infective endocarditis remains a rare condition, but one with high associated morbidity and
mortality. With the aging of the population and the increasing use of implantable cardiac devices and heart
valves, the epidemiology of infective endocarditis has changed. Early clinical suspicion and rapid diagnosis
are crucial to enable access to the correct treatment pathways and reduce the rate of complications and
mortality. The clinical presentation of infective endocarditis is highly variable and may present as an acute,
subacute, or chronic condition that reflects changing causative microorganisms, underlying cardiac
conditions, and preexisting comorbidities. In most patients, it is present with fever, night sweats, fatigue,
and loss of weight and appetite. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis in cardiac surgical patients should
be carefully considered in those with predisposing risk factors, heart murmurs, vasculitis and embolic
events associated with infective endocarditis Antimicrobial therapy should generally not be initiated until
three sets of blood cultures have been obtained. Aspects of nursing care are related to good assessment,
detailed nursing anamnesis and timely response to all pathological changes after cardiac surgery. By
creating a health care plan, the nurse prevents possible unwanted events that may threaten the patient's life
and ensures the patient's recover
Aspect of nursing care for patients undergoing surgery for infective endocarditis
Infektivni endokarditis ostaje rijetko stanje, ali ono s visokim povezanim morbiditetom i
smrtnoÅ”Äu. Sa starenjem stanovniÅ”tva i sve veÄom upotrebom implantabilnih srÄanih ureÄaja i srÄanih
zalistaka, epidemiologija infektivnog endokarditisa se promijenila. Rana kliniÄka sumnja i brza dijagnoza
kljuÄni su kako bi se omoguÄio pristup ispravnim putovima lijeÄenja i smanjila stopa komplikacija i
smrtnosti. KliniÄka prezentacija infektivnog endokarditisa vrlo je promjenjiva i može predstavljati akutno,
subakutno ili kroniÄno stanje koje odražava promjenjive uzroÄne mikroorganizme, temeljna srÄana stanja i
veÄ postojeÄe komorbiditete. Kod veÄine bolesnika prisutno je s vruÄicom, noÄnim znojenjem, umorom te
gubitkom težine i apetita. Dijagnozu infektivnog endokarditisa kod kardiokirurŔkih bolesnika treba pažljivo
razmotriti kod onih koji imaju predisponirajuÄe Äimbenike rizika, Å”um na srcu, vaskularne i emboliÄke
pojave povezane s infektivnim endokarditisom Antimikrobna terapija opÄenito se ne bi trebala zapoÄinjati
dok se ne uzmu tri skupa krvnih kultura. Aspekti sestrinske skrbi vežu se dobroj procijeni, detaljnoj
sestrinskoj anamnezi te pravovremenom reagiranju na sve patoloŔke promijene nakon kardiokirurŔkog
zahvata. Izradom plana zdravstvene njege sestra prevenira moguÄe neželjene dogaÄaje koji mogu ugroziti
život bolesnika i osigurava oporavak bolesnika.Infective endocarditis remains a rare condition, but one with high associated morbidity and
mortality. With the aging of the population and the increasing use of implantable cardiac devices and heart
valves, the epidemiology of infective endocarditis has changed. Early clinical suspicion and rapid diagnosis
are crucial to enable access to the correct treatment pathways and reduce the rate of complications and
mortality. The clinical presentation of infective endocarditis is highly variable and may present as an acute,
subacute, or chronic condition that reflects changing causative microorganisms, underlying cardiac
conditions, and preexisting comorbidities. In most patients, it is present with fever, night sweats, fatigue,
and loss of weight and appetite. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis in cardiac surgical patients should
be carefully considered in those with predisposing risk factors, heart murmurs, vasculitis and embolic
events associated with infective endocarditis Antimicrobial therapy should generally not be initiated until
three sets of blood cultures have been obtained. Aspects of nursing care are related to good assessment,
detailed nursing anamnesis and timely response to all pathological changes after cardiac surgery. By
creating a health care plan, the nurse prevents possible unwanted events that may threaten the patient's life
and ensures the patient's recover
Aspect of nursing care for patients undergoing surgery for infective endocarditis
Infektivni endokarditis ostaje rijetko stanje, ali ono s visokim povezanim morbiditetom i
smrtnoÅ”Äu. Sa starenjem stanovniÅ”tva i sve veÄom upotrebom implantabilnih srÄanih ureÄaja i srÄanih
zalistaka, epidemiologija infektivnog endokarditisa se promijenila. Rana kliniÄka sumnja i brza dijagnoza
kljuÄni su kako bi se omoguÄio pristup ispravnim putovima lijeÄenja i smanjila stopa komplikacija i
smrtnosti. KliniÄka prezentacija infektivnog endokarditisa vrlo je promjenjiva i može predstavljati akutno,
subakutno ili kroniÄno stanje koje odražava promjenjive uzroÄne mikroorganizme, temeljna srÄana stanja i
veÄ postojeÄe komorbiditete. Kod veÄine bolesnika prisutno je s vruÄicom, noÄnim znojenjem, umorom te
gubitkom težine i apetita. Dijagnozu infektivnog endokarditisa kod kardiokirurŔkih bolesnika treba pažljivo
razmotriti kod onih koji imaju predisponirajuÄe Äimbenike rizika, Å”um na srcu, vaskularne i emboliÄke
pojave povezane s infektivnim endokarditisom Antimikrobna terapija opÄenito se ne bi trebala zapoÄinjati
dok se ne uzmu tri skupa krvnih kultura. Aspekti sestrinske skrbi vežu se dobroj procijeni, detaljnoj
sestrinskoj anamnezi te pravovremenom reagiranju na sve patoloŔke promijene nakon kardiokirurŔkog
zahvata. Izradom plana zdravstvene njege sestra prevenira moguÄe neželjene dogaÄaje koji mogu ugroziti
život bolesnika i osigurava oporavak bolesnika.Infective endocarditis remains a rare condition, but one with high associated morbidity and
mortality. With the aging of the population and the increasing use of implantable cardiac devices and heart
valves, the epidemiology of infective endocarditis has changed. Early clinical suspicion and rapid diagnosis
are crucial to enable access to the correct treatment pathways and reduce the rate of complications and
mortality. The clinical presentation of infective endocarditis is highly variable and may present as an acute,
subacute, or chronic condition that reflects changing causative microorganisms, underlying cardiac
conditions, and preexisting comorbidities. In most patients, it is present with fever, night sweats, fatigue,
and loss of weight and appetite. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis in cardiac surgical patients should
be carefully considered in those with predisposing risk factors, heart murmurs, vasculitis and embolic
events associated with infective endocarditis Antimicrobial therapy should generally not be initiated until
three sets of blood cultures have been obtained. Aspects of nursing care are related to good assessment,
detailed nursing anamnesis and timely response to all pathological changes after cardiac surgery. By
creating a health care plan, the nurse prevents possible unwanted events that may threaten the patient's life
and ensures the patient's recover
Political Role of Women in the Left-wing and Right-wing Parties in Croatia
Od osnutka neovisne Republike Hrvatske žene se bore s niskom stopom zastupljenosti na najviÅ”im politiÄkim položajima. O tome govori podatak da je 1990. godine bilo manje od 5% žena u tada tri predstavniÄka tijela. Na zadnjim parlamentarnim izborima bilo ih je manje od 15%. Udio žena u tom razdoblju raste, meÄutim joÅ” je uvijek ispod praga ravnopravnosti. Potpuno, razvijena demokracija trebala bi osigurati zastupljenost svih interesa te tako i ženskih. Kako politiÄke stranke biraju kandidate odnosno kandidatkinje za politiÄke položaje, uzroci podzastupljenosti žena mogu se tražiti upravo u njima. Bitan Äimbenik kod selekcije kandidata je ideologija politiÄkih stranaka. Desnica zbog konzervativne ideologije najvjerojatnije postavlja manje žena na kandidatske liste od liberalne ljevice koja podupire participaciju žena u politici. Utjecaj ideologije politiÄkih stranaka desnice i ljevice kod selekcije žena u Republici Hrvatskoj nije zanemariv. Razlike meÄu udjelima kandidiranih i izabranih žena desnice i ljevice postoje, meÄutim, i kod desnice i kod ljevice joÅ” su uvijek ispod praga ravnopravnosti. Iako desnica kandidira manje žena od ljevice, u razdoblju od 1990. do 2016. godine u Hrvatskoj i desnica i ljevica na stranaÄkim listama veÄinom kandidira veÄi udio žena nego li ih je bilo izabrano.Since the establishment of the independent Republic of Croatia, women have been struggling with the low levels of representation in top political positions. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1990 there were less than 5% of women in the then three representative bodies. Moreover, there were less than 15% of women in the last parliamentary elections. The proportion of women during this period was increasing, however, it is still below the equality threshold. Fully developed democracy should ensure that all interests, including women, are represented. As political parties select candidates for political positions, the causes of women's low representation may be sought precisely in them. An important factor in the selection of candidates is the ideology of political parties. The right-wing parties' conservative ideology most likely places fewer women on the candidate list than the liberal left-wing parties, which supports women's participation in politics. The influence of the ideology in the selection of women in Croatia is not negligible. The differences between the proportions of candidates and elected women of the right-wing and left-wing parties exist. However, the proportions of women at both are still below the equality threshold. Although the right-wing were running fewer women than the left-wing parties, from 1990 to 2016 in Croatia, both party lists mostly run a larger proportion of women that were elected
Association between periodontitis and liver disease
Recent clinical and scientific evidence confirms the negative impact of long-term periodontitis on the clinical course and progression of various liver diseases. Periodontitis is a chronic, slow-progressing infectious disease of the tooth supporting tissues caused mainly by the gram-negative bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia. These specific pathogens can be easily translocated from oral cavity to the intestine. Disruption of the intestine microbiota composition by orally derived periodontal pathogenic bacteria has recently been suggested to be a causal mechanism between periodontitis and liver disease. Furthermore, both diseases have the ability to induce an inflammatory response and lead to the creation of inflammatory mediators through which they may influence each other.
Recent epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that individuals with liver cirrhosis have considerably poorer periodontal clinical parameters than those without cirrhosis. Periodontal therapy in cirrhosis patients favorably modulates oral and gut microbiome, the course of systemic inflammation, cirrhosis prognostic factors, and cognitive function. Therefore, future clinical researches should be focused on detailed examination of the biological mechanisms, strength and direction of the association between advanced liver disease and periodontitis