8 research outputs found

    Solar and climate signal records in tree ring width from Chile (AD 1587-1994)

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    Abstract Tree growth rings represent an important natural record of past climate variations and solar activity effects registered on them. We performed in this study a wavelet analysis of tree ring samples of Pilgerodendron cupressoides species, from Glaciar Pio XI (Lat: 49112 0 S; 74155 0 W; Alt: 25 m), Chile. We obtained an average chronology of about 400 years from these trees. The 11-yr solar cycle was present during the whole period in tree ring data, being more intense during Maunder minimum (1645-1715). The short-term periods, around 2-7 yr, that were found are more likely associated with ENSO effects. Further, we found significant periods around 52 and 80-100 yr. These periodicities are coincident with the fourth harmonic (52 yr) of the Suess cycle (208 yr) and Gleissberg (80100yr)solarcycles.Therefore,thepresentanalysisshowsevidenceofsolaractivityeffect/modulationonclimaticconditionsthataffecttreeringgrowth.Althoughwecannotsaywiththepresentanalysisifthiseffectisonlocal,regionalorglobalclimate,theseresultsaddevidencetoanimportantroleofsolaractivityoverterrestrialclimateoverthepast80-100 yr) solar cycles. Therefore, the present analysis shows evidence of solar activity effect/modulation on climatic conditions that affect tree ring growth. Although we cannot say with the present analysis if this effect is on local, regional or global climate, these results add evidence to an important role of solar activity over terrestrial climate over the past 400 yr.

    South Tropical Atlantic anti-phase response to Holocene Bond Events

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    Erreur d'affiliation pour M. BOUSSAFIR qui est affecté à l'Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans - UMR 7327International audienceRecords of the climatic impacts of the North Atlantic Bond cycles over the subtropical Southern Hemisphere re-main scarce, and their mechanism is a topic of active discussion. We present here an alkenone-based reconstruct-ed sea surface temperature (SST) of a sediment core retrieved from the Brazilian Southwestern Tropical Atlantic (SWTA), Rio de Janeiro, together with a sediment SST record from the Cariaco Basin. The sediment cores span the period 2,100 B.P. – 11,100 B.P. Morlet-wavelet analysis detected marked periodic signals of ~ 0.8, ~ 1.7 and ~2.2 kyr, very similar and with comparable phases to the hematite-stained-grain time series from the Northern North Atlantic in which the cyclic pattern was recognized as Bond cycles. Our result corroborates the modeled surface ocean anti-phase thermal relation between the North and the South Atlantic. We attribute this behavior to the slowing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The relative SST warming at Rio de Janeiro and the relative cooling at Cariaco were comparatively more pronounced during the early Holocene (from 11 to 5 kyr B.P.) than in more recent time

    South Tropical Atlantic anti-phase response to Holocene Bond Events

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    Erreur d'affiliation pour M. BOUSSAFIR qui est affecté à l'Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans - UMR 7327International audienceRecords of the climatic impacts of the North Atlantic Bond cycles over the subtropical Southern Hemisphere re-main scarce, and their mechanism is a topic of active discussion. We present here an alkenone-based reconstruct-ed sea surface temperature (SST) of a sediment core retrieved from the Brazilian Southwestern Tropical Atlantic (SWTA), Rio de Janeiro, together with a sediment SST record from the Cariaco Basin. The sediment cores span the period 2,100 B.P. – 11,100 B.P. Morlet-wavelet analysis detected marked periodic signals of ~ 0.8, ~ 1.7 and ~2.2 kyr, very similar and with comparable phases to the hematite-stained-grain time series from the Northern North Atlantic in which the cyclic pattern was recognized as Bond cycles. Our result corroborates the modeled surface ocean anti-phase thermal relation between the North and the South Atlantic. We attribute this behavior to the slowing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The relative SST warming at Rio de Janeiro and the relative cooling at Cariaco were comparatively more pronounced during the early Holocene (from 11 to 5 kyr B.P.) than in more recent time

    Reconstruction and searching ozone data periodicities in southern Brazil (29ºS, 53ºW) Reconstrução e procura de periodicidades nos dados de ozonio região sul do Brasil (29ºS, 53ºW)

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    Ozone plays a very important role in the nature due its characteristics as a natural filter of ultraviolet solar radiation. Thus, it is pertinent for the scientific community to understand all natural influence factors involving ozone along with a large time series. In this work, a reconstruction of ozone time series obtained by Brewer spectrophotometer from 1994 to 2008 at the Southern Space Observatory (SSO) - 29ºS, 53ºW - Southern Brazil is presented. TOMS-OMI data were used to follow the days without data, where a coefficient of correlation between TOMS-OMI and Brewer is acceptable around r = 0.89. Besides, wavelet analysis to determine the temporal evolution of the frequencies and the amplitudes was applied. Moreover, wavelet analysis aiming to determine the temporal evolution of the frequencies and the amplitudes was performed. The results pointed a period of 365 days (1 yr) for the seasonal variation of ozone, of 600 days attributed for a possible QBO influence and two periods of 2000 and other 4000 days regarding possibly to the second harmonic of the 11-year solar cycle.O ozônio tem um papel muito importante na natureza devido as suas características como um filtro natural da radiação solar ultravioleta. Portanto, é pertinente para a comunidade científica compreender todos os fatores de influência natural envolvendo ozônio ao longo das séries temporais de grande porte. Neste trabalho, uma reconstrução da série temporal do ozônio obtido pelo espectrofotômetro Brewer 1994-2008 no Observatório Espacial do Sul (29 º S, 53 º W) - Sul do Brasil é apresentado. Os dados do TOMS-OMI foram usados para completar os dias sem dados, onde um coeficiente de correlação entre TOMS-OMI e Brewer é aceitável, em torno de r=0,89. Além disso, foi aplicada a análise de ondeletas para determinar a evolução temporal das frequências e das amplitudes. Os resultados apontam um período de 365 dias (ou 1 ano) para a variação sazonal do ozônio, um período de 600 dias para uma possível influência QBO e dois períodos, um de 2000 e outro de 4.000 dias referentes ao segundo harmônico do ciclo solar de 11 anos e 11 Ciclo de ano solar