145 research outputs found

    The Idea of Home in a World of Circulation: Steam, Women and Migration through Bhojpuri Folksongs

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    The historical juncture of the 1840s to 1860s witnessed three developments: first, the introduction of the new means of communication (steamships and railways); second, new industrial and plantation investments in and outside of India, creating demand for labour; and third, the expansion of a print culture that went beyond the urban elite domain to reflect the world of small towns and villages. In this constellation of social, economic, and technological changes, this article looks at the idea of home, construction of womanhood and the interlaced lifecycles of migrant men and non-migrant women in a period of Indian history marked by “circulation”. Moving away from the predominant focus on migrant men, the article attempts to recreate the social world of non-migrant women left behind in the villages of northern and eastern India. While engaging with the framework of circulation, the article calls for it to be redesigned to allow histories of mobility and immobility, male and female and villages and cities to appear in the same analytical field. Although migration has been reasonably well explored, the issue of marriage is inadequately addressed in South Asian migration studies. “Separated conjugality” is one aspect of this, and the displacement of young girls from their natal home to in-laws’ is another. Through the use of Bhojpuri folksongs, the article brings together migration and marriage as two important social events to understand the different but interlaced lifecycles of gendered (im)mobilities.Der historische Wendepunkt der 1840er bis 1850er Jahre brachte drei Entwicklungen mit sich: erstens die EinfĂŒhrung neuer Kommunikationsmittel (Dampfschiffe und Eisenbahnen); zweitens neue industrielle und plantagenwirtschaftliche Investitionen innerhalb und außerhalb Indiens; drittens eine Ausweitung des Druckwesens, das ĂŒber die stĂ€dtische Elite hinauszureichen und die Welt der KleinstĂ€dte und Dörfer miteinzubeziehen begann. Ausgehend von dieser Konstellation gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und technischen Wandels untersucht der Artikel Vorstellungen von Heimat, Konstrukte der Weiblichkeit sowie die ineinander verzahnten Lebenszyklen migrantischer MĂ€nner und nicht-migrantischer Frauen in einer von "Zirkulation" geprĂ€gten Epoche der indischen Geschichte. Vom gĂ€ngigen Fokus auf migrantische MĂ€nner wird Abstand genommen, um die soziale Welt der in den Dörfern des nördlichen und östlichen Indien zurĂŒckgelassenen, nicht-migrantischen Frauen zu rekonstruieren. Von dem am Zirkulationsbegriff orientierten konzeptionellen Rahmen wird zwar Gebrauch gemacht, doch wird zugleich dazu aufgerufen, ihn derart neu zu entwickeln, dass Geschichten der MobilitĂ€t und der ImmobilitĂ€t, des MĂ€nnlichen und des Weiblichen, der Dörfer und der StĂ€dte im selben analytischen Feld sichtbar gemacht werden können. Die Migration ist zwar vergleichsweise grĂŒndlich erforscht worden, doch die Frage der Ehe wird in Untersuchungen zur sĂŒdasiatischen Migration bislang nicht hinreichend berĂŒcksichtigt. Der "getrennte Ehestand" ist ein Aspekt davon, der Umzug junger MĂ€dchen von ihrem Geburtsort in die Heimat ihrer angeheirateten Verwandten ein anderer. Anhand von Bhojpuri-Volksliedern setzt der Artikel Migration und Ehe als zwei bedeutende gesellschaftliche Ereignisse zueinander in Beziehung, um so die unterschiedlichen aber ineinander verzahnten Lebenszyklen genderspezifischer (Im-)MobilitĂ€ten zu begreifen

    Railway Imperialism.: A Small Town Perspective on Global History, Jamalpur, 1860s–1900s

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    Jamalpur ist eine der Ă€ltesten EisenbahnstĂ€dte in Indien. Dieser Artikel befasst sich anhand von GrĂŒndungsgeschichten der Stadt mit den ersten vier Jahrzehnten ihres Bestehens (860er– 900er Jahre), um so das Zusammenspiel der stadtspezifischen, regionalen und imperialen Faktoren, die das Entstehen der Stadt geprĂ€gt haben, zu verstehen. Er konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die Spannungen zwischen einer imperialen Politik der Abschottung und der moralischen Überlegenheit einer ‚weißen Arbeiterklasse‘ einerseits und der Angewiesenheit auf andere Bevölkerungsgruppen in der Stadt, der Region und dem Empire andererseits. Es wird argumentiert, dass es notwendig ist, ĂŒber einen Lokal-Global-Gegensatz hinwegzukommen, um sowohl Einzelheiten als auch ZusammenhĂ€nge verstehen zu können. Der Artikel fordert dazu auf, Prozesse und Mechanismen zu lokalisieren und zu analysieren, die nicht nur Verbindungen und scheinbare Einheitlichkeit, sondern auch Abgrenzungen und BrĂŒche erklĂ€ren. Das ZusammenfĂŒhren von scheinbaren GegensĂ€tzen ermöglicht es, die Stadtgeschichte unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Vielschichtigkeit von rĂ€umlichen BezĂŒgen neu zu schreiben

    Isolated iliac bone tuberculosis : a case report

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    Background: Isolated iliac bone tuberculosis is not easy for diagnosis as it can mimic many other conditions. The presentation of our case of isolated iliac bone tuberculosis with special emphasis to imaging findings is justified, by its rarity and not uncommon delay in diagnosis and therapy of such cases. Case Report: A case of isolated iliac bone tuberculosis, initially presented with low back pain and swelling, was unsuccessfully treated for three months before final diagnosis was established. Plain radiography revealed only slight sclerosis of the iliac side of the right sacro-iliac joint. MRI provided more precise and detailed information regarding the site, size and nature of the bony and soft tissue components of the lesion. The bony lesion showed low T1, high T2 signal and marginal enhancement on fat suppressed T1 post-gadolinium images. The soft tissue components also showed post-gadolinium enhancement and abscesses formation. CT scan confirmed the bony lytic lesion and provided guidance for biopsy. Histology confirmed tuberculous nature of the lesion. Conclusions: Imaging presentation of tuberculous osteomyelitis is nonspecific and may mimic many inflammatory and neoplastic conditions. Correlation with the patient's history, immune status, ethnicity, social environment is necessary in narrowing differential diagnosis. This means that iliac tuberculosis, despite its rarity, should be considered as one of diagnostic possibilities, especially in the patients from endemic areas. However, definitive diagnosis is best established with bone needle biopsy

    An alternative approach to evaluating inter-basin water transfer links: A case study of the Inter-Linking of Rivers Project in India

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    Water managers face significant challenges in managing water supply and are constantly looking for new ways to meet demand. Inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) is a preferred solution, especially in developing countries such as India. Proponents have praised IBWT for its benefits but critics have raised several concerns, among which, concerns related to the IBWT decision-making process are fundamental. The proposed Inter-linking of Rivers project (ILR) in India has been extensively criticised for its decision-making process. This thesis evaluated the decision-making process of two ILR Projects in India, namely the Sankh-South Koel (S-SK) and South Koel-Subarnarekha (SK-Sr) ILR links, using data and tools available in the public domain. The research acquired a holistic and multi-disciplinary understanding of the catchments involved in the two ILR projects. The knowledge gained assisted in identifying key inputs, informing assumptions and explaining the research outcomes. Based on the best-practices in the IBWT field, the study developed an integrated appraisal of potential annual and seasonal surplus/deficit of water in the donor and recipient catchments of both links. Both ILR links and their catchments were simulated for their annual and seasonal performance assessments under a range of current and future water management scenarios. The simulation outputs were used to assess the risks in meeting water requirements by the catchments and the links. The ILR links were also assessed for their vulnerabilities in meeting the proposed water transfer amount. The research critiqued existing ILR plans and found that the ILR planners have over-estimated the water surplus in the donor catchments of both links and that the links will fail to meet their projected aspirations. The donor catchments themselves need efforts to ensure their current and foreseeable future water demand. The recipient catchments show no urgent need to import water from another basin currently or in the foreseeable future; although low water availability has been noted in them during the non-monsoon season which needs attention. Thus, the ILR planners are advised to reconsider their decisions and revisit their planning

    Anxiolytic activity of Angiotensin-Receptor-Blocker in Experimental Models of Anxiety in Mice

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    The present study aimed to explore the role of Angiotensin- Receptor-Blocker in the management of anxiety. Male Swiss albino mice of age 6-8 weeks and weight 25-30 g were used in the present study. Candesartan (Angiotensin receptor blocker) was administered in two doses (1 and 2 mg/kg; i.p.) to mice for 14 successive days regularly. Anxiety was induced in mice by two different methods: (i) exposing the mice to immobilization stress for a period of 6 h daily for 7 consecutive days; (ii) administration of caffeine (25 mg/kg; i.p.) daily for 7 days. Elevated Zero Maze and Open Field Apparatus were used to evaluate the level of anxiety in different groups. After behavioral evaluation, the animals were sacrificed and their brains were used for estimation TBARS, GSH and Nitrite levels in the brain. Administration of Candesartan (1 and 2 mg/kg; i.p) for 14 successive days significantly (p<0.05) reduced anxiety due to immobilization stress and caffeine induced anxiety. Candesartan (1and 2 mg/kg; i.p) treated mice showed an increase (p<0.05) in GSH levels while a decrease (p<0.05) in TBARS and nitrite levels in brain. Thus, candesartan may prove to be a useful remedy for the management of anxiety owing to its neuroprotective and antioxidant activity

    Binding Pattern Determination Of Class of Antifungal Drugs

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    Crystal Structure of cytochrome p450 2B4 has 476 amino acids, through docking approach we have attempted to explain the specificity of CYP2B4, total 28 imidazole drug were used for the studies as antifungal drugs in which bound bifonazole (reference) shows the binding energy of -8.67 kcal/mol .Compound Miconazole shows the minimum binding energy of -10.45 kcal/mol. The 2B4-bifonazole structure identified 10 residues (ALA 298, GLY 299, GLU 301, THR 302, ILE 363, VAL 292) within 6.5 Å of the active site of bifonazole. GLU 301, THR 302 are also located in 6.5 Å of the bound ligand in 2B4 structure. Due to the presence of the multiple binding substrates in cytochrome p450, it acts as the major target of many drugs in xenobiotic metabolism.

    Indian Microfinance Sector: An Overview

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    The Indian microfinance sector was one of the largest in the world with full of growth potential. However, series of incidents happened in 2010 and thereafter changed the face of the industry. Though the crisis proved a death warrant for many MFIs, it also brought some good news for the sector. The present study attempts to overview the performance of Indian microfinance sector after the crisis. The main objective is to observe the current state of affairs of the sector and to check if the sector has recovered from that shock. Data have been taken from Mixmarket database

    Indian Microfinance Sector: An Overview

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    The Indian microfinance sector was one of the largest in the world with full of growth potential. However, series of incidents happened in 2010 and thereafter changed the face of the industry. Though the crisis proved a death warrant for many MFIs, it also brought some good news for the sector. The present study attempts to overview the performance of Indian microfinance sector after the crisis. The main objective is to observe the current state of affairs of the sector and to check if the sector has recovered from that shock. Data have been taken from Mixmarket database

    The wind test on heat loss from three coil cavity receiver for a parabolic dish collector

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    The heat loss from cavity receiver in parabolic dish system determines the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system. A modified three coil solar cavity receiver of inner wall area approximately three times of single coil receiver, is experimentally investigated to study the effect of fluid inlet temperature (Tfi=50 degrees C to 75 degrees C) and cavity inclination angle (theta = 0 degrees to 90 degrees) on the heat loss from receiver under wind condition for head on wind and side on wind velocity at 3 m/s. Overall it was found that the natural and forced convection total heat loss increases with increase in mean fluid temperature. The combined heat loss decreases sharply with the increase in cavity inclination and observed to be maximum for horizontal position of receiver and minimum with the receiver facing vertically downward for all investigations. The maximum heat loss in wind test (V=3m/s) is 1045 W at theta=0 degrees cavity inclination at mean fluid temperature 68 degrees C and minimum at 173 W theta=90 degrees at 53 degrees C. Total heat loss from the receiver under wind condition (V=3m/s) is up to 25% higher (1.25 times at 0 degrees inclination) than without wind at mean fluid temperature similar to 70 degrees C and minimum 19.64 % (1.2 times at 90 degrees inclination) in mean temperature similar to 50 degrees C. In horizontal position of the receiver (theta=0 degrees), the total heat loss by head on wind is about 1.23 times (18% higher ) as compared to side on wind (at fluid mean temperature similar to 70 degrees C). For receiver facing downward (theta=90 degrees), for head-on wind, total heat loss is approximately the same as that for side-on wind
