569 research outputs found

    Musiikki lasten sosioemotionaalisten taitojen tukena varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten musiikin avulla voidaan tukea lasten sosioemotionaalisten taitojen kehittymistä varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielman alkupuolella määritellään sosioemotionaaliset taidot sekä paneudutaan musiikkiin varhaiskasvatuksessa. Jotta musiikkia voitaisiin hyödyntää varhaiskasvatuksessa mahdollisimman optimaalisella tavalla, tulisi kasvattajan tiedostaa, millä musiikillisella valmiustasolla lapset ovat ja suunnitella toiminta tämän mukaisesti. Valmiustason havainnoimisen tueksi esittelen musiikillisen kasvun portaat sekä käyn lävitse musiikillisen ajattelun kehittymistä Brunerin mukaan. Lasten sosioemotionaalisia taitoja on tutkittu runsaasti, mutta tutkimusta musiikin mahdollisuuksista sosioemotionaalisten taitojen edistämisestä löytyy huomattavasti vähemmän. Tutkimustulokset kuitenkin osoittavat, että musiikki vaikuttaa lasten sosioemotionaalisiin taitoihin myönteisesti tukien lasten vuorovaikutus- ja yhteistyötaitoja. Musiikki lisää lasten sosiaalisia taitoja sekä parantaa itsetuntoa ja itseluottamusta. Musiikkituokioiden on tutkittu lisäävän lasten prososiaalista käyttäytymistä ja lisäävän lasten yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta ryhmässä. Musiikki auttaa lapsia ilmaisemaan itseään ja käsittelemään eri tunteita. Lapset voivat säädellä myös omaa vireystilaansa musiikin avulla

    Relationship of faecal calprotectin and long-term outcomes in Finnish patients with Crohn's disease : retrospective multi-centre chart review study

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    Background and Aims: A retrospective non-interventional, multi-centre patient chart review study was conducted to investigate the association of faecal calprotectin (FC) 1 year (+/- 2 months) after biological therapy initiation with composite event-free survival (CEFS) consisting of surgical procedures, corticosteroid initiation, treatment failure or dose increase in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). In addition, the correlations of FC and other tests of disease activity were assessed. Materials and methods: Data on Finnish CD patients initiating a biological therapy between 2010 and 2016, were collected. The association of FC and CEFS was analysed with Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard modelling. The correlations were tested with Pearson's test. Results: Biological therapy was initiated in 186 patients, of which 87 (46.8%) had FC results available at 1 year and 80 had follow-up exceeding 14 months. The characteristics of patients with and without FC results were similar. Patients with elevated FC (>250 mu g/g) had a significantly increased risk of experiencing composite event (HR 3.4, 95% CI: 1.3-8.9; p = .013) when compared to patients with normal FC (FCPeer reviewe

    Genotypes with the apolipoprotein ε4 allele are predictors of coronary heart disease mortality in a longitudinal study of elderly Finnish men

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    Earlier we reported that allelic variation in the gene coding for apolipoprotein (apoE) is a significant predictor of variation in the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) death in a longitudinal study of elderly Finnish men. Here we address the question: which of the apoE genotypes confers the risk information in these men, and whether such information persists after other CHD risk factors are considered? We followed two cohorts of elderly Finnish men aged 65 to 84 years, one in Eastern ( n = 281) and the other in the Southwestern ( n = 344) Finland for 5 years during which 26 (9.3%) of the men from the Eastern cohort and 40 (11.6%) of the men in the Southwestern cohort died from CHD. Baseline high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and (HDL cholesterol) 2 in the Eastern cohort and age, and total and HDL cholesterol and smoking status in the Southwestern cohort were significant predictors of CHD death ( P < 0.05). The apoE genotypes were significant predictors in the Southwestern cohort at P = 0.02 and in the Eastern cohort at P = 0.18. In multivariable models, information about apoE genotypes improved the prediction at P = 0.10 level of statistical significance in both cohorts. When genotypes were considered separately, the ε2/4 combined with the ε4/4 in the Eastern cohort (odds ratio = 7.69, 95% CI = 1.67-35.52) and the ε3/4 in the Southwestern cohort (odds ratio = 2.44, 95% CI = 1.16–5.10) had sigificanctly greater odds of CHD death compared to the common ε3/3 genotype. We conclude that apoE genotypes confer risk information about CHD death in two cohorts of elderly Finnish men in a longitudinal study, and this information persists after adjustment for other CHD risk factors. Because different genotypes were predictors in these two cohorts, we further conclude that the utility of a particular genotype as a predictor of CHD death in other populations may depend on the distribution of risk factor profiles at baseline, geographically defined environmental exposures, the CHD mortality history, and the evolutionary history of background genotypes in the population considered.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47643/1/439_2005_Article_BF02281882.pd