96 research outputs found

    Protein Purification

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    La reconstruction de la Première Guerre mondiale dans la photographie : l’exemple du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais

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    Le XIXe siècle voit l’apparition du médium photographique. Cette nouvelle invention se fait rapidement une place pérenne dans la région Nord-Pas-Calais. Réservée à ses débuts à certaine élite, la photographie devient progressivement un moyen de représentation de plus en plus utilisé, que ce soit dans le milieu professionnel ou amateur. Toutefois, la période d’après-guerre marque un tournant dans l’utilisation de la photographie et entraîne de nombreuses prises de conscience concernant la valeur du médium.De son succès en tant qu’objet de consommation dont on ne peut se passer, la photographie devient objet de patrimoine.Demandons-nous comment un objet du quotidien, comme la photographie, accède-t-il au statut de patrimoine ? Cela nous amène également à nous questionner sur ce que représente la photographie ? En quoi la photographie revêt-elle la notion de patrimoine ?The nineteenth century sees the appearance of the photographic medium. This new invention takes a permanent place in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. At the beginning, it was reserved to some elite, photography is gradually becoming a means of representation more and more used, whether in the professional or amateur. However, the post-war period marks a turning point in the use of photography and raises many awareness of the value of the medium.From its success as an object of consumption that we can not do without, photography becomes an object of heritage.Let’s ask ourselves how an everyday object, such as photography, accesses the status of heritage? This also leads us to question what is photography? How does photography take on the notion of heritage?Die im 19. Jahrhundert aufkommende Photographie hat sich auch in der Region Nord-Pas-de-Calais rasch und nachhaltig ausgebreitet. Das zunächst einer Elite vorbehaltene Medium wird zunehmend zu einem vielfältig genutzten Instrument der Darstellung, sowohl im professionellen als auch im Amateur-Bereich. Die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg bedeutet jedoch einen Wendepunkt für den Gebrauch der Photographie und eröffnet zahlreiche neue Erkenntnisse zum Wert dieses Mediums. Vom unverzichtbaren Gebrauchsobjekt wandelt sich die Photographie nach dem Krieg zu einem kulturellen Erbe. Der Beitrag stellt die Frage, wie dieser Prozess verlief, wie das alltägliche Medium der Photographie zum kulturellen Erbe wurde und wie der Begriff des Kulturerbes von der Photographie übernommen und geprägt wurde

    Anticancer effects of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde against colon and cervical cancer cell lines

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    Background: Recent attention on chemotherapeutic intervention against cancer has been focused on discovering and developing phytochemicals as anticancer agents with improved efficacy, low drug resistance and toxicity, low cost and limited adverse side effects. In this study, we investigated the effects of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde on growth, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in colon and cervical cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: Antiproliferative, apoptosis induction, and cell cycle arrest activities of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde were determined by WST cell proliferation assay, flow cytometric Alexa fluor 488-annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) staining and PI staining, respectively. Results: Curcuma C20 dialdehyde suppressed the proliferation of HCT116, HT29 and HeLa cells, with IC50 values of 65.4±1.74 μg/ml, 58.4±5.20 μg/ml and 72.0±0.03 μg/ml, respectively, with 72 h exposure. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that percentages of early apoptotic cells increased in a dose-dependent manner upon exposure to Curcuma C20-dialdehyde. Furthermore, exposure to lower concentrations of this compound significantly induced cell cycle arrest at G1 phase for both HCT116 and HT29 cells, while higher concentrations increased sub-G1 populations. However, the concentrations used in this study could not induce cell cycle arrest but rather induced apoptotic cell death in HeLa cells. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the phytochemical Curcuma C20-dialdehyde may be a potential antineoplastic agent for colon and cervical cancer chemotherapy and/or chemoprevention. Further studies are needed to characterize the drug target or mode of action of the Curcuma C20-dialdehyde as an anticancer agent

    Identification and evaluation of agents isolated from traditionally used herbs against Ophiophagus hannah venom

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    The aim of this study was firstly to identify active molecules in herbs, that are traditionally used for the treatment of snake bite, such as Curcuma antinaia, Curcuma contravenenum, Andrographis paniculata, and Tanacetum parthenium; secondly to test similar structurally related molecules and finally to prepare and evaluate an efficient formulation against Ophiophagus hannah venom intoxification. Three labdane based compounds, including labdane dialdehyde, labdane lactone, and labdane trialdehyde and two lactones including 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide and parthenolide were isolated by column chromatography and characterised. Using the isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation, the antagonistic effect of crude extracts, isolated compounds and prepared formulations were measured in vitro on the inhibition of the neuromuscular transmission. Inhibition on muscle contraction, produced by the 5 μg/mL venom, was reversed by test agents in organ bath preparations. A labdane trialdehyde, isolated from C. contravenenum, was identified as the best antagonising agent in the low micromolar range. Tests on formulations of the most potent C. contravenenum extract showed, that the suppository with witepsol H15 was an effective medicine against O. hannah venom. This study elucidated the active compounds, accounting for the antivenin activity of traditionally used herbs and suggested the most suitable formulation, which may help to develop potent medicines for the treatment of snake bite in the future


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    Indiscriminate use of self-medication may result in serious consequences, concerning a public health problem. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to assess the practice of self-medication by young people and adults. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study, with convenience sampling of 184 participants aged between 18 and 35 years, submitted to an instrument of questions about sociodemographic variables and related to self-medication practices, in 15-day recall period. It showed high incidence of females (80,4%) and of young people aged between 18 and 25 years (66,3%). There was a predominance (89,7%) of participants who used drugs in the last 15 days, majority (81,5%) used some medication without prescription. The main drugs consumed were analgesics/antipyretics (29,3%) and antiallergics/antihistamines (14,2%). The main symptoms were headache (27,4%) and allergy (13,7%), the practice was motivated by having previously been treated with the same medication for the same disease (55,6%). Population says they know medication consumed (84,7%) and risks of self-medication (84,8%), assessing the knowledge of risks as high (35,3%) and having the drug leaflet (47,0%) as the most used means of searching for information. So presupposes self-medication may be more focused on question of knowledge and self-confidence and not to lack of access to health system. For future studies, an investigation is recommended about this practice being characterized as responsible or indiscriminate, also evaluating in more depth first contacts and sources of referrals that practicing individuals have.El uso indiscriminado de la automedicacón puede producir demasiadas consecuencias, siendo un problema de salud pública. Así, com el objetivo de evaluar la práctica de la automedicación en jóvenes y adultos. Un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con una muestra de conveniencia de 184 participantes, con edades entre 18 y 35 años, sometidos a un cuestionario de variables sociodemográficas y acerca de las prácticas de automedicación, con un período de recordación de 15 días. Se presentó una alta incidencia de género femenino (80,4%) y jóvenes de 18 a 25 años (66,3%). Hubo un predominio (89,7%) de los participantes que utilizaron medicación en los últimos 15 días, la mayoría (81,5%) de ellos hizo uso de alguna medicación sin prescripción médica. Las principales medicinas consumidas fueron analgésicos/antipiréticos (29,3%) y antialérgicos/antihistamínicos (14,2%). Los principales síntomas fueron cefalea (27,4%) y alergia (13,7%), la práctica estuvo motivada por haber sido previamente tratado con la misma medicación para la misma enfermedad (55,6%). La populación dice conocer la medicación consumida (84,7%) y los riesgos de la automedicación (84,8%), evaluando el conocimiento de los riesgos como alto (35,3%) y teniendo el prospecto (47,0%) como los medios más utilizados para buscar información. Asume que la automedicación puede estar más relacionada con una cuestión de conocimiento y confianza en uno mismo y no con la escasez de acceso al sistema de salud. Para estudios futuros, se recomienda una investigación acerca esta práctica como responsable o indiscriminada, evaluando también con mayor profundidad los primeros contactos y fuentes de indicaciones que tienen los practicantes.A automedicação realizada de forma indiscriminada pode gerar inúmeras consequências, sendo um problema de saúde pública. Deste modo, objetivou-se avaliar a prática de automedicação de jovens e adultos. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, com amostragem por conveniência de 184 participantes com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, submetidos a um instrumento de questões sobre variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas às práticas de automedicação, num período recordatório de 15 dias. Apresentou-se alta incidência do gênero feminino (80,4%) e de jovens com idade entre 18 a 25 anos (66,3%). Houve uma predominância (89,7%) de participantes que utilizaram medicamentos nos últimos 15 dias, sendo que a maioria (81,5%) fez o uso de algum medicamento sem prescrição médica. Os principais medicamentos consumidos foram analgésicos/antitérmicos (29,3%) e antialérgicos/anti-histamínicos (14,2%). Os principais sintomas foram dor de cabeça (27,4%) e alergia (13,7%), a prática foi motivada por ter sido tratado anteriormente com o mesmo medicamento para a mesma doença (55,6%). A população diz conhecer o medicamento consumido (84,7%) e os riscos da automedicação (84,8%), avaliando o conhecimento dos riscos como alto (35,3%) e tendo a bula (47,0%) como o meio mais utilizado para busca de informações. Pressupõe que a automedicação pode estar mais voltada a uma questão de conhecimento e autoconfiança e não a uma escassez de acesso ao sistema de saúde. Para futuros estudos, recomenda-se uma investigação sobre essa prática ser caracterizada como responsável ou indiscriminada, também avaliando de maneira mais aprofundada os primeiros contatos e fontes de indicações que os indivíduos praticantes possuem

    Alien Registration- Lawne, Nison (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Digitalization in the Swedish Process Industry : A study on the impact of digitalization on three of Sweden's industries and maturity assessment for each industry.

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    Förändring av behov och beteenden på marknaden är ett resultat av volatilitet, osäkerhet,individualisering och hållbarhetsfrågor vilket är rådande omständigheter för industrins aktörer,och behovet av förändring ökar med tiden. Detta tillsammans med tillgången av ny avanceradteknologi och digitalisering har gett upphov till den fjärde industriella revolutionen även kalladindustri 4.0. Detta är ett koncept som har fått benämningen från den tyska regeringen och avserdigitalisering inom den tyska tillverkningsindustrin. Syftet med studien att skapa en förståelse fördigitaliseringen inom Sveriges processindustri och kartlägga mognadsgraden i tre olika industrier;Papper- och Massa-, Gruv- och Livsmedelsindustrin.Från den teoretiska referensramen har en analysmodell utvecklats och används för bedömning avdigitaliseringsmognad, den bygger på kärnaspekterna inom industri 4.0 - Integration, automationoch dataanalys. Integrations begreppet kan delas upp i vertikal integration och horisontellintegration där vertikal integration syftar på integrationen i den hierarkiska nivån från sensoreroch givare till övergripande system för styrning och övervakning av produktionsprocesserna somäven kan benämnas automation. Den horisontella integrationen syftar på integrationen genomvärdekedjans olika intressenter. Hur insamlade data analyseras och vad den används till spelarockså en viktig roll. Utifrån dessa kärnfunktioner har en modell skapats utifrån den teoretiskareferensramen. Det kan det konstateras att pappers- och massaindustrin har en hög mognadsgradinom dataflöden och större delen av marknaden utgörs av stora aktörer som har resurser tilldigitaliseringsintiativ. Livsmedelsindustrin har en stor spridning gällande digitaliseringsmognad förrespektive aktör vilket är ett resultat av flertalet mindre aktörer på marknaden som upplever storautmaningar inom digitalisering. Produkterna som tillverkas är mer utav homogen karaktär vilketsätter andra krav på processer och utveckling. Inom gruvindustrin jobbar aktörerna med attautomatisera underjord och det pågår satsningar i dagsläget på nationell nivå. Förr har det intefunnits möjlighet att koppla upp saker underjord men med ny teknik ser situationen annorlundaut idag.Changes in needs and behaviours in the market are the result of volatility, uncertainty,individualization and sustainability issues, which are prevailing circumstances for industry players,and the need for change increases over time. This, together with the availability of new advancedtechnology and digitalization, has given rise to the fourth industrial revolution also called industry4.0. This is a concept that has been named by the German government and refers to digitization inthe German manufacturing industry. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding ofdigitalisation in Sweden's process industry and to map the degree of maturity in three differentindustries; Paper and Pulp industry, Mining industry and Food industry.From the theoretical frame of reference, an analytical model has been developed and used for theassessment of digitization maturity, based on the core aspects of Industry 4.0 - Integration,automation and data analysis. The concept of integration can be divided into vertical integration andhorizontal integration where vertical integration refers to integration in the hierarchical level fromsensors and actuators to overall systems for controlling and monitoring the production processes,which can also be called automation. Horizontal integration refers to integration through the variousstakeholders in the value chain. How data is analyzed and what it is used for also plays an importantrole. Based on these core functions, a model has been created based on the theoretical frame ofreference. It can be noted that the paper and pulp industry has a high degree of maturity in dataflows and most of the market consists of large players who have resources for digitization initiatives.The food industry has a large spread regarding digitization maturity for each player, which is a resultof the majority of smaller players in the market who are experiencing major challenges indigitalisation. The products that are manufactured are more of a homogeneous nature, which placesother demands on processes and development. In the mining industry, players are working onautomating underground and there are ongoing investments at the national level. Previously, therewas no way to connect things underground, but with new technology, the situation looks differenttoday

    Digitalization in the Swedish Process Industry : A study on the impact of digitalization on three of Sweden's industries and maturity assessment for each industry.

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    Förändring av behov och beteenden på marknaden är ett resultat av volatilitet, osäkerhet,individualisering och hållbarhetsfrågor vilket är rådande omständigheter för industrins aktörer,och behovet av förändring ökar med tiden. Detta tillsammans med tillgången av ny avanceradteknologi och digitalisering har gett upphov till den fjärde industriella revolutionen även kalladindustri 4.0. Detta är ett koncept som har fått benämningen från den tyska regeringen och avserdigitalisering inom den tyska tillverkningsindustrin. Syftet med studien att skapa en förståelse fördigitaliseringen inom Sveriges processindustri och kartlägga mognadsgraden i tre olika industrier;Papper- och Massa-, Gruv- och Livsmedelsindustrin.Från den teoretiska referensramen har en analysmodell utvecklats och används för bedömning avdigitaliseringsmognad, den bygger på kärnaspekterna inom industri 4.0 - Integration, automationoch dataanalys. Integrations begreppet kan delas upp i vertikal integration och horisontellintegration där vertikal integration syftar på integrationen i den hierarkiska nivån från sensoreroch givare till övergripande system för styrning och övervakning av produktionsprocesserna somäven kan benämnas automation. Den horisontella integrationen syftar på integrationen genomvärdekedjans olika intressenter. Hur insamlade data analyseras och vad den används till spelarockså en viktig roll. Utifrån dessa kärnfunktioner har en modell skapats utifrån den teoretiskareferensramen. Det kan det konstateras att pappers- och massaindustrin har en hög mognadsgradinom dataflöden och större delen av marknaden utgörs av stora aktörer som har resurser tilldigitaliseringsintiativ. Livsmedelsindustrin har en stor spridning gällande digitaliseringsmognad förrespektive aktör vilket är ett resultat av flertalet mindre aktörer på marknaden som upplever storautmaningar inom digitalisering. Produkterna som tillverkas är mer utav homogen karaktär vilketsätter andra krav på processer och utveckling. Inom gruvindustrin jobbar aktörerna med attautomatisera underjord och det pågår satsningar i dagsläget på nationell nivå. Förr har det intefunnits möjlighet att koppla upp saker underjord men med ny teknik ser situationen annorlundaut idag.Changes in needs and behaviours in the market are the result of volatility, uncertainty,individualization and sustainability issues, which are prevailing circumstances for industry players,and the need for change increases over time. This, together with the availability of new advancedtechnology and digitalization, has given rise to the fourth industrial revolution also called industry4.0. This is a concept that has been named by the German government and refers to digitization inthe German manufacturing industry. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding ofdigitalisation in Sweden's process industry and to map the degree of maturity in three differentindustries; Paper and Pulp industry, Mining industry and Food industry.From the theoretical frame of reference, an analytical model has been developed and used for theassessment of digitization maturity, based on the core aspects of Industry 4.0 - Integration,automation and data analysis. The concept of integration can be divided into vertical integration andhorizontal integration where vertical integration refers to integration in the hierarchical level fromsensors and actuators to overall systems for controlling and monitoring the production processes,which can also be called automation. Horizontal integration refers to integration through the variousstakeholders in the value chain. How data is analyzed and what it is used for also plays an importantrole. Based on these core functions, a model has been created based on the theoretical frame ofreference. It can be noted that the paper and pulp industry has a high degree of maturity in dataflows and most of the market consists of large players who have resources for digitization initiatives.The food industry has a large spread regarding digitization maturity for each player, which is a resultof the majority of smaller players in the market who are experiencing major challenges indigitalisation. The products that are manufactured are more of a homogeneous nature, which placesother demands on processes and development. In the mining industry, players are working onautomating underground and there are ongoing investments at the national level. Previously, therewas no way to connect things underground, but with new technology, the situation looks differenttoday