732 research outputs found

    Partnership dynamics and the fertility gap between Sweden and Spain

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    Below-replacement fertility has persisted across European countries for a few decades, though, with variation. Delays in age at first union and first birth have been key factors in the declining fertility levels within these societies. While the vast majority of births occurs within a stable partnership, the link between partnership formation and childbearing is rarely taken into account. In this paper, we examine the role of partnership formation in explaining the gap between Sweden and Spain regarding transitions to first birth. We utilize data from the 2018 Spanish Fertility Survey and the 2012/2013 Swedish Generations and Gender Survey to explore transition probabilities to first birth and implement Kitagawa decomposition and standardization techniques. Results show that having a partner is a strong predictor of becoming a first-time parent in the next 3ย years, mainly within the ages 25 to 35. On average, Swedish first-birth transition probabilities for women are only 12% higher than probabilities of Spanish counterparts within this age range, suggesting that the proportion of partnerships formed plays a crucial role in explaining the fertility gap. Decomposition results confirm that before age 30, 74% of the difference in first-order births among women are due to the difference in partnership composition. We further find that earlier union formation in Spain could potentially reduce childlessness levels. Overall, our study highlights the importance of examining the role of partnership dynamics in fertility studies

    Non-antibody Approaches to Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin 9 Inhibition: siRNA, Antisense Oligonucleotides, Adnectins, Vaccination, and New Attempts at Small-Molecule Inhibitors Based on New Discoveries

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    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is one of the principal risk factors for atherosclerosis. Circulating LDL particles can penetrate into the sub-endothelial space of arterial walls. These particles undergo oxidation and promote an inflammatory response, resulting in injury to the vascular endothelial wall. Persistent elevation of LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) is linked to the progression of fatty streaks to lipid-rich plaque and thus atherosclerosis. LDL-C is a causal factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and lowering it is beneficial across a range of conditions associated with high risk of cardiovascular events. Therefore, all guidelines-recommended initiations of statin therapy for patients at high cardiovascular risk is irrespective of LDL-C. In addition, intensive LDL-C lowering therapy with statins has been demonstrated to result in a greater reduction of cardiovascular event risk in large clinical trials. However, many high-risk patients receiving statins fail to achieve the guideline-recommended reduction in LDL-C levels in routine clinical practice. Moreover, low levels of adherence and often high rates of discontinuation demand the need for further therapies. Ezetimibe has typically been used as a complement to statins when further LDL-C reduction is required. More recently, proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 (PCSK9) has emerged as a novel therapeutic target for lowering LDL-C levels, with PCSK9 inhibitors offering greater reductions than feasible through the addition of ezetimibe. PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies have been shown to not only considerably lower LDL-C levels but also cardiovascular events. However, PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies require once- or twice-monthly subcutaneous injections. Further, their manufacturing process is expensive, increasing the cost of therapy. Therefore, several non-antibody treatments to inhibit PCSK9 function are being developed as alternative approaches to monoclonal antibodies. These include gene-silencing or editing technologies, such as antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA, and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/Cas9 platform; small-molecule inhibitors; mimetic peptides; adnectins; and vaccination. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge base on the role of PCSK9 in lipid metabolism and an overview of non-antibody approaches for PCSK9 inhibition and their limitations. The subsequent development of alternative approaches to PCSK9 inhibition may give us more affordable and convenient therapeutic options for the management of high-risk patients

    SF-1 mediates expression of human KCNJ5 in the adrenal cortex: Complete genomic organization and promoter function

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    This article aims to make the public aware, especially to teachers working in the area of โ€‹โ€‹Japanese language teaching, regarding the historical trajectory of Japanese Language teaching in Amazonas and its importance, in order to contribute both in the cultural aspect as well as educational. Japanese language students will be able to serve as an eventual source of research for academic works, both at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) where there is a Language Course - Japanese Language and Literature, and at the State Bilingual Schools of Portuguese / Japanese Language, of teaching Elementary School and High School. For this, this work was elaborated looking mainly for the sources of information in the materials elaborated in Japanese language, because until recently (less than 20 years before) it was the first generation immigrants who tried to register and elaborate in Japanese, the pertinent events teaching Japanese in the Amazon. It means, in this sense, that investigating the trajectory of Japanese language teaching in Amazonas is to establish the connection with the history of Japanese immigration in Amazonas, because as stated by Morales (2010, p. 2) โ€œ[...] the entire trajectory of Japanese language teaching in Brazil cannot be dissociated from the context that started with the immigration of Japanese people until it reached the process of integrating their descendants into Brazilian society [...]โ€.O presente artigo tem como objetivo levar ao pรบblico, principalmente aos docentes que atuam na รกrea de ensino de lรญngua japonesa, a trajetรณria histรณrica do ensino de lรญngua japonesa no Amazonas e a sua importรขncia no cenรกrio do ensino de lรญnguas. A investigaรงรฃo contribuirรก tanto no aspecto cultural bem como no educacional. Aos estudantes de lรญngua japonesa poderรก servir como eventual fonte de pesquisa para trabalhos acadรชmicos, tanto na Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), onde existe o Curso de Letras - Lรญngua e Literatura Japonesa, quanto nas Escolas Estaduais de Ensino Bilรญngue de Lรญngua Portuguesa/Japonesa, de Ensino Fundamental e Mรฉdio. Para tanto, o artigo aborda as fontes de informaรงรตes de materiais elaborados em lรญngua japonesa, pois atรฉ recentemente (menos de 20 anos) foram os imigrantes da primeira geraรงรฃo que trataram de registrar e elaborar, em lรญngua japonesa, os acontecimentos pertinentes ao ensino do japonรชs no Amazonas. Significa, nesse sentido, que investigar sobre a trajetรณria do ensino da lรญngua japonesa no Amazonas รฉ estabelecer a conexรฃo com a histรณria da imigraรงรฃo japonesa no Amazonas, pois como afirma Morales (2010, p. 2) โ€œ[...] toda trajetรณria do ensino de lรญngua japonesa no Brasil nรฃo pode ser dissociada desse contexto que comeรงou com a imigraรงรฃo de japoneses atรฉ chegar ao processo de integraรงรฃo de seus descendentes ร  sociedade brasileira [...]โ€

    The Dynamics of Protest Activities in Japan๏ผšAnalysis Using Protest Event Data

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    Poly[bis(phenethylยญammonium) [diยญbromidoยญplumbate(II)]-di-ฮผ-bromido]]

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    Crystals of the title compound, {(C6H5C2H4NH3)2[PbBr4]}n, were grown at room temperature from a solution in N,N-dimethylยญformamide (DMF) using nitroยญmethane as the poor solvent. This perovskite-type organicโ€“inorganic hybrid compound consists of well ordered sheets of corner-sharing disordered PbBr6 octaยญhedra separated by bilayers of phenethylยญammonium cations. The octaยญhedra are rotated and tilted due to Nโ€”Hโ‹ฏBr hydrogen bonds with the ammonium groups, generating a superstructure in the unit cell similar to that of the tetraยญchloridoplumbate (C6H5C2H4NH3)2[PbCl4]

    Setas como hรกbitos alimentarios de los indios Yanomami - saberes asociados a la ciencia, a la preservaciรณn y a la defensa de la selva amazรณnica

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    Baseada na obra Sanำงma samakำงnำง sama tำงkำง nii pewำง ao wi ฤฉ tำงkำง waheta: anaamopำง = Enciclopรฉdia dos alimentos Yanomami (sanำงma): cogumelos, esta resenha objetiva analisar os estudos sobre cogumelos comestรญveis consumidos pelo grupo indรญgena sanำงma pertencentes ร  etnia Yanomami, observando, igualmente, outros saberes desenvolvidos pelos รญndios, como o manejo sistemรกtico da roรงa, fundamentais para a preservaรงรฃo e defesa da floresta amazรดnica. A importรขncia da obra se estabelece pela revelaรงรฃo de um conhecimento alimentar pouco comum dos indรญgenas que sรฃo os cogumelos, associada ao saber cientรญfico, sendo laureada com o Prรชmio Jabuti em 2017, na categoria Gastronomia. ร‰ uma produรงรฃo bilรญngue na lรญngua sanำงma e portuguesa, e a investigaรงรฃo conta com a parceria entre os professores sanำงma e diversas instituiรงรตes de pesquisas. Dentro desse contexto, Noรชmia Kazue Ishikawa e Keisuke Tokimoto tiveram papel fundamental atuando como pesquisadores e mediadores, cujo resultado รฉ a obra ora a resenhar.En la obra de Sanำงmasamakำงnำง sama tำงkำงniipewำง al wi ฤฉ tำงkำงwaheta: anaamopำง = Enciclopedia de los alimentos Yanomami (sanำงma): setas, esta reseรฑa objetiva analizar los estudios sobre setas comestibles consumidas por el grupo indรญgena sanำงma perteneciente a la etnia Yanomami, observando, igualmente, otros saberes desarrollados por los indios, como el control sistemรกtico de la roza, fundamentales para la conservaciรณn y defensa de la selva amazรณnica. La importancia de la obra se establece por la revelaciรณn de un conocimiento alimenticio poco comรบn de los indรญgenas como son las setas, asociada al saber cientรญfico, siendo galardonada con el Premio Jabuti en 2017, en la categorรญa Gastronomรญa. Es una producciรณn bilingรผe en lengua sanำงma y portuguรฉs, y la investigaciรณn es una colaboraciรณn entre los profesores sanำงma y diversos centros de investigaciรณn. Dentro de ese contexto, NoemiaKazue Ishikawa y KeisukeTokimoto tuvieron un papel fundamental actuando como investigadores y mediadores, cuyo resultado es la presente obra.Based on the work Sanำงma samakำงnำง sama tำงkำง nii pewำง ao wi ฤฉ tำงkำง waheta: anaamopำง = Encyclopedia of Yanomami (sanำงma) foods: mushrooms, this review aims to analyze the studies on edible mushrooms consumed by the Yanำงma indigenous group belonging to the Yanomami ethnic group, other knowledge developed by the Indians, such as the systematic management of the field, fundamental for the preservation and defense of the Amazon forest. The importance of the work is established by the revelation of an unusual food knowledge of the Indians that are mushrooms, associated with scientific knowledge, being awarded the Jabuti Prize in 2017, in the Gastronomy category. It is a bilingual production in the Sanำงma and Portuguese language, and the research counts on the partnership between sanำงma teachers and several research institutions. In this context, Noรชmia Kazue Ishikawa and Keisuke Tokimoto played a fundamental role acting as researchers and mediators, whose result is the work to be reviewed


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     One of the criteria for developing the haiku poem is the presence of kigo, which literally means the term of the season, and can perceive, in this sense, the appreciation of nature through this poetic art concise, consisting of verses of 17 syllables, in order of 5-7-5 syllables. Thus, the present study aims to bring reflections about the haiku poems produced by the Japanese immigrants in Amazonas, pointing out the relationship between man and the environment, in order to make a simple and brief development of the fauna and flora of the Amazon region. Alfredo Bosi (2015, p.9) affirms this creative, reflexive and imaginative character of poetry as "the shelter of memory, the tones and modulations of affection, the play of imagination and the stimulus to reflect, sometimes Act". It is an investigation of bibliographical character and, in this sense, it rests on the readings of the pertinent texts, fichamento of the theoretical works and the corpus. It is adopted as a procedure for the research of the corpus, initially, the translations of the poems into Portuguese of works written in Japanese language, followed later by interpretation and analysis, emphasizing the contents related to the ecosystem, interwoven in them. The importance of this research is based on the peculiarity with which the haiku poems are produced in the Amazon by the Japanese immigrants, employing as kigo the elements of the Amazonian nature. Also, it was verified that there is a guild for the production of haiku poems in Japanese language by the group of immigrants linked to the Brazilian-Brazilian Association of the Western Amazon, whose meeting happens monthly. It is a preliminary investigation that highlights the harmony of man with the Amazonian nature.Um dos critรฉrios para se elaborar o poema haicai รฉ a presenรงa do kigo, que significa literalmente โ€œtermo da estaรงรฃo do anoโ€, podendo perceber, nesse sentido, a valorizaรงรฃo da natureza por meio desta poรฉtica precisa, constituรญda de versos de 17 sรญlabas, na ordem de 5-7-5 sรญlabas. Assim, o presente estudo faz reflexรตes acerca dos poemas haicai produzidos pelos imigrantes japoneses no Amazonas, pontuando a relaรงรฃo do homem com o meio, no sentido de fazer brotar, de modo singelo e breve, a valorizaรงรฃo da fauna e flora da regiรฃo amazรดnica. A esse carรกter criativo, reflexivo e imaginativo relativo ร  poesia, Alfredo Bosi (2015, p. 9) assevera como sendo โ€œo abrigo da memรณria, os tons e as modulaรงรตes do afeto, o jogo da imaginaรงรฃo e o estรญmulo para refletir, ร s vezes agirโ€. ร‰ uma investigaรงรฃo de carรกter bibliogrรกfico e, nesse sentido, repousa sobre as leituras dos textos pertinentes, fichamento das obras teรณricas e do corpus. Adota-se como procedimento para a pesquisa do corpus, inicialmente, as traduรงรตes dos poemas para o portuguรชs das obras escritas em lรญngua japonesa, seguido posteriormente de interpretaรงรฃo e anรกlise, enfatizando os conteรบdos relativos ao ecossistema, neles entrelaรงados. A importรขncia dessa investigaรงรฃo estรก calcada na peculiaridade com que sรฃo produzidos os poemas haicai no Amazonas pelos imigrantes japoneses, empregando, por meio do kigo, os elementos da natureza amazรดnica. Outrossim, verificou-se que existe um grรชmio para produรงรฃo de poemas haicai em lรญngua japonesa pelo grupo de imigrantes vinculados ร  Associaรงรฃo Nipo-Brasileira da Amazรดnia Ocidental, cuja reuniรฃo acontece mensalmente. ร‰ uma investigaรงรฃo preliminar que destaca a harmonia do homem com a natureza amazรดnica
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