278 research outputs found

    Motif Batik Dengan Aplikasi Tambour Beading & Embroidery Pada Produk Tekstil

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    Kain bermotif batik, di pasar lokal maupun Internasional, umumnya adalah kain dengan teknik print. Kain print bermotif batik dinilai repetitif dan monoton secara tekstur, walau tampak menarik secara visual dua dimensi. Batik memiliki ragam motif yang dapat dieksplorasi dan diaplikasikan di atas kain dengan teknik yang lebih inovatif untuk memperkaya tekstil di Indonesia.Tambour beading & embroidery, sebuah teknik bordir dan payet couture profesional sejak abad ke-18, menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengenalkan kembali ragam motif batik dengan pendekatan baru, mengaksentuasi motif batik, dan mengangkat nilai jual kain bermotif batik tanpa menghilangkan karakter asli dari motif batik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penerapan teknik tambour beading & embroidery pada kain bermotif batik untuk memberikan tekstur dan elemen estetis agar dapat menambah daya jual dan menarik minat pasar baik lokal maupun Internasional.Teknik bordir dan payet tambour dapat memperkaya dunia kriya bordir dan tekstil Indonesia. Pengerjaan kain dengan teknik tambour memiliki waktu yang relatif lebih cepat dibandingkan teknik bordir manual. Teknik tambour dapat menjadi tambahan pengetahuan dan teknik alternatif untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas pengrajin bordir dan payet di Indonesia

    Intelligence Quotient (Iq) as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension and Writing Achievement of Efl Learners

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    This study aimed at investigating Intelligent Quotient (IQ) as a predictor of reading comprehension and writing achievement as well as to correlate the students\u27 reading comprehension with their writing achievement. The participant of the study were 32 senior high school Indonesian students. There are three instruments used in this study, those are IQ test, reading comprehension test, and writing test. Upon obtaining the whole data needed, Pearson Product Moment formula was employed to determine the correlation of IQ with reading comprehension and writing achievement as well as reading comprehension with writing achievement. The result of this study revealed that IQ made significant contribution in predicting reading comprehension (23.42%) and writing achievement (16.08%). In addition, the correlation coefficient of reading comprehension and writing achievement shows that they are moderately correlated (r=.587), meaning that reading comprehension contributes as many as 34.45% to writing achievement

    Efikasi Herbisida Ametrin Untuk Mengendalikan Gulma Pada Pertanaman Tebu (Saccharum Officinaruml.) Lahan Kering

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    Dalam budidaya tebu salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah pengendalian gulma.Pengendalian gulma sejak awal pertanaman tebu merupakan upaya untuk menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman tebu.Fase kritis tanaman tebu terhadap gulma berlangsung selama tiga bulan awal pertumbuhan tebu.Pengaplikasian herbisida pratumbuh merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian guna menekan tingkat kompetisi tersebut.Tujuan penelitian (1) untuk mengetahui daya kendali herbisida ametrin terhadap pertumbuhan gulma golongan daun lebar dan rumput serta gulma dominan pada budidaya tebu lahan kering (2) pengaruh herbisida ametrin terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tebu, dan (3) tingkat toksisitas herbisida ametrin terhadap tanaman tebu.Percobaan dilakukan di Desa Hajimena Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung dari bulan Oktober 2012 sampai Januari 2013. Perlakuan terdiri dari ametrin 1,5 kg ha- 1; ametrin 2,0 kg ha-1; ametrin 2,5 kg ha-1; ametrin 3,0 kg ha-1; penyiangan mekanis; dan kontrol. Perlakuan diterapkan pada petak percobaan dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK).Setiap perlakuan diulang empat kali.Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlet dan aditivitas diuji dengan uji Tukey, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan perbedaan nilai tengah diuji dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5 %.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) herbisida ametrin dosis 2,5 k kg ha-1 mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma total dan daun lebar pada pertanaman tebu hingga 12 minggu setelah aplikasi (MSA), (2) pada 12 MSA perlakuan dosis 3,0 kg ha-1 menghasilkan pertumbuhan tebu yang lebih baik dalam populasi dibandingkan penyiangan mekanis, dan (3) herbisida ametrin dengan dosis 1,5 kg ha-1 hingga 3,0 kg ha-1 tidak meracuni tanaman tebu

    Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Intern Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Keamananharta Perusahaan Pada CV. Kencana Jaya Di Bandar Lampung (Study Kasus Pada CV. Kencana Jaya Di Bandar Lampung)

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    Success or failure of the companys management is generally characterized by the ability of management to control the operational activities of the company, so that its implementation in accordance with a predetermined plan.With a good system of internal control, it is expected that the implementation of the operational activities of the company in accordance with existing plans and actions to minimize the harm to the company, so that the goal can be achieved by well planned. The problem with the CV. KENCANA JAYA is increasing doubtful receivables (loss) for 4 (four) periods, while the issue is whether a good internal control system can reduce the risk of CV company property. Kencana Jaya. The purpose of research is to determine how good internal control when connected with the implementation of the internal control system on sales and cash receipts on the CV. Kencana Jaya Bandar Lampung. While the information and consideration in decision making.Data collection methods used, the study of literature and field research while the method of analysis is qualitative analysis. From the results of evaluation of the system of internal control over sales and cash receipts, it can be concluded, that the system of internal control over sales has occurred geminating lending function, order by phone often does not proceed with the purchase order entry, and not proceed with the purchase order entry, and do not miss out any checks before approving loan collection. For it should be held separate sales function with the function of providing credit, also orders must be based on the purchase order, and prior to providing credit approval forged check gets first collection. While the system of internal control over accounts receivable, the company did not make the list and not sending receivable aging statement subscriptions receivable. For the company should make a list of accounts receivable aging and send a statement to the subscription receivable. While the system of internal control over cash, the company did not conduct a physical inspection of cash with a note, either periodic or sudden. Not a list of details receiving money, and physical cash / checks are not kept in a safe place (safe). Therefore the company should always perform a physical examination with a cash account, whether periodical or sudden, make a list of the details of the receipt of money, and keep physical money / checks in a safe place (safe)

    Manajemen Penangkaran Lebah Madu (Apis Cerana Fabr.) di Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    Honey forest are one of beekeeping product that can developed by honey bees breeding method.In order to remain sustainable production of honey breeding, agood breeding management is significantly needed. The purpose of this research was to identify and evaluate the breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee based onthe indicator and parameter assessment of technical requirement planning, the technique, the implementation, and the products of breeding. This research was conducted from February 2012 until April 2012 in the Buana Sakti Village, District of Batanghari, East Lampung. The method used in this research is field observations and questionnairy interviews. The analysis applied in this reseacrh is quantitative and qualitative method, comparing the data collection from the field to the criteria and indicator of breeding management assessment. The results of this research showed that the aspect of technical requirement planning and the breeding products are considered good, it is because it has accomplished the requirement. While the aspect of breeding technique and implementation are considered not good, it is caused by the limited competence of bee farmer and the breeding methods. Overally, the breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee in Buana Sakti village for all aspects is considered good. The breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr.honey bee in Buana Sakti village needs to be well improved, particularly in term of technique and implemetation of breeding to obtain the maximum quality of honey bee breeding

    Urgensi Pengaturan Keamanan dan Ketertiban dalam Lembaga Permasyarakatan di Indonesia

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    Sistem pemasyarakatan di Indonesia di atur di dalam Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan. Namun di dalamnya masih sedikit yang mengatur tentang keamanan LAPAS. Selain di dalam Undang-undang tentang Pemasyarakatan, keamanan LAPAS di sebutkan di Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Instruksi Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pemasyarakatan.Peraturan tersebut masih kurang dan dapat ditambah mengenai pengaturan teknologi informasi dalam layanan pemasyarakatan dan juga tentang keterbukaan informasi LAPAS, pengaturan aspek sumber daya manusia karena masih terbatas jumlah petugas keamanansesuai dengan bidang dan keahliannya, serta tingkat hunian yang melebihi kapasitas (over capacity) dan lemahnya pengawasan. Untuk lebih mengoptimalkan keamanan dan ketertiban di dalam LAPAS diharapkan adanya peraturan yang lebih mengikat dan jelas seperti Undang-undang.Beberapa konsep keamanan dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengamanan di LAPAS, antara lain dengan memperhatikan Stuktur organisasi, akuntabilitas dan transparansi, sistem pengamanan, sarana dan prasarana serta bangunan dan letak LAPAS.Kata kunci : UUD, Lapa

    Pengaruh Penambahan Maltosa Pada Pengencer Berbasis Lesitin dalam Mempertahankan Kualitas Semen Cair Kambing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan maltosa pada pengencer berbasis lesitin dalam mempertahankan motilitas, viabilitas dan daya hidup spermatozoa kambing. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 kali ulangan dari 6 kali ejakulat dari kambing yang sama. Semen segar diperiksa secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap pengenceran. Terdapat 4 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu Andromed (kontrol), Andromed + 0,2% maltosa, Andromed + 0,4% maltosa dan Andromed + 0,6% maltosa. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah motilitas spermatozoa, viabilitas dan presentase membran plasma utuh (MPU). Evaluasi dilakukan dari hari ke-0 hingga hari ke-4 dan penyimpanan dalam lemari pendingin dengan suhu 4 0C. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah Analisis Ragam atau Analysis of Variant (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok Andromed + 0,4% maltosa mampu mempertahankan motilitas, viabilitas dan membran plasma utuh (46,67 ± 8,14; 53,33 ± 1,75; 54,67 ± 5,50) hingga hari ke-4 penyimpanan dan berbeda nyata (

    The compounds activity of black potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius) as an antioxidant nutraceutical

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    Black potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius) is one of the horticultural plants that has potential as nutraceutical food and also contain bioactive compounds such as being rich in flavonoids, especially anthocyanins. The potential benefits of black potatoes are not widely known by public, so it is necessary to cultivate one of them by processing it into food such as instant porridge, which is then labeled as B-PORIS product. The reason for choosing instant porridge was because it is a practical food product. This research aimed to prove that instant porridge from black potato contains bioactive compounds flavonoids, especially anthocyanins. These instant porridges are made with the appropriate ratio in 3 formulations with different parameters of black potato flour concentration, formulation 1 10%, formulation 2 9%, and formulation 3 11%. This research was conducted with organoleptic tests, moisture content tests, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and hedonic tests. The results of the organoleptic test obtained soft texture, characteristic chocolate smell, brown color, and slightly sweet and sweeter taste. The results of moisture content test were qualified with water content of not more than 7%. The results of flavonoid and anthocyanin test obtained positive results in all of formulations. The hedonic test result 80-90% of panelists indicate choose an option like, and really like in questionnaires, results demonstrated that formulation 3 was most likely. So it can be concluded that black potato tubers has the potential to become a nutraceutical product as an instant porridge with antioxidant effect that received and liked by various groups of age
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