21,910 research outputs found

    Temporally fluctuating prey and coexistence among unequal conspecific interferers

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    Coexistence among unequal conspecific interferers should be unlikely to persist if stronger interferers always experience a relative fitness increment from their higher foraging rates. In this study, we suggest that decreased relative costs to weaker interferers with increasing temporal fluctuations in prey availability may be a mechanism enhancing coexistence of unequal conspecific interferers. Previous work on fluctuation and coexistence has dealt with oscillations over a time-scale measured in generations of competitor species and their resources, while our work shows that fluctuations in prey availability facilitate coexistence of different phenotypic strategies within species and generations, and over short time-scales. With increasing amplitude of temporal fluctuation about an average prey density, cumulative intakes for differently strong interferers are affected differently. Because of the prey-dependent effect of interference, high amplitudes of fluctuation allow for relatively lower foraging-rate costs in weaker interferers, which decreases the difference in foraging success between strong and weaker interferers. This decreased difference in foraging success could thus significantly relax the conditions allowing for unequal interferer coexistence

    Processing Issues in Top-Down Approaches to Quantum Computer Development in Silicon

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    We describe critical processing issues in our development of single atom devices for solid-state quantum information processing. Integration of single 31P atoms with control gates and single electron transistor (SET) readout structures is addressed in a silicon-based approach. Results on electrical activation of low energy (15 keV) P implants in silicon show a strong dose effect on the electrical activation fractions. We identify dopant segregation to the SiO2/Si interface during rapid thermal annealing as a dopant loss channel and discuss measures of minimizing it. Silicon nanowire SET pairs with nanowire width of 10 to 20 nm are formed by electron beam lithography in SOI. We present first results from Coulomb blockade experiments and discuss issues of control gate integration for sub-40nm gate pitch levels

    Utlegging av rene leirmasser i Bekkelagsbassenget - etterundersøkelse 2007

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    Rene leirmasser (30000 m3) fra graving av trasé for senketunnel i Oslo havn ble i januar og februar 2007 deponert fra splittlekter på ca 50 m dyp i Bekkelagsbassenget. Hensikten var å bli kvitt rene overskuddsmasser og overdekke forurensede sedimenter. I følge utslippstillatelsen skulle det etter deponeringen foretas en etterundersøkelse slik at eventuelle effekter/miljøgevinster kunne dokumenteres. I denne rapporten redegjøres det for resultatene fra etterundersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen omfatter biologisk registrering ved bruk av sedimentprofilkamera (SPI), analyser av miljøgifter i sediment og semikvantitativ kartlegging av bunnfauna ved bruk av ROV/undervannsvideo. Etterundersøkelsen ble gjennomført høsten 2007 med de samme metoder som førundersøkelsen. Førundersøkelsen ble utført høsten 2006. Resultatene viser at miljøgiftkonsentrasjonen i deponeringsområdet har gått betydelig ned etter deponeringen og for enkelte miljøgifter også utenfor selve deponiområdet. Det ble 6-8 måneder etter deponeringen ikke registrert noen tydelig øket nedslamming på hardbunn i omkringliggende områder selv om en betydelig spredning av partikler trolig har funnet sted under selve deponeringen. Deponeringen har gitt en klar miljøgevinst i Bekklagsbassenget i form av lavere miljøgiftkonsentrasjoner i overflatesedimentet. Deponeringen har trolig heller ikke ført til uheldige effekter av betydning for utslippsarrangementet til Bekkelaget renseanlegg

    Signatures of Wigner Localization in Epitaxially Grown Nanowires

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    It was predicted by Wigner in 1934 that the electron gas will undergo a transition to a crystallized state when its density is very low. Whereas significant progress has been made towards the detection of electronic Wigner states, their clear and direct experimental verification still remains a challenge. Here we address signatures of Wigner molecule formation in the transport properties of InSb nanowire quantum dot systems, where a few electrons may form localized states depending on the size of the dot (i.e. the electron density). By a configuration interaction approach combined with an appropriate transport formalism, we are able to predict the transport properties of these systems, in excellent agreement with experimental data. We identify specific signatures of Wigner state formation, such as the strong suppression of the antiferromagnetic coupling, and are able to detect the onset of Wigner localization, both experimentally and theoretically, by studying different dot sizes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Levitated droplet dye laser

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    We present the first observation, to our knowledge, of lasing from a levitated, dye droplet. The levitated droplets are created by computer controlled pico-liter dispensing into one of the nodes of a standing ultrasonic wave (100 kHz), where the droplet is trapped. The free hanging droplet forms a high quality optical resonator. Our 750 nL lasing droplets consist of Rhodamine 6G dissolved in ethylene glycol, at a concentration of 0.02 M. The droplets are optically pumped at 532 nm light from a pulsed, frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser, and the dye laser emission is analyzed by a fixed grating spectrometer. With this setup we have achieved reproducible lasing spectra in the visible wavelength range from 610 nm to 650 nm. The levitated droplet technique has previously successfully been applied for a variety of bio-analytical applications at single cell level. In combination with the lasing droplets, the capability of this high precision setup has potential applications within highly sensitive intra-cavity absorbance detection.Comment: 6 pages including 3 figure

    On the Higher Spin Content of Superfields

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    Two different possibilities of constructing superfields of arbitrary spin content are considered. In one the superfield itself transforms according to some representation of the homogeneous Lorentz group (H.L.G.) while in the other it is a scalar but is a function of several four component Majorana spinors