407 research outputs found

    Allmennlegers erfaringer som portvakt. Utfordringer, hÄndtering og konsekvenser

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    Gatekeeping has been a natural part of the general practitioners’ (GPs’) duties for many decades. Recently, the gatekeeper’s function has been questioned, as ideals of shared decision-making and patient autonomy have been given increased attention. GPs describe gatekeeping duties as challenging, and have experienced an increasing conflict between the roles as the patient’s advocate and society’s inspector, and they have been criticized for not having paid sufficient attention to this duty. In this thesis, I wish to contribute to new knowledge about the challenges, handling and consequences regarding the GPs’ role as gatekeepers. With GPs’ specific experiences as the point of departure, we have explored how they in their daily work try to balance the patients’ individual wishes with society’s regulations and priorities. As the source of knowledge for the thesis I have used analysis and results from three studies with these issues: 1) Which considerations do GPs make when deciding whether to sick-list patients suffering from medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS)? 2) Which strategies do GPs apply when they negotiate with these patients concerning sick-listing, when they are supposed to take responsibility both for the individual patient and society? 3) What are GPs’ experiences from consultations where they, for good medical reasons, deny a patient’s request? What are the consequences of such encounters, and how is the patient‒doctor-relationship affected? We have applied qualitative methods, and data analysis has been carried out by systematic text condensation (STC). As theoretical framework to support analysis we have used political scientist Michael Lipsky’s theories about how public service workers execute their jobs (Street-level bureaucracy), and physician and bioethicist Edmund Pellegrino’s theories about patient and doctor autonomy. Data for studies I and II were drawn from focus group interviews with 48 GPs (31 men, 17 women). In study III we collected data from individual interviews with six experienced GPs, three men and three women. In study I, the GPs described decisions regarding sick-listing of patients with MUPS as a challenging task, especially due to lack of objective sign of disease. Instead, they chose to trust the patients’ own stories and put emphasis on this information in their considerations. They were also influenced by other factors, such as the patient’s ability to evoke sympathy, the GPs’ prior knowledge of the patient and their own experience as a patient. Some GPs wanted to avoid conflict and therefore tended to be pliable towards demands for sick-notes, but others expressed more willingness to refuse such demands. In study II, the GPs expressed beliefs that prolonged sick-listing for patients with MUPS could be problematic, and described how they would apply a give-and-take strategy in their negotiations with their patients regarding sick leave. The first step would be to build an alliance by trying to understand the patient and comply with their request for sick leave, and later trying to motivate the patient for a return to work as soon as possible. In study III the GPs described their experience with denying patients’ requests. This could concern a number of different issues, from investigation and treatment to sick leave and eligibility for a driver’s license. Such denials often ended in unresolved conflicts or direct confrontations, and these incidents would often create strong negative emotions in the GPs, brooding and regrets. As a consequence, some patient‒doctor-relationships would be damaged or ruined. This thesis demonstrates how GPs struggle to balance different issues when exercising their gate-keeping duties. They try to pay attention both to the patient‒ doctor-relationship, their own emotions and work satisfaction, and a just distribution of health and welfare services. These factors are all legitimate goals, and a compromise between these often conflicting considerations must be recognized as the foundation for the gate-keeping assignment. The GPs’ abilities to solve the gatekeeping should be strengthened, and this could be obtained by improved professional skills in clinical communication, a firmer rooted ethical identity and an unequivocal political confirmation to exercise the gate-keeping assignment.Oppgaven som portvakt har vĂŠrt en naturlig del av allmennlegens funksjon over mange tiĂ„r, men portvakten er kommet under press ved fremveksten av nye idealer om pasientsentrert kommunikasjon og pasientautonomi. Allmennleger beskriver portvaktoppdraget som krevende. De opplever en Ăžkende konflikt mellom Ă„ skulle vĂŠre pasientens hjelper og samtidig opptre som samfunnets kontrollĂžr, og har fĂ„tt kritikk for at de ikke vier denne oppgaven tilstrekkelig oppmerksomhet. Med denne avhandlingen Ăžnsker jeg Ă„ bidra til ny kunnskap om utfordringer, hĂ„ndtering og konsekvenser forbundet med allmennlegers funksjon som portvakt. Med utgangspunkt i allmennlegers konkrete erfaringer har vi undersĂžkt hvordan de i sitt daglige arbeid prĂžver Ă„ manĂžvrere mellom Ă„ ivareta pasienters individuelle Ăžnsker og samfunnets regelverk og prioriteringer. Som kunnskapsgrunnlag for avhandlingen har jeg brukt analyser og resultater fra tre delstudier med fĂžlgende problemstillinger: 1) Hvilke vurderinger gjĂžr allmennleger nĂ„r de skal ta stilling til om pasienter med medisinsk uforklarte plager og symptomer (MUPS) oppfyller vilkĂ„rene for sykmelding? 2) Hvilke strategier bruker allmennleger nĂ„r de forhandler med sine pasienter om sykmelding ved MUPS, nĂ„r de skal ivareta ansvaret bĂ„de overfor den enkelte pasient og samfunnet? 3) Hvilke erfaringer har allmennleger fra konsultasjoner der de, ut fra faglig velbegrunnede vurderinger, sier nei til pasienters uttrykte Ăžnsker? Hvilke konsekvenser opplever legene at slike hendelser fĂ„r, og hvordan pĂ„virkes lege-pasient-forholdet? Vi har brukt kvalitativ forskningsmetode, og data er analysert ved hjelp av systematisk tekstkondensering (STC). Som teoretisk referanseramme for analysene har vi stĂžttet oss til samfunnsforskeren Michael Lipskys perspektiver om offentlige tjenestepersoner som utĂžvere av myndighetenes politikk overfor enkeltindivider (street level bureaucracy), og legen og filosofen Edmund Pellegrinos ideer om pasienters og legers autonomi. Datagrunnlaget i delstudie I og II var fokusgruppeintervjuer med 48 allmennleger (31 menn, 17 kvinner). I delstudie III hentet vi data fra individualintervjuer med seks erfarne allmennleger (tre menn og tre kvinner). I delstudie I beskrev allmennlegene sykmeldingsvurderinger for pasienter med MUPS som en utfordrende oppgave, sĂŠrlig fordi de savnet objektive tegn pĂ„ sykdom. De valgte derfor Ă„ stole pĂ„ pasientens fremstilling og vektlegge denne i sine vurderinger. De ble ogsĂ„ pĂ„virket av andre forhold, som pasientens evne til Ă„ vekke tillit, tidligere kjennskap til pasienten, og legens egen erfaring som pasient. Noen allmennleger Ăžnsket Ă„ unngĂ„ konfrontasjoner og kunne derfor vĂŠre ettergivende overfor krav om sykmelding, mens noen uttrykte stĂžrre vilje til Ă„ avvise pasientens Ăžnske. I delstudie II ga legene uttrykk for at de mente at langvarige sykmeldinger for pasienter med MUPS kunne vĂŠre uheldig, og de beskrev hvordan de benyttet en gi-og-ta-strategi nĂ„r de forhandlet med pasienten om sykmelding. Strategien gikk ut pĂ„ Ă„ bygge en allianse med pasienten ved Ă„ vise forstĂ„else og etterkomme Ăžnsket om sykmelding, for i neste omgang Ă„ prĂžve Ă„ bringe pasienten tilbake i arbeid sĂ„ raskt som mulig. I delstudie III beskrev allmennleger sine erfaringer med Ă„ avvise pasienters Ăžnsker. Disse Ăžnskene kunne dreie seg om alt fra utredning og behandling til sykmelding og fĂžrerkort. Avvisningene endte ofte i uavklarte konflikter eller direkte konfrontasjoner, noe som kunne skape sterke negative fĂžlelser hos legen og fĂžre til grubling og selvbebreidelser. Slike hendelser kunne ogsĂ„ medfĂžre at lege‒pasient-forholdet ble skadelidende eller Ăždelagt. Avhandlingen viser hvordan allmennlegen strever med Ă„ veie flere ulike hensyn mot hverandre i utĂžvelsen av portvaktoppdraget. Allmennlegen prĂžver Ă„ ta hensyn til bĂ„de lege‒pasient-forholdet, egne fĂžlelser og jobbtilfredshet og en riktig fordeling av helse- og velferdsgoder. Alle faktorene er hver for seg legitime, og et kompromiss mellom disse ofte motstridende hensynene mĂ„ anerkjennes som grunnlaget for portvaktfunksjonen. Allmennlegens forutsetninger for Ă„ lĂžse portvaktoppdraget bĂžr styrkes. Dette kan skje gjennom styrket faglig kompetanse i klinisk kommunikasjon, en tryggere fagetisk forankring og et tydelig overordnet politisk mandat til Ă„ utĂžve portvaktoppdraget

    Allmennlegers erfaringer som portvakt. Utfordringer, hÄndtering og konsekvenser

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    Gatekeeping has been a natural part of the general practitioners’ (GPs’) duties for many decades. Recently, the gatekeeper’s function has been questioned, as ideals of shared decision-making and patient autonomy have been given increased attention. GPs describe gatekeeping duties as challenging, and have experienced an increasing conflict between the roles as the patient’s advocate and society’s inspector, and they have been criticized for not having paid sufficient attention to this duty. In this thesis, I wish to contribute to new knowledge about the challenges, handling and consequences regarding the GPs’ role as gatekeepers. With GPs’ specific experiences as the point of departure, we have explored how they in their daily work try to balance the patients’ individual wishes with society’s regulations and priorities. As the source of knowledge for the thesis I have used analysis and results from three studies with these issues: 1) Which considerations do GPs make when deciding whether to sick-list patients suffering from medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS)? 2) Which strategies do GPs apply when they negotiate with these patients concerning sick-listing, when they are supposed to take responsibility both for the individual patient and society? 3) What are GPs’ experiences from consultations where they, for good medical reasons, deny a patient’s request? What are the consequences of such encounters, and how is the patient‒doctor-relationship affected? We have applied qualitative methods, and data analysis has been carried out by systematic text condensation (STC). As theoretical framework to support analysis we have used political scientist Michael Lipsky’s theories about how public service workers execute their jobs (Street-level bureaucracy), and physician and bioethicist Edmund Pellegrino’s theories about patient and doctor autonomy. Data for studies I and II were drawn from focus group interviews with 48 GPs (31 men, 17 women). In study III we collected data from individual interviews with six experienced GPs, three men and three women. In study I, the GPs described decisions regarding sick-listing of patients with MUPS as a challenging task, especially due to lack of objective sign of disease. Instead, they chose to trust the patients’ own stories and put emphasis on this information in their considerations. They were also influenced by other factors, such as the patient’s ability to evoke sympathy, the GPs’ prior knowledge of the patient and their own experience as a patient. Some GPs wanted to avoid conflict and therefore tended to be pliable towards demands for sick-notes, but others expressed more willingness to refuse such demands. In study II, the GPs expressed beliefs that prolonged sick-listing for patients with MUPS could be problematic, and described how they would apply a give-and-take strategy in their negotiations with their patients regarding sick leave. The first step would be to build an alliance by trying to understand the patient and comply with their request for sick leave, and later trying to motivate the patient for a return to work as soon as possible. In study III the GPs described their experience with denying patients’ requests. This could concern a number of different issues, from investigation and treatment to sick leave and eligibility for a driver’s license. Such denials often ended in unresolved conflicts or direct confrontations, and these incidents would often create strong negative emotions in the GPs, brooding and regrets. As a consequence, some patient‒doctor-relationships would be damaged or ruined. This thesis demonstrates how GPs struggle to balance different issues when exercising their gate-keeping duties. They try to pay attention both to the patient‒ doctor-relationship, their own emotions and work satisfaction, and a just distribution of health and welfare services. These factors are all legitimate goals, and a compromise between these often conflicting considerations must be recognized as the foundation for the gate-keeping assignment. The GPs’ abilities to solve the gatekeeping should be strengthened, and this could be obtained by improved professional skills in clinical communication, a firmer rooted ethical identity and an unequivocal political confirmation to exercise the gate-keeping assignment.Oppgaven som portvakt har vĂŠrt en naturlig del av allmennlegens funksjon over mange tiĂ„r, men portvakten er kommet under press ved fremveksten av nye idealer om pasientsentrert kommunikasjon og pasientautonomi. Allmennleger beskriver portvaktoppdraget som krevende. De opplever en Ăžkende konflikt mellom Ă„ skulle vĂŠre pasientens hjelper og samtidig opptre som samfunnets kontrollĂžr, og har fĂ„tt kritikk for at de ikke vier denne oppgaven tilstrekkelig oppmerksomhet. Med denne avhandlingen Ăžnsker jeg Ă„ bidra til ny kunnskap om utfordringer, hĂ„ndtering og konsekvenser forbundet med allmennlegers funksjon som portvakt. Med utgangspunkt i allmennlegers konkrete erfaringer har vi undersĂžkt hvordan de i sitt daglige arbeid prĂžver Ă„ manĂžvrere mellom Ă„ ivareta pasienters individuelle Ăžnsker og samfunnets regelverk og prioriteringer. Som kunnskapsgrunnlag for avhandlingen har jeg brukt analyser og resultater fra tre delstudier med fĂžlgende problemstillinger: 1) Hvilke vurderinger gjĂžr allmennleger nĂ„r de skal ta stilling til om pasienter med medisinsk uforklarte plager og symptomer (MUPS) oppfyller vilkĂ„rene for sykmelding? 2) Hvilke strategier bruker allmennleger nĂ„r de forhandler med sine pasienter om sykmelding ved MUPS, nĂ„r de skal ivareta ansvaret bĂ„de overfor den enkelte pasient og samfunnet? 3) Hvilke erfaringer har allmennleger fra konsultasjoner der de, ut fra faglig velbegrunnede vurderinger, sier nei til pasienters uttrykte Ăžnsker? Hvilke konsekvenser opplever legene at slike hendelser fĂ„r, og hvordan pĂ„virkes lege-pasient-forholdet? Vi har brukt kvalitativ forskningsmetode, og data er analysert ved hjelp av systematisk tekstkondensering (STC). Som teoretisk referanseramme for analysene har vi stĂžttet oss til samfunnsforskeren Michael Lipskys perspektiver om offentlige tjenestepersoner som utĂžvere av myndighetenes politikk overfor enkeltindivider (street level bureaucracy), og legen og filosofen Edmund Pellegrinos ideer om pasienters og legers autonomi. Datagrunnlaget i delstudie I og II var fokusgruppeintervjuer med 48 allmennleger (31 menn, 17 kvinner). I delstudie III hentet vi data fra individualintervjuer med seks erfarne allmennleger (tre menn og tre kvinner). I delstudie I beskrev allmennlegene sykmeldingsvurderinger for pasienter med MUPS som en utfordrende oppgave, sĂŠrlig fordi de savnet objektive tegn pĂ„ sykdom. De valgte derfor Ă„ stole pĂ„ pasientens fremstilling og vektlegge denne i sine vurderinger. De ble ogsĂ„ pĂ„virket av andre forhold, som pasientens evne til Ă„ vekke tillit, tidligere kjennskap til pasienten, og legens egen erfaring som pasient. Noen allmennleger Ăžnsket Ă„ unngĂ„ konfrontasjoner og kunne derfor vĂŠre ettergivende overfor krav om sykmelding, mens noen uttrykte stĂžrre vilje til Ă„ avvise pasientens Ăžnske. I delstudie II ga legene uttrykk for at de mente at langvarige sykmeldinger for pasienter med MUPS kunne vĂŠre uheldig, og de beskrev hvordan de benyttet en gi-og-ta-strategi nĂ„r de forhandlet med pasienten om sykmelding. Strategien gikk ut pĂ„ Ă„ bygge en allianse med pasienten ved Ă„ vise forstĂ„else og etterkomme Ăžnsket om sykmelding, for i neste omgang Ă„ prĂžve Ă„ bringe pasienten tilbake i arbeid sĂ„ raskt som mulig. I delstudie III beskrev allmennleger sine erfaringer med Ă„ avvise pasienters Ăžnsker. Disse Ăžnskene kunne dreie seg om alt fra utredning og behandling til sykmelding og fĂžrerkort. Avvisningene endte ofte i uavklarte konflikter eller direkte konfrontasjoner, noe som kunne skape sterke negative fĂžlelser hos legen og fĂžre til grubling og selvbebreidelser. Slike hendelser kunne ogsĂ„ medfĂžre at lege‒pasient-forholdet ble skadelidende eller Ăždelagt. Avhandlingen viser hvordan allmennlegen strever med Ă„ veie flere ulike hensyn mot hverandre i utĂžvelsen av portvaktoppdraget. Allmennlegen prĂžver Ă„ ta hensyn til bĂ„de lege‒pasient-forholdet, egne fĂžlelser og jobbtilfredshet og en riktig fordeling av helse- og velferdsgoder. Alle faktorene er hver for seg legitime, og et kompromiss mellom disse ofte motstridende hensynene mĂ„ anerkjennes som grunnlaget for portvaktfunksjonen. Allmennlegens forutsetninger for Ă„ lĂžse portvaktoppdraget bĂžr styrkes. Dette kan skje gjennom styrket faglig kompetanse i klinisk kommunikasjon, en tryggere fagetisk forankring og et tydelig overordnet politisk mandat til Ă„ utĂžve portvaktoppdraget

    SĂžrstatenes minnepolitikk om Den amerikanske borgerkrigen. Hyllest av asken eller bevarelse av ilden?

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    Den amerikanske borgerkrigen er en krig som blir stadig mer relevant for Ä kunne forstÄ hva som foregÄr i USA. NÄr borgerkrigen er over, starter en langtekkelig og mislykket gjenoppbyggingsprosess. Gjenoppbyggingsprosessen er i praksis en militÊrokkupasjon av sÞrstatene hvor militÊret skulle sÞrge for lov og orden mens statene ble gjenoppbygd bÄde i form av infrastruktur og statsapparat. Denne prosessen feiler pÄ mange mÄter pÄ grunn av stridigheter mellom president og kongress, korrupsjon, sosial uro og aktÞrer med ondsinnede intensjoner. Det som skiller borgerkrigen fra mange andre kriger, er den klare mangelen pÄ ett oppgjÞr. Presidenten under borgerkrigen, Abraham Lincoln, frontet en liberal straffepolitikk og selv etter hans attentat ble mye av denne politikken fulgt. Der var sÄ Ä si ingen rettsaker eller noe form for oppgjÞr pÄ den tapende part. SÄ fort borgerkrigen er over starter en ny krig, krigen om narrativet. I mange kriger blir det sagt at det er seierherren som skriver historien, men i Den amerikanske borgerkrigen kan man nesten si det motsatte. Det sÞrlige perspektivet pÄ krigen ble kjent som «The Lost Cause of The Confederacy» og baserer seg pÄ mange enkle grunntanker: sÞrstatenes militÊr var briljant fra general til menig mens nordstatenes var fylt med inkompetanse og grusom brutalitet. Den eneste grunnen for at nordstatene vant (ifÞlge dette historiesynet) var en overflod av ressurser og menn som kunne slaktes pÄ et blodig alter. Krigens Ärsak var ogsÄ tydelig for sÞrstatene, grunnloven de hadde blitt enig om pÄ 1700-tallet var nÄ sÄ Þdelagt at det var deres rett som stat i denne unionen Ä trekke seg ut omsÄ med vold. Slaveri var ikke en faktor i det hele tatt, om ingenting var slaveriet i sÞrstatene den mildeste formen for tvangsarbeid som noensinne hadde eksistert. De nÄ frigjorte slavene var miserable i sin nye hverdag og lengtet tilbake til plantasjen og sine snille herrer. Til Êre for dette opprÞret ble det bygget flere monumenter til en utbryternasjon over hele sÞrstatene, ikke bare til lederne, men ogsÄ den vanlige soldaten. Som en del av forsoningsprosessen tok ikke den fÞderale regjeringen tak i dette og «The Lost Cause» fikk spre seg utover 1800 og 1900-tallet pÄ den mÄten at det faktisk ansees som historisk fakta fram til 70-tallet

    Why do doctors in Norway choose general practice and remain there? A qualitative study about motivational experiences

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    Objective: To explore experiences motivating doctors to become and remain GPs. Design and contributors: Qualitative analysis of written responses from an open-ended question about motivational experiences posted on an internet discussion list for GPs in Norway. Texts from 25 contributors were analysed with Systematic Text Condensation, supported by theories about calling as motivation. Results: Analysis revealed numerous aspects of motivation to become and remain a general practitioner. Inspirations from early experiences and skilled role models had conveyed values and offered insight into a fascinating world of care, gratitude and respect. Close and continuous relationships with patients provided GPs with humbling experiences and learning moments. Contributors described how these encounters became rewarding sources of insight and mutual trust, improving interpersonal skills. Also, the extensive variety of tasks during the workday and the space for autonomy and independence was emphasised. Implications: Understanding motivational experiences influencing GPs’ choice of medical career is necessary to develop strategies for recruitment and stability and contribute to prevention of burn-out and improper work-life balance. GPs’ professional identities and commitments should be recognized and developed in dialogues between authorities and GPs to enhance communication, improve the structural frames of work environment and thereby sustainable recruitment. Key points GPs regard their choice of medical career as strongly influenced by motivational experiences in childhood, adolescence and as medical students Role models, diversity of work, feelings of being able to contribute and rewarding and continuous relationships with patients were mentioned to activate and maintain general practice commitment Knowledge about motivational influences, professional identities and commitment for GPs is crucial for medical education and dialogue to promote general practice as a career choice and prevent dangers of work overload and burnoutpublishedVersio

    East Baltimore: Tradition and Transition. A Documentary Photography Project (Photo Essay)

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    Poster presentation at the Open Repositories 2019 conference, Hamburg, 10.06.19 - 13.06.19. http://archiv.gwin.gwiss.uni-hamburg.de/or2019/. The number of digital repositories containing publications and datasets on the Arctic region are increasing enormously. Users want relevant information according to their query with minimum interval of time. Scholars are compelled to search the individual repositories to get their desired documents. Open Arctic Research Index (Open ARI), a planned service at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, aims to collect and index all the openly available Arctic-related publications and datasets in a single open access metadata index. By providing a simple search dialog box to the index, users can search all these repositories and archives in a single operation. The project investigates how such a service can support researchers in their research by making results from Arctic research more visible and better retrievable based on a standardized, interdisciplinary metadata set. The project started by clarifying the need for a new technical solution to collect all the published material using algorithms that allow the best way of filtering relevant records. We have defined 115 possible national and international collaborators who can feed the Open ARI with content. The team will analyze the success opportunities and the challenges in order of planning a full-scale management model

    Vitamin D predicts all-cause and cardiac mortality in females with suspected acute coronary syndrome: a comparison with brain natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein

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    Vitamin D may not only reflect disease but may also serve as a prognostic indicator. Our aim was to assess the gender-specific utility of vitamin D measured as 25-hydroxy-vitamin D [25(OH)D] to predict all-cause and cardiac death in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and to compare its prognostic utility to brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP). Blood samples were harvested on admission in 982 patients. Forty percent were women (65.9 ± 12.6 years). Mortality was evaluated in quartiles of 25(OH)D, BNP, and hsCRP, respectively, during a 5-year follow-up, applying univariate and multivariate analyses. One hundred and seventy-three patients died; 78 were women. In 92 patients (37 women), death was defined as cardiac. In women, the univariate hazard ratio (HR) for total death of 25(OH)D in Quartile (Q) 2 versus Q1, Q3 versus Q1, and Q4 versus Q1 was 0.55 (95% CI 0.33–0.93), 0.29 (95% CI 0.15–0.55), and 0.13 (95% CI 0.06–0.32), respectively. In females, it was an independent predictor of total and cardiac death, whereas BNP and hsCRP were less gender-specific. No gender differences in 25(OH)D were noted in a reference material. Accordingly, vitamin D independently predicts mortality in females with suspected ACS.publishedVersio

    Using Ordinary Digital Cameras in Place of Near-Infrared Sensors to Derive Vegetation Indices for Phenology Studies of High Arctic Vegetation

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    We thank Mark Gillespie, Nanna Baggesen, and Anne Marit Vik for field assistance. The University in Svalbard (UNIS) provided logistical support. This work was funded by the Norwegian Research Council through the ‘SnoEco’ project (project No. 230970) and Arctic Field Grant (No. 246110/E10). It was supported by the ESA Prodex project ‘Sentinel-2 for High North Vegetation Phenology’ (contract No. 4000110654), the EC FP7 collaborative project ‘Sentinels Synergy Framework’ (SenSyF), funding from The Fram Centre Terrestrial Flagship, also from the EEA Norway Grants (WICLAP project, ID 198571), and from the GRENE Arctic Climate Change Research Project, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
