360 research outputs found

    From Irony to Solidarity: Affective Practice and Social Media Activism

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    This article discusses affective practice in context of social media activism. Drawing on work by Margaret Wetherell the article explores particular sensibility of political discourse and action, enhanced by the social media environment. The empirical cases involve the social media activism of anti-immigrant movement as well as solidarity activists in the context of the so called refugee crisis in Europe. It is argued that practices and sensibilities of activism enhanced and shaped by the technologies and economics of social media. While the anti-immigrant movement makes use of politics of irony on various levels from discourse to acts of trolling, solidarity movements tend to focus on compassionate, yet increasingly practical and shielded forms of practices as well as commercialized. Finally it introduces solidarity of dissonance as an opportunity for reflexive collective action and as a space to imagine alternatives

    From irony to solidarity: affective practice and social media activism

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    This article discusses affective practice in context of social media activism. Drawing on work by Margaret Wetherell the article explores particular sensibility of political discourse and action, enhanced by the social media environment. The empirical cases involve the social media activism of anti-immigrant movement as well as solidarity activists in the context of the so called refugee crisis in Europe. It is argued that practices and sensibilities of activism enhanced and shaped by the technologies and economics of social media. While the anti-immigrant movement makes use of politics of irony on various levels from discourse to acts of trolling, solidarity movements tend to focus on compassionate, yet increasingly practical and shielded forms of practices as well as commercialized. Finally it introduces solidarity of dissonance as an opportunity for reflexive collective action and as a space to imagine alternatives

    Community College Presidents In The New Millennium: Competencies For Leadership As Identified By Position Announcements And Relationship To Board Type

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if position announcements and position descriptions posted in The Chronicle of Higher Education, (2002) align with 1) the competencies established by Desjardins and Huff for the community college president in the new millennium and 2) whether these competencies vary with different board structures, majority board gender composition, or gender of board president. Seventy-six position announcements where compared to a Community College Leadership Competency model in a mixed model research design, using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Inter-rater reliability was established by having two educators independently code 20 position announcements and then compare these results to the researcher\u27s results. The top six competencies, which appeared in 92 percent or more of the position announcements included: Demonstrates High-involvement Leadership; Creates a Shared Vision; Manages Finances Proactively; Influences Strategically; Ensures Effective Communication; and Maintains High Standards. The top 10 competencies appeared in 86 percent or more of all announcements. Local elected boards identified three competencies significantly more often than local appointed boards: Creates a Student-centered Learning Environment; Invests in Professional Development; and Corrects Performance Problems. Local boards identified three competencies significantly more often than state boards: Recognizes and Rewards Excellence; Establishes Effective Board Relations; and Maintains High Standards. Elected boards identified three competencies significantly more often than appointed boards: Maintains Equilibrium; Invests in Professional Development; and Corrects Performance Problems. Boards with male presidents identified one competency significantly more often than boards with female presidents: Creates a Student-centered Learning Environment. Boards with female presidents identified one competency significantly more often than boards with male presidents: Fosters Creativity and Innovation. To determine the relationship between the rankings of the competencies by various groups the Spearman\u27s Rank-Difference Coefficient Correlation was administered. The rankings of the competencies by types of boards supported no significant differences in the average rank assigned by each of the three groups compared. These findings indicate that many of the Desjardins and Huff competencies can be found in position announcements for community college presidents. Although differences between board types were expected, only minor differences materialized within the framework of this study

    The humanitarian makeover

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    We examine how the makeover paradigm is mobilized in contemporary humanitarian communications—a practice we call “humanitarian makeover.” We demonstrate its operation in the Finnish television programme Arman and the Children of Cameroon and Plan's 2013 International Day of the Girl event. The analysis shows how helping distant others is configured within a makeover and self-transformation narrative, providing a stage for performance of an “ethical self.” We argue that while the humanitarian impetus is to disturb and redress global inequality and injustice, which includes exposing and interrupting the failures of neoliberalism, the makeover paradigm is intimately connected to and reinforces individualized “moral citizenship,” which conforms to and reinforces neoliberal values

    Yritystoiminnan lopettaminen ja yrittäjän sosiaaliturva

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    Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää vapaaehtoinen lopettaminen ja konkurssi, yrittäjän sosiaaliturva yritystoiminnan aikana ja lopettamisen jälkeen sekä verotus yritystoiminnan lopettamisen yhteydessä. Lisäksi työssä käytiin läpi yritysmuodot. Työn teoriaosa perustuu pääosin alan kirjallisuuteen ja ajantasaiseen lainsäädäntöön sekä sähköiseen tietoon. Teoriaosuuden tarkoituksena on ollut selventää yritystoiminnan lopettamisen prosessia. Yritystoiminnan voi lopettaa kokonaan vapaaehtoisen lopettamisen tai konkurssin kautta. Vapaaehtoisessa lopettamisessa yhtiön purkaminen toteutetaan selvitystilan kautta. Kannattamaton liiketoiminta päättyy konkurssin kautta. Yrittäjän sosiaaliturva määräytyy YEL-vakuutuksen ja YEL-työtulon perusteella. Sairastuessaan yrittäjä voi saada sairauspäivärahaa tai osasairauspäivärahaa. Jäädessä työttömäksi hänen on mahdollista saada peruspäivärahaa tai ansiopäivärahaa. Eläkkeelle jäädessään yrittäjä voi saada eläkettä vanhuuden tai työkyvyttömyyden vuoksi. Lapsen syntyessä yrittäjällä on samat oikeudet saada äitiys- ja vanhempainpäivärahaa kuin palkkatyötä tekevälläkin. Yrityksen lopettamisen yhteydessä voi saada luovutusvoittoa tai luovutustappiota. Lopettamisen yhteydessä myyty liikeomaisuus on elinkeinoverolain mukaan veronalaista. Yhtiöstä saatava jako-osan arvo arvostetaan samaan arvoon, kuin mitä luovutushinnaksi on katsottu purkautuvan yhtiön viimeisessä verotuksessa Työn empiriaosa koostuu haastatteluista, joiden avulla on pyritty saamaan näkemyksiä ja ongelmia yritystoiminnan lopettamisessa. Työ muodostaa kattavan kokonaisuuden yritystoiminnan lopettamisesta ja yrittäjän sosiaaliturvasta.The purpose of this thesis was to clarify a voluntary or bankruptcy-induced closing down of a business, the entrepreneur´s social insurance and taxation after the closing down of a business. An objective of this study was also to describe the different types of business. The theory part is based on literature, laws and sources in the Internet. The purpose of theory part was to find out about the processes of closing down a business. A business can be ended by voluntarily or through bankruptcy. Dissolution of a business can be carried out by way of liquidation. Unprofitable business will end through bankruptcy. The empirical part was carried out by interviews, which helped to find out some insights into and problems with the closing down of a business. Social insurance is based on the YEL-insurance and YEL-income. An entrepreneur can receive social insurance benefits. An entrepreneur can receive capital gains or losses in connection with the closing down of the business. If the property is sold, it will be taxed according to the Business Tax Act


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    Datakapitalismin uhka ja lumo

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    Timo Harakka. 2022. Datakapitalismi kriisien maailmassa. Helsinki: Siltala. 168 s

    Affective Practice of Soldiering : How Sharing Images Is Used to Spread Extremist and Racist Ethos on Soldiers of Odin Facebook Site

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    The paper explores how visual affective practice is used to spread and bolster a nationalist, extremist and racist ethos on the public Facebook page of the anti-immigrant group, Soldiers of Odin. Affective practice refers to a particular sensibility of political discourse, shaped by social formations and digital technologies-the contexts in which political groups or communities gather, discuss and act. The study shows how visual affective practice and sharing and responding to images fortify moral claims, sense exclusionary solidarity and promote white nationalist masculinity which legitimizes racist practices of "soldiering." By examining both the representations and their reactions (emoticons), the study demonstrates how ideas and values are collectively strengthened through affective sharing and are supported by platform infrastructures. Most importantly, it demonstrates that instead of considering the affect of protecting the nation as a natural result of "authentic" gut feeling, we should understand the ways it is purposefully and collectively produced and circulated.Peer reviewe