754 research outputs found

    Sustainable Economic Development in the Transition Countries, With a Retrospect of the Republic of Macedonia

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    Sustainable development represents a civilization challenge that should meet the needs of today’s generations without jeopardizing the ability of the Earth to meet the needs of the future generations. This challenge, as an evolutionary process in which the social and economic development and the environment protection are independent, but mutual complementary components demands the solving of several issuesThe vision of sustainable economic development is based on the historical, cultural and political development of the countries. There is no unique way of sustainable development for different countries and therefore they cannot be made in the same way.The transition toward sustainable development represents a social choice that connects the global vision of the local needs and goals. The citizens must participate in the process of sustainable development. They must recognize the role they have in creating problems and finding solutions.In order to gain a general frame for the assessment of sustainable economic development  it is necessary to integrate several methodologies  and approaches toward the possible future generations for a quality and healthy life.One of the ways of assessing the results from the policies and the activities is the use of the principles and indicators according to which it is determined how much the countries work on sustainable development. Part of the indicators are generally accepted, and part are in a modeling phase. A systematic approach is necessary to see whether all indicators are necessary, and which of them are necessary for the assessment of sustainability. The economists do not have problems in executing the objective and quantitative indicators. The sociologists are facing many problems in the execution of indicators because of the immateriality of the life quality. However, the environment experts see problems when they are limited in the execution of indicators.Sustainable development is much more than a mutual connection  between the economy, the law and the ecology in establishing relations between the indicators of sustainable development  and the economic  development  are the basis for creating conceptual link  between the  different approaches toward sustainable economic development.The aim of this paper is the implementation of today’s relevant experiences, practices and theoretical knowledge expressed through the changes that are reflected in the life in the Republic of  Macedonia:• Protection of natural resources• Sustainable production and consumption• Sustainable sources of energy and• Following and reporting about the conditions, supported by the following indica-tors:• Level of citizens’ involvement in the social activities• Number of companies that have an ecological strategy• Number of people involved in the planning process• Number local communities in the Republic of Macedonia, which are eco-logically oriented• Number of shops that sale home food and organically developed food• Number of companies for organic production• Renewable sources of energy in the Republic of Macedonia• The level of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere The elaboration of the final material will go through the following principles: Participation of local citizens. Key segment of the implementation of the Agenda 21; Short-term plans that support the municipalities that environmentally oriented; Local production, which is forced whenever possible;The oil, coal, gas, water should be saved and renewable sources of energ y should be used instead

    An acoustic multi-touch sensing method using amplitude disturbed ultrasonic wave diffraction patterns

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    This paper proposes an acoustic multi-touch tactile sensing method. The proposed method is based on an amplitude disturbed ultrasonic wave diffraction pattern. An A0 Lamb wave transmitted in a thin finite copper plate is processed to provide tactile information, for one or two fingers. A touch event is localized by identifying the diffraction signals among a database of diffracted Lamb wave references. Statistic models are used to improve the localization reliability. An artificial silicone finger is used in the calibration procedure. This touch interface is evaluated as a 2-touch interface

    Computer Aided Design of Transformer Station Grounding System Using CDEGS Software

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    This paper presents a computer-aided design of a transformer station grounding system. Fault conditions in a transformer station can produce huge damage to transformer station equipment if the grounding system is not designed properly. A well designed grounding system is a very important part of the project for transformer station design as a whole. This paper analyses a procedure for transformer grounding system design and spatial distribution of touch and step voltage on the ground surface level, using the CDEGS (Current Distribution Electromagnetic Interference Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis) software. Spatial distribution is needed for checking and finding dangerous step and touch voltages above and around the transformer station. Apparent earth resistivity data is measured and analyzed using the RESAP module of the CDEGS software. Because of the very high current flow into the grounding system during a single line to ground fault or a three phase fault in the transformer station, very high and dangerous potentials can be induced on the metallic structures including the fence, which can cause dangerous situations for people and animals near the station and for the personnel inside the station. The PLOT module of CDEGS is used to view the results of the scalar potential, step and touch voltage on the surface. Graphic displays include equipotent contour lines and potential profiles (gradients) in 3D and 2D perspective and apparent soil resistivity (Wm) versus inter electrode spacing (m). The results of alternative grid designs may be displayed simultaneously for the purpose of comparison

    Degenerative myelopathy in dogs

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    One of the chronic progressive disorders of the spinal cord in dogs is the degenerative myelopathy (DM). The most predisposed age in dog is 5 to 14 years, while rarely noted in younger, there is no gender predisposition. This disorder most commonly appears in dogs of the German shepherd breed, but it can appear in other breeds too. The main changes about this disease are degeneration of the myelin, especially in the thoracic-lumbar segments of the spinal cord and the dorsal nerve roots. The progression of the disease is slow and can last months to years. Undoubtedly, diagnosis is made by examinations of the CSF and establishing elevated level of protein segments

    Thermal and Arc Flash Analysis of Electric Motor Drives in Distribution Networks

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    The paper presents thermal analysis and arc flash analysis taking care of protection relays coordination settings for electric motor drives connected to the electrical network. Power flow analysis is performed to check if there are any voltage and loading violation conditions in the system. Fault analysis is performed to check the short circuit values and compute arc flash energy dissipated at industrial busbars to eliminate damage to electrical equipment and electrical shocks and hazard to personnel. Computers enable the use of smart algorithms used by electrical engineers in providing accuracy of these actions. A fast and accurate procedure for proper incident arc flash energy computation and overcurrent relays coordination in distribution networks is presented. The paper presents the use of the Arc Flash module for arc flash energy computation during the short circuit on LV and HV busbars with soft motor starters. A sample case of one real network is presented which uses soft motor starters as well as the influence on arc flash energy in one transformer station supplying the industrial network in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Postupak za određivanje harmonične distorzije uzduž distribucijske mreže

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    This paper underlines the importance of permanent power quality measures in distribution network and proposes the interval and event (change in topology) based time schedule of measurements in depth of the network. Some nodes do not need to be measured during 7 days according to EN 50160 to realize that there are great problems to solve in a new technical resolution. Similar to the trend of entropy, true harmonic distortion (THD) in distribution power system is expected to increment, so - momentary measures are sufficient to mark subparts of the power system with unsatisfactory level of power quality. The most important problem to solve is to mark the consumer\u27s generated harmonic distortion. Importance and benefit of the proposed method is to save the time needed to name causes of disturbances (consumer or device) and to anticipate the repairing of power quality. A new flow-chart is suggested for recognition of the consumer THD generation amount. Also, it leads to better technical or managing decision making during maintenance and investment planning activities. Further results of systematic planned measures that need to be done along the distribution power network, will enable global recognition of THD causes in network and simultaneously give exact solutions.Ovaj članak naglašava važnost stalnog mjerenja kvalitete električne energije u distribucijskoj mreži i predlaže vremenski raspored mjerenja po dubini mreže određen vremenskim intervalom ili događajem (promjena u topologiji mreže). Neki čvorovi ne moraju biti stalno mjereni tijekom 7 dana prema normi EN 50160 da se zaključi da postoje veliki problemi vezani za kvalitetu za novo stanje mreže koje treba riješiti. Slično kao ponašanje entropije, za udio harmoničnog izobličenja (THD-a) u distribucijskoj mreži očekuje se da isključivo raste tako da su trenutačna mjerenja dovoljna da se označe dijelovi distribucijskog sustava koji nemaju zadovoljavajuću razinu kvalitete. Najvažniji problem kojega treba riješiti je odrediti kupca koji proizvodi harmonično izobličenje. Važnost i korisnost predložene metode je ušteda vremena za određivanje uzroka poremećaja (kupca ili uređaja) kao i za predviđanje načina za poboljšanje kvalitete električne energije. Predložen je novi dijagram toka za prepoznavanje količine proizvedenog THD-a od strane određenog kupca. Također, uporabom ove nove metode mjerenja kvalitete olakšava se donošenje odluka u tehničkom i organizacijskom segmentu tijekom aktivnosti održavanja i planiranja investicija. Daljnji rezultati sistematski planiranih mjerenja uzduž distribucijske mreže omogućit će globalno prepoznavanje veličine uzroka harmoničnog izobličenja i istovremeno dati određena rješenja

    Познавање и однесување во однос на ХЦВ инфекции помеѓу студенти на медицински факултет, Универзитет Св. Кирил и Методиј, Скопје

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    The aim of the study was to determine knowledge and attitudes for HCV infection among medical students. Material and methods: The research was an analytical cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at Medical faculty, and convenience sample of 360 students, interviewed students of the second semester to final year. Specially designed questionnairy was developed by the researcher It was consisted of three parts include questions related to socio-demographic status, to level of knowledge for HCV infection, and question related to attitude of students towards HCV-positive patients. Results: The response rate of the survey was 90%. Тhe present study, indicated that medical student overall knowledge is moderate (very good 7-8). Students had more information about hepatitis prevention than about other aspects of the disease such as mode of transmission and symptoms, there was a significant correlation among student’s attitude and the total level of knowledge toward patients with hepatitis C in a way that higher knowledge is associated with better attitude. Conclusion: Our study has shown that medical students have a sufficient knowledge about HCV to face future challenges; they need further education on the subject. Цел на студијата е да се утврдат знаењата и ставовите на студентите по медицина за ХЦВ инфекција. Материјал и методи: истражувањето е аналитичка студија на пресек спроведена на Медицинскиот факултет, на примерок од 360 студенти. Анкетирани се студенти од вториот семестар се до завршната година. Притоа користен е специјално дизајниран прашалник, кој е развиен од страна на истражувачот. Прашалникот е составен од три дела: прашање поврзани со социо-демографски податоци, знаење за ХЦВ инфекции и став на студентите кон ХЦВ-позитивни пациенти. Резултати: Стапката на одговор на анкетата беше 90%. Oваа студија, посочи дека целокупното знаење на студентите по медицина е умерено (многу добро-7-8). Студентите имаат повеќе информации за превенција на хепатит Ц отколку за другите аспекти на болеста, како начин на пренесување и симптоми. Регистрирана е статистички значајна разлика помеѓу знаењето за хепатитис Ц со нивото на образование на студентите. Заклучок: Нашата студија покажа дека студентите по медицина имаат доволно знаење за ХЦВ, но потребно е да се продолжи со едукација на оваа тема

    Business Communication

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    Business communications are the process of sharing information between employees within and outside a company. Effective business communication is how employees and management interact with each other to reach organizational goals and be more aligned with the core company values. Its main purpose is to improve organizational practices, eliminate silos, keep employees informed and reduce errors. Effective business communication is essential for the success and growth of every organization. Unlike everyday communications, business communication is always goal-oriented