11 research outputs found

    The impact of interventions to improve adherence to preventive measures on the incidence of nosocomial infections in ICUs

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    Half of all life-threating nosocomial infections occur in intensive care units (ICUs) and, despite the advances in intensive care, the incidence of nosocomial infections is still high. About one third of nosocomial infections are considered preventable. Awareness of risk factors, adherence to preventive measures and collaboration of all members participating in preventive programmes can lead to reduction of the incidence of nosocomial infections and thus can produce a positive impact on reducing morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. A retrospective surveillance study was performed in a 14-bed medical ICU to identify device-related infections before and after the preventive interventions. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) were obtained and compared before and after the interventions. In the year before the interventions, device-related nosocomial infections were diagnosed in 7.9% out of 737 hospitalised patients in the ICU, and in the year after the interventions they were diagnosed in 5.1% out of 684 hospitalised patients. Before the interventions, the infection rates were distributed as follows: 7.5 CLABSI/1000 catheter days, 28.4 VAP/1000 ventilator days, 6.5 CAUTI/1000 catheterisation days. After the interventions, the rates were distributed as follows: 2.5 CLABSI/1000 catheter days, 26.5 VAP/1000 ventilator days and 4.1 CAUTI/1000 catheterisation days. The implementation of effective preventive measures and maintaining strict surveillance is the basis of limiting the risk of nosocomial infections. Since hospital nosocomial infection rate is considered an indicator of quality and safety of care, all infection control activities are focused to decrease rate of nosocomial infections

    The Efficacy of Cisapride vs. Placebo and Diet in Patients with Chronic Constipation

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    The effects of cisapride (10 mg three times daily) on the stool evacuation characteristics, laxative consumption (symptom diary) and motility pattern (rectoanal manometry) were assessed in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation who fulfilled Rome II criteria. After a 14-day basal period on a diet rich in fiber (phase I), patients were treated with placebo (n=20) or cisapride (n=19) (phase II). Anorectal manometry was performed at the end of each phase. The study was controlled, randomized and double blind. Side effects related to the use of cisapride were noted and found to be mild. Cisapride and placebo increased stool frequency from 4 (1–11) to 7 (14–12) (p<0.001) and from 4 (2–10) to 6 (2–11) (p<0.05) per week, respectively. Straining was decreased from 69.0% to 39.7% in the cisapride (p<0.0001) group, and from 79% to 35% (p<0.0001) in the placebo group. Both cisapride and placebo decreased the feeling of incomplete evacuation from 91.7% to 37.5% (p<0.0001) and from 82.7% to 39.2% (p<0.0001), respectively. Cisapride reduced the need of laxatives and showed a tendency to normalize stool consistency but did not influence any other symptom or bowel motility parameter

    Relationship between teacher attachment, classroom climate and quality of school life

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    Dijete dolaskom u školu gleda na učitelja kao na uzor (Trankiem, 2009). Nakon roditelja on postaje najvažnija osoba u djetetovu životu. Učiteljeva potpora, poštovanje, pravednost, strpljivost samo su neki od čimbenika koji pridonose pozitivnom razrednom ozračju i kvaliteti školskog života (Jurić, 2004). Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati povezanost privrženosti učiteljici i razrednog ozračja sa kvalitetom školskog života te rodne razlike u privrženosti učiteljici, razrednom ozračju i zadovoljstvu školom. U istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 102 učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole na području Grada Zagreba. Kao instrumenti u istraživanju korišteni su prilagođeni inventar privrženosti roditeljima i vršnjacima, upitnik Moj razred te upitnik kvalitete školskog života. Rezultati su pokazali izraženu privrženost učenika prema učiteljici. Od tri dimenzije privrženosti, učenici su istaknuli povjerenje, zatim kvalitetu i dubinu komunikacije, a osjećaj otuđenosti je ispodprosječno nizak. Na skalama razrednog ozračja vidljivo je da su učenici uglavnom međusobno povezani i sviđa im se biti dio razreda, a napetost među učenicima ponekad je prisutna. Prilikom izvršavanja školskih zadataka natjecanje je uglavnom prisutno, a pomoć pri savladavanju sadržaja uglavnom nije potrebna. Rezultati pokazuju kako su učenici uglavnom prihvaćeni i integrirani među vršnjacima te su općenito zadovoljni školom. Rodne razlike u percepciji privrženosti i razrednog ozračja gotovo da i ne postoje. Podjednako procjenjuju povjerenje u učiteljicu, nizak osjećaj otuđenosti, kvalitetu komunikacije s učiteljicom, zadovoljstvo razredom, napetost, natjecanje i težinu, dok je jedino povezanost statistički izraženija kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica. Na temelju rezultata vidljiva je i podjednaka prihvaćenost od svojih vršnjaka, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena kod zadovoljstva školom, s time da su djevojčice općenito zadovoljnije školom. Učenici koji su zadovoljni razinom privrženosti učiteljici i razrednim ozračje, zadovoljni su i kvalitetom školskog života.Upon arrival at school, the child views the teacher as a role model (Trankiem, 2009). After the parents, the teacher becomes the most important person in the child's life. Teachers support, respect, fairness, patience are just some of the factors that contribute to a positive classroom climate and quality of school life (Jurić, 2004). Therefore, the main goal of this research was to examine the relationship between attachment for teacher and classroom climate with the quality of school life and gender differences in attachment to teacher, classroom climate and school satisfaction. A total of 102 fourth-grade elementary school students in the City of Zagreb participated in the research. The following instruments were used in the research: Inventory of attachment for parents and peers, questionnaire My class for measuring class climate and questionnaire on the quality of school life. The results showed a high level of student attachment to teacher. Of the three dimensions of attachment, students highlighted trust, followed by the quality and depth of communication, and the feeling of alienation was below average low. On the scales of the classroom climate, it is evident that the students are mostly cohezive and like to be a part of the class, and the friction among the students is sometimes present. When performing school assignments, competition is mostly present, and help is generally not needed. The results show that students are generally accepted and integrated among peers and are satisfied with the school. Gender differences in the perception of attachment and the classroom climate are statistically non-existent. They equally assess confidence in the teacher, the quality of communication with the teacher, class satisfaction, friction, competition, and difficulty. The cohesiveness is statistically more pronounced in boys than in girls. Based on the results, equal acceptance from two peers is apparent, however, there is a statistically significant difference in school satisfaction, girls are generally more satisfied with school. Students who are satisfied with the level of affection for the teacher and the classroom climate are also satisfied with the quality of school life

    Negotiation Styles

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    Pregovaranje je dio svakodnevnog života. Ljudi moraju stalno pregovarati, na primjer na poslu u cilju sklapanja ugovora itd. Učinkovite vještine pregovaranja su osnovno sredstvo da ljudi postignu ono što su namjeravali. To je vrsta komunikacije, koja omogućuje postizanje sporazuma u situacijama kada ljudi nemaju isto mišljenje. Pregovori imaju važnu ulogu u poslovnom svijetu jer prethode gotovo svakoj važnoj odluci. Danas, pregovaranje kontrolira gotovo sve elemente poslovnog procesa, koji postaju vodećim temama među menadžerima. Bez svijesti o vlastitom stilu i ideje o tome koji stil doprinosi pregovaračkim prednostima i nedostacima rada, to može stvoriti put neuspješnim ishodima. Pregovarači imaju tendenciju pregovarati iz jednog od pet stilova: nadmetanja, prilagođavanja, izbjegavanja, kompromisa ili suradnje. Oni su prilagođeni stilovima sukoba Thomasa Kilmanna i imaju tendenciju da dobro koreliraju u pregovorima. Sama definicija pregovaranja iznosi se kao uvodni dio teorije. Slijedi podjela pregovaračkih stilova te vrsta i faza pregovaranja u prvom dijelu rada. Teorija zatim prelazi na strategije koje se obično koriste u distribucijskom i integrativnom pregovaranju. Završava s taktikama pregovaranja, koje pregovarači koriste za dosezanje najučinkovitije strategije. Analitički dio rada usredotočen je na istraživanje stilova pregovaranja na konkretnoj studiji slučaja. Analiza naglašava učestalosti korištenja stilova pregovaranja u ovisnosti o međusobnim konstelacijama. Također, fokusira se na važnost i učinkovitost taktika i strategija u okviru pregovaračkih stilova. Glavna pretpostavka teze je dokazati važnost pregovora kao sastavnog dijela poslovanja i analizirati važnost učinkovitih taktika i strategija pojedinih stilova pregovaranja, kako bi se postigli ciljevi.Negotiation is used everyday in life. People need to negotiate constantly, for example at work in order to conclude contracts, etc. Efficient negotiation skills are the basic instrument used by people to achieve their aims. This is a type of communication that allows us to reach an agreement in situations where people do not have same opinions. Negotiation have an important role in the world of business because it is almost always a part of process when making a decision. Today, negotiation controls almost all elements of the business process, which are becoming main topics between the managers. Without an awareness of one’s own style and an idea of which style contributes to the negotiating advantages and disadvantages of work, this can pave the way for unsuccessful outcomes. Negotiators tend to negotiate from one of five styles: bidding, adjusting, avoiding, compromising, or cooperating. They are adapted to Thomas Kilmann’s conflict styles and tend to correlate well in negotiations. The very definition of negotiation is presented as an introductory part of the theory. The following is a division of negotiating styles, and the types and phases of negotiation in the first part of the paper. The theory then moves on to strategies commonly used in distribution and integrative negotiation. It ends with tactics of negotiation, managers use them to achieve the most efficient strategy. The analytical part of the paper is focused on research of corporate governance, along with managers and business people, who are obliged to negotiate. The analysis highlights the role that executives play in business negotiation. The analysis focuses on efficiency and the importance of tactics and strategies within negotiating styles. The main premise is proving the important role of negotiations in business and analyze the importance of efficient tactics and strategies based on individual styles of business negotiation, to achieve the aims of managers

    Relationship between teacher attachment, classroom climate and quality of school life

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    Dijete dolaskom u školu gleda na učitelja kao na uzor (Trankiem, 2009). Nakon roditelja on postaje najvažnija osoba u djetetovu životu. Učiteljeva potpora, poštovanje, pravednost, strpljivost samo su neki od čimbenika koji pridonose pozitivnom razrednom ozračju i kvaliteti školskog života (Jurić, 2004). Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati povezanost privrženosti učiteljici i razrednog ozračja sa kvalitetom školskog života te rodne razlike u privrženosti učiteljici, razrednom ozračju i zadovoljstvu školom. U istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 102 učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole na području Grada Zagreba. Kao instrumenti u istraživanju korišteni su prilagođeni inventar privrženosti roditeljima i vršnjacima, upitnik Moj razred te upitnik kvalitete školskog života. Rezultati su pokazali izraženu privrženost učenika prema učiteljici. Od tri dimenzije privrženosti, učenici su istaknuli povjerenje, zatim kvalitetu i dubinu komunikacije, a osjećaj otuđenosti je ispodprosječno nizak. Na skalama razrednog ozračja vidljivo je da su učenici uglavnom međusobno povezani i sviđa im se biti dio razreda, a napetost među učenicima ponekad je prisutna. Prilikom izvršavanja školskih zadataka natjecanje je uglavnom prisutno, a pomoć pri savladavanju sadržaja uglavnom nije potrebna. Rezultati pokazuju kako su učenici uglavnom prihvaćeni i integrirani među vršnjacima te su općenito zadovoljni školom. Rodne razlike u percepciji privrženosti i razrednog ozračja gotovo da i ne postoje. Podjednako procjenjuju povjerenje u učiteljicu, nizak osjećaj otuđenosti, kvalitetu komunikacije s učiteljicom, zadovoljstvo razredom, napetost, natjecanje i težinu, dok je jedino povezanost statistički izraženija kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica. Na temelju rezultata vidljiva je i podjednaka prihvaćenost od svojih vršnjaka, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena kod zadovoljstva školom, s time da su djevojčice općenito zadovoljnije školom. Učenici koji su zadovoljni razinom privrženosti učiteljici i razrednim ozračje, zadovoljni su i kvalitetom školskog života.Upon arrival at school, the child views the teacher as a role model (Trankiem, 2009). After the parents, the teacher becomes the most important person in the child's life. Teachers support, respect, fairness, patience are just some of the factors that contribute to a positive classroom climate and quality of school life (Jurić, 2004). Therefore, the main goal of this research was to examine the relationship between attachment for teacher and classroom climate with the quality of school life and gender differences in attachment to teacher, classroom climate and school satisfaction. A total of 102 fourth-grade elementary school students in the City of Zagreb participated in the research. The following instruments were used in the research: Inventory of attachment for parents and peers, questionnaire My class for measuring class climate and questionnaire on the quality of school life. The results showed a high level of student attachment to teacher. Of the three dimensions of attachment, students highlighted trust, followed by the quality and depth of communication, and the feeling of alienation was below average low. On the scales of the classroom climate, it is evident that the students are mostly cohezive and like to be a part of the class, and the friction among the students is sometimes present. When performing school assignments, competition is mostly present, and help is generally not needed. The results show that students are generally accepted and integrated among peers and are satisfied with the school. Gender differences in the perception of attachment and the classroom climate are statistically non-existent. They equally assess confidence in the teacher, the quality of communication with the teacher, class satisfaction, friction, competition, and difficulty. The cohesiveness is statistically more pronounced in boys than in girls. Based on the results, equal acceptance from two peers is apparent, however, there is a statistically significant difference in school satisfaction, girls are generally more satisfied with school. Students who are satisfied with the level of affection for the teacher and the classroom climate are also satisfied with the quality of school life

    Relationship between teacher attachment, classroom climate and quality of school life

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    Dijete dolaskom u školu gleda na učitelja kao na uzor (Trankiem, 2009). Nakon roditelja on postaje najvažnija osoba u djetetovu životu. Učiteljeva potpora, poštovanje, pravednost, strpljivost samo su neki od čimbenika koji pridonose pozitivnom razrednom ozračju i kvaliteti školskog života (Jurić, 2004). Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati povezanost privrženosti učiteljici i razrednog ozračja sa kvalitetom školskog života te rodne razlike u privrženosti učiteljici, razrednom ozračju i zadovoljstvu školom. U istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 102 učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole na području Grada Zagreba. Kao instrumenti u istraživanju korišteni su prilagođeni inventar privrženosti roditeljima i vršnjacima, upitnik Moj razred te upitnik kvalitete školskog života. Rezultati su pokazali izraženu privrženost učenika prema učiteljici. Od tri dimenzije privrženosti, učenici su istaknuli povjerenje, zatim kvalitetu i dubinu komunikacije, a osjećaj otuđenosti je ispodprosječno nizak. Na skalama razrednog ozračja vidljivo je da su učenici uglavnom međusobno povezani i sviđa im se biti dio razreda, a napetost među učenicima ponekad je prisutna. Prilikom izvršavanja školskih zadataka natjecanje je uglavnom prisutno, a pomoć pri savladavanju sadržaja uglavnom nije potrebna. Rezultati pokazuju kako su učenici uglavnom prihvaćeni i integrirani među vršnjacima te su općenito zadovoljni školom. Rodne razlike u percepciji privrženosti i razrednog ozračja gotovo da i ne postoje. Podjednako procjenjuju povjerenje u učiteljicu, nizak osjećaj otuđenosti, kvalitetu komunikacije s učiteljicom, zadovoljstvo razredom, napetost, natjecanje i težinu, dok je jedino povezanost statistički izraženija kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica. Na temelju rezultata vidljiva je i podjednaka prihvaćenost od svojih vršnjaka, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena kod zadovoljstva školom, s time da su djevojčice općenito zadovoljnije školom. Učenici koji su zadovoljni razinom privrženosti učiteljici i razrednim ozračje, zadovoljni su i kvalitetom školskog života.Upon arrival at school, the child views the teacher as a role model (Trankiem, 2009). After the parents, the teacher becomes the most important person in the child's life. Teachers support, respect, fairness, patience are just some of the factors that contribute to a positive classroom climate and quality of school life (Jurić, 2004). Therefore, the main goal of this research was to examine the relationship between attachment for teacher and classroom climate with the quality of school life and gender differences in attachment to teacher, classroom climate and school satisfaction. A total of 102 fourth-grade elementary school students in the City of Zagreb participated in the research. The following instruments were used in the research: Inventory of attachment for parents and peers, questionnaire My class for measuring class climate and questionnaire on the quality of school life. The results showed a high level of student attachment to teacher. Of the three dimensions of attachment, students highlighted trust, followed by the quality and depth of communication, and the feeling of alienation was below average low. On the scales of the classroom climate, it is evident that the students are mostly cohezive and like to be a part of the class, and the friction among the students is sometimes present. When performing school assignments, competition is mostly present, and help is generally not needed. The results show that students are generally accepted and integrated among peers and are satisfied with the school. Gender differences in the perception of attachment and the classroom climate are statistically non-existent. They equally assess confidence in the teacher, the quality of communication with the teacher, class satisfaction, friction, competition, and difficulty. The cohesiveness is statistically more pronounced in boys than in girls. Based on the results, equal acceptance from two peers is apparent, however, there is a statistically significant difference in school satisfaction, girls are generally more satisfied with school. Students who are satisfied with the level of affection for the teacher and the classroom climate are also satisfied with the quality of school life

    Negotiation Styles

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    Pregovaranje je dio svakodnevnog života. Ljudi moraju stalno pregovarati, na primjer na poslu u cilju sklapanja ugovora itd. Učinkovite vještine pregovaranja su osnovno sredstvo da ljudi postignu ono što su namjeravali. To je vrsta komunikacije, koja omogućuje postizanje sporazuma u situacijama kada ljudi nemaju isto mišljenje. Pregovori imaju važnu ulogu u poslovnom svijetu jer prethode gotovo svakoj važnoj odluci. Danas, pregovaranje kontrolira gotovo sve elemente poslovnog procesa, koji postaju vodećim temama među menadžerima. Bez svijesti o vlastitom stilu i ideje o tome koji stil doprinosi pregovaračkim prednostima i nedostacima rada, to može stvoriti put neuspješnim ishodima. Pregovarači imaju tendenciju pregovarati iz jednog od pet stilova: nadmetanja, prilagođavanja, izbjegavanja, kompromisa ili suradnje. Oni su prilagođeni stilovima sukoba Thomasa Kilmanna i imaju tendenciju da dobro koreliraju u pregovorima. Sama definicija pregovaranja iznosi se kao uvodni dio teorije. Slijedi podjela pregovaračkih stilova te vrsta i faza pregovaranja u prvom dijelu rada. Teorija zatim prelazi na strategije koje se obično koriste u distribucijskom i integrativnom pregovaranju. Završava s taktikama pregovaranja, koje pregovarači koriste za dosezanje najučinkovitije strategije. Analitički dio rada usredotočen je na istraživanje stilova pregovaranja na konkretnoj studiji slučaja. Analiza naglašava učestalosti korištenja stilova pregovaranja u ovisnosti o međusobnim konstelacijama. Također, fokusira se na važnost i učinkovitost taktika i strategija u okviru pregovaračkih stilova. Glavna pretpostavka teze je dokazati važnost pregovora kao sastavnog dijela poslovanja i analizirati važnost učinkovitih taktika i strategija pojedinih stilova pregovaranja, kako bi se postigli ciljevi.Negotiation is used everyday in life. People need to negotiate constantly, for example at work in order to conclude contracts, etc. Efficient negotiation skills are the basic instrument used by people to achieve their aims. This is a type of communication that allows us to reach an agreement in situations where people do not have same opinions. Negotiation have an important role in the world of business because it is almost always a part of process when making a decision. Today, negotiation controls almost all elements of the business process, which are becoming main topics between the managers. Without an awareness of one’s own style and an idea of which style contributes to the negotiating advantages and disadvantages of work, this can pave the way for unsuccessful outcomes. Negotiators tend to negotiate from one of five styles: bidding, adjusting, avoiding, compromising, or cooperating. They are adapted to Thomas Kilmann’s conflict styles and tend to correlate well in negotiations. The very definition of negotiation is presented as an introductory part of the theory. The following is a division of negotiating styles, and the types and phases of negotiation in the first part of the paper. The theory then moves on to strategies commonly used in distribution and integrative negotiation. It ends with tactics of negotiation, managers use them to achieve the most efficient strategy. The analytical part of the paper is focused on research of corporate governance, along with managers and business people, who are obliged to negotiate. The analysis highlights the role that executives play in business negotiation. The analysis focuses on efficiency and the importance of tactics and strategies within negotiating styles. The main premise is proving the important role of negotiations in business and analyze the importance of efficient tactics and strategies based on individual styles of business negotiation, to achieve the aims of managers

    The impact of age, sex, body mass index and menstrual cycle phase on gastric myoelectrical activity characteristics in a healthy Croatian population

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    The aim of the study was to determine the impact of demographic and anthropometric parameters on the gastric myoelectrical activity characteristics in a healthy Croatian population. The influence of age, sex, body mass index (BMI) and menstrual cycle phase on the gastric myoelectrical activity characteristics was assessed. The study included 120 healthy subjects of both sexes (60 male and 60 female), divided into four age groups (18-35, 36-50, 51-65 and > 65 years) and three BMI groups (BMI 30). Female subjects of reproductive age were divided into three groups according to menstrual cycle phase (day 1-3, day 4-8 and day 9-20 of menstruation). All study subjects underwent percutaneous electrogastrography (EGG) for 60 min before and 60 min after a test meal. The following parameters of the gastric myoelectrical activity were observed: dominant frequency (DF); dominant frequency within normal range (DFNR, %); coefficient of variation for dominant frequency (CVDF); dominant strength (DS. mV); postprandial increase intensity in dominant strength (PPIIDS, %); bradygastria (BG, c/min, %); tachygastria (TG, c/min, %); and arrhythmia (AR). Age was found to influence preprandial but not postprandial DFNR, CVDF and AR. Sex influenced preprandial DF, CVDF, DS and BG, and postprandial DF, CVDF, PPIIDS and TG. BMI exerted an impact on preprandial TG and AR, and postprandial DF, CVDF and AR. The phase of menstrual cycle influenced DF in preprandial period and none of EGG parameters in postprandial period

    Hospitalization and death after recovery from acute COVID‐19 among renal transplant recipients

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    Abstract Introduction: Data on post-COVID-19 in renal transplant recipients (RTR) is scarce. We investigated the rate of hospitalizations, reasons for hospital admission, and mortality rate among RTR who survived acute COVID-19. Methods: A multi-center retrospective observational cohort study measured hospital admission and death to 180 days after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in 308 adult patients. Results: The median age was 57 years, 64.9% were male. All patients had at least one comorbidity, and 26.3% had diabetes. Data on post-COVID-19 course was available for 267 patients, and 49 of them (15.9%) required hospital treatment after recovery from the acute infection. The most common indications included pneumonia (24.5%) and renal allograft dysfunction (22.4%), 7 (14.3%) had sepsis and 5 (10.2%) had thrombotic events. A median duration of the hospital stay was 12 days. Six patients (2.2%) died due to multiorgan failure, respiratory insufficiency or urosepsis. The strongest predictor for hospitalization after acute COVID-19 was hospitalization for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, while better allograft function decreased the probability of hospitalization. Conclusion: Delayed consequences of acute COVID-19 are highly prevalent and the health care systems should be prepared to respond to the needs of RTR suffering from post-COVID-19 complications

    6th International Conference The Future of Information Sciences INFuture2017: Integrating ICT in Society

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    This is the sixth publication in the series of biennial international conferences, The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture) organised by the Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. This year it is co-organised with the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography. The title of the conference is INFuture2017: Integrating ICT in Society. The conference explores the influence the information and communication sciences have on the society as a whole.This is the sixth publication in the series of biennial international conferences, The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture) organised by the Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. This year it is co-organised with the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography. The title of the conference is INFuture2017: Integrating ICT in Society. The conference explores the influence the information and communication sciences have on the society as a whole