973 research outputs found

    DNA and biochemical analysis of a potential opaque2 maize population

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    Maize has low nutritional value because it is poor in essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan, but different mutations have been identified that increase their content. Two high lysine/tryptophan populations from Maize Research Institute genebank (IP1 and IP2) were identified in a previous research. In both populations, analysis with umc1066 opaque2 specific marker detected a recessive (o2), a dominant (O2) and an unknown allele (UA). However, IP2 lacked homozygous recessive o2o2 genotypes. The aim of the present research was to determine by DNA and biochemical analysis if UA allele was a recessive allele and/or if high tryptophan content was due to the o2 or some other mutation. Tree more opaque accessions with different mutations - IP3o5, IP4o14 and IP5floury (no data on type of mutation) were used in biochemical analysis for comparison with IP1 and IP2. Kernels were divided into two samples - with hard and with soft kernels. The UA allele sequencing revealed that it was a dominant allele with four GCCAGA repeats. SSR analysis showed presence of o2 in IP1 in both hard and soft kernels. Decrease in 22 kDa, 19 kDa and 27 kDa zeins in soft kernels was observed only in IP1 and IP2. Tryptophan content was high in soft kernels of IP1 (0.081) and IP2 (0.085), and in both hard and soft kernels of -IP3o5 (0.083 and 0.085, respectively). It can be concluded that IP1 is an o2 mutant and that IP2 carries a high tryptophan mutation other than o2, o5, o14 or floury

    International experiences in cooperative audit and lessons for Serbia

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    Basic characteristics of cooperative audit, its role in preservation of cooperative nature and promotion of cooperatives are analyzed in the paper. The aim of this paper is to propose measures to improve cooperative audit in Serbia based on the review of good practice in European countries. The development stages of cooperative audit, from the creation of first cooperatives in Europe until today, have been examined using the historical method, with particular emphasis on the legislative framework that regulated this field. The comparative method was used to determine the differences between individual solutions, emphasizing their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the potential impact on the development of cooperatives. The research suggests that there are different solutions, from the absence of cooperative audit, to its inclusion in the cooperative life cycle, starting from its establishment. Although legislative framework in Serbia foresee cooperative audit, this process needs to be significantly improved

    Stavovi potrošača o značaju potrošnje voća u Srbiji

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    This paper presents the analysis of consumers' standpoints regarding the importance of fruit consumption in Serbia, based on a study conducted on a sample of 272 respondents. Special attention is given to identifying the factors that affect the decision to buy fruit, as well as the attitudes of the respondents regarding the market supply and the influence of fruit consumption on health. Fruit quality is a critical factor affecting the decision to purchase fruit, and there is no statistically significant relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and this factor. Most of the respondents (89.4%) claim that fruit has a positive effect on health, while significantly fewer respondents (48.9%) believe that they could buy more fruit with their current incomes, which implies that one of the factors limiting the consumption of fruit is the level of income. However, the results of the analysis indicate that, in addition to the financial elements, respondents' attitudes about the quality of their diet are also a limiting factor for increased consumption of fruit.U radu su analizirani stavovi potrošača o značaju potrošnje voća u Srbiji, na osnovu istraživanja koje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 272 ispitanika. Posebna pažnja usmerena je ka određivanju faktora koji determinišu odluku o kupovini voća, kao i na stavove ispitanika o snabdevenosti tržišta i uticaju potrošnje voća na zdravlje. Kvalitet voća presudan je činilac koji utiče na odluku o kupovini voća, pri čemu ne postoji statistički značajna veza između socio-demografskih karakteristika ispitanika i ovog faktora. Najveći broj ispitanika (89,4%) smatra da voće pozitivno utiče na zdravlje, dok značajno manji broj (48,9%) misli da može da kupuje više voća pri trenutnim primanjima, što implicira da je jedan od ograničavajućih faktora potrošnje voća visina dohotka. Međutim, rezultati analize upućuju da, pored finansijskih elemenata, stavovi ispitanika o kvalitetu njihove ishrane takođe predstavljaju limitirajući faktor za povećanu potrošnju voća

    Uloga skiciranja u konceptualnoj fazi razvoja proizvoda

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    Razvojni tim kao subjekt istraživanja je izazov za proučavanje zbog složenih odnosa i procesa socijalizacije između članova tima. Zbog toga je proces praćenja i shvaćanja, što se zapravo odvija u timu, kako funkcioniraju članovi tima i na koji način sudjeluju u procesu razvoja proizvoda, složen. U ovom radu analiziraju se uloga i utjecaj skiciranja koncepata i njihovo verbalno objašnjavanje u konceptualnoj fazi procesa konstruiranja. Skiciranje koncepata služi za stvaranje i prenošenje ideja i misli koje bi verbalno ili tekstualno bilo gotovo nemoguće izraziti, a praćen je usmenim objašnjavanjem čime se postiže stjecanje, prijenos i izmjena znanja između članova projektnog tima. U ovom radu analizirali su se protokoli pet studentskih timova koji su unutar 60-minutne sesije morali osmisliti koncept rješenja za zadani zadatak. Analiza protokola provedena je segmentiranjem i kodiranjem aktivnosti skiciranja u programskoj aplikaciji ELAN 5.0 kako bi se prikupljeni podatci mogli prikazati kvantitativno. Analizirani su količinski i vremenski udjeli aktivnosti definirani prema modelu okvir konstruiranje-komunikacija. Osim aktivnosti, provedene su i analize skica: metrikom kompleksnost-jasnoća i Goelovom analizom transformacije skica. Dobiveni rezultati analiza su pregledani, na temelju njih provedena je diskusija rezultata i doneseni su određeni zaključci, uspoređivanjem između svih pet timova u kontekstu broja aktivnosti i njihovog vremenskog udjela. Rezultati istraživanja pridonose razumijevanju uloge skiciranja kao važnog sredstva komunikacije između članova tima radi unaprjeđenja efikasnosti timskog rada, a time i cijelog procesa razvoja proizvoda

    Modeli finansiranja zadruga

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    Co-operative organizations in Serbia are facing a relatively unfavourable situation and limited opportunities fo r creating benefits for their members. One o f the obstacles to a significant contribution to the achievement o f membership goals is the lack o f financial resources. Unlike profit-oriented organizations, co-operatives have an obligation to conduct their activities in accordance with co-operative values and principles, which determines available sources o f capital and models o f raising additional funds. Co-operatives are mostly organizations o f the poorer stratum o f population, which means that their members do not have significant financial resources to invest in a co-operative. In addition, it is more complex to motivate other, external investors, because the interest on assets invested in co-operatives is lower than other investments in the market, and because co-operatives primarily conduct business with their members, and to less extent with other entities. The paper analyses various models o f the raising and increase o f cooperative capital and the consequences o f this process to moving away from co-operative values and principles. It also examines to what extent different form s o f fund raising are available in co-operatives in Serbia. In particular, the paper highlights the position o f traditional agricultural co-operatives, the dominant form o f co-operative organisations in our country, in comparison to other modern forms o f co-operatives in the world, and identifying the problems that may occur in the process o f raising additional capital.Zadružne organizacije u Srbiji nalaze se u relativno nepovoljnom položaju I sa ograničenim mogućnostima kreiranja benefita za svoje članove. Jedna od prepreka značajnijem doprinosu zadruga ostvarivanju ciljeva članstva predstavlja nedostatak finansijskih sredstava. Za razliku od profitno orijentisanih organizacija, zadruge imaju obavezu da svoje aktivnosti realizuju u skladu sa zadružnim vrednostima I principima, što određuje I izvore kapitala koji su im dostupni I način na koji se mogu prikupiti dodatna sredstva. Po pravilu, zadruge su organizacije siromašnijih slojeva stanovništva što znači da njihovi članovi ne raspolažu značajnim finansijskim sredstvima koja mogu da ulažu u zadrugu. Pored toga, motivisanje drugih, eksternih investitora otežano je činjenicom da su kamate na sredstva uložena u zadruge niže u odnosu na druga ulaganja na tržištu, kao I da zadruge primarno posluju sa svojim članovima, a tek onda sa ostalim subjektima. U radu se analiziraju različiti modeli formiranja I povećanja kapitala zadruga I posledice koje ovaj proces ima na udaljavanje od zadružnih vrednosti I principa. Ispituje se u kojoj meri su različiti oblici prikupljanja kapitala dostupni zadrugama u Srbiji. Posebno je ukazano na položaj tradicionalnih poljoprivrednih zadruga, dominantnog oblika zadružnih organizacija u našoj zemlji, u odnosu na druge modernije oblike zadruga u svetu, kao I na probleme koji mogu da nastanu prilikom prikupljanja dodatnog kapitala

    Preparation and photocatalytic activity of the layered titanates

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    Titanate structures were synthesized in highly alkaline solution using hydrothermal procedure. As-preparedpowders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A specific surface area of the powders was measured by BETmethod. Results confirmed formation of layered trititanates, already after one hour of hydrothermal synthesis.To examine the photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared layered titanates, methylene blue (MB) was employedas a target compound in response to visible light at ambient temperature. It was observed that the specificsurface area, size distribution and crystallinity are important factors to get high photocatalytic activity for thedecomposition of MB

    Ograničenja ruralnog razvoja u uslovima tranzicije

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    European countries have been reaffirtmating the role and the significance of agricultural multifunctionality for rural areas development. The transition countries have to make the assessment of their weaknesses and opportunities before facing the necessary significant investments in agriculture, rural settlements and deprived rural areas. Overall economic development should provide for further agriculture employment reduction, along with taking measures for the agriculture farms modernization and changes in the structure of agriculture production, within the process of integrated rural development. Declining population at mountain areas might be a prerequisite for intensified farm restructuring, namely through development reorientation, achieving more balanced agriculture economy, along with rediscovering comparative advantages in the development of new activities linked to social changes and changes in lifestyle - green tourism, leisure activities, health care, as well as to forestry, traditional crafts etc. Subsequent to European experience in maintenance of the necessary level of spatial development in sparsely populated and neglected rural areas, the development of priority mountain areas in Serbia should be defined at national level, and the new system of support should facilitate the preparation and the implementation of different projects for integrated rural development of this priority areas.Razvijene države Evrope reafirmišu ulogu poljoprivrede u funkcionisanju života na ruralnom prostoru, ističući značaj polifunkcionalnosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Suočene s potrebom većih ulaganja u poljoprivredu, uz usmeravanje novih investicija u selo i nerazvijena ruralna područja, zemlje u tranziciji moraju, najpre, realno proceniti svoje potencijale i ograničenja u ovoj oblasti. Opštim ekonomskim razvojem se moraju obezbediti uslovi za dalje sukcesivno smanjivanje agrarne zaposlenosti u Srbiji, uz istovremeno preduzimanje mera za modernizaciju poljoprivrednih gazdinstava u sklopu integralnog razvoja sela. Sadašnja nepovoljna demografska situacija planinskih naselja može da predstavlja olakšavajuću okolnost za ofanzivniji pristup restrukturizaciji porodičnih gazdinstava, posebno u pogledu proizvodne orijentacije i usklađivanja veličine poseda s kvalitetom zemljišta, raspoloživom radnom snagom mehaničkom opremom, brojem i vrstom držane stoke, mogućnostima obezbeđenja dopunskih/ uzgrednih prihoda u šumarstvu, turizmu i drugim nepoljoprivrednim delatnostima na lokalnom nivou. Polazeći od prakse razvijenih zemalja, koje imaju višedecenijsko iskustvo u zadržavanju neophodnog nivoa naseljenosti planinskih i drugih prirodno zapostavljenih regiona, prvo treba definisati područja od prioritetnog značaja za društvo u celini, a zatim dosledno i sistematski realizovati jedan ili više programa manjeg teritorijalnog opsega, prema konceptu integralnog ruralnog razvoja

    Ekonomska opravdanost proizvodnje meda u Srbiji

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    Although beekeeping in Serbia has a long tradition, the interest of farmers for this branch of agricultural production depends on the expected economic benefits. Assessing the economic justification of beekeeping is based on the analysis of the revenues from honey production, as the main and often the only beekeeping product, and the expenses generated in production. The aim of the paper is to compare revenues and expenses in the production of honey and to determine the threshold of profitability. The calculation of the revenues and the expenses was made on the basis of data obtained from the survey of beekeepers and from the available secondary sources. The analysis showed that the profitability threshold was achieved with 68 colonies, or with production volume of 1,450 kg of honey. The values of the indicators of economic efficiency, productivity and profitability indicate that beekeeping was economically justified on farms with 100 and 200 colonies.Iako pčelarstvo u Srbiji ima dugu tradiciju, zainteresovanost poljoprivrednika za ovu granu poljoprivredne proizvodnje zavisi od ekonomskih koristi koje mogu da očekuju. Sagledavanje prihoda od proizvodnje meda, kao glavnog a često i jedinog proizvoda pčelarstva i troškova koji nastaju u proizvodnji predstavlja osnovu za ocenu ekonomske opravdanosti ove delatnosti. Cilj rada je da se izvrši poređenje prihoda i troškova u proizvodnji meda, kao i da se utvrdi prag rentabilnosti proizvodnje. Kalkulacija prihoda i troškova je sačinjena na osnovu podataka koji su prikupljeni anketiranjem pčelara i iz dostupnih sekundarnih izvora. Sprovedena analiza ukazuje da se prag rentabilnosti ostvaruje sa 68 pčelinjih društava, odnosno pri obimu proizvodnje od 1.450 kg meda. Vrednosti pokazatelja ekonomičnosti, produktivnosti i rentabilnosti ukazuju da je pčelarenje ekonomski opravdano na gazdinstvima sa 100 i 200 pčelinjih društava

    Contribution To Gender Equality In Education: Critical Analysis Of Science And Social Studies Textbooks

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    Najispravniji put suzbijanja rodne diskriminacije jest u otkrivanju i otklanjanju stereotipa i predrasuda usađenih putem odgoja i obrazovanja. Najveći problem predstavljaju one diskriminatorne poruke koje se implicitno prenose putem skrivenog kurikuluma. Ovaj rad bavi se rodnom analizom jednog dijela tog kurikuluma - udžbenika prirode i društva. U teorijskom dijelu rada donosi se ljudskopravni i zakonski okvir rodne jednakosti, kratki povijesni okvir statusa žena u društvu te najznaĉajnije analize udžbenika iz rodne perspektive u Republici Hrvatskoj s primjerima koji mogu pomoći u iskorijenjivanju rodnih stereotipa i predrasuda. U empirijskom dijelu rada predstavljeni su rezultati kritičke analize udžbenika prirode i društva koji pokazuju kako su kvantitativno žene i muškarci podjednako zastupljeni, dok kvalitativna analiza potvrđuje dominaciju muškaraca, najviše u udžbenicima četvrtih razreda u kojima se uči o povijesti domovine. U zanimanjima još uvijek vladaju stereotipne podjele, kao i u poslovima koji se tiču brige oko djeteta, dok je u prikazima kućanskih poslova vidljiv pomak prema rodnoj ravnopravnosti. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao polazište budućim istraživanjima, ali i kao smjernice autorima/cama udžbenika i odgojno-obrazovnim djelatnicima/cama u borbi protiv rodnih stereotipa i diskriminacije.The most accurate way of counteracting gender discrimination is by means of detection and extermination of stereotypes and prejudices which are implanted by education. Discriminatory messages that are implicitly transmitted through the hidden curriculum represent the biggest challenge. This paper focuses on gender analysis of one part of the hidden curriculum – the textbooks of Nature and Social Studies. Theoretical sections of this paper describe the following: the legal framework of gender equality, a brief historical framework of the status of women in the society and the most remarkable gender analysis of Croatian textbooks with examples that could help eliminate gender stereotypes and prejudices. Empirical part of this paper presents results of a critical analysis of the textbooks of Nature and Social Studies. Results show that women and men are quantitatively equally represented, while qualitative analysis confirms the dominance of men, mostly in the fourth grade textbooks that teach about the history of the country. The professional careers are still characterized by stereotypical division, which can also be seen related to child care activities, while the images which depict housework show significant progress towards gender equality. Collected results might serve as a starting point for further research, as well as guidelines for textbooks’s authors and educational workers in the fight against gender stereotypes and discrimination

    Marketing orijentacija kao determinanta konkurentnosti proizvođača voća i voćnih sokova u Republici Srbiji

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    In a turbulent environment, organizations face different challenges in everyday business. Companies are forced to respond quickly applying different marketing strategies in order to preserve and eventually improve their competitive position in the market. In order to be able to react in the right way, companies need to implement marketing orientation. The main aim of the research in this dissertation is to determine the extent to which the application of marketing orientation contributes to the success of fruit and fruit juice producers. The research on the relationship between marketing orientation and business performance of the company was carried out in the following way: in the first step, it was analyzed to which extent the surveyed companies were marketing oriented, and then, in the second step, it was examined whether there is a statistically significant link between the application of marketing orientation and chosen business indicators. Following performances of fruit juice producers were selected: business success, competitive position, innovation capacities, ability to create value for all participants in the chain and long-term linkages with consumers and other stakeholders. The obtained research results have led to significant findings. It was established that fruit and fruit juice producers continue to develop marketing, but they are even insufficiently focused on consumers, and even less on competition. It was proven that the application of marketing orientation is significantly associated with their business success, competitive position and innovation capacities. The research also identified the existence of a positive impact of marketing concept on reducing the differences between perceptions and expectations of consumers on one side and the delivered value on other side, which ultimately results in value increase for all participants in the chain. The hypothesis about the positive correlation between long-term linkages of fruit juice producers with consumers and other stakeholders with business and national competitiveness is supported. Finally, the directions of further research that would lead to more complete examination of the analyzed links are proposed