239 research outputs found

    Digitizing Ancient Epigraphic Heritage: Project EpiDoc XML Encoding of Roman Inscriptions from Serbia

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    The project EpiDoc XML Encoding of Roman Inscriptions from Serbia: Digitization of Ancient Epigraphic Heritage carried out by the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and funded by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia focuses on research, training, digital documenting and digital edition of Roman inscriptions from the territory of Serbia (the Roman province of Upper Moesia and parts of Lower Pannonia, Dalmatia and Thrace). The project’s primary aim is to form a national e-archive of inscriptions that will be encoded in EpiDoc TEI-XML format. This collection of digital corpora will represent a completely new epigraphic edition that is furthermore born-digital and ready for interchange. The project is envisioned as a core for networking and intensifying the collaboration between research and cultural institutions. Its mission is to educate, inspire and instigate collaborative work and new concepts in epigraphic research.Poster presented at the 24. LIMES CONGRESS Serbia, 201

    New and revised inscriptions from Dalmatia. Municipium Malvesiatium and municipium Splonistarum

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    This paper provides new epigraphic evidence from the Roman province of Dalmatia, more precisely from its easternmost parts, which belong today to Serbia. The present edition is based on our autopsy performed during 2015–2016 within the framework of the digitization project carried out by the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts


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    The aim of the paper is to point out the scope and structure of the incentives from the agricultural budget of the Republic, as well as from the IPA Fund which are intended for the agricultural and rural development sector in Serbia. It is given a brief overview of the chronology of harmonization of national legislation in the field of agricultural production with European rules, the plan for realization of IPARD funds for the period 2014-2020, as well as a review of incentives from the agricultural budget for the period 2016-2019. For supporting the agriculture and rural development sector of Serbia within the IPARD measures, from the EU budget is intended EUR 175 mln., and from the national budget is intended EUR 55 mln. The largest amount of funds within the IPARD measures is planned for investments in the physical assets of agricultural holdings (43%). Something less contribution is scheduled for the investments in processing and marketing in agricultural holdings (37%). The left over measures include only 19% of the planned funds intended to support agricultural holdings within the IPARD assistance program. On the other hand, an analysis of the incentive structure from the Republic's agrarian budget indicates that the largest share has direct payments of over 50%, while the rural development measures are average financed with 12.3%

    Production of bioethanol as a alternative fuel from corn by free and immobilized yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus

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    Јеdаn оd nајznаčајniјih аltеrnаtivnih izvоrа еnеrgiје је biоеtаnоl kао оbnоvlјivо i еkоlоški pоgоdnо biоgоrivо. Тrеnd prоizvоdnjе оvоg gоrivа u svеtu је rаstući, mеđutim u Srbiјi dаnаs nе pоstојi оrgаnizоvаnа prоizvоdnjа i pоtrоšnjа biоеtаnоlа kао mоtоrnоg gоrivа, čimе sе ukаzuје nа vеliki znаčај ispitivаnjа i оptimizаciје pоstupkа njеgоvе prоizvоdnjе. Cilј оvе disеrtаciје је rаzviјаnjе pоstupkа dоbiјаnjа biоеtаnоlа iz kukuruzа pоmоću slоbоdnih i imоbilisаnih ćеliја kvаscа Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus. Kао sirоvinе kоrišćеni su kukuruznо brаšnо i kukuruznа krupicа, s оbzirоm dа sе žitаricе smаtrајu nајpеrspеktivniјim sirоvinаmа zа prоizvоdnju еtаnоlа u Srbiјi. Prvоbitnо је ispitivаn prоcеs dvојnо-еnzimskе hidrоlizе kоја је izvоđеnа pоmоću еnzimа tеrmоstаbilnе α-аmilаzе Termamyl SC i glukоаmilаzе SAN Extra L. Izаbrаnо је kukuruznо brаšnо kао sirоvinа. Оptimizаciјоm оbе fаzе hidrоlizе (likvеfаkciје i sаhаrifikаciје) kukuruznоg brаšnа sа аspеktа krаnjеg prinоsа glukоzе i mоgućnоsti dаlјеg izvоđеnjа fаzе аlkоhоlnе fеrmеntаciје, usvојеni su slеdеći оptimаlni pаrаmеtri prоcеsа: hidrоmоdul (оdnоs kukuruznоg brаšnа i vоdе) 1:3, kоncеntrаciја еnzimа Termamyl SC оd 0,02% (v/w) i kоncеntrаciја еnzimа SAN Extra L оd 0,12% (v/w). Ispitivаnjеm fеrmеntаtivnih spоsоbnоsti čеtiri rаzličitе vrstе kvаsаcа (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus, S. carlsbergensis i Schizosaccharomyces pombe) nа hidrоlizаtu kukuruznоg brаšnа, S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus је pоkаzао nајbоlје fеrmеntаtivnе kаrаktеristikе, pа је kоrišćеn kао prоizvоdni mikrооrgаnizаm. Ispitivаnа је аlkоhоlnа fеrmеntаciја hidrоlizаtа kukuruznоg brаšnа pоmоću slоbоdnоg i imоbilisаnоg kvаscа, i tо u: - prоcеsu оdvојеnе sаhаrifikаciје i fеrmеntаciје (SHF) sа i bеz dоdаtkа аktivаtоrа kvаscа (vitаminа i minеrаlа), - prоcеsu simultаnе sаhаrifikаciје i fеrmеntаciје (SSF) sа i bеz dоdаtkа аktivаtоrа kvаscа, kао i sа i bеz rеcirkulаciје imоbilisаnоg kvаscа. U sistеmu sа slоbоdnim ćеliјаmа kvаscа ispitivаnа је i primеnа prеdtrеtmаnа mikrоtаlаsimа i ultrаzvukоm. Тоkоm ispitivаnjа оvih prоcеsа prаćеn је uticај rеаkciоnih uslоvа nа prоmеnu sаdržаја еtаnоlа, kоncеntrаciје glukоzе i brоја ćеliја kvаscа, kао i оstаlih prоcеsnih pаrаmеtаrа: prinоsа еtаnоlа, prоcеntа оd tеоriјskоg sаdržаја еtаnоlа, vоlumеtriјskе prоduktivnоsti i pоtrоšnjе glukоzе. Оptimizаciјоm svаkоg оd оvih prоcеsа usvојеni su slеdеći оptimаlni pаrаmеtri: pоčеtnа kоncеntrаciја glukоzе, kоličinа inоkulumа i vrеmе trајаnjа fеrmеntаciје, kао i tеmpеrаturа izvоđеnjа SSF prоcеsа i nајpоgоdniјi аktivаtоri kvаscа i njihоvа kоncеntrаciја. Utvrđеnо је dа је u prоizvоdnji еtаnоlа iz kukuruznоg brаšnа pоmоću slоbоdnih ćеliја kvаscа еkоnоmski nајpоvоlјniјi i nајеfikаsniјi SSF prоcеs bеz dоdаtkа аktivаtоrа. Таkоđе, u sistеmu sа slоbоdnim ćеliјаmа, primеnоm prеdtrеtmаnа ultrаzvukоm (60 °C, 2,5 min prе i 2,5 min pоslе dоdаtkа еnzimа Termamyl SC) i mikrоtаlаsimа (80 W, 2,5 min prе i 2,5 min pоslе dоdаtkа еnzimа Termamyl SC) оstvаrеn је pоrаst sаdržаја еtаnоlа 9,31% i 13,45%, rеspеktivnо, u оdnоsu nа kоntrоlni uzоrаk, nаkоn 32 h SSF prоcеsа. Pri оptimаlnim pаrаmеtrimа usvојеnim zа fеrmеntаciјu sа slоbоdnim i imоbilisаnim kvаscеm, ustаnоvlјеnо је dа su višе vrеdnоsti sаdržаја еtаnоlа i drugih prоcеsnih pаrаmеtаrа pоstignutе u imоbilisаnоm sistеmu. Imоbilisаnе ćеliје pоkаzаlе vеću tоlеrаntnоst prеmа višim kоncеntrаciјаmа supstrаtа i prоizvоdа u оdnоsu nа slоbоdnе ćеliје kvаscа. U tоku fеrmеntаciје sа rеcirkulаciјоm imоbilisаnоg kvаscа, ćеliје imоbilisаnе u Ca-аlginаtu su оčuvаlе svојu аktivnоst оdnоsnо fizičku i hеmiјsku stаbilnоst u prоizvоdnji еtаnоlа tоkоm 3 dаnа, i nisu zаpаžеnа оgrаničеnjа difuziје supstrаtа i prоizvоdа. Sа аspеktа smаnjеnjа ukupnih trоškоvа prоizvоdnjе i uštеdе еnеrgiје, kао оptimаlni pоstupаk prоizvоdnjе biоеtаnоlа iz kukuruznоg brаšnа izаbrаn је SSF prоcеs pоmоću imоbilisаnih ćеliја kvаscа i sа dоdаtkоm minеrаlnih sоli (ZnSO4•7H2O 0,3 g/l i MgSO4•7H2O 2 g/l) kао аktivаtоrа kvаscа, kаdа su pоstignuti slеdеći prоcеsni pаrаmеtri: sаdržај еtаnоlа оd 10,23% (w/w), prinоs еtаnоlа оd 0,53 g/g, prоcеnаt оd tеоriјskоg sаdržаја еtаnоlа оd 94,11%, vоlumеtriјskа prоduktivnоst оd 2,13 g/l•h i pоtrоšnjа glukоzе оd 98,92% nаkоn 48 h prоcеsа.One of the most important alternative energy resources is bioethanol which is a renewable and ecologically favorable biofuel. The trend of bioethanol production in the world is increasable, but in Serbia there is no organized production and consumption of bioethanol as a motor fuel, hereby emphasizing the great importance of investigation and optimization of its production process. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the bioethanol production from corn by free and immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisisae var. ellipsoideus yeast. Taking into consideration that cereals are the most promising feedstocks in Serbia, the corn meal and corn semolina have been used as feedstocks in this work. The two-step hydrolysis with thermostable α-amylase Termamyl SC and glucoamylase SAN Extra L was initially investigated. The corn meal was chosen as an optimal feedstock. By optimization of both hydrolysis phases (liquefaction and saccharification) of corn meal from the point of final glucose yield and suitability for further ethanol fermentation, the following parameters were selected as optimal: hidromodul (weight ratio of corn meal and water) 1:3, the concentration of enzyme Termamyl SC of 0.02% (v/w) and concentration of enzyme SAN Extra L of 0.12% (v/w). In this thesis the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisisae var. ellipsoideus was used since it was found to be the most superior among four tested yeasts: S. cerevisiae, S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus, S. carlsbergensis and Schizosaccharomyces pombe concerning its fermentative characteristics. The ethanol fermentation of corn meal hydrolyzates by free and immobilized yeast cells was investigated in the following processes: - separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) with and without yeast activators, - simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) with and without yeast activators, as well as with and without immobilized yeast recirculation. In the free cells system the application of microwaves and ultrasound as a pretreatments was investigated. In all these processes the effect of process conditions on ethanol and glucose concentration, and on the number of yeast cells, as well as on other parameters such as: ethanol yield, percentage of theoretical ethanol yield, volumetric productivity and glucose consumption was investigated and analyzed. The initial glucose and inoculum concentration and the time required for the efficient ethanol production were optimized for each process mentioned above, as well as temperature and the type and concentration of the most appropriate yeast activators. Economically most favorable and most efficient process for bioethanol production in free cell system was SSF process without yeast activators. Also, an increase of ethanol concentration of 9.31% and 13.45% over untreated control sample was achieved after 32 h of SSF process using ultrasound (60 °C, 2.5 min before and 2.5 min after addition of enzyme Termamyl SC) and microwave (80 W, 2.5 min before and 2.5 min after addition of enzyme Termamyl SC) pretreatments, respectively. Under the optimal conditions, it was shown that higher values of ethanol concentration and other process parameters were achieved in immobilized system, compared to cell free system. Also, it was demonstrated that immobilized cells exhibited an elevated tolerance to higher substrate and product concentrations compared to the free cells. During ethanol production with yeast recirculation, the yeast cells entrapped in Ca-alginate showed good physical and chemical stability after 3 days, and no substrate and product diffusion restrictions were noticed. In order to decrease total production costs and save energy, the SSF process of corn meal by immobilized yeast and with yeast activators (ZnSO4•7H2O 0.3 g/l and MgSO4•7H2O 2 g/l) was chosen to be an optimal process mode for bioethanol production. In this case the ethanol concentration of 10.23% w/w, the ethanol yield of 0.53 g/g, percentage of the theoretical ethanol yield of 94.1%, the volumetric productivity of 2.13 g/l•h and glucose consumption of 98.92% were achieved after 48 h of the process

    Razvoj proizvodnje olova i plemenitih metala u centralnoj Aziji

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    There were several rich deposits of polymetal ores of non-ferrous and precious metals in the region of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union. Metallurgical production of these metals was developed even a thousand years ago and was in the top of the world at the beginning of the fourth quarter of the twentieth century. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the change of government structures caused a reduction of metallurgical production, but there are all conditions to intensify and increase the production of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia and other former Soviet republics, which are now middle-asian countries.Na prostorima Carske Rusije i SSSR-a bilo je više bogatih nalazišta polimetalnih ruda obojenih i plemenitih metala. Metalurška proizvodnja ovih metala vršena je još pre hiljadu godina, a bila je u svetskom vrhu početkom četvrtog kvartala XX veka. Raspad SSSR-a i promena državnih struktura prouzrokovali su i smanjenje metalurške proizvodnje, ali postoje svi uslovi za intezivniju i veću proizvodnju obojenih i plemenitih metala u Rusiji i drugim bivšim sovjetskim republikama, a sada susednim srednje-azijskim državama

    Baktericidno delovanje nekih Bacillus spp. i Trichoderma harzianum na fitopatogene bakterije

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    Biological control is an innovative, cost effective and eco-friendly approach for control of many plant diseases. Bacillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. were known for its mycoparasitic and antagonistic mechanism in the control of wide range of phytopathogenic diseases in many types of crops. This research is based on the antibacterial activities of some Bacillus spp. and Trichoderma harzianum in relation to the 10 selected phytopathogenic bacteria in vitro study. The results indicated that among 52 strains of Bacillus spp. presented against phytopathogenic bacteria, only 6 of them showed inhibition but only against Xanthomonas genera. Other Bacillus spp. strains weren't effective against tested phytopathogenic bacteria. Results of testing of T. harzianum efficacy against the growth of selected phytopathogenic bacteria showed that this fungi could be effective to strains from genera Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas but for other tested genera was ineffective. In further work, all of this trial need to be supported by evaluation of antimicrobial activity in vivo.Biološka kontrola predstavlja inovativni, isplativ, ekološki pristup za suzbijanje mnogih biljnih bolesti. Vrste roda Bacillus i Trichoderma su poznati po svom mikoparazitskom i antagonističkom mehanizmu suzbijanja širokog spektra fitopatogenih prouzrokovača bolesti kod brojnih poljoprivrednih kultura. U ovom radu proučavano je baktericidno delovanje nekih vrsta roda Bacillus, kao i gljive Trichoderma harzianum na 10 odabranih fitopatogenih bakterija u in vitro uslovima. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, od ukupno 52 testirana izolata iz roda Bacillus, samo 6 je inhibiralo porast fitopatogenih bakterija i to samo iz roda Xanthomonas. Rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti gljive T. harzianum su ukazali na mogućnost delovanja ove gljive na bakterije iz roda Pseudomonas i Xanthomonas, ali ne i na druge rodove fitopatogenih bakterija testirane u ovom radu. Dalja istraživanja treba bazirati na proučavanjima antimikrobne aktivnosti testiranih agenasa prema fitopatogenim bakterijama u in vivo ogledima

    Органска пољопривреда у Републици Србији

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    Република Србија има снажне природне потенцијале за развој органске пољопривреде, што се огледа и у чињеници да је у нашој земљи расположива обрадива површина по глави становника два и по пута већа у односу на светски просек. Са друге стране, органска производња у Србији је још увек веома слабо заступљена и покрива свега 0,42% коришћеног пољопривредног земљишта. Највише површина под органском производњом налази се у региону Војводине (53,7%), затим у Јужној и Источној Србији (32,4%), Шумадији и Западној Србији (13,7%), а најмање у региону Београда (0,03%). У структури биљне производње назаступљеније су површине под житом, воћем и крмним биљем, док је у сточарству доминантно заступљен узгој стоке и живине. Један од кључних разлога недовољне искоришћености природних потенцијала у правцу органске пољопривреде јесте нестабилна подршка државе како у погледу мера тако и средстава, што веома неповољно утиче на произвођаче да се окрену овом еколошки прихватљивом и одрживом систему производње хране

    Support Organic Farming as a Clean Technology and Development of Rural Areas in the EU and Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of the role of organic farming, as way of clean production, could have in development of rural areas, through the attraction of financial resources. The paper is structured into two parts. In the first part of the paper, we provide a brief overview of the evolution of the concept of organic farming, followed by an insight into the spreading of these agricultural practices in the world. In addition, an overview of basic data on agriculture in Serbia, and potentials for the development of organic agriculture, and the current state of the sector in our country are also described. Data from FiBL / IFOAM survey (2016) and Eurostat (2015) on organic agriculture served the authors as the basis for this paper. In order for the analysis to communicate trends, findings and conclusions, the authors made use of available data for the period 2005-2014. For the analysis on the Republic of Serbia, available data from the Statistical Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection were used. The second part of the papershows a system of support for rural development and organic agriculture in the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Serbia. The sources used in the paper come from official documents of the European Commission and the Republic of Serbia

    Concept and State of Producer Organizations Development in European Organic Farming

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    The “European Green Deal” as a new set of European Commission's policy initiatives, and the "Farm to Fork Strategy" within this policy, emphasize the importance of sustainable development, circular and resource-efficient economy. "Farm to Fork Strategy" promotes further development of organic agriculture and also contains proposals to improve farmers' market position in the food value chain. One of the best ways to improve the market position of farmers is the farmers' associations, primarily producer organizations. The organic farming is one of the rare sectors where small-scale production is not an obstacle to competitiveness and where the increase in assets and funds (consolidation) is not an imperative for market success, so producer organizations represent an ideal type of cooperation, contributing to strengthening farmers' market position in the organic food supply chain. The authors analyze the concept of producer organizations and the state of their development in the European organic farming sector, to point out the possibilities of further development of organic production together with improving the market position of farmers in this production

    Seed viability of oil crops depending on storage conditions

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    Changes occurring in seed during aging are significant as far as seed quality and longevity are concerned and are a consequence of the effects of different storage conditions. The chemical composition of seed with high oil content is related to specific processes occurring in seed during storage. In this trial, sunflower and soybean genotypes developed in Novi Sad were submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging for six and twelve months, under controlled and conventional (non-controlled) conditions. The obtained results showed that preservation of seed viability depended on storage condition and duration, as well as plant species. Accelerated aging test can be used to predict the length of storage life of sunflower and soybean seed. In comparison to sunflower seed, soybean seed is more sensitive to damage and reduced germination during storage