13 research outputs found

    Reactions of clover plants to soil contamination with zinc salts

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    Вивчено вплив іонів цинку на ріст, масу та стан пігментної системи листків Trifolium prаtense L. Розвиток кореневої системи проростків більше пригнічується, ніж надземної частини. За перевищення МДК у 10 разів площа листків зменшувалася порівняно з контролем на 65–70 %. З’ясовано закономірності акумуляції та розподілу цинку в органах конюшини. При збільшенні концентрації елемента у ґрунті його концентрація в рослині зростає до певної межі, а при низьких концентраціях зростає лінійно. При концентрації цинку у ґрунті (1, 5, 10 МДК) вміст полютанта в коренях зростає в 2, 3, у надземній частині – в 1,5–2,0 раза. Изучено влияние ионов цинка на рост, массу и состояние пигментной системы листьев Trifolium prаtense L. Развитие корневой системы проростков больше подавляется, чем надземной части. При превышении МДК в 10 раз площадь листьев уменьшалась по сравнению с контролем на 65–70 %. Выяснены закономерности аккумуляции и распределения цинка в органах клевера. При увеличении концентрации элемента в почве концентрация в растении вырастает до определенного предела, а при низких концентрациях растет линейно. При концентрации цинка в почве (1, 5, 10 МДК) содержание поллютанта в корнях увеличивается в 2, 3, в надземной части – в 1,5–2 раза. It is studied the influence of zinc ions on growth, weight, and pigment system state of leaves of Trifolium pratense L. It is revealed that the root development of seedlings is suppressed more than above-ground parts. It is shown that under tenfold excess of MAC the leaves area decreased by 65–70 %in comparison with the control. It is ascertained the regularities of accumulation and distribution of zinc in the clover organs. It was found that with increasing concentration of the element in soil, its concentration in the plant grows to a certain extent, but under low concentrations it increases linearly. Thus, under the concentrations of zinc in soil (1, 5 and 10 MAC) its content in the roots increases 2–3 times  and in the above-ground parts – by 1.5–2 times.

    Risks of gas production forecasting, using material balance equations

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    The risks of forecasting of the main indicators of gas field development using the system of material balance have been estimated. According to the actual data, estimates of the impact of the components of material balance equations , the algorithm as a whole and the accuracy of the input data on the reliability of the gas withdrawal forecasting have been built. It has been shown that the predominant contribution to the variation of forecast indicators is related to the precision of the determination of initial recoverable gas reserves

    Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.

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    From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the level of vitamin D (25 hydroxycalciferol (25(OH)D) in patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) prior to the start of antiviral therapy. Materials and methods. 100 people who are registered as patients with chronic viral hepatitis in the Dnipropetrovsk region, whose serum was determined by the liver metabolite of vitamin D, 25 hydroxycalciferol (25(OH)D), which is currently indicates the available amount of vitamin D in the human body. Patients were divided according to the level of vitamin D into 3 groups (patients with normal levels, insufficiency and vitamin D deficiency). Evaluation of vitamin D-status was performed according to the classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), according to which the level of 25(OH)D in serum from 75–200 nmol/l or 30–85 ng/ml corresponds to the norm, the level of 25-hydroxycalciferol from 75 nmol/l to 50 nmol/l or 29–20 ng/ml in the blood is considered to be as insufficiency of vitamin D and an indicator lower than 50 nmol/l or less than 20 ng/ml corresponds to a vitamin D deficiency. Results and discussion. The study showed that only 18 (18.0 %) patients had sufficient vitamin D levels, 38 patients (38.0 %) had vitamin D insufficiency, and most patients 44 (44.0 %) were diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, indicating the apparent relationship between vitamin D levels and chronic hepatitis C. Vitamin D deficiency was found to be prevalent in the age groups of 45–59 years (61.4 %) and 25–44 years (22.7 %). It was determined that vitamin D level among HCV patients did not depend on gender.Мета роботи – вивчити забезпеченість вітаміном D (25 гідроксикальциферол (25(OH)D) хворих на хронічний гепатит С (ХГС) перед початком противірусної терапії (ПВТ). Матеріали і методи. Досліджено 100 осіб, які перебували у реєстрі хворих на хронічний вірусний гепатит у Дніпропетровському регіоні, яким у сироватці крові визначали метаболіт вітаміну D, що синтезується печінкою – 25 гідроксикальциферол (25(OH)D), який на сьогодні є індикатором забезпеченості вітаміном D організму людини. Оцінка вітамін D-статусу проводилась відповідно до класифікації (M.F. Holick, 2011), згідно з якою рівень 25(OH)D у сироватці крові від 75-200 нмоль/л або 30-85 нг/мл є оптимальним, рівень 25-гідроксикальциферолу від 75 нмоль/л до 50 нмоль/л або 29-20 нг/мл у крові – суб­оптимальним рівнем вітаміну D, а показник нижчий 50 нмоль/л або менше 20 нг/мл відповідає дефіциту вітаміну D. Пацієнти були розподілені залежно від рівня вітаміну D на 3 групи (пацієнти з оптимальним рівнем, субоптимальним рівнем і дефіцитом вітаміну D). Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Результати дослідження продемонстрували, що лише 18 (18,0 %) пацієнтів мали оптимальний рівень вітаміну D, у 38 хворих (38,0 %) виявлено субоптимальний рівень вітаміну D, у більшості хворих – 44 (44,0 %) діагностовано дефіцит вітаміну D, що вказує на певну закономірність між рівнем вітаміну D та ХГС. Було встановлено, що дефіцит вітаміну D переважав у хворих у вікових межах 45-59 років (61,4 %) і 25-44 років (22,7 %). З’ясовано, що вміст вітаміну D при ХГС не залежав від статі й був знижений у більшості хворих жінок і чоловіків


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    Purpose: to investigate the possibilities of the Register of patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Dnipropetrovsk region as an observation program and a tool for monitoring and management of patients. Materials and Methods. Analysis of the prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis was performed out by epidemiological method. Methods of descriptive statistics, statistical method and method of structural-logical analysis and using software products Excel and Statistica v.6.1 were used in the work. Results. The evaluation of effective Patient Registers in Ukraine was carried out, best practices were selected and the Register of Patients with Chronic Viral Hepatitis of Adults and Children in Dnipropetrovsk region was adapted, optimized and implemented. The expediency of its use as a research tool in the management of 4699 patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C over 18 years of age and 195 children is substantiated. The effectiveness of different treatment regimens was evaluated. Conclusions. Ten years of experience in maintaining the Register allowed to estimate the severity of chronic viral hepatitis in Dnipropetrovsk region, monitor the population affected by chronic viral hepatitis, analyze the dynamics and prognostic assessment of certain risk indicators of disease progression in different clinical groups, monitor quality, quality and effectiveness for the sick. It is proposed to implement experience for creation of the Register and the personalized automated account of patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Ukraine.Мета: дослідити можливості Реєстру хворих на хронічні вірусні гепатити в Дніпропетровському регіоні як спостережної програми та інструменту моніторингу і менеджменту за пацієнтами. Матеріали і методи. Аналіз поширеності хронічних вірусних гепатитів проведено епідеміологічним методом. У роботі застосовано методи дескриптивної статистики, статистичний метод та метод структурно-логічного аналізу з використанням програмних продуктів Excel і Statistica v.6.1. Результати. Проведено оцінку дієвих реєстрів пацієнтів в Україні, обрано найкращі практики та адаптовано, оптимізовано і впроваджено в Реєстр хворих на хронічні вірусні гепатити дорослого віку та дітей в Дніпропетров­ському регіоні. Обґрунтовано доцільність його використання як дослідного інструменту при менеджменті 4699 хворих на хронічні вірусні гепатити В та С віком понад 18 років та 195 дітей. Оцінено ефективність різних схем лікування. Висновки. Десятирічний досвід ведення Реєстру дозволив оцінити тяжкість хронічних вірусних гепатитів у Дніпропетровському регіоні, здійснювати моніторинг населення, ураженого хронічними вірусними гепатитами, проводити аналіз динаміки та прогностичну оцінку визначених показників ризику прогресування хвороби в різних клінічних групах хворих, контролювати якість та ефективність лікування, повноту та режим динамічного нагляду за хворими. Запропоновано імплементувати досвід для створення Реєстру та персоніфікованого автоматизованого обліку хворих на хронічні вірусні гепатити в Україні

    Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.

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    From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum

    Analysis of the Dynamics of Clinical Indicators in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis with Sensitization to Pollen and Household Allergens Using Combined Allergen-specific Immunotherapy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) with combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. To achieve this goal, 49 patients with AR of working age were examined – 35.5±1.5 years with clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctival syndrome with a long period of 9.2±1.1 years, among which there were 25 (51.0%) males and 24 (49%) females. All patients were divided into 2 homogeneous groups by age, sex, duration of the disease, the average number of etiologically significant allergens: the main one – 31 patients who received combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allergens and a comparison group – 18 patients for whom only pollen allergens were used. Allergological examination included anamnesis, skin tests with pollen allergens (wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, corn, etc.) and household (house dust, mites, epidermal agents) and / or molecular research methods using the ALEX technology. The quantitative integral assessment of the intensity of AR clinical symptoms was calculated as a total score for the main symptoms. The maximum score for the severity of nasal symptoms – 12, eye - 6, total – 18. The results obtained and their analysis indicate that under the influence of ASIT pollen and household allergens in patients there is a significant and reliable decrease in the intensity of clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctive syndrome: nasal manifestations – by 52,2%, conjunctival – by 60%, integral – by 54.3% and an increase of 2.2 times in the percentage of patients in the main group with the disappearance or minimization of clinical symptoms of the disease after treatment compared with patients from the comparison group, which convincingly proves and confirms high efficiency of the selected type of therapy in patients with AR in combination with sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    Restorative biocompatible polymer composites on the base of epoxy-resin filled by surface-modified disperse utilizated solid waste of industrial paper products

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    The paper industry is one of the sources of environment pollution. Therefore, the problem of efficient utilization of such wastes is an urgent one. One of the possible effective methods of paper industry waste recycling can be the application in epoxy composites. The review of literature proves a high scientific and industrial actuality of this thematic. Optical microscopy shows that 20 wt% of micro- and meso-particles of lignocellulose from waste-paper utilization leads to changes in morphology of composite due to interactions between phases. As result, the key mechanic (modulus at bending, resistance to wear) and resistant (swelling, fire- resistance) parameters changed. At the same time, 20wt% filling do not importantly change compression and bending strength parameters. Filled composites (as fresh as aged) are noticeable more resistant in acetone-containing solvents. Effect of filling on resistance in H2O2 depends on its concentration and age of templates: aged 20%-filled composites are more resistant than unfilled (in 35% H2O2), but fresh 10%-filled composite destruct quickly (unlike unfilled) in high-concentrated (60%) H2O

    Influence of Seasonality on Vitamin D Level in Patients with HCV Infection and Healthy People

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    According to WHO, about 150-200 million people are currently infected with the HCV virus worldwide. Recently, in the professional literature, the number of publications on the role of vitamin D in patients with viral hepatitis C has increased as vitamin D metabolism occurs with the participation of the liver and its deficiency is associated with an increased risk of infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of seasonal factor on vitamin D (25 hydroxycalciferol) levels in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy subjects. The study involved 100 patients in the registry of patients with chronic viral hepatitis in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The prevalence and deficiency of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and conditionally healthy subjects at different times of the year were determined, which showed the presence or absence of a seasonal effect on serum 25(OH)D level. Patients were divided into two groups, depending on the time of the year (autumn-winter and spring-summer), in which the level of 25 (OH) D was determined. The serum was metabolised by vitamin D, which is synthesized by the liver – 25 hydroxycalciferol (25 (OH) D), an indicator of the supply of vitamin D to the human body. Vitamin D levels were evaluated according to the M.F. Holick classification. According to the level of vitamin D patients were divided into 3 groups (patients with normal level, insufficient (suboptimal) level and vitamin D deficiency). The results of the study showed no effect of seasonal factor on the level of 25 (OH) D in the serum of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C. Vitamin D levels are controlled by the time of the year: in spring and summer this indicator is normal, in autumn and winter – seasonal decrease in vitamin D