35 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Innovative Potential of Alternative Energy in the Context of the Transition to the Circular Economy

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    The purpose of this article is to consider the innovative potential of alternative energy at the level of an economic entity in the context of increasing the global significance of the transition to the circular economy. The authors consider the conceptual provisions of the circular economy and the place of alternative energy in it, as well as justify the possibility of increasing the level of innovation through the implementation of "clean" energy development programs. As an assessment of the innovative potential of alternative energy at the level of an economic entity, the authors propose an integral model that takes into account the specified parameters of innovation. To adapt the idea, the authors chose the enterprise management level, since it is at this level that the greatest innovative activity which can affect the diffusion of "circular" innovations is manifested. The article proposes to analyze the economic entities who implement recycling for the further production of energy resources. For the parametric integral assessment, the weighting coefficients of the key performance indicators were set. The analysis of the number of companies revealed a strong correlation between the integral indicator of innovation potential and the level of circular energy efficiency

    Activation of students ' activity in the conditions of training in cooperation technology

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    Competence-based approach, becoming dominant in the system of higher education, marked the transition from traditional methods and means of education to the use of innovative technologies. Modern higher schools under the influence of the requirements of Federal state educational standards seek to optimize their own activities in order to improve the quality of education and seek new ways to build competence. Today, within the framework of the competence-based approach having a practice-oriented focus, technologies of training in cooperation that meet the requirements for modern training of students are becoming more popular. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using learning technologies in cooperation, activating the students’ performance. A powerful argument in favor of training in cooperation technologies implementation is their wide functionality in the development of professional competence of a specialist. Since the development of student competence takes place within the framework of various activities, we consider the technology of training in cooperation, allowing students to maximize their potential in the process of interaction with classmates. The article identifies such important advantages of the technology under consideration as the development of independence, creative component, skills of effective interaction and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue. We consider ideas of training in cooperation technology in detail as well as carry the analysis on the example of pedagogical courses. The presented research allowed establishing increase of students’ activity in studying of pedagogical courses at the expense of identification of an average score in studied profiles

    Федеральный закон о Национальной электронной библиотеке и начало его реализации

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    There is considered the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 03.07.2016 no. 342-FZ “On the Amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Librarianship’ in part of creation of the Federal State Infor-mation System ‘National Electronic Library’ ” (NEL). This law creates the legal basis for the functioning of the new state information system NEL. There are analyzed the provisions of the Federal law defining the notion of the “Federal State Information System ‘National Electronic Library’ ”, Regulations on the NEL objects, NEL participants, NEL online catalogue, etc. Separately considered the functions and authority of the operator of NEL - the Russian State Library. Statistics on the current phase of NEL operation is provided.Рассматривается Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 03.07.2016 г. № 342-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон “О библиотечном деле” в части создания федеральной государственной информационной системы “Национальная электронная библиотека”» (НЭБ). Этот закон создает правовую основу для функционирования новой государственной информационной системы НЭБ. Анализируются нормы закона, определяющие понятие «федеральная государственная информационная система “Национальная электронная библиотека”», положение об объектах НЭБ, участниках НЭБ, электронном каталоге НЭБ и др. Отдельно рассматриваются функции и полномочия оператора НЭБ - Российской государственной библиотеки. Приводится статистика о современном этапе функционирования НЭБ

    Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H<sub>2</sub>O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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    Global dust storms on Mars are rare but can affect the Martian atmosphere for several months. They can cause changes in atmospheric dynamics and inflation of the atmosphere, primarily owing to solar heating of the dust. In turn, changes in atmospheric dynamics can affect the distribution of atmospheric water vapour, with potential implications for the atmospheric photochemistry and climate on Mars. Recent observations of the water vapour abundance in the Martian atmosphere during dust storm conditions revealed a high-altitude increase in atmospheric water vapour that was more pronounced at high northern latitudes, as well as a decrease in the water column at low latitudes. Here we present concurrent, high-resolution measurements of dust, water and semiheavy water (HDO) at the onset of a global dust storm, obtained by the NOMAD and ACS instruments onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. We report the vertical distribution of the HDO/H O ratio (D/H) from the planetary boundary layer up to an altitude of 80 kilometres. Our findings suggest that before the onset of the dust storm, HDO abundances were reduced to levels below detectability at altitudes above 40 kilometres. This decrease in HDO coincided with the presence of water-ice clouds. During the storm, an increase in the abundance of H2O and HDO was observed at altitudes between 40 and 80 kilometres. We propose that these increased abundances may be the result of warmer temperatures during the dust storm causing stronger atmospheric circulation and preventing ice cloud formation, which may confine water vapour to lower altitudes through gravitational fall and subsequent sublimation of ice crystals. The observed changes in H2O and HDO abundance occurred within a few days during the development of the dust storm, suggesting a fast impact of dust storms on the Martian atmosphere

    The formation of residual stresses in the bonding of automotive glass

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    This article discusses the formation of residual stresses during the assembly of automotive glass. The influence of various parameters of the adhesive bead on the spatial deviations of glasses during their installation is shown. Currently, the glass assembly technology involves filling the gap between the automotive glass and the car body with a glue roller. It has been established that the formation of residual stresses is influenced by the width and thickness of the glue roll, with a minimum width of the glue roll during drying, a discontinuity of the glue joint along the contour is possible, and with a maximum width, unacceptable residual deformations occur in the glass, which lead to cracks

    Stand-by spillways in phreatic dams

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    Hydraulic structures operation is always connected with accident risks. The authors analyzed emergency situations which affected dams located on the territory of the USA and Russia. This analysis showed that the most dangerous accident which took place at hydroelectric complexes is an overfall through the crest of the dam accompanied with the formation of washouts and blow-out waves. The most striking example here is the accident at St. Francis dam. According to most researchers, its main cause was the human factor. To reduce economic losses which are due to an accident on the hydro-technical construction and to reduce the risk of human influence, the authors propose to use a stand-by spillway in the body of a phreatic dam. For this purpose, they introduce two constructions. The first construction has a melting insert and a spillway channel fastening made of synthetic materials. The second one has filtering covering of a crest and a downstream slope made of coarse-pored concrete. The researchers perform physical and numerical modeling of the developed structures to compare them. On the basis of laboratory experiments and calculations in the program complex, they obtain discharge coefficient values for various spillways, which can be later used for calculating spillway capacity as well as for its construction

    Stand-by spillways in phreatic dams

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    Hydraulic structures operation is always connected with accident risks. The authors analyzed emergency situations which affected dams located on the territory of the USA and Russia. This analysis showed that the most dangerous accident which took place at hydroelectric complexes is an overfall through the crest of the dam accompanied with the formation of washouts and blow-out waves. The most striking example here is the accident at St. Francis dam. According to most researchers, its main cause was the human factor. To reduce economic losses which are due to an accident on the hydro-technical construction and to reduce the risk of human influence, the authors propose to use a stand-by spillway in the body of a phreatic dam. For this purpose, they introduce two constructions. The first construction has a melting insert and a spillway channel fastening made of synthetic materials. The second one has filtering covering of a crest and a downstream slope made of coarse-pored concrete. The researchers perform physical and numerical modeling of the developed structures to compare them. On the basis of laboratory experiments and calculations in the program complex, they obtain discharge coefficient values for various spillways, which can be later used for calculating spillway capacity as well as for its construction

    The formation of residual stresses in the bonding of automotive glass

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    This article discusses the formation of residual stresses during the assembly of automotive glass. The influence of various parameters of the adhesive bead on the spatial deviations of glasses during their installation is shown. Currently, the glass assembly technology involves filling the gap between the automotive glass and the car body with a glue roller. It has been established that the formation of residual stresses is influenced by the width and thickness of the glue roll, with a minimum width of the glue roll during drying, a discontinuity of the glue joint along the contour is possible, and with a maximum width, unacceptable residual deformations occur in the glass, which lead to cracks

    Modeling Changes in the Enterprise Information Capital in the Digital Economy

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to the self-isolation of people and the transformation of many economic and social processes into an electronic version thus contributing to the digitalization of all spheres. Being part of this environment, enterprises generate information resources to develop their desired image, which may vary according to the factors characterizing the information environment. Information capital is a comprehensive characteristic of an enterprise and determines its effectiveness and sustainability. The purpose of this study is to develop a toolkit that allows one to assess the information capital of an enterprise, reflecting its perception within the digital information environment. It is necessary to develop the methodology for the formation of such tools. As a result, a fuzzy-plural approach has been developed to evaluate the index of external information capital. This model allows us to assess the external information capital and to simulate its changes caused by various kinds of information events. The study of key elements, for example, the stability and tonality indices, index of target perception made it possible to systematize chaotic changes in the external environment and describe them using the Chen–Lee attractor model. The results of this study can be useful for researchers in the field of digital information analysis, in particular for the comparative analysis of enterprises and the assessment of their information capital