13 research outputs found

    Marginal Elites. Some Observations in Modern Romania and their Relevance to Prehistoric Hoards and Status Expression

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    Nach einem kurzen Überblick zur Romani-Geschichte in Rumänien werden einige moderne Beobachtungen beschrieben, insbesondere zur Ansammlung von Reichtum und dessen auffälliger Zurschaustellung in spezifischen Formen und bei bestimmten Gelegenheiten. Unter Betrachtung der modernen Situation von einem archäologischen Standpunkt wird festgestellt, dass die Elite, die wir ‚archäologisch‘ sehen würden, tatsächlich eine Elite ist (der Romani Bevölkerung), diese aber insgesamt eine marginalisierte und diskriminierte Minderheit sind. Die Frage wird gestellt, welche Elite wir eigentlich erkennen, wenn wir archäologisch von ‚fürstlichen‘ Gräbern sprechen, und es wird dazu aufgerufen die Möglichkeit multiethnischer/multikultureller Gemeinschaften in der Urgeschichte stärker in Betracht zu ziehen

    Ein neuer Idoltyp aus Siidosteuropa

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    Two idols from the site of Livezile "La Izvoru Popii", judet Alba in Romania are analysed. They are made from the frontal part of a lower jaw (mandibula) with forward incisors (incisivi 1 right and 1 left) of a domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus). They are polished and perforated near the top. Thus, the perforations represent eyes and the incisors feet. This type of idol is so far unknown in the literature. It is concluded on the basis of the accompanying finds and the small number of analogies that the two idols belong to the end of the Copper Age or the beginning of the Early Bronze Age. They probably served as pendants or amulets, as is suggested by the holes. However, it is not clear whether or not they can be linked with burial ritual.Obravnavana sta dva idola iz najdišča Livezile "La Izvoru Popii", JudeJ Alba, Romunija. Izdelana sta iz sprednjega dela spodnje čeljustnice (mandibula) s prednjimi zobmi-sekalci (incisivi 1 desno in 1 levo) domače svinje (Sus scrofa domesticus). Sta zglajena in pri vrhu prevrtana. Tako predstavljajo predrte luknjice oči, zobje-sekalci pa noge. Tak tip idola iz literature doslej ni bil znan. Na osnovi spremnih najdb in maloštevilnih analogij sklepamo, da obravnavana idola sodita na konec bakrene ali začetek zgornje bronaste dobe. Verjetno sta služila kot obeska-amuleta, za kar govorita luknjici. Nejasno pa je, če ju smemo povezovati s pogrebnim ritualom

    Lumière sur le “dark age” centrasiatique

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    Archéorient - le blogL’ ouvrage "A Millennium of History. The Iron Age in southern Central Asia" a été réalisé sous la direction de Johanna Lhuillier (Archéorient) et Nikolaus Boroffka (Deustches Archäologisches Institut) et coédité dans les collections “Archäologie in Iran und Turan” et “Mémoires de la Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan” avec le soutien de la Fondation Alexander von Humboldt. Il regroupe 18 contributions présentées lors d’un colloque qui s’est tenu à Berlin en juin 2014. Paru en fin d’année 2018, cet ouvrage offre la première synthèse sur l’âge du Fer en Asie centrale et couvre plus de 1000 ans d’histoire entre la fin de la civilisation proto-urbaine de l’âge du Bronze et la conquête d’Alexandre le Grand

    Bandichan, Surchandarja, Usbekistan: Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2012 und 2013

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    The Bandikhan settlement oasis offers „pure“ sites for various times from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Medieval period. Since they are not disturbed by later activity they allow good definition of cultural phenomena. Discovered in the early 1970s by E. Rtveladze, they have been re-studied by an Uzbek- German team since 2005. Majdatepa (Early Iron Age), Bektepa, Gazimullahtepa, Kindyktepa (all Iron Age), Jalangtushtepa (Antiquity) and Kakhramontepa (Early Medieval), as well as burials around Kakhramontepa and Sariband have been studied

    A short note on the Iron Age at Tillâ-tepe and Naibabad (Afghanistan). Some unpublished iconographical documents from the excavations of Viktor Ivanovič Sarianidi

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    International audienceThe work led by the Soviet-Afghan Mission directed by I. T. Kruglikova from 1969 to 1979 in northern Afghanistan, and especially the excavations made by V. I. Sarianidi, remains until today the base of any research on Iron Age in Central Asia. Some previously unpublished photographs taken by V. I. Sarianidi illustrate the excavations undertaken at two major sites, Tillya-Tepe and Naibabad, showing both architectural remains during the process of excavations and pottery. The researches acccomplished and published in the past few years allows a better understanding of this huge work that remains unique


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    International audienceIntroduction to the volume: A Millennium of History. The Iron Age in southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st Millennia BC). Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23-25, 2014). Dedicated to the memory of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi. Archäologie in Iran und Turan, Band 17 & Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, Volume XXX

    Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, Obiceiuri funerare în epoca bronzului la Dunărea Mijlocie şi Inferioară, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2011, vol. I – 900 p. (text), vol. II – 479 pl.

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    Boroffka Nikolaus G. O. Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, Obiceiuri funerare în epoca bronzului la Dunărea Mijlocie şi Inferioară, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2011, vol. I – 900 p. (text), vol. II – 479 pl.. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°8 2012. pp. 210-213

    Afghanistan. Antiker Bergbau und Kulturelles Erbe. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2013 bis 2017

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    The DFG-Project “RESAF – Ressources and antique mining in Afghanistan”, began in June 2017 as a continuation of the research supported so far by the German Foreign Ministry. The development of the geo information systems (GIS) and the database for archaeometallurgy and mining in Afghanistan are basic aims of the project. Moreover, the documentation and protection of endangered cultural heritage sites and archaeological finds are central topics, as well as capacity building in workshops and trai­nee programmes for Afghani colleagues held in Germany, are crucial to support sustainable local archaeological work and heritage management in the country

    A millennium of History: The Iron Age in Southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st millennia BC).: Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23-25, 2014). Dedicated to the Memory of Viktor Ivanovič Sarianidi

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    International audience“A Millennium of History” contains new research on 1000 years of history by international scientists. The Iron Age is framed by two major cultural changes: the end of Bronze Age urban civilizations and their huge cemeteries and the conquest of Central Asia by Alexander the Great. The integration of the region into the Achaemenid Persian Empire lies at its core. Radical social changes in settlements, technology, networks and spiritual life may be connected to the roots of the Avesta and the Zoroastrian religion, which became official in the Persian Empire. A new look at texts and archaeology demonstrates full integration of Bactria and Sogdia into Achaemenid Empire during the 6th Century BC