81 research outputs found

    Exploring the Potential for Detecting Rotational Instabilities in Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants with Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    We explore the potential for detecting rotational instabilities in the post-merger phase of binary neutron star mergers using different network configurations of upgraded and next-generation gravitational wave detectors. Our study employs numerically generated post-merger waveforms, which reveal the re-excitation of the l=m=2l=m=2 ff-mode at a time of O(10)O(10{\rm})ms after merger. We evaluate the detectability of these signals by injecting them into colored Gaussian noise and performing a reconstruction as a sum of wavelets using Bayesian inference. Computing the overlap between the reconstructed and injected signal, restricted to the instability part of the post-merger phase, we find that one could infer the presence of rotational instabilities with a network of planned 3rd-generation detectors, depending on the total mass and distance to the source. For a recently suggested high-frequency detector design, we find that the instability part would be detectable even at 200 Mpc, significantly increasing the anticipated detection rate. For a network consisting of the existing HLV detectors, but upgraded to twice the A+ sensitivity, we confirm that the peak frequency of the whole post-merger gravitational-wave emission could be detectable with a network signal-to-noise ratio of 8 at a distance of 40Mpc.Comment: 18 pages, 15 captured figures, submitted to PR

    Computation of stochastic background from extreme mass ratio inspiral populations for LISA

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    Extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) are among the primary targets for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). The extreme mass ratios of these systems result in relatively weak GW signals, that can be individually resolved only for cosmologically nearby sources (up to z≈2z\approx2). The incoherent piling up of the signal emitted by unresolved EMRIs generate a confusion noise, that can be formally treated as a stochastic GW background (GWB). In this paper, we estimate the level of this background considering a collection of astrophysically motivated EMRI models, spanning the range of uncertainties affecting EMRI formation. To this end, we employed the innovative Augmented Analytic Kludge waveforms and used the full LISA response function. For each model, we compute the GWB SNR and the number of resolvable sources. Compared to simplified computations of the EMRI signals from the literature, we find that for a given model the GWB SNR is lower by a factor of ≈2\approx 2 whereas the number of resolvable sources drops by a factor 3-to-5. Nonetheless, the vast majority of the models result in potentially detectable GWB which can also significantly contribute to the overall LISA noise budget in the 1-10 mHz frequency range

    Neutron Star - White Dwarf Binaries: Probing Formation Pathways and Natal Kicks with LISA

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    Neutron star-white dwarf (NS+WD) binaries offer a unique opportunity for studying NS-specific phenomena with gravitational waves. In this paper, we employ the binary population synthesis technique to study the Galactic population of NS+WDs with the future Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). We anticipate approximately O(102)\mathcal{O}(10^2) detectable NS+WDs by LISA, encompassing both circular and eccentric binaries formed via different pathways. Despite the challenge of distinguishing NS+WDs from more prevalent double white dwarfs in the LISA data (especially at frequencies below 2 mHz), we show that their eccentricity and chirp mass distributions may provide avenues to explore the NS natal kicks and common envelope evolution. Additionally, we investigate the spatial distribution of detectable NS+WDs relative to the Galactic plane and discuss prospects for identifying electromagnetic counterparts at radio wavelengths. Our results emphasise LISA's capability to detect and characterise NS+WDs and to offer insights into the properties of the underlying population. Our conclusions carry significant implications for shaping LISA data analysis strategies and future data interpretation.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcom

    Uncovering gravitational-wave backgrounds from noises of unknown shape with LISA

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    Detecting stochastic background radiation of cosmological origin is an exciting possibility for current and future gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. However, distinguishing it from other stochastic processes, such as instrumental noise and astrophysical backgrounds, is challenging. It is even more delicate for the space-based GW observatory LISA since it cannot correlate its observations with other detectors, unlike today's terrestrial network. Nonetheless, with multiple measurements across the constellation and high accuracy in the noise level, detection is still possible. In the context of GW background detection, previous studies have assumed that instrumental noise has a known, possibly parameterized, spectral shape. To make our analysis robust against imperfect knowledge of the instrumental noise, we challenge this crucial assumption and assume that the single-link interferometric noises have an arbitrary and unknown spectrum. We investigate possible ways of separating instrumental and GW contributions by using realistic LISA data simulations with time-varying arms and second-generation time-delay interferometry. By fitting a generic spline model to the interferometer noise and a power-law template to the signal, we can detect GW stochastic backgrounds up to energy density levels comparable with fixed-shape models. We also demonstrate that we can probe a region of the GW background parameter space that today's detectors cannot access

    Stochastic gravitational wave background from stellar origin binary black holes in LISA

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    We use the latest constraints on the population of stellar origin binary black holes (SOBBH) from LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA (LVK) observations, to estimate the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) they generate in the frequency band of LISA. We account for the faint and distant binaries, which contribute the most to the SGWB, by extending the merger rate at high redshift assuming it tracks the star formation rate. We adopt different methods to compute the SGWB signal: an analytical evaluation, Monte Carlo sums over SOBBH population realisations, and a method that accounts for the role of the detector by simulating LISA data and iteratively removing resolvable signals until only the confusion noise is left, allowing for the extraction of both the expected SGWB and the number of resolvable SOBBHs. Since the latter are few for SNR thresholds larger than five, we confirm that the spectral shape of the SGWB in the LISA band follows the analytical prediction of a power law. We infer the probability distribution of the SGWB amplitude from the LVK GWTC-3 posterior of the binary population model; its interquartile range of h2ΩGW(f=3×10−3 Hz)∈[5.65, 11.5]×10−13h^2\Omega_\mathrm{GW}(f=3\times10^{-3}\,\mathrm{Hz}) \in [5.65,\,11.5]\times10^{-13} is in agreement with most previous estimates. We perform a MC analysis to assess LISA's capability to detect and characterise this signal. Accounting for both the instrumental noise and the galactic binaries foreground, with four years of data, LISA will be able to detect the SOBBH SGWB with percent accuracy, narrowing down the uncertainty on the amplitude by one order of magnitude with respect to the range of possible amplitudes inferred from the population model. A measurement of this signal by LISA will help to break the degeneracy among some of the population parameters, and provide interesting constraints, in particular on the redshift evolution of the SOBBH merger rate.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Optimal Design of Calibration Signals in Space Borne Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    Future space borne gravitational wave detectors will require a precise definition of calibration signals to ensure the achievement of their design sensitivity. The careful design of the test signals plays a key role in the correct understanding and characterization of these instruments. In that sense, methods achieving optimal experiment designs must be considered as complementary to the parameter estimation methods being used to determine the parameters describing the system. The relevance of experiment design is particularly significant for the LISA Pathfinder mission, which will spend most of its operation time performing experiments to characterize key technologies for future space borne gravitational wave observatories. Here we propose a framework to derive the optimal signals in terms of minimum parameter uncertainty to be injected to these instruments during its calibration phase. We compare our results with an alternative numerical algorithm which achieves an optimal input signal by iteratively improving an initial guess. We show agreement of both approaches when applied to the LISA Pathfinder case

    Data series subtraction with unknown and unmodeled background noise

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    LISA Pathfinder (LPF), ESA's precursor mission to a gravitational wave observatory, will measure the degree to which two test-masses can be put into free-fall, aiming to demonstrate a residual relative acceleration with a power spectral density (PSD) below 30 fm/s2^2/Hz1/2^{1/2} around 1 mHz. In LPF data analysis, the measured relative acceleration data series must be fit to other various measured time series data. This fitting is required in different experiments, from system identification of the test mass and satellite dynamics to the subtraction of noise contributions from measured known disturbances. In all cases, the background noise, described by the PSD of the fit residuals, is expected to be coloured, requiring that we perform such fits in the frequency domain. This PSD is unknown {\it a priori}, and a high accuracy estimate of this residual acceleration noise is an essential output of our analysis. In this paper we present a fitting method based on Bayesian parameter estimation with an unknown frequency-dependent background noise. The method uses noise marginalisation in connection with averaged Welch's periodograms to achieve unbiased parameter estimation, together with a consistent, non-parametric estimate of the residual PSD. Additionally, we find that the method is equivalent to some implementations of iteratively re-weighted least-squares fitting. We have tested the method both on simulated data of known PSD, and to analyze differential acceleration from several experiments with the LISA Pathfinder end-to-end mission simulator.Comment: To appear Phys. Rev. D90 August 201
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