13 research outputs found

    A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Most published genome sequences are drafts, and most are dominated by computational gene prediction. Draft genomes typically incorporate considerable sequence data that are not assigned to chromosomes, and predicted genes without quality confidence measures. The current Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit) 'Hongyang' draft genome has 164\ua0Mb of sequences unassigned to pseudo-chromosomes, and omissions have been identified in the gene models

    Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5)

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    AIRWAYS-ICPs (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing) from concept to implementation

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    Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are major non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that induce a significant burden. Asthma often occurs along the life cycle from early childhood, affecting 30 million children and adults under 45 years of age in Europe. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has an estimated annual death rate of over 3 million people globally. The annual direct and indirect costs in the 28 European Union (EU) countries due to COPD or asthma are estimated at 48 billion euros and 34 billion euros respectively. Rhinitis occurs in over 100 million people in Europe, and indirect costs are enormous [4]. Asthma is a common risk factor for COPD. CRDs impact ageing and should be prevented, recognised and managed across the life cycle to promote active and healthy ageing (AHA). There is an urgent need to act globally

    Additional file 3: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Comparison of predicted paired end distance to genome.Heatmaps of alignment distance scores for the alignment of the read pairs from the 9Kb long-insert mate-paired-end (LIMP) library to each of the 29 chromosomes within the Red5 whole genome assembly and. Individual chromosome plots were prepared using hagfish_blockplot from the software program ‘hagfish’ ( https://github.com/mfiers/hagfish/ ). Individual images were cropped for height (not length) then cut and pasted into a table format for easier viewing. Each image depicted the entire length of the chromosome but all images are of standard length irrespective of chromosome length. Green regions indicate mate pairs aligning to the whole genome sequence within the expected distance of the library. Black indicates regions without mate pair alignment. Pinkish-red indicates regions where the distance between mated paired end reads is shorter (assembly compression relative to physical genome) or longer (assembly expansion relative to physical genome). (PPTX 432 kb

    Additional file 4: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    BLASTP comparison of manually edited gene models to the revised ‘Hongyang’ gene models. List of best reciprocal BLASTp matches between the revised Actinidia chinensis ‘Hongyang’ genes [18]and the Red5 gene set (XLSX 436 kb

    Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs)

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    The objective of Integrated Care Pathways for Airway Diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs) is to launch a collaboration to develop multi-sectoral care pathways for chronic respiratory diseases in European countries and regions. AIRWAYS-ICPs has strategic relevance to the European Union Health Strategy and will add value to existing public health knowledge by: 1) proposing a common framework of care pathways for chronic respiratory diseases, which will facilitate comparability and trans-national initiatives; 2) informing cost-effective policy development, strengthening in particular those on smoking and environmental exposure; 3) aiding risk stratification in chronic disease patients, using a common strategy; 4) having a significant impact on the health of citizens in the short term (reduction of morbidity, improvement of education in children and of work in adults) and in the long-term (healthy ageing); 5) proposing a common simulation tool to assist physicians; and 6) ultimately reducing the healthcare burden (emergency visits, avoidable hospitalisations, disability and costs) while improving quality of life. In the longer term, the incidence of disease may be reduced by innovative prevention strategies. AIRWAYSICPs was initiated by Area 5 of the Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. All stakeholders are involved (health and social care, patients, and policy makers)

    Additional file 6: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Revised ‘Hongyang’ genes omitted from the manually edited gene set. Average RNA-Seq read coverage of the 1069 KIR V2 models perfectly aligned to the Red5 genome without a protein match in the Red5 gene set. (XLSX 114 kb

    Additional file 1: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Map back rates to the Red5 genome sequence.Summary of the numbers of input reads reads that align to the RED5 genome construction (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 8: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Sequenced cDNA’s used to verify the gene models.Fasta formatted predicted protein sequences of 550 bidirectionally sequenced expressed sequence tag clones from A. chinensis var. chinensis used in evaluating manually annotated gene models of Red5. (FASTA 220 kb

    Additional file 7: of A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants

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    Details of sequenced cDNA’s generated. Fasta formatted sequences of 812 bidirectionally sequenced expressed sequence tag clones from A. chinensis var. chinensis used in evaluating manually annotated gene models of Red5. (FASTA 1204 kb