433 research outputs found

    Functional Materials for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

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    A review on the analysis of characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) is provided. DSSC design, materials that are used for the manufacture of functional layers and the characteristics of elements depending on their properties are analyzed. The basic disadvantages DSSC, the factors leading to their appearance, as well as solutions to eliminate or reduce the impact of these factors are revealed


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    Background: Periodontitis is a major reason of tooth loss in people of middle and older age groups that requires more attention of researchers to the problems of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy of the disease. Currently, the interaction of the microbial content of dental plaque and local tissue response is considered to be the main reason for the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases. At the same time, Russian and foreign researchers mark a high frequency of so-called torpid or resistant to antimicrobial therapy forms of periodontitis.Aim: To study the specific and quantitative composition of a fungi of the Candida genus in the contents of periodontal pockets of patients with varying severity of chronic generalized periodontitis.Materials and methods: A non-randomized non-controlled retrospective research was conducted. We studied the main clinical and radiological indicators of periodontal status and its contamination with fungi of the Candida genus in people with mild, moderate, or severe chronic periodontitis.Results: Research participants enrolled in four groups: 1–3 groups included patients with chronic generalized light, medium and heavy periodontitis; group 4 included twenty-five subjects with no signs of periodontal disease. Among the examined patients from the control group, the frequency allocation of Candida from the contents of the gingival sulcus was 9.09%, patients with periodontal pathology of periodontal pockets ― 64.91%. High contamination with fungal flora (more than 6.0 CFU / mL) was observed in all patients with chronic periodontitis. Total allocated 40 strains of Candida with a predominance of Candida albicans.Conclusions: The results of microbiological research confirmed an increase of contamination of periodontal with fungi of the Candida genus in patients with periodontitis if compared with healthy people. The degree of the contamination with fungi of the Candida genus decreased with increasing severity of periodontitis. It can be assumed that the presence of Candida fungi in the periodontal pocket can be considered as a possible component of the etiology of chronic periodontitis and as a factor aggravating it.Обоснование. Пародонтит является главной причиной потери зубов у людей средней и старшей возрастных групп, что требует повышенного внимания исследователей к проблеме этиологии, патогенеза, диагностики и терапии данного заболевания. В настоящее время взаимодействие микробного содержимого зубной бляшки и локального тканевого ответа на нее рассматривается в качестве основной причины развития воспалительных заболеваний пародонта. Вместе с тем отечественные и зарубежные исследователи отмечают высокую частоту так называемых торпидных, или устойчивых, к антимикробной терапии форм пародонтита.Цель: изучить видовой и количественный состав грибов рода Candida в содержимом пародонтальных карманов у больных с разной степенью тяжести хронического генерализованного пародонтита.Методы. Проведено нерандомизированное неконтролируемое ретроспективное исследование, в ходе которого изучены основные клинико-рентгенологические показатели состояния пародонта и его обсемененность грибами рода Candida у людей с легкой, средней и тяжелой степенью хронического пародонтита.Результаты. Из 82 участников исследования сформированы четыре группы, три из которых составили больные хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом легкой, средней и тяжелой степени; четвертая группа пациентов ― без признаков заболеваний пародонта. У обследованных контрольной группы частота выделения грибов рода Candida из содержимого десневой борозды составила 9,09%, у больных с патологией пародонта из пародонтальных карманов ― 64,91%. Высокая обсемененность грибковой флорой (6,0 КОЕ/мл) наблюдалась у всех больных хроническим пародонтитом. Всего выделено 40 штаммов Candida с преобладанием Candida albicans.Заключение. В результате проведенного исследования получены данные об увеличении обсемененности пародонта грибами рода Candida у больных пародонтитом по сравнению со здоровыми людьми. Предполагаем, что наличие грибов рода Candida в пародонтальном кармане может рассматриваться и в качестве возможной составляющей этиологии хронического пародонтита, и как фактор, усугубляющий его течение. Дальнейшие исследования могут быть направлены на определение целесообразности и эффективности введения в комплексную терапию хронического пародонтита противогрибковых препаратов


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    Modern professional competent expert of ecology and environmental management, should have an opportunity to consolidate their knowledge in the nature observation in in the period of your study. Since 2010 the opportunity of conduction of universities practices is fulfilled in the Kosino-Ukhtomsky area of Moscow. This practices is necessary to reinforce knowledge of pedolody, geobotany, geochemistry, bio- geochemistry and environment. The main tasks is detailed study of soil and plants cover, hydrological network and relief, pollution of soil cover, migration conditions of water-soluble pollutants. This tasks deciding since 2010 to present by authors.С 2010 г. в районе ВАО г. Москвы Косино-Ухтомский проводилось детальное исследование почвенного покрова, гидрографической сети и рельефа, особенностей загрязнения почвенного покрова, условия миграции водорастворимых форм поллютантов с целью информационного обеспечения возможности проведения на данной территории межвузовских полевых практик, направленных на закрепление теоретических навыков в области почвоведения, геоботаники, геохимии, биогеохимии и экологии

    Measurement of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector

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    Using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ee^+e^- collider, we have measured the values of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR at seven points of the center-of-mass energy between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV. The total achieved accuracy is about or better than 3.3%3.3\% at most of energy points with a systematic uncertainty of about 2.1%2.1\%. At the moment it is the most accurate measurement of R(s)R(s) in this energy range

    New precise determination of the \tau lepton mass at KEDR detector

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    The status of the experiment on the precise τ\tau lepton mass measurement running at the VEPP-4M collider with the KEDR detector is reported. The mass value is evaluated from the τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- cross section behaviour around the production threshold. The preliminary result based on 6.7 pb1^{-1} of data is mτ=1776.800.23+0.25±0.15m_{\tau}=1776.80^{+0.25}_{-0.23} \pm 0.15 MeV. Using 0.8 pb1^{-1} of data collected at the ψ\psi' peak the preliminary result is also obtained: ΓeeBττ(ψ)=7.2±2.1\Gamma_{ee}B_{\tau\tau}(\psi') = 7.2 \pm 2.1 eV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; The 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau0

    Measurement of \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-) and \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)

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    The products of the electron width of the J/\psi meson and the branching fraction of its decays to the lepton pairs were measured using data from the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The results are \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-)=(0.3323\pm0.0064\pm0.0048) keV, \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)=(0.3318\pm0.0052\pm0.0063) keV. Their combinations \Gamma_{ee}\times(\Gamma_{ee}+\Gamma_{\mu\mu})/\Gamma=(0.6641\pm0.0082\pm0.0100) keV, \Gamma_{ee}/\Gamma_{\mu\mu}=1.002\pm0.021\pm0.013 can be used to improve theaccuracy of the leptonic and full widths and test leptonic universality. Assuming e\mu universality and using the world average value of the lepton branching fraction, we also determine the leptonic \Gamma_{ll}=5.59\pm0.12 keV and total \Gamma=94.1\pm2.7 keV widths of the J/\psi meson.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector

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    We report results of a search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ e- collider. The upper limit on the leptonic width of a narrow resonance Gamma(R -> ee) Br(R -> hadr) < 120 eV has been obtained (at 90 % C.L.)

    Measurement of main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance

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    A high-precision determination of the main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance has been performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e^{+}e^{-} collider in three scans of the \psi(2S) -- \psi(3770) energy range. Fitting the energy dependence of the multihadron cross section in the vicinity of the \psi(2S) we obtained the mass value M = 3686.114 +- 0.007 +- 0.011 ^{+0.002}_{-0.012} MeV and the product of the electron partial width by the branching fraction into hadrons \Gamma_{ee}*B_{h} = 2.233 +- 0.015 +- 0.037 +- 0.020 keV. The third error quoted is an estimate of the model dependence of the result due to assumptions on the interference effects in the cross section of the single-photon e^{+}e^{-} annihilation to hadrons explicitly considered in this work. Implicitly, the same assumptions were employed to obtain the charmonium leptonic width and the absolute branching fractions in many experiments. Using the result presented and the world average values of the electron and hadron branching fractions, one obtains the electron partial width and the total width of the \psi(2S): \Gamma_{ee} =2.282 +- 0.015 +- 0.038 +- 0.021 keV, \Gamma = 296 +- 2 +- 8 +- 3 keV. These results are consistent with and more than two times more precise than any of the previous experiments

    Pion Freeze-Out Time in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 A GeV/c Studied via pi-/pi+ and K-/K+ Ratios

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    The effect of the final state Coulomb interaction on particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c has been investigated in the WA98 experiment through the study of the pi-/pi+ and K-/K+ ratios measured as a function of transverse mass. While the ratio for kaons shows no significant transverse mass dependence, the pi-/pi+ ratio is enhanced at small transverse mass values with an enhancement that increases with centrality. A silicon pad detector located near the target is used to estimate the contribution of hyperon decays to the pi-/pi+ ratio. The comparison of results with predictions of the RQMD model in which the Coulomb interaction has been incorporated allows to place constraints on the time of the pion freeze-out.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    The Deuteron Spin-dependent Structure Function g1d and its First Moment

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    We present a measurement of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g1d based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002-2004. The data provide an accurate evaluation for Gamma_1^d, the first moment of g1d(x), and for the matrix element of the singlet axial current, a0. The results of QCD fits in the next to leading order (NLO) on all g1 deep inelastic scattering data are also presented. They provide two solutions with the gluon spin distribution function Delta G positive or negative, which describe the data equally well. In both cases, at Q^2 = 3 (GeV/c)^2 the first moment of Delta G is found to be of the order of 0.2 - 0.3 in absolute value.Comment: fits redone using MRST2004 instead of MRSV1998 for G(x), correlation matrix adde