1,835 research outputs found

    PURAISTAAN KIELTÄ 14 Kielestä ja mielestä

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    Alexandre Nikolaev työskentelee yleisen kielitieteen yliopistonlehtorina Itä-Suomen yliopistossa


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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomen kielen s- ja i-Ioppuisten sekä kvantitatiivisenastevaihtelun alaisten nominien vartalonvaihteluiden produktiivisuutta.Lähtökohtana on oletus, että tiettyjen taivutustyyppien produktiivisuutta voitarkastella ei-syntyperäisten puhujien avulla. Eri-ikäisille venäjänkielisille lapsilleopetettiin suomen kielen substantiiveja ja niiden taivutusmuotoja siten että Aryhmissäopetettavista sanoista 70 % kuului produktiiviseen ja 30 %epäproduktiiviseen taivutustyyppiin. B-ryhmissä prosenttisuhteet olivatpäinvastaiset. Suomenkielisiin morfologisiin kokeisiin osallistuneidenvenäjänkielisten lasten vastaukset osoittavat produktiivisuuden määrääväntaivutusta syötteen määrän kustannuksella. Kontrolliryhminä toimivatsamanikäisten syntyperäisten suomalaisten koehenkilöryhmät.Avainsanat: produktiivisuus, taivutus, morfologia, suomen kieliThis research studies the stern variations productivity of Finnish nominals ending in -$and -i and nominals with quantitative consonant gradation variations. It is supposedthat the productivity ofcertain paradigms can be tested by using non-Finnish speakersas mentallaboratories. Russian-speaking children of a different age were taught Finnishnouns and intraparadigmatic forms so that 70 per cent of the words taught in groups Abelonged to a productive and 30 per cent belonged to a non-productive. In B groupsthe percentages were the reverse. The responses of the Russian-speaking childrenparticipating in the morphological tests performed in the Finnish language demonstratethat inflection is strongly driven by language-independent productivity at the expenseof the input's quantity (amount). The control groups consist of the native Finns of thesame age. We will also discuss age-dependent development as the range of the subjectswas from 3 to 14 years of age.Keywords: productivity, inf1ection, morphology, Finnish languag

    Overload handling in soft real-time systems : a case study using ROOM/ObjecTime

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    In real-time systems, deadlines are imposed on the response time. Not meeting a deadline in a hard real-time system is equivalent to its failure, while in soft real-time systems occasional minor delays in responding to events are acceptable. Only when the delays are frequent or considerable, performance degradation up to system malfunction can be observed. The developers for real-time systems must therefore pay special attention to the performance of the system. The scheduling of tasks in the system becomes critically important as it directly affects the system performance. While, traditionally, real-time system developers have used low-level software programming paradigms, the rising complexity of real-time software is creating a demand for CASE tools that allow for development using a combination of visual modeling and design, augmented with code-segments. One such tool is the ObjecTime Developer based on ROOM (Real-Time Object Oriented Modeling) development methodology. In this thesis we study usability and effectiveness of this tool for building a soft real time system with special attention on the performance and behaviour of the system under overload conditions. As a working example we develop a radar simulator system, which observes air targets whose speeds, number and distances are constantly changing; thus, creating a constantly varying load of the entire system, with dynamically appearing objects. The major contribution of this thesis is developing custom overload handling policies to improve performance and illustrating how they may be implemented within the framework of the tool. The native scheduling policy of ObjecTime, the classical priority-based policy and our own policy based on the period-of-execution are studie

    Substantiivien taivutusjärjestelmän produktiivisuudesta

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    Alexandre Nikolaevin yleisen kielitieteen alaan kuuluva väitöskirja tarkastettiin Itä-Suomen yliopistossa perjantaina 1. huhtikuuta 2011. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Fred Karlsson Helsingin yliopistosta ja kustoksena professori Jussi Niemi.Alexandre Nikolaev: Suomen nominien taivutusjärjestelmän produktiivisuudesta. Korpuslingvistisiä ja kokeellisia tutkimuksia. Moniste. Joensuu: Itä-Suomen yliopisto 2011

    Study of Crisis Communication Designed to Develop Generic Crisis Communication Guidelines

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    Suomen nominien taivutusjärjestelmän produktiivisuuden indekseistä

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    Indices of productivity in Finnish inflection (englanti)4/2008 (112) Indices of productivity in Finnish inflectionThe aim of the present study is to describe how productivity is manifested in the inflection of Finnish nominals (i.e. nouns and inflectionally noun-like syntactic categories), when productivity is analysed with the help of different linguistic variables. The goals of the study also include the quantification of productivity in morphological systems that are typologically similar to that of Finnish, i.e. to attempt to obtain responses to such questions as how the productivity of an inflectional category is reflected in the Finnish inflectional system, and how many indices of productivity there are. In addition, the study includes an analysis of potential, quantifiable interaction between these various indices.In each inflectional category, the authors examine the relationship between category size and frequency of use (lemma frequency) by using regression analysis. The variables include lexical factors (e.g. median of lemma frequency, number of hapaxes) as well as a phonological factor, namely the number of syllables. The reliability of the present results is enhanced by the relatively large size of the data: the study employs the paradigm classification found in two extensive monolingual dictionaries, viz. Suomen kielen perussanakirja and CD-Perussanakirja with their 49 nominal paradigms, circa 25,000 lexemes and 52,000 compounds, as well as the corpora of the Language Bank (of Finland; www.csc.fi) containing over 130 million running words.The central conclusion is that there exists a strong correlation between paradigm size and the frequency of use of a given word in Finnish (and, presumably, in all typologically similar languages too) as follows: productive paradigms are extensive and they are characterised by low frequency of use, while unproductive paradigms are narrow but their frequency of use is high. In addition, the authors applied the formulae developed by Harald Baayen (e.g. Baayen 2003) to the frozen paradigms and to those that are not unambiguously productive.Alexandre Nikolaev Jussi Niemi- - - - - - - - - - - -Suomen nominien taivutusjrjestelmn produktiivisuuden indekseistTutkimuksemme kuvaa sit, miten produktiivisuus ilmenee suomen nominaalisessa taivutusjrjestelmss, kun sit tarkastellaan erilaisten kielellisten muuttujien avulla. Yhten tarkoituksenamme on mys kvantifioida produktiivisuuden ksitett suomen kielen tapaisissa morfologisissa jrjestelmiss. Etsimme siis vastauksia kysymyksiin, miten taivutustyyppien produktiivisuus ilmenee suomen kielen taivutusjrjestelmss, kuinka paljon produktiivisuuden indeksej on ja onko niiden vlill vuorovaikutusta, jota voisi mitata jollakin tavalla.Tarkastelemme tyypin laajuuden ja kyttyleisyyden (lemmataajuuden) suhdetta kunkin taivutustyypin kohdalla soveltamalla nihin regressioanalyysi. Selittjin kytmme sek leksikaalisia tekijit, mm. lemmataajuuden mediaania ja hapaksien mr (korpuksessa kerran esiintyvien sanojen mr), ett fonologista tekij eli tavujen mr. Tilastollisten testiemme luotettavuutta tukee aineiston verrattain laaja koko: kytmme nimittin Suomen kielen perussanakirjan ja CD-Perussanakirjan paradigmaklassifikaatiota (49 nominaalista paradigmaa, noin 25000 lekseemi ja 52000 yhdyssanaa) sek Kielipankin (www.csc.fi) suomenkielisi korpuksia (yli 130 milj. sanetta).Ptuloksena on se, ett suomessa (ja oletettavasti muissa typologisesti samantapaisissa kieliss) taivutustyypin laajuus ja sanan kyttyleisyys korreloivat vahvasti keskenn siten, ett kun produktiivinen taivutustyyppi on laaja, sille on ominaista keskimrin alhainen kyttyleisyys. Toisaalta, epproduktiivinen taivutustyyppi on suppea ja sen kyttyleisyys on korkea. Laskimme morfologisen produktiivisuuden asteet mys muille kuin selvsti produktiivisille ja kivettyneille taivutustyypeille soveltamalla aineistoon Baayenin (esim. 2003) kaavoja. Alexandre Nikolaev Jussi Niem

    Vartaloallomorfien myönteinen vaikutus sanojen tunnistamiseen

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the recognition speed of Finnish nominal base forms varies as a function of their paradigmatic complexity (stem allomorphy) or productivity status. Nikolaev et al. (2014) showed that words with greater stem allomorphy from an unproductive inflectional class arc recognized faster than words with lower stein allomorphy from a productive inflectional class. Productivity of an inflectional paradigm correlates with the number of stem allomorphs in languages like Finnish in that unproductive inflectional classes tend to have higher stem allomorphy. We wanted to distinguish which of these two characteristics provides the benefit to speed of recognition found by Nikolaev et al. (2014). The current study involved a lexical decision task comparing three categories of words: unproductive with three or more stem allomorphs, unproductive with two stem allomorphs, and productive with two stein allomorphs. We observed a facilitation effect for word recognition only for unproductive words with three or more stem allomorphs, but not for unproductive words with two allomorphs. This effect was observed particularly in words of low to moderate familiarity. The findings suggest that high stem allomorphy, rather than productivity of the inflectional class, is driving the facilitation effect in word recognition.Peer reviewe

    Effects of temporal expectations on the perception of motion gestalts

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    Gestalt psychology has traditionally ignored the role of attention in perception, leading to the view that autonomous processes create perceptual configurations that are then attended. More recent research, however, has shown that spatial attention influences a form of Gestalt perception: the coherence of random-dot kinematograms (RDKs). Using ERPs, we investigated whether temporal expectations exert analogous attentional effects on the perception of coherence level in RDKs. Participants were presented fixed-length sequences of RDKs and reported the coherence level of a target RDK. The target was indicated immediately after its appearance by a postcue. Target expectancy increased as the sequence progressed until target presentation; afterward, remaining RDKs were perceived without target expectancy. Expectancy influenced the amplitudes of ERP components P1 and N2. Crucially, expectancy interacted with coherence level at N2, but not at P1. Specifically, P1 amplitudes decreased linearly as a function of RDK coherence irrespective of expectancy, whereas N2 exhibited a quadratic dependence on coherence: larger amplitudes for RDKs with intermediate coherence levels, and only when they were expected. These results suggest that expectancy at early processing stages is an unspecific, general readiness for perception. At later stages, expectancy becomes stimulus specific and nonlinearly related to Gestalt coherence

    Morfologisen perheen vaikutus sanan tunnistamiseen normaalissa ikääntymisessä, lievässä kognitiivisessa häiriössä, sekä Alzheimerin taudissa

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    Reading a word activates morphologically related words in the mental lexicon. People with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) often have difficulty retrieving words, though the source of this problem is not well understood. To better understand the word recognition process in aging and in neurodegenerative disorders such as MCI and AD, we investigated the nature of the activation of morphologically related family members in 22 Finnish speakers with AD, 24 with MCI, and 17 cognitively healthy elderly. We presented Finnish monomorphemic (base form) nouns in a single-word lexical decision experiment to measure the speed of word recognition and its relation to morphological and lexical variables. Morphological variables included morphological family size (separate for compounds and derived words) and pseudo-morphological family size (including the set of words that have a partially overlapping form but that do not share an actual morpheme, e.g., pet and carpet, or corn and corner). Pseudo-morphological family size was included to examine the influence of words with orthographic (or phonological) overlap that are not semantically related to the target words. Our analyses revealed that younger and elderly controls and individuals with MCI or AD were influenced by true morphological overlap (overlapping forms that also share meaning), as well as by the word's pseudo morphological family. However, elderly controls and individuals with MCI or AD seemed to rely more on form overlap than young adults. This demonstrates that an increased reliance on form-based aspects of language processing in Alzheimer's disease is not necessarily due to a partial loss of access to semantics, but might be explained in part by a common age-related change of processes in written word recognition. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Demographic Effects on Longitudinal Semantic Processing, Working Memory, and Cognitive Speed

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    OBJECTIVES To better understand and compare effects of aging and education across domains of language and cognition, we investigated whether 1) these domains show different associations with age and education, 2) these domains show similar patterns of age-related change over time, and 3) education moderates the rate of decline in these domains. METHODS We analyzed data from 306 older adults aged 55-85 at baseline of whom 116 returned for follow-up 4-8 years later. An exploratory factor analysis identified domains of language and cognition across a range of tasks. A confirmatory factor analysis analyzed cross-sectional associations of age and education with these domains. Subsequently, mixed linear models analyzed longitudinal change as a function of age and moderation by education. RESULTS Two language domains, i.e., semantic control and semantic memory efficiency, and two cognitive domains, i.e., working memory and cognitive speed, were identified. Older age negatively affected all domains, but semantic memory efficiency and higher education positively affected all domains except cognitive speed at baseline. In language domains, a steeper age-related decline was observed after age 73-74 compared to younger ages, while cognition declined linearly with age. Greater educational attainment did not protect the rate of decline over time in any domain. DISCUSSION Separate domains show varying effects of age and education at baseline, language versus cognitive domains show dissimilar patterns of age-related change over time, and education does not moderate the rate of decline in these domains. These findings broaden our understanding of age effects on cognitive and language abilities by placing observed age differences in context.Objectives: To better understand and compare effects of aging and education across domains of language and cognition, we investigated whether (a) these domains show different associations with age and education, (b) these do- mains show similar patterns of age-related change over time, and (c) education moderates the rate of decline in these domains. Method: We analyzed data from 306 older adults aged 55–85 at baseline of whom 116 returned for follow-up 4–8 years later. An exploratory factor analysis identified domains of language and cognition across a range of tasks. A confirmatory factor analysis analyzed cross-sectional associations of age and education with these domains. Subsequently, mixed linear models analyzed longitudinal change as a function of age and moderation by education. Results: We identified 2 language domains, that is, semantic control and semantic memory efficiency, and 2 cognitive domains, that is, working memory and cognitive speed. Older age negatively affected all domains except semantic memory efficiency, and higher education positively affected all domains except cognitive speed at baseline. In language domains, a steeper age-related decline was observed after age 73–74 compared to younger ages, while cognition declined linearly with age. Greater educational attainment did not protect the rate of decline over time in any domain. Discussion: Separate domains show varying effects of age and education at baseline, language versus cognitive domains show dissimilar patterns of age-related change over time, and education does not moderate the rate of decline in these domains. These findings broaden our understanding of age effects on cognitive and language abilities by placing observed age differences in context.Peer reviewe