2,071 research outputs found

    Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds of the Main Group Metals

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    The photoproperties of main group metal complexes with the electron configurations s2 (e.g. T l + , Sb3 + , Te4 + ) and s° (e.g. T l 3 + , Pb4 + ) were studied on the basis of a general concept which relates characteristic excited states to typical photophysical and photochemical processes. The photochemistry is dominated by metalcentered sp (s2) and ligand to metal charge transfer (s°) excited states which are capable of inducing inter- and intramolecular redox reactions

    Evaluation of beta-galactosidase activity in tissue in the presence of blood

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    The reporter gene for beta -galactosidase is frequently used to determine the efficiency of gene transfer in arteries. However, blood is often present in arterial explants and may compromise the results by the presence of hemoglobin. The light absorption of hemoglobin is similar to the absorption of several colorimetric products of the commonly used beta -galactosidase substrates, including o-nitrophenyl-beta -D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) and chlorophenol red galactopyranoside (CPRG), This may result in false-positive measurements of beta -galactosidase enzyme activity. The aim of this investigation was to determine the most appropriate method for quantification of beta -galactosidase activity in the presence of blood. Colorimetric substrates (ONPG, CPRG) or the chemiluminescent Galacton-Plus substrate were used, and light absorption was measured at different concentrations of erythrocyte extract. Among the beta -galactosidase substrates tested, CPRG was the most appropriate, allowing detection of enzyme activity at concentrations as low as 0.05 mU, independent of blood contamination. Addition of reducer stabilized enzyme activity for at least 5 h. Endogenous beta -galactosidase activity was evaluated and used to correct results. CPRG substrate, in combination with the reducer agent mercaptoethanol, was found to be the optimal reagent for quantifying beta -galactosidase activity in the presence of blood after nonviral in vivo reporter gene transfection, even with a relatively low transfer efficiency. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Safeguarding Electrical Systems from Sources and Expansion of Failure

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá poruchami v elektrizační soustavě. Jsou zde rozebrány základní možnosti opatření pro předcházení poruch i následných opatření proti šíření. Také obsahuje rozbor simulačního softwaru MODES. V tomto programu je vytvořen nový projekt NIKAM. Projekt je modifikovanou verzí původního implementovaného projektu EDE. Následná simulace v modifikovaném projektu je zaměřena na dva případy poruch. Jeden se zabývá nesymetrickým 2 fázovým zkratem. Druhý se týká vzniku ostrovního režimu v síti. Obě simulace jsou následně vyhodnoceny pomocí grafů.This thesis deals with the problems in the power system. There are analyzed basic precautions to prevent the possibility of failures and subsequent measures against the spread. It also contains an analysis of simulation software MODES. There is made a new project NIKAM. This project is a modified version of the original implemented project EDE. The subsequent simulation of the modified project is focused on two cases of failures. One deals with asymetrical 2 phase short. The second relates to islandmode network. Both simulations are evaluated by graphs.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Small poly-L-lysines improve cationic lipid-mediated gene transfer in vascular cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The potential of two small poly-L-lysines ( sPLLs), low molecular weight sPLL ( LMW-L) containing 7 - 30 lysine residues and L18 with 18 lysine repeats, to enhance the efficiency of liposome-mediated gene transfer ( GT) with cationic lipid DOCSPER {[}1,3- dioleoyloxy- 2-( N-5-carbamoyl-spermine)-propane] in vascular smooth muscle cells ( SMCs) was investigated. Dynamic light scattering was used for determination of particle size. Confocal microscopy was applied for colocalization studies of sPLLs and plasmid DNA inside cells. GT was performed in proliferating and quiescent primary porcine SMCs in vitro and in vivo in porcine femoral arteries. At low ionic strength, sPLLs formed small complexes with DNA ( 50 100 nm). At high ionic strength, large complexes ( 11 mu m) were observed without any significant differences in particle size between lipoplexes ( DOCSPER/ DNA) and lipopolyplexes ( DOCSPER/ sPLL/ DNA). Both sPLLs were colocalized with DNA inside cells 24 h after transfection, protecting DNA against degradation. DOCSPER/ sPLL/ DNA formulations enhanced GT in vitro up to 5- fold, in a porcine model using local periadventitial application up to 1.5- fold. Both sPLLs significantly increased liposome- mediated GT. Poly-L-lysine L18 was superior to LMW-L since it enabled maximal GT at a 10-fold lower concentration. Thus, sPLLs may serve as enhancers for GT applications in SMCs in vitro and in vivo using local delivery. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Proposal of a System for Evaluation of Production Equipment Downtimes

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    Import 22/07/2015Práce se zabývá sledováním a vyhodnocováním prostojů výrobních zařízení. Součástí práce je stručná charakteristika společnosti PRUNIWERK, a.s., která obsahuje předmět podnikání a jeho výrobní program. V teoretické části je pozornost věnována standardizaci a technickohospodářským normám. V praktické části je provedena kategorizace prostojů s grafickými výstupy. Poslední kapitola se věnuje návrhu sytému hodnocení prostojů výrobního zařízení, ke zlepšení organizace práce. Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je kategorizace prostojů, jejich následná analýza, návrh na vytvoření nové kategorizace a možnosti eliminace ztrátových časů.The work deals with the monitoring and evaluation of production equipment downtime. The work includes a brief description of the company PRUNIWERK, Inc., which contains the subject of business and its production program. The theoretical part focuses on standardization and standards. In the practical part there is categorization of downtime with graphical outputs. The last chapter is dedicated to design evaluation system downtime of production equipment, to improve work organization. The main objective of this thesis is the categorization of downtime, the subsequent analysis, a proposal to create a new categorization and the possibility of eliminating unprofitable time.634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiidobř

    L-ortografija tal-Għaqda

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    Naħsbu li llum ftit fadal nies li mhumiex jaddottaw l-ortografija li swiet tant ħidma u għaraq lill-membri tal-Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti.N/

    The role of the DSB system in antimicrobial resistance

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    Extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture has led to increasing emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial populations. Dwindling resources in the discovery of novel active compound leads and the increasing demands for safety and efficacy of new drugs mean that we are now faced with treatment failures due to multi-drug resistant pathogens. In the quest for new targets that will enable us to counter antibiotic resistance, it is often ignored that many resistance mechanisms precede the clinical use of antibiotics. Instead, the ability to adapt, survive and bypass the toxicity of many chemical compounds is wired within the bacterial genome. Continuous inter-strain and inter-species competition have given microorganisms tools to thrive under conditions of chemical warfare. Recognising this is important when characterising mechanisms underpinning bacterial antimicrobial resistance, as it can lead to novel strategies that can help us bypass it. The work described here explores the connection between the disulfide bond formation system, a key oxidative protein folding pathway in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria, and two widespread antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, b-lactamase catalysed hydrolysis of b-lactam antibiotics and efflux-mediated drug expulsion. It is demonstrated that oxidative-protein-folding-mediated proteostasis is crucial for both resistance mechanisms, and its inhibition can sensitise multidrug-resistant pathogens to existing antibiotics. Preliminary results from an experimental evolution approach, set the scene for future exploration of the importance of disulfide linkages for the capacity of b-lactamase enzymes to evolve under selective pressure. Together, these findings aim to address the mechanistic basis of a new avenue for antibiotic adjuvant therapy, whereby targeting a non-essential process would allow us to potentiate existing antibiotics towards previously resistant bacterial strains. With novel essential targets against bacteria being scarce, adjuvant approaches like this one could prolong the use and efficacy of existing drugs against some of the most resistant Gram-negative pathogens.Open Acces


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    Svojstva poluvodiča najbolje objašnjava teorija vrpci koju je moguće tumačiti preko teorije molekulskih orbitala i modela gotovo slobodnog elektrona. Teorija molekulskih orbitala nastanak valentne i vodljive vrpce objašnjava kao nastanak veznih i protuveznih orbitala dok model gotovo slobodnog elektrona dopuštena energetska stanja računa uz pomoć kvantnog sustava čestice u kutiji s periodičnim potencijalom. Pored elementarnog silicija koji je primjer intrinzičnih poluvodiča postoje i ekstrinzični poluvodiči. Dva su tipa ekstrinzičnih poluvodiča, n-tip i p-tip. Kod n-tipa poluvodiča za vođenje su odgovorni elektroni, a kod p-tipa to su šupljine. Silicij se dobiva redukcijom silicijevog dioksida nakon čega ga je potrebno dodatno pročistiti što je moguće napraviti kemijskom depozicijom para. Tako nastali polikristalni silicij najčešće se Czochralskijevim procesom prevodi u monokristalni silicij. Monokristal silicija reže se na tanke pločice (vafere) iz kojih se daljnjim procesima fotolitografije, jetkanja i dopiranja dobivaju čipovi. Najznačajni izumi današnje moderne tehnologije svoj temelj imaju u poluvodičima. Zbog energetske učinkovitosti LED žarulje iz upotrebe izbacuju halogenske, a fotodiode omogućuju proizvodnju električne energije uz minimalno zagađenje okoliša. Iako je upotreba raznolika, princip je isti i temelji se na p-n spoju poluvodiča. Pridruži li se p-n spoju još jedan sloj poluvodiča, nastat će p-n-p ili n-p-n spoj koji su osnove tranzistora

    The Cost of Survival for Insulin-Dependent Diabetics

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    Insulin, an injectable drug discovered about 100 years ago that now costs less than 5tomanufacture,iscurrentlysoldbetween5 to manufacture, is currently sold between 300 and $500 in the United States. The continuously growing price forces many insulin-dependent diabetics to forego their lifesaving medication, which can result in death. Although insulin manufacturers are a significant cause of insulin unaffordability in this country, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), such as CVS Caremark, OptumRx, and Express Scripts, are essential in the insulin market and pressure insulin manufacturers to provide higher rebates, leading to higher prices for consumers. Some states have addressed this issue by passing legislation capping the price that insured, and in some instances uninsured, individuals pay for insulin. However, these laws generally do not provide assistance for the underinsured, or those with self-funded plans governed by federal law. State laws capping the price of insulin are a viable short-term solution, but they do not tackle the root cause of price manipulation in the pharmaceutical industry. There must be a comprehensive plan to address PBMs and their influence on the pharmaceutical market. Federal legislation capping the price of insulin for all insulin-dependent diabetics will increase transparency, create universal price limits on insulin, and prevent unnecessary deaths