195 research outputs found

    Using Fine Grain Approaches for highly reliable Design of FPGA-based Systems in Space

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    Nowadays using SRAM based FPGAs in space missions is increasingly considered due to their flexibility and reprogrammability. A challenge is the devices sensitivity to radiation effects that increased with modern architectures due to smaller CMOS structures. This work proposes fault tolerance methodologies, that are based on a fine grain view to modern reconfigurable architectures. The focus is on SEU mitigation challenges in SRAM based FPGAs which can result in crucial situations

    Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy by Sol-Gel Derived Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Pretreatments Based on Epoxy Resin Modified Silane Precursor

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    Organic-Inorganic hybrid (OIH) derived by sol-gel process have emerged as promising pretreatments alternative to conventional chromate-based systems for aluminum alloys.In this study novel organo-silane precursor has been synthesized from epoxy resin and amino-silane compound and used as the primary component of OIH film. The effects of epoxy and silane functionality and organic inhibitor used in the composition have been studied on corrosion resistance performance of aluminum alloy (3003-H14). The study also investigates the performance of top coat (powder coating) adhesion onto the pretreatment under different cure conditions. The chemical structure of sol-gel precursor (epoxy silane) and the deposited films have been characterized by FTIR analysis. The corrosion protection performance has been studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), D.C. electrochemical polarization measurements, and the accelerated neutral salt spray test (ASTM B117). This study shows that by proper choice of precursor structure, functionality, processing conditions, and corrosion inhibitor amount, it is possible to derive OIH films with corrosion resistance performance comparable to conventional Cr (VI) based pretreatments


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    This study investigates the palaeoecology of fossil perissodactyls (equids) from the late Miocene of Maragheh, northwestern Iran. We used dental micro- and mesowear techniques to draw robust inferences about fossil equid paleoenvironment. Mesowear and microwear analyses were applied to the upper molars of three species of hipparionine horses. For this purpose, we investigated samples from three fossiliferous localities: Rohanion, Azim, and Cizdahaban. Six fossil specimens were analyzed for enamel meso- and microwear and results were compared to an extensive database of extant ungulates. Results indicated overlap of the Maragheh hipparions with the dietary signal of extant grazers and grass-dominated mixed feeders. This is consistent with the supposed vegetational habitat proposed by previous mesowear studies. The different species of hipparions from Maragheh had similar diets and were consuming a mixture of plants but with a preference for grasses.  These results are consistent with paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the late Miocene dominated by open grassland areas among more wooded settings

    Manganese-Induced Nephrotoxicity Is Mediated through Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Impairment

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    Manganese (Mn) is an essential element that is incorporated in various metabolic pathways and enzyme structures. On the other hand, a range of adverse effects has been described in association with Mn overexposure. Mn is a well-known neurotoxic agent in mammals. Renal injury is another adverse effect associated with Mn intoxication. No precise mechanism for Mn nephrotoxicity has been identified so far. The current study was designed to evaluate the potential mechanisms of Mn-induced renal injury. Rats were treated with Mn (20 and 40 mg/mL, respectively, in drinking water) for 30 consecutive days. Markers of oxidative stress, as well as several mitochondrial indices, were assessed in the kidney tissue. Renal injury was evident in Mn-treated animals, as judged by a significant increase in serum BUN and creatinine. Moreover, urinalysis revealed a significant increase in urine glucose, phosphate, and protein in Mn-treated rats. Kidney histopathological alterations, including tubular atrophy, interstitial inflammation, and necrosis, were also detected in Mn-treated animals. Biomarkers of oxidative stress, including an increment in reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), were detected in Mn-treated groups. On the other hand, kidney glutathione (GSH) stores and total antioxidant capacity were depleted in Mn groups. Mn exposure was associated with significant mitochondrial depolarization, decreased mitochondrial dehydrogenases activity, mitochondrial permeabilization, and depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content. These data highlight oxidative stress and mitochondrial impairment as potential mechanisms involved in Mn-induced renal injury

    A comparative study of pharmaceutical institutions in Iran and abroad

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    Introduction: In different countries, various organizations and associations are active in the field of pharmacy. These activities mainly consist of policy-making, implementation, training and supervision. In Iran, different tasks are concentrated in one or two institutions; and the active presence of the private sector is not tangible. On the other hand, in developed countries, tasks are divided between public and private institutions. In this article, by investigating and comparing these institutions in different countries and drawing conclusions, systems for dividing tasks with greater efficiency will be achieved. Methods and Results: The workgroup on "Investigating Pharmaceutical Institutions" of Pharmaceutical-Strategic-Studies-Office conducted a study on the responsibilities of each of these institutions, their target population, efficiency rate on the defined objectives in policy, implementation, monitoring and education areas in Iran, neighboring countries and developed countries, as well as their different and similar duties with each other. In this review article, several searches have been done in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, specialized books as well as websites related to each of these institutions. The results show that in developed countries an average of six pharmaceutical associations exist, all of which are active in the field of education. In the United States, an organization that approves the competency of pharmacists and issues pharmacy establishment permits has been separated from overseeing organizations. In Japan, other than the Health Ministry as a policy-maker and a special council for legislative purposes, a formal overseeing institution, an Office of Health Assessment and two associations with a scientific-trade and research approach are active. In Australia, one third of the associations are active in the area of law enforcement; and the organization which is active in the field of policy-making and supervision does not have any executive activities. In the European Union, one institution has a role in the field of macro policy-making and two associations are involved in micro policy-making. In India and Pakistan, practically all affairs are carried out in the governmental format; NGOs operate in the field of education, research and government consultation. Overall, China is the most similar to Iran

    Factors affecting drug-induced liver injury: antithyroid drugs as instances

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    Methimazole and propylthiouracil have been used in the management of hyperthyroidism for more than half a century. However, hepatotoxicity is one of the most deleterious side effects associated with these medications. The mechanism(s) of hepatic injury induced by antithyroid agents is not fully recognized yet. Furthermore, there are no specific tools for predicting the occurrence of hepatotoxicity induced by these drugs. The purpose of this article is to give an overview on possible susceptibility factors in liver injury induced by antithyroid agents. Age, gender, metabolism characteristics, alcohol consumption, underlying diseases, immunologic mechanisms, and drug interactions are involved in enhancing antithyroid drugs-induced hepatic damage. An outline on the clinically used treatments for antithyroid drugs-induced hepatotoxicity and the potential therapeutic strategies found to be effective against this complication are also discussed

    Protective Effect of Captopril against Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria

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    Abstract Doxorubicin (DOX) is an anthracycline antibiotic that has been used for a long time in therapy of an array of human malignancies either alone or in combination with other cytotoxic agents. The dose-dependent cardiotoxicity of DOX significantly limits its anticancer efficacies. Oxidative stress caused by enhanced production of reactive oxygen species is an important contributor to DOX mitochondrial toxicity. In the present study, DOX produced a significant elevation in TBARS, which is an indicator of lipid peroxidation, and significantly inhibited the activity of superoxide dismutase in rat liver mitochondria. Mitochondrial GSH dramatically decreased while GSSG was increased upon treatment of mitochondria by DOX. Co-treatment with captopril significantly reduced the lipid peroxidation in mitochondria and prevented the inhibition of superoxide dismutase activity induced by DOX. Captopril also significantly increased the level of GSH in DOX-treated mitochondria. These results, therefore, suggest that captopril acts as an antioxidant and can protect the mitochondria against DOX-induced oxidative stress. This effect appears to be due to the sulfhydryl groups of captopril which may act as antioxidant or scavenger of reactive oxygen species

    Amino Acid-Containing Krebs-Henseleit Buffer Protects Rat Liver in a Long-Term Organ Perfusion Model

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    Background: The liver is vulnerable to the toxicity induced by xenobiotics. On the other hand, it has been found that several endogenously-found amino acids have hepatoprotective properties. The current study was designed to evaluate the effect of taurine, glycine, and histidine on the liver function in an ex vivo model of prolonged organ perfusion. Methods: Rat liver was isolated and perfused with a hemoglobin- and albumin-free Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KBH). Liver injury biomarkers were monitored at scheduled time intervals. Results: The perfusate level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and the potassium ion (K+) were gradually increased in control (Only KBH) group. The histopathological evaluation also revealed significant necrosis, sinusoidal dilation, and pyknosis in control liver. Moreover, significant increase in lipid peroxidation and depletion of hepatic glutathione stores were detected in the control group. It was found that taurine (5, 10 and 20 mM) and glycine (5, 10 and 20 mM)-containing KBH buffer significantly decreased the perfusate level of liver injury biomarkers. Furthermore, lower liver tissue pathological changes, decreased lipid peroxidation, and higher glutathione content was detected in amino acid-treated groups. Histidine administration showed no significant protective effect on liver injury in the current study. On the other hand, combination amino acid administration (glycine and taurine) showed a better hepatoprotective profile. Conclusion: The data obtained from the current study might help to provide safe hepatoprotective agents against xenobiotics-induced hepatotoxicity or preserve liver functionality outside the body