529 research outputs found

    Is there a need for personal gambling licences?

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    Licensing is currently the most popular option among regulators for controlling gambling operations. However, approximately 20% of operators are still public monopolies. Many forms of gambling (especially lotteries) are government operated even in countries with a licensing system. This creates an inherent conflict of interest, given that government is supposed to protect the wellbeing of its citizenry and to reap the benefits of gambling at the same time. At least in the gambling monopoly, however, addressing the unavoidable harm that results from gambling should be a priority. Industry self-regulation and reliance on “responsible gambling” rely too much on individuals to control their own gambling. It is suggested in this contribution that it is possible to provide more comprehensive consumer protection, recognising both the duty of governments to take care of their own citizens and the fact that industry self-regulation is not enough. Precommitment cards have been tested in various contexts, and have shown promise in terms of providing tools for individuals to restrict their own gambling. However, given the known shortcomings such as allowing the use of other cards that are not one’s own, and other venues, it is clear that in themselves they do not guarantee effective prevention. Personal licensing is therefore explored as a move forward in this literature-based discussion. Although the system may be applicable to other contexts, the focus is on the Nordic countries. Given that the underlying justification for gambling monopolies is to control gambling-related harm, in the cases of Finland and Norway licensing could be combined with loyalty cards introduced by monopoly operators. This would provide a feasible alternative to current practices of responsible gambling.Peer reviewe

    Yrityksen toimiva arkistointi

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella kuinka yritys voi hoitaa arkistointinsa tehokkaasti ja toteuttaa sen hyvin. Tutkimusta lähdettiin toteuttamaan, koska aikaisempia tutkimuksia ei juuri ole. Tutkimusta pohjustettiin viitekehyksessä tuomalla esille sähköisen arkistoinnin tuomat edut ja haasteet muuttuvassa liiketoiminnassa. Tarkoituksena oli myös esittää paperisen arkistoinnin toiminnot ja verrata niitä sähköisen arkistoinnin toimintoihin. Työssä haluttiin luoda lukijoille positiivinen kuva sähköisestä arkistoinnista ja sen käyttöönotosta. Pyrkimyksenä oli, että lukijat saavat työstä ideoita arkistoinnin suunnitteluun ja että he kokisivat sähköisen arkistoinnin edut suuremmiksi kuin paperisen arkistoinnin. Työ toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, keräämällä tietoja erilaisista lähteistä. Käytetty aineisto koostui lähinnä alan kirjallisuudesta ja Internet-sivuista. Aineisto koostui paperittomasta ja digitaalisesti taloushallinnosta kertovista teoksista. Koska arkistointi on oleellinen osa taloushallintoa, aineistoissa oli esitelty myös sähköisen arkistoinnin toimivuutta osana taloushallinnon toimintoja. Työhön pyrittiin löytämään kirjallisuutta, joka oli julkaistu viime vuosina, sillä teknologian viimeaikainen kehittyminen on ollut huikeaa ja muutoksia on tapahtunut vuosittain paljon. Tuloksena saatiin kattava työ, joka kertoi miksi, miten ja kuinka kauan dokumentteja arkistoidaan ja miten yritys voi onnistua arkistoinnissa. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että nykyään sähköinen arkistointi on tehokkaampi ja että siitä syntyy pitkällä ajanjaksolla vähemmän kuluja kuin paperisesta arkistoinnista.The objective of the study was to examine how companies can implement their archiving efficiently and manage it well. The study was prepared by bringing out the advantages and the challenges of electronic archiving in the constantly changing business world. The aim was also to present the functions of paper archiving and compare them to the functions of electronic archiving. The objective was to create a positive image of electronic archiving and its implementation. The goal was to give readers ideas to plan an archive and that readers would feel that the advantages of electronic archiving were larger than paper archiving. The qualitative method was applied. The main sources of the study were books and articles on the Internet varying from basic archiving to electronic administration. The aim was to get material that was recent, because the development of technology has been immense and changes happen annually. The result of the study was a well covered piece that tells why, how and for how long documents should be archived and how companies can be successful in archiving. The principal conclusion was that electronic archiving is more efficient and less expensive in the long run than paper archiving is

    Market Cannibalization Within and Between Gambling Industries : A Systematic Review

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    In economics, cannibalization refers to a process in which a new product or service partly or completely substitutes for those in existing markets. This systematic review analyses the existing evidence on cannibalization within gambling markets to determine whether such substitution takes place between different types of gambling. The analysis shows that new gambling products substitute to a certain extent for existing gambling products. The sector in which the evidence is most convincing is the casino industry, which cannibalizes lotteries and pari-mutuel racing. There is also evidence that casinos substitute for other casinos and for non-casino electronic gaming machines. Lotteries substitute for casinos, other lotteries, sports betting, and pari-mutuel or racing industries. In other cases, the evidence is less conclusive and sometimes non-existent, or industry relationships are more complicated. This review also found that even in cases where substitution does occur, it is incomplete, and thus the introduction of new products tends to expand the overall gambling market. We discuss these market dynamics and identify gaps in the available research.Peer reviewe

    On the efficiency of Nordic state-controlled gambling companies

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    Aims: This article assesses the efficiency of six Nordic state-controlled gambling companies in raising revenue for their host societies, and the terms under which they operate. Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway have established gambling monopolies on the grounds that they help to prevent fraud and money laundering, and channel proceeds to their host societies. Within the last decade, Denmark (2012) and Sweden (2019) have opened substantial parts of their gambling markets to competition, whereas Finland and Norway continue to uphold monopolies. Design: The analysis is based on publicly disclosed income statements and financial reporting concerning Nordic gambling operators for the year 2017. We calculated how much they contribute to societies, what are the costs, and how these figures compare among the companies. Results: We found that Veikkaus raises the highest amounts of surplus to society both in absolute terms and in relative numbers, and that, overall, the companies vary in efficiency. We discuss the reasons for these differences, focusing on their respective product portfolios, institutional frameworks and competitive market positions. Conclusions: The results problematise the measurement of efficiency in gambling companies in monetary terms. Efficiency depends on high total consumption with little regard to the principles of responsible gambling and the prevention of gambling problems. Nordic countries have a strong commitment to the protection of health, but in the case of gambling, protecting the monopoly seems to outweigh harm prevention.Peer reviewe

    An LED-based Flasher System for VERITAS

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    We describe a flasher system designed for use in monitoring the gains of the photomultiplier tubes used in the VERITAS gamma-ray telescopes. This system uses blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) so it can be operated at much higher rates than a traditional laser-based system. Calibration information can be obtained with better statistical precision with reduced loss of observing time. The LEDs are also much less expensive than a laser. The design features of the new system are presented, along with measurements made with a prototype mounted on one of the VERITAS telescopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    Crash fears and stock market effects : evidence from web searches and printed news articles

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    The authors studied the complex relationship between information supply and demand using newspaper articles and web searches that reflect investors’ crash fears. They report that more web searches lead to more news, whereas more news does not have that effect on web search in the future. The authors show also that web searches have an immediate effect on stock market returns and the VIX implied volatility, whereas the effect of news articles lasts longer, up to 11 weeks. The results suggest collectively that the web searches related to market crashes lead both the printed news stories about market crashes.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Työn merkitys hyvinvoinnin rakentajana : asiakkaiden kokemuksia Oulun kaupungin työllisyyspalveluista

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    Tutkimuksemme tarkoitus oli selvittää työn merkitystä hyvinvointiin ja asiakkaiden kokemuksia Oulun kaupungin työllisyyspalveluista. Työllisyyspalvelut on kuntakokeiluhanke ajalla 1.9.2012−31.12.2015, ja siinä pyritään palveluohjauksen sekä henkilökohtaisen tuen avulla työllistämään asiakkaat. Palvelut toteutetaan yhteistyössä moniammatillisten verkostojen kanssa. Palvelu on ensisijaisesti vähintään 500 päivää työttömyysetuutta saaneille asiakkaille, jotka tarvitsevat tukea työllistymiseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu Erik Allardtin hyvinvointiteoriaan ja sosiaalisen tuen käsitteeseen. Allardtin mukaan hyvinvointi muodostuu eri osa-alueista kuten elämänlaadusta, ihmissuhteista, itsensä toteuttamisesta ja elintasosta. Sosiaalisen tuen käsite perustuu viralliseen ja epäviralliseen tukeen. Työssämme olemme rajautuneet käsittelemään virallista sosiaalista tukea. Työssämme yhdistämme soveltuvin osin Compton & Calaway & Cournoyer ja Kumpusalon teoriat sosiaalisesta tuesta. Tutkimuksemme on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelemalla seitsemää työllisyyspalveluiden kautta palkkatuella työllistynyttä asiakasta. Haastateltavat ovat iältään 26–58-vuotiaita, jotka ovat olleet työttöminä yhtäjaksoisesti 2–5 vuotta. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysi menetelmällä. Tutkimustuloksista ilmenee, että työn tekemisellä on positiivisia merkityksiä elämän eri osa-alueilla ja sillä on kokonaisvaltaista vaikutusta koettuun hyvinvointiin. Työn tekeminen edistää yksilön hyvinvoinnin rakentumista, parantaa taloudellista tilannetta ja edistää psyykkistä terveyttä. Tutkimustuloksissa tuli esille, että työllisyyspalvelut koetaan hyvänä ja positiivisena paikkana, jossa saa henkilökohtaista tukea ja asiakkaat kohdataan yksilöinä. Työllisyyspalveluiden työntekijöiden koettiin olevan osaavia ja ystävällisiä. Työllisyyspalvelut koetaan tärkeänä linkkinä työpaikan saamiseen. TE-toimiston palvelut koetaan negatiivisina, ja siellä asioidaan vain, jos se on aivan välttämätöntä.The purpose of this study is to describe the importance of work to well-being of clients of the city of Oulu Employment Services, as well as gather client experiences. Employment Services is a municipality trial -project implemented during 1.9.2013-31.12.2015. It aims to employment of the clients with the help of service guidance and personal support. Services are executed in collaboration with multiprofessional networks. The service is primarily intended for the clients who have received unemployment benefit for at least 500 days and who need services to promote their employment. Our study is based on the knowledge-based theory of Allardt, concerning well-being and social support. According to Allardt, well-being is composed of different aspects such as quality of life, relationships, personal fullfillment and standard of living. Our study was a qualitative study. The data was collected by theme interviewing seven clients of the Employment Services. These clients had employed with the help of subsidy. The interviewees are from 26 to 58 years of age and have gone through 2–5 years of continuous unemployment. The results of the study showed that working has a positive effect on different areas of life, as well as overall influence to the well-being perceived by the clients. Working promotes well-being of an individual positively, and it improves the economy and contributes to mental health. The results of the study also showed that the Employment Services is considered as a good and positive place where a client can get personal support and be received as an individual. The staff of the Employment Services are considered to be competent and friendly. Employment Services was also seen as a very important link in getting a job. On the contrary, the TE Services were considered as a negative place, and the clients didn’t want to run their errands there if it wasn’t obligatory

    Lasten munuaissiirron jälkeinen hoitotyö elinsiirtoyksikössä : Opetusmateriaalia hoitotyön opiskelijoille

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä opetusmateriaalia Tampereen ammattikorkeakoululle lasten munuaissiirteen jälkeisestä hoitotyöstä elinsiirtoyksikössä. Tuotokseen painottuva opinnäytetyö koostuu raportista ja opetusmateriaalista. Opinnäytetyön tehtävinä oli selvittää, mitkä syyt johtavat lasten munuaissiirtoon ja miten lapsen hoitotyö toteutuu elinsiirtoyksikössä munuaissiirteen jälkeen sekä miten sairaus vaikuttaa lapseen ja perheeseen. Opinnäytetyö rajattiin käsittelemään hoitotyötä elinsiirtoyksikössä, jonka vastuualueisiin kuuluvat potilaan seuranta, komplikaatioiden ja hyljintäreaktioiden hoitaminen, ravitsemuksen ja nestehoidon ylläpitäminen sekä lääkitseminen. Lisäksi käsiteltiin lapsen sairauden vaikutusta lapsen kasvuun ja kehitykseen. Opetusmateriaaliin koottiin keskeinen tieto lasten munuaissiirteen jälkeisestä hoitotyöstä ja se on suunniteltu käytet-täväksi opiskelijoiden itseopiskelussa. Tuotoksen tarkoituksena oli havainnollistaa opiskelijoille monipuolisesti tekstin, kuvien ja videoiden avulla munuaissiirteen jälkeistä hoitotyötä elinsiirtoyksikössä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli lisätä suuntaavan vaiheen hoitotyön opiskelijoiden tietoutta munuaissiirteen jälkeisestä hoitotyöstä elinsiirtoyksikössä. Opetusmateriaalia voidaan hyödyntää myös opetuksessa. Jatkossa voitaisiin selvittää hoitotyön onnistumista perusterveydenhuollossa elinsiirtoyksiköstä kotiutumisen jälkeen.The purpose of the thesis project was to produce teaching material for Tampere University of Applied Sciences about nursing children in organ transplant unit after kidney transplantation. The educational material consists of a report and a presentation for teaching purposes. Assignments in the thesis were to uncover the reasons that lead to kidney transplantation in children and find out how nursing is implemented in transplant unit after the procedure. It was also studied how the child’s disease affected the child itself and the family. This study was limited to cover nursing in organ transplant unit that includes patient follow-up, handling complications and rejection of the organ, nutrition and the use of intravenous drip as well as medication. In addition influences of the child’s disease on growth and development were dealt with. Produced material comprised essential information on nursing children after kidney transplantation and it was designed to be used as a self-study material for students. The aim of the produced material was to illustrate for students how nursing after kidney transplantation is done in the organ transplant unit by using text, graphs and videos in diverse manner. This study was designed to increase the students’ of the students on nursing after kidney transplantation in the organ transplant unit. Produced material can also be utilized in teaching. Follow-up study of this thesis subject could handle nursing in public health care system after patient discharge.Power Point diaesity

    Transmission of the subprime crisis: Evidence from industrial and financial sectors of BRIC countries

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    Although, there is an apparent consensus about the contagion effects of the current US subprime crisis. However, the transmission and repercussions of US subprime crisis, as well as the nature of the transformation suffered by different economic sectors between the US and other markets are such empirical questions that have not been dealt with comprehensively, yet. In this paper, by utilizing the multivariate GARCH analysis of Engle and Kroner (1995) for which a BEKK representation is adopted, we examine the transmission of the US subprime crisis across BRIC financial markets.Moreover, to identify the extent of contagion, we also inspect the diffusion of US subprime crisis to BRIC equity market’s financial and industrial sectors. We found interesting evidence of volatility spillovers from US financial sector to all the BRIC market’s financial sectors both in the full sample and crisis period. Similarly, except Chinese industrial sector, we observe contagion effects from US to Brazilian, Russian and Indian equity market’s industrial sectors. Our results exhibit direct linkage for both returns and volatility between the US equity market and the BRIC markets. Equity markets of Russia and India, however, were found hardly hit during the crisis period among the BRIC countries. Finally, we found no support for the decoupling view while investigating the fastest growing emerging markets, the BRIC countries.© 2013 The author(s). Published by The Clute Institute. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons License CC-BY.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed