354 research outputs found

    Herstel Grote stuifzanden : verslag veldwerkplaats Droog zandlandschap Loonse en Drunense Duinen, 24 juni 2009

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    Welke functies wil je toekennen aan stuifzandgebied? Wil je er een natuurgebied gericht op de pioniersstadia met lichenensteppes en zo min mogelijk verstoring? Of wil je een gebied voor recreanten en wil je net zoals hier in de Loonse en Drunense duinen anderhalf miljoen mensen per jaar kunnen opvangen? Of is het doel om er een soort geo-park van te maken om het stuifzandlandschap te kunnen bewaren

    Violence Defied? A Review of Prevention of Violence in the Public and Semi-public Domain

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    This report provides a synthesis of 48 studies of the effects of the prevention of violence in the public and semi-public domain

    Effectgerichte maatregelen voor het herstel en beheer van stuifzanden

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    Onderzoek naar het functioneren van stuifzanden onder gewijzigde abiotische condities en naar beheer en herstel van klein- en grootschalige stuifzandlandschappen. Waarin bijdragen: Bosschap, Stichting Bargerveen, Radboud Universiteit, Universiteit Amsterdam, SOVON, Vlinderstichting, Alterra en Stichting Geomofologie en Landschap. Het is een vervolg op Preadvies stuifzanden (Bakker, 2003)

    Determinants of victimization in patients with severe mental illness:Results from a nation-wide cross-sectional survey in the Netherlands

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    We aimed to examine determinants of criminal victimization (i.e. both personal and property crime victimization) in outpatients with severe mental illness. Data was collected using a multisite epidemiological survey including a random sample of 956 adult outpatients with SMI. Data on 12-month victimization prevalence and frequency were obtained using the victimization scale of the Dutch Crime and Victimization Survey. Demographic characteristics, clinical diagnosis, psychosocial functioning, drug use and alcohol abuse over the past 12 months, co-morbid PTSD diagnosis, physical abuse, physical neglect and sexual abuse in childhood, perpetration of violence over the past 12-months, and anger disposition were assessed as determinants. Univariable and multivariable hurdle regression analyses were conducted to test associations of the potential determinants with victimization prevalence and frequency. We found that different sets of demographic and clinical characteristics were associated with personal and property crime victimization. Clinical characteristics were more pronounced regarding personal crime victimization. In the multivariable model, presence of psychotic disorder, drug use, childhood physical and sexual abuse, and recent violent perpetration were associated with the 12-month prevalence or frequency rate of personal crime victimization. Native Dutch and divorced patients were more at risk as well. Next to this being employed, poor social functioning, having perpetrated a violent crime, as well as alcohol abuse and recent drug use were all significantly related to property crime prevalence or frequency rate in the multivariable model.<br/

    Toward Open and Reproducible Environmental Modeling by Integrating Online Data Repositories, Computational Environments, and Model Application Programming Interfaces

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    Cyberinfrastructure needs to be advanced to enable open and reproducible environmental modeling research. Recent efforts toward this goal have focused on advancing online repositories for data and model sharing, online computational environments along with containerization technology and notebooks for capturing reproducible computational studies, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for simulation models to foster intuitive programmatic control. The objective of this research is to show how these efforts can be integrated to support reproducible environmental modeling. We present first the high-level concept and general approach for integrating these three components. We then present one possible implementation that integrates HydroShare (an online repository), CUAHSI JupyterHub and CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (computational environments), and pySUMMA (a model API) to support open and reproducible hydrologic modeling. We apply the example implementation for a hydrologic modeling use case to demonstrate how the approach can advance reproducible environmental modeling through the seamless integration of cyberinfrastructure services

    Core components for effective infection prevention and control programmes: new WHO evidence-based recommendations

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    Abstract Health care-associated infections (HAI) are a major public health problem with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and quality of life. They represent also an important economic burden to health systems worldwide. However, a large proportion of HAI are preventable through effective infection prevention and control (IPC) measures. Improvements in IPC at the national and facility level are critical for the successful containment of antimicrobial resistance and the prevention of HAI, including outbreaks of highly transmissible diseases through high quality care within the context of universal health coverage. Given the limited availability of IPC evidence-based guidance and standards, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to prioritize the development of global recommendations on the core components of effective IPC programmes both at the national and acute health care facility level, based on systematic literature reviews and expert consensus. The aim of the guideline development process was to identify the evidence and evaluate its quality, consider patient values and preferences, resource implications, and the feasibility and acceptability of the recommendations. As a result, 11 recommendations and three good practice statements are presented here, including a summary of the supporting evidence, and form the substance of a new WHO IPC guideline