294 research outputs found

    Un/Dead Animal Art: Ethical Encounters Through Rogue Taxidermy Sculpture

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    Beginning in 2004, the Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists began an art movement of taxidermied animal sculptures that challenged conventional forms of taxidermied objects massively produced and displayed on an international scale. In contrast to taxidermied ‘specimens’ found in museums, taxidermied ‘exotic’ wildlife decapitated and mounted on hunters\u27 walls, or synthetic taxidermied heads bought in department stores, rogue taxidermy artists create unconventional sculptures that are arguably antithetical to the ideologies shaped by previous generations: realism, colonialism, masculinity. As a pop-surrealist art movement chiefly practiced among women artists, rogue taxidermy artists follow an ethical mandate to never kill animals for the purposes of art and often display their sculptures in ways that are self-reflexive of speciesism and express criticisms of anthropocentrism. Through an intersectional feminist lens and alongside critical insights from (and debates within) postcolonialism, deconstruction, and affect theory, I analyze the art pieces created by Sarina Brewer, Angela Singer, Polly Morgan, Scott Bibus, and Robert Marbury. In doing so, I explore the ethical ambiguities of using postmortem animal bodies in an art movement that is informed by animal rights, and also discuss the complexity of animal-human relationships in the face of human conceptualized impressions of life and death. Brushing up against the history of public autopsies and other forms of body preservation, I look to the ways in which bodies are made ‘taxidermic’ through violence, trauma, objectification, commodification, bio-engineered artificiality, extinction, and the discriminatory practices that represented certain (animal and human) bodies as ‘unruly.’ Tackling the frames that produce ‘taxidermic’ bodies (as exposable and exploitable skins), I challenge the anthropocentrism foundational to human thought and highlight the ways that humans produce and perpetuate hollowed out crypts of meaning as it applies to animality. Essentially, this project attempts to undermine anthropocentric worldviews that construct humans as separate and unique from what is understood and described as the ‘nonhuman,’ and, also, invites readers to confront and acknowledge how vulnerability and mortality are shared among humans (animals) and other nonhuman beings

    Arktinen kasvillisuus, lumi ja muuttuva ilmasto

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    The Arctic is warming two to three times faster than the global average. However, climate change is proceeding at different pace between seasons and the warming has been most prominent in winter. For most of the year, majority of the arctic organisms are covered by insulating snowpack. Snow protects arctic plants, bryophytes and lichens from weather events in the free atmosphere and may provide relatively warm and stable overwintering conditions. The importance of snow has been widely acknowledged, but snow information is rather rarely utilized in climate change impact models that predict the future state of the arctic vegetation. This is largely due to missing wintertime datasets and harsh winter conditions that limit field work efforts in the Arctic. Therefore, there has remained a largely unanswered question: what is the role of snow conditions in spatial redistribution of arctic species and vegetation under rapidly warming climate? In this thesis, I address these gaps in knowledge and methodology. I utilise extensive plot-scale vegetation datasets and link these data to detailed microclimatic measurements covering both summer and winter conditions and to satellite-born snow information at fine spatial scales. I use a suite of statistical modelling methods to explore the snow-vegetation relationships in species pools consisting several hundreds of arctic, alpine and boreal vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen species in northern Fennoscandia, Svalbard and western Greenland. These models are further used to predict patterns in species distributions, community and functional trait compositions and biodiversity in space and time, to test the sensitivity of these vegetation properties to concurrent and separate changes in snow conditions and temperatures. I found that snow and winter conditions have a fundamental role in arctic ecosystems by mediating the effects of climate change at local and regional scales. Snow information improves the accuracy of the models of arctic vegetation and reveals possible future trajectories otherwise hidden from climate change impact models if the effects of snow are not quantified. Heterogeneous snow accumulation is one of the main drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity in tundra, and losing the late melting snowbed environments may lead to homogenisation of the tundra and regional extinctions among snow specialist species. It is evident that ignoring the effects of snow can produce biased projections of the future status of arctic vegetation. Given the high ecological importance of snow in the Arctic, it is alarming that the uncertainties in snow projections for the second half of the century are so high. In the upcoming years, the scientific community should pay more attention to plant-snow relationships and interactions and improve the predictions of future snow conditions at fine spatial and temporal scales.Arktiset alueet lÀmpenevÀt kaksi, jopa kolme kertaa nopeammin kuin maapallo keskimÀÀrin. LÀmpeneminen etenee kuitenkin epÀtasaisesti vuodenaikojen vÀlillÀ ja talvet ovat lÀmmenneet kaikista nopeimmin. Lumipeite suojaa arktisia eliöitÀ suurimman osan vuodesta. Se eristÀÀ lumen alla talvehtivat kasvit ja jÀkÀlÀt vapaan ilmakehÀn sÀÀilmiöiltÀ ja voi luoda verraten lÀmpimÀt ja vakaat talviolot. Lumen suuri merkitys pohjoisissa ekosysteemeissÀ tunnustetaan laajalti, mutta se silti usein sivuutetaan ilmastonmuuttoksen vaikutuksia tutkittaessa ja ennustettaessa. Suurin syy tÀhÀn on sopivien talvea ja lunta kuvaavien aineistojen puute. Siksi on laajalti tutkimatta, kuinka muuttuvat lumiolot tulevat vaikuttamaan arktisten lajien levinneisyyksiin ja runsauksiin tulevassa ilmastossa. TÀssÀ työssÀ tilkitsen nÀitÀ aukkoja tiedoissamme. TutkimusryhmÀmme on kerÀnnyt kasvillisuusaineistoja pohjoisessa Fennoskandiassa, Huippuvuorilla ja Grönlannissa. VÀitöskirjassani linkitÀn nÀmÀ kasvillisuustiedot tarkkoihin mittauksiin niin kesÀn kuin talven pienilmastosta sekÀ toistuvista satelliittikuvista irrotettuun lumi-informaatioon. KÀytÀn tilastollisia malleja selvittÀmÀÀn, kuinka nÀmÀ ympÀristötekijÀt vaikuttavat satojen pohjoisten putkilokasvi-, sammal- ja jÀkÀlÀlajien esiintymiseen ja arktisen luonnon monimuotoisuuden alueelliseen jakautumiseen. Tutkin ja mallinnan, kuinka herkkÀ arktinen kasvillisuus on muutoksille lumipeitteessÀ erottamalla lumen vaikutukset suorista lÀmpötilannousun seurauksista. Sain selville, ettÀ talvi- ja lumiolosuhteet mÀÀrÀÀvÀt ratkaisevalla tavalla, kuinka ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset tulevat ilmenemÀÀn pohjoisessa luonnossa paikallisilla ja alueellisilla mittakaavatasoilla. Tiedot lumipeitteestÀ tai talvisesta pienilmastosta parantavat arktisten lajien levinneisyysmalleja ja voivat paljastaa tulevaisuudenkuvia, jotka jÀisivÀt ennustamatta, jos talven olosuhteet jÀtetÀÀn huomiotta. Lumen vaihteleva kasautuminen ja sulaminen avoimella tundralla on yksi tÀrkeimmistÀ pohjoisen luonnon monimuotoisuutta yllÀpitÀvistÀ tekijöistÀ. Erityisesti myöhÀÀn sulavien lumenviipymien katoaminen hÀvittÀisi samalla suuren joukon tÀhÀn habitaattiin erikoistuneita lajeja ja yksipuolistaisi tunturimaisemia ja niiden eliöstöÀ. NÀyttÀÀ selvÀltÀ, ettÀ lumen vaikutusten unohtaminen voi tuottaa harhaisia ennusteita pohjoisen luonnon tulevaisuudesta ja siksi tarvitsemme myös aiempaa tarkemman kÀsityksen siitÀ, kuinka lumiolot tulevat kehittymÀÀn kuluvan vuosisadan aikana

    Soome lemmikkĂŒĂŒlikute heaolu ja elamistingimuste uuring

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    Graduation Thesis in Veterinary MedicineRabbits are common pets in many European countries, but there are not many surveys conducted about their housing and welfare. In Finland, rabbits are increasing in popularity as pets. However, the country legislation regarding the housing and welfare offers only minimum standards and the knowledge of the owners may be inadequate to provide their pet rabbits a good quality of life. The aim of this study was to find out the structure of Finnish pet rabbit population (age, breed, neutering status), their housing conditions, basic care and handling, behaviour, and diet of rabbits. Finnish pet rabbits seem to live in cages that are suitable for rabbits when comparing to common guidelines and legislation. Owners seem to be well aware of the dietary requirements of rabbits and only a minority of owners were feeding muesli or pellets ad libitum. Hay was always available in most cases, which indicates that owners understand the importance of hay in a rabbit’s diet. Most of the rabbits were living with a companion rabbit, but 31.9% were living alone. The lack of hiding places in a cage, neutering and sex (females > males) seemed to have an association to aggressive behaviour of rabbits. The higher number of rabbits in a household had an association to lower aggressiveness. Most of the owners did spend time with their rabbit daily, but the hours spent with the animal per day was higher during the weekends. The majority of the rabbits had a chance to move freely outside the cage every day, with the average time being 12.3 hours per day.KĂŒĂŒlikud on populaarsed lemmikloomad paljudes Euroopa riikides, kuid nende heaolu ja pidamisviiside kohta ei ole tehtud palju uuringuid. Soomes on populaarne kasvatada kĂŒĂŒlikuid, kuid endiselt on riigi Ă”igusaktid ebapiisavad ja omanike teadmised vĂ”ivad olla puudulikud tagamaks kĂŒĂŒliku heaolu. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli vĂ€lja selgitada Soome lemmikkĂŒĂŒlikute populatsiooni struktuur (vanus, tĂ”ug, kastreerimine/steriliseerimine), pidamistingimused, pĂ”hiline hooldus ning kĂ€sitlemine, kĂ€itumine ja toitumine. Soome lemmikkĂŒĂŒlikud elavad puurides, mis sobivad kĂŒĂŒlikutele, pĂ”hinedes ĂŒhistele soovitustele ja Ă”igusaktidele. NĂ€itab, et omanikud on hĂ€sti kursis kĂŒĂŒlikute toitumisvajadustega ja ainult vĂ€hesed omanikud söödavad neile mĂŒslit vĂ”i graanuleid ad libitum. Enamasti oli hein alati saadaval, mis nĂ€itab, et omanikud mĂ”istavad heina tĂ€htsust kĂŒĂŒliku toidus. Enamik kĂŒĂŒlikutest elas koos teise kĂŒĂŒlikuga, kuid 31,9% elas ĂŒksinda. Peitumiskoha puudumine puuris, kastreerimine ja sugu (emased > isased) olid tegurid, mis suurendasid kĂŒĂŒlikute agressiivset kĂ€itumist. Suurem kĂŒĂŒlikute arv perekonnas oli seotud vĂ€henenud agressiivse kĂ€itumisega. Enamik omanikke veetis oma kĂŒĂŒlikutega igapĂ€evaselt aega, kuid loomaga pĂ€evas veedetavate tundide arv oli nĂ€dalavahetustel suurem. Enamike l kĂŒĂŒlikutel oli vĂ”imalus vabalt liikuda vĂ€ljaspool puuri iga pĂ€ev. Keskmiselt veetsid kuulid aega vĂ€ljaspool puuri 12,3 tundi pĂ€evas

    Microclimate relationships of intraspecific trait variation in sub-Arctic plants

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    Within-species trait variation is a substantial part of plant functional diversity. However, this intraspecific trait variation (ITV) is rarely investigated in relation to a key characteristic of the Arctic and alpine ecosystems: fine-scale microclimatic heterogeneity. Here, we quantified the influence of microclimate (soil moisture, snow and local temperatures) on plant functional traits, specifically on ITV. We focused on six widespread northern latitude vascular plant species, and measured four traits: plant height, leaf area, leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and specific leaf area (SLA). We related ITV to field and remotely sensed microclimate data from 150 study plots within six study grids. The grids were located within a 76-m altitudinal belt in three environments: the tundra, tundra-forest ecotone and mountain birch forest in Kilpisjarvi, northwestern Finland. We compared the range of trait values between this local trait dataset (n = 5493) and global trait databases (n = 10 383). We found that information in the local dataset covers a relatively large portion of the trait ranges in global databases. The proportion varies among traits and species; the largest portion was 74% for variation in leaf area of Vaccinium uliginosum, and the lowest was 19% for LDMC of Betula nana. We found that ITV in height was mostly related to local temperatures, whereas SLA and LDMC were more related to soil moisture and snow conditions. However, species showed contrasting relationships with the microclimate drivers. We conclude that microclimate profoundly shapes ITV in northern latitude plants and that even a very compact geographic area can contain a large amount of ITV. The influence of the microclimatic conditions varies among functional traits and species, which indicates that plastic response or adaptive potential of the species to climate change may also vary across species, but that necessary variation may often be present within local plant populations.Peer reviewe

    Importance of 3D and Inkjet Printing For Tony Stark and the Iron Man Suit

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    For decades we have used printers to print superheroes on the pages of comic books but could printing technologies actually be used to print real life superheroes? 3D and functional printing technologies have advanced greatly in recent years and even though these technologies cannot be used to print heroes themselves, they can certainly be used for equipment manufacturing. One character that could or may use 3D printing to rapidly produce prototypes and final versions of new technologies is Tony Stark. As the inventor and primary user of the Iron Man suit, Stark has designed a wearable suit that is not only a weapon but also protects him. However, in battle the suit can become damaged and require urgent repairs. To aid in these repairs, Tony Stark could turn to 3D printing technologies to produce new components for the suit. In this paper we will outline 3D printing technologies and describe their current applications. We will then discuss how 3D printing is being used to print electronics and the ramifications for Tony Stark, his Iron Man suit and the potential use for a real Iron Man suit

    Tehostetun kotisairaanhoidon SAS-sovelluksen kÀyttökokemukset EtelÀ-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiirin alueella

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli tarkastella hoitohenkilökunnalta tehostetun kotisairaanhoidon eli TeHoSan SAS -sovelluksen kĂ€yttöön liittyviĂ€ kehittĂ€misideoita ja parantaa tĂ€llĂ€ tavoin sovelluksen kĂ€yttöominaisuuksia. Tavoitteena oli tehostaa ja lisĂ€tĂ€ TeHoSan SAS- sovelluksen kĂ€yttöÀ ja tehostetun kotisairaanhoidon tunnettavuutta. Tehostettu kotisairaanhoito EtelĂ€-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiirissĂ€ on ottanut kĂ€yttöönsĂ€ TeHoSan SAS -nimisen sovelluksen, jonka tarkoituksena on helpottaa lĂ€hettĂ€vĂ€n yksikön ja tehostetun kotisairaanhoidon tiedonkulkua siirtyvistĂ€ asiakkaista. Tavoitteena on parantaa potilasturvallisuutta ja laatua. OpinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena. Haastatteluihin osallistui 26 hoitohenkilökunnan työntekijÀÀ EtelĂ€-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiirin kolmelta eri osastolta, joista asiakkaita on siirtynyt tehostettuun kotisairaanhoitoon. Aineistonkeruu toteutettiin ryhmĂ€tilanteena teemahaastattelumenetelmĂ€llĂ€. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin induktiivisesti analysoiden eli aineistolĂ€htöisen sisĂ€llönanalyysin tavoin. Kaikki kolme teemahaastattelua toteutettiin kolmena eri pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ elokuun lopun ja syyskuun alun 2015 aikana. TeHoSan SAS- sovelluksesta on paljon positiivisia kokemuksia. Hoitohenkilökunnan kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€ aika lĂ€hetteen tekoon, hoidon jatkuvuuden epĂ€varmuus ja tiedonkulkuun liittyvĂ€t ongelmat nousivat tutkimuksen keskeisimmiksi tuloksiksi. Hoitohenkilöstö nosti keskeisimmiksi kehittĂ€mistarpeiksi sovelluksen koulutustarpeen ja toimivan teknologian potilasturvallisuuden ja hoidon jatkuvuuden turvaamiseksi. JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ teknologian avulla voitaisiin turvata hoidon jatkuvuus ja parantaa potilasturvallisuutta. TeHoSan SAS-sovellus on helposti löydettĂ€vissĂ€ ja lĂ€hetteen rakenne on oltava selkeĂ€sti tulkittava.The purpose of the thesis was to examine the care personnel’s use of the SAS-application of the enhanced home care TeHoSa and their ideas about developing the application and improving its usage. The main priority was to improve and increase the usage of the SAS-application usage, and improve the recognizability of enhanced home care. The enhanced home care in South Karelia social- and healthcare services has taken the SAS-application into use and its main purpose is to ease the communication between the dispatching department and enhanced home care about patients that are being transferred to enhanced home care. The goal is to improve the quality of care and safety of the patients. The thesis was executed as a qualitative study. 26 people from South Karelia social and health care services were interviewed from three different departments, who all took care of customers that had been transferred to enhanced home care services. The material was collected from a group interview which was carried out using the theme interview method. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and inductively analyzed using content analysis. All three theme interviews were carried out on three different days at the end of August and the beginning of September 2015. The use of the SAS-application has mainly been a positive experience. The care personnel’s management when making a referral, uncertainty of the continuance of care and problems in transferring information were pointed out as the key results. The care personnel raised the need of proper training in the use of the SAS-application and working technology as the most crucial needs of development for securing the continuance of proper care and the safety of the patients. The authors have come to a conclusion that technology can secure the continuation of health care and increase the safety of the patients. It can be stated that the basic idea behind the application is good as the appli-cation is easily available and the structure of the referral is easy to interpret

    Comparison of Sintering Methods and Conductive Adhesives for Interconnections in Inkjet-Printed Flexible Electronics

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    Increasing demands for flexibility and stretchability for electronic devices are driving the research for novel fabrication technologies. Inkjet-printing is one of these novel electronics fabrication techniques studied and developed globally in recent years and it has some interesting benefits over traditional lithography-based techniques, mainly its additive and digital nature. Traditional manufacturing methods are mature techniques and the processes are well defined and optimized for large scale manufacturing and inkjet-printing is not going to replace the lithography as such for large scale manufacturing. Inkjet-printing does, however, enable whole new ways of electronics fabrication, such as high part-to-part customization and 3D processability, which have previously been either very challenging or even impossible.So far research has focused mainly on inkjet-printing itself and the jetting process is understood fairly well. However, at the moment printed semiconductor materials are far inferior to traditional semiconductor components and can not enable the same level of functionality or connectivity. Hybrid systems, combining the high performance of traditional semiconductor components and benefits of inkjet-printing, are studied as a solution for fabricating high performance devices with novel fabrication techniques. Hybrid systems require the ability to attach external components to the printed structures and this integration was chosen as one of the main topic for this thesis work as it had not been studied previously and the knowledge was required for developing inkjet-printing.This thesis analyzes inkjet-printed hybrid systems and focuses on system level integration. The work is done on interconnections including both the sintering of metallic nanoparticles as well as external component interconnections and circuit board to circuit board connections. Sintering research is focused on alternative sintering methods to traditional thermal sintering and evaluation of their usability in electronics fabrication. Electrically conductive adhesives are studied as the main method of forming external connection to components and to other circuit boards.In the research related to this thesis alternative sintering methods were found to be suitable replacements for traditional thermal sintering with the advantages and disadvantages varying between different technologies. Laser and intense pulsed lighting were generally found to be the most promising techniques for inkjet-printed structures. External connections to traditional surface mounted components as well as other printed circuit boards were also successfully demonstrated in the related publications using electrically conductive adhesive materials. Both the electrical performance and long term reliability of the conductive adhesives were found to be inferior to solder-based interconnections but observations show that the difference is caused by the adhesive material itself, not by the use of inkjet-printing. Thus adhesives can be considered as a viable method for forming external interconnections on inkjet-printed structures

    The effect of emotional state in learning: the role of oxytocin and cortisol in the early training of young horses

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    Ihminen on vuosituhansien kuluessa valjastanut hevosen suorittamaan monenlaisia tehtĂ€viĂ€. Suoriutuakseen nĂ€istĂ€ tehtĂ€vistĂ€ jokaisen hevosen on ensin opittava siihen tarvittavat taidot. TĂ€mĂ€ vaatii systemaattista koulutustyötĂ€. Aikuisten hevosten koulutusta on tutkittu pitkÀÀn ja vertailtu, millĂ€ metodeilla saadaan nopein ja paras lopputulos. On myös vertailtu, kuinka paljon aivan pieniĂ€ varsoja tulee kĂ€sitellĂ€, jotta niistĂ€ kasvaa helposti koulutettavia nuoria hevosia. Aikuisilla hevosilla tiedetÀÀn tunnetilan vaikuttuvan kognitiiviseen prosessointiin ja siten myös oppimisen tehokkuuteen ja nopeuteen. Nuorten hevosten koulutuksen ensiaskeleita on kuitenkin tutkittu vĂ€hĂ€n. Ei ole myöskÀÀn selvÀÀ kuvaa siitĂ€, miten nuoret hevoset koulutuksen kokevat ja onko sillĂ€ merkitystĂ€ niiden oppimistehokkuuteen. Tutkielmassani selvitin, mikĂ€ nuorten hevosten tunnetila on uutta asiaa opetellessa ja miten tunnetila vaikuttaa niiden oppimisnopeuteen. Seurasin 19 nuoren hevosen (11 yksivuotiasta ja 8 kaksi- tai kolmivuotiasta) koulutusta opportunistisesti, videoimalla viisi koulutuskertaa ja kerÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ ennen ja jĂ€lkeen kolmen koulutuskerran sylkinĂ€ytteet, joista analysoin kortisolin ja oksitosiinin pitoisuudet. Videoista analysoin, kuinka nopeasti hevoset vastasivat kouluttajan pyyntöihin ja kuinka suuren osan ajasta ne keskittyivĂ€t johonkin muuhun kuin koulutettavaan asiaan. HormoninĂ€ytteistĂ€ mittasin oksitosiinin ja kortisolin muutosta koulutussessioiden aikana. Kortisolin konsentraatiota syljessĂ€ on yleisesti kĂ€ytetty mittaamaan akuuttia stressiĂ€. Oksitosiini on sen sijaan uudempi, mutta nopeasti yleistyvĂ€ mittari positiivisista tunteista. Syljen oksitosiinipitoisuutta ei ole tietÀÀkseni aiemmin kĂ€ytetty menetelmĂ€nĂ€ hevosilla. Aineistoni osoitti, ettĂ€ hevoset oppivat halutut tehtĂ€vĂ€t koulutuksen aikana: ne tulivat vasteissaan nopeammiksi sekĂ€ keskittyivĂ€t koulutukseen paremmin koulutuksen edetessĂ€. Lineaarisilla monimuuttujamalleilla testaten korkeampi oksitosiinipitoisuus ennen koulutussession alkamista ennusti nopeampia vasteita koulutuksen aikana, ja matalammat arvot koulutuksen jĂ€lkeen selittivĂ€t korkeampaa keskittymĂ€ttömyyttĂ€. Suurempi kortisolipitoisuuden nousu koulutuksen aikana verrattuna lĂ€htötasoon johti parempiin vasteisiin ja keskittyneisyyteen, mutta korkeammat tasot ennen koulutusta selittivĂ€t huonompaa keskittymistĂ€ ja hitaampia vasteita. Aineiston pienuuden ja yksilöllisen vaihtelun takia, epĂ€varmuus tuloksissa on huomattavan suurta. Tulokset ovat kuitenkin linjassa aikaisempien, aikuisilla hevosilla tehtyjen tutkimusten kanssa, jotka osoittavat, ettĂ€ paremmassa mielentilassa ja vĂ€hemmĂ€llĂ€ stressillĂ€ kuormittuneet yksilöt oppivat nopeammin ja ovat kiinnostuneempia ihmisen kanssa toimimisesta. NĂ€in ollen onkin tĂ€rkeÀÀ huolehtia fyysisen hyvinvoinnin lisĂ€ksi myös hevosten henkisestĂ€ hyvinvoinnista heti varsa-ajoista lĂ€htien.Domesticated horses have been used for various tasks over their thousands of years of shared history with humans. To be able to perform these tasks every horse needs to learn the needed skills, and this requires systematic training. Training of adult horses has been studied for a long time and comparisons between the efficacy of different training methods have been done. There have also been some studies comparing how much and when young foals need to be handled for them to grow into easily trainable adults. From adult horses it is known that emotional state affects cognitive processes and with that also their learning efficiency and speed. The early stages of training young horses have not been studied very well. There is no clear picture about how young horses feel during training and how that affects their learning. In my thesis I studied young horses’ emotional states while learning new tasks and how that affects their learning. I followed the early training of 19 young horses (11 one-year-olds and 8 two- and three-year-olds) by videotaping five training sessions and collecting saliva samples before and after three of those sessions to analyse cortisol and oxytocin. From the videos I analysed how fast horses responded to trainer’s asks and how unfocused they were. From the hormone samples I measure the change in cortisol and oxytocin levels during training. Salivary cortisol has been widely used to measure acute stress. Oxytocin on the other hand is a newer indicator for positive emotions. To the best of my knowledge salivary oxytocin has never been used in horses. My data showed that the horses learned the required tasks: they became quicker at their responses and focused better during the course of training. Because my data was quite small and individual variation in the hormone levels was high, the results might have been affected by these factors. Linear mixed effect models showed that higher oxytocin levels before training session predicted quicker responses during training and lower levels after training predicted lower focusedness. Bigger increase in cortisol levels during training compared to the before level explained quicker responses and better focusedness, but higher levels before training resulted to lower focusedness and slower responses. This is in line with previous studies of adult horses, that showed that horses in a better emotional state and with less stress learn faster and are more interested in working with humans. This shows that it is important to not only focus on physical wellbeing but also mental wellbeing from early on in horses’ life

    Kansakunnan rakentaminen ja maailmankielteisyyden poliittisuus. J. L. Runebergin pietismin vastustus ja sen teologiset, filosofiset ja poliittiset syyt

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    Kansallisrunoilija Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804 – 1877) vastusti pietismiĂ€ ja niitĂ€ pietistisiĂ€ herĂ€tysliikkeitĂ€, jotka saivat maassamme erityisen paljon kannattajia 1800-luvun ensimmĂ€isellĂ€ puoliskolla. Pietismin leviĂ€misellĂ€ ja suosiolla oli merkittĂ€viĂ€ poliittisia vaikutuksia suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Pietismi kyseenalaisti poliittisten pÀÀtöksentekijöiden auktoriteettia ja teki saman kirkollisille johtajille paikallisella tasolla. TĂ€mĂ€ kaikki tapahtui tilanteessa, jossa Suomi oli vastikÀÀn tullut osaksi VenĂ€jÀÀ ja jossa maan tulevaisuus oli sidottu keisarin henkilöön ja hyvĂ€ntahtoisuuteen. Suomen asema suurruhtinaskuntana oli suotuisa ja tilanteen sĂ€ilymisen kannalta nĂ€htiin tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi, ettĂ€ Suomi nĂ€yttĂ€ytyisi Pietariin pĂ€in vakaana yhteiskuntana ja lojaalina maana. PyhĂ€n Allianssin aikakautena kaikenlainen uskonnollinen rauhattomuus nĂ€htiin helposti uhkana poliittiselle jĂ€rjestelmĂ€lle ja konservatiivisten hallitsijoiden vallalle. Samaan aikaan Suomen johtohenkilöt halusivat rakentaa Suomesta kukoistavan kansakunnan, jolla olisi korkea sivistys ja koulutustaso sekĂ€ oma vahva kulttuuri. Myös Runeberg nĂ€ki kyseisen kansakunnan rakentumiseen tĂ€hdĂ€nneen kansallisromanttisen projektin tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€. Pietistiset piirit eivĂ€t kuitenkaan jakaneet tĂ€tĂ€ tavoitetta. Sen sijaan he saarnasivat maailmankielteisyyden sanomaa, jossa isĂ€nmaa löytyi taivaasta, ei tĂ€stĂ€ maailmasta. HeidĂ€n tavoitteenaan oli uskonnollisen herĂ€tyksen kokenut uusi ihminen. Siihen eivĂ€t sopineet kansakunnan rakentamiseen liittyneet ajatukset, vaan siinĂ€ kulttuuri ylipÀÀtÀÀn, ja taide, koulutus, sivistys, kirjallisuus ja runous nĂ€yttĂ€ytyivĂ€t turhanpĂ€ivĂ€isiltĂ€, jopa sielulle vahingollisilta, asioilta. Ne saivat ajatukset kÀÀntymÀÀn pois Jumalasta ja oman sielun tilasta. Koska kyse oli joukkoliikkeestĂ€, niin voidaan sanoa, ettĂ€ yksilötason uskonnolliset ratkaisut saivat nĂ€in myös vahvan poliittisen merkityksen. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa on kĂ€sitelty niitĂ€ teologisia, filosofisia ja poliittisia syitĂ€, jotka olivat Runebergin pietismin vastustuksen takana. On tarkasteltu, millĂ€ tavoin Runebergin uskonnolliset nĂ€kemykset erosivat pietistien nĂ€kemyksistĂ€. Filosofian osalta on pÀÀpaino niissĂ€ vaikutteissa, jotka Runeberg sai romantiikan filosofiasta ja hegelismistĂ€. Poliittinen tarkastelunĂ€kökulma sisĂ€ltÀÀ puolestaan herĂ€tysliikkeiden sosiologista analysointia, Runebergin omien poliittisten kantojen erittelyĂ€ sekĂ€ hĂ€nen asemaansa sÀÀtynsĂ€ edustajana ja oman sukupolvensa mielipidevaikuttajana. TĂ€rkeĂ€ osa tĂ€tĂ€ tutkimusta on sen osoittaminen, ettĂ€ Runeberg tutustui pietismiin jo varhain 1820-luvulla. Asiaa on todisteltu verkostoanalyysin ja sukututkimuksen metodien avulla. SiltĂ€ pohjalta on ensi kerran uskallettu tulkita Runebergin keskeistĂ€ 1820-luvun tuotantoa uudesta, pietismin vastustuksen nĂ€kökulmasta. TĂ€hĂ€nastisessa tutkimuksessa fokus on ollut vain vuoden 1835 jĂ€lkeisessĂ€ tuotannossa. Jollei pietistisiĂ€ herĂ€tysliikkeitĂ€ olisi ollut Suomessa vuosina 1820-1850, Runebergin maailmankuva olisi kehittynyt hyvin erilaiseksi. Sen asettama haaste hĂ€nen uskonnolliselle ja poliittiselle ajattelulleen oli mittavampi kuin on totuttu ajattelemaan. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimus esittÀÀkin, ettĂ€ pietismin vastustus muodostaa yhden keskeisen tulkinta-avaimen koskien kansallisrunoilija Runebergin maailmankuvaa ja tuotantoa.Nation-building And The Political In The Denial Of The World. J.L.Runeberg’s Objection To The Pietism And The Theological, Philosophical and Political Reasons Behind It. Finland’s national poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804 – 1877) objected to the Pietism and the Pietistic movement. During the first half of the 19th century this movement captured the minds of many people in Finland. The spread of Pietism had significant political impacts on the Finnish society. It defied the authority of the political and ecclesiastic leaders both on the national level as well as on the local level. Finland’s favourable and fortunate state as an autonomous Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire was depended on the personal courtesy of Czar. In this situation became important to be seen in St. Peterburgh not only as a country that was loyal to Russia but also internally a stable society. During the period of the Holy Alliance all religion motivated unrests among people were easily regarded as a threat to the whole political system of the conservative regimes. At the same time the political leaders of Finland wanted to build a country as a prosperous nation with highly educated people and a strong original culture of its own. Instead of sharing these aims the Pietistic movement preached a very different message: It consisted the idea of the denial of the world. Their fatherland was in Heaven, not on the earth, their aim was an individual whom had experienced a religious awakening and became spiritually a new human being. The nation-building nor achievements in the fields of culture, art, education, literature or poetry were totally pointless, even dangerous phenomenas for the soul. These fields made people’s minds turn away from God and from considering the state of each and everyone’s soul. As we are dealing here with a mass movement, this individual denial of the world started to gain a great political significance. In this study I have searched for the theological, philosophical and political reasons of Runeberg’s objection. I have asked in what way Runeberg’s religious opinions differed from the ones of Pietism. In the philosophical framework I have examined the influences Runeberg took from the Romantiscm and the Hegelism. The political approach in this study consists of the sociological analysises of The Pietistic Movement, Runeberg’s own political views and him as a representative of his estate and his role as a political influencer of his generation. In order to be able to answer the question when Runeberg got familiar with Pietism I have used the methods of the social network analysis and of the genealogy. On this basis the study argues that Runeberg got to known the Pietism already in the 1820’s. This is a point of view that has not been used before when researching Runeberg’s relation to Pietism. Until now the focus has been only in 1835 and the subsequent years. In this work many of Runeberg’s major works of the 1820’s have been interpreted for the first time from the perspective of his objection to the Pietism. Had the Pietistic movement not occurred in Finland during the years 1820 – 1850 Runeberg’s worldview would have developed very differently. The intellectual challenge the Pietism posed to Runeberg made a great impact on the development of his religious and political thoughts. This influence was stronger, more profound and lasted longer than has been before considered. National poet Runeberg’s objection to the Pietism is thus one important key when examining his thoughts and worldview and interpreting his production.Nationsbyggandet och det politiska i vĂ€rldsfrĂ„nvĂ€ndheten. J. L. Runebergs motstĂ„nd mot pietismen och de teologiska, filosofiska och politiska skĂ€len bakom det. Nationalskalden Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804 – 1877) motsatte sig pietismen och de pietistiska vĂ€ckelserörelser, som fick mĂ„nga anhĂ€ngare i Finland under första hĂ€lften av 1800-talet. Pietismens popularitet fick en storpolitisk inverkan pĂ„ det finska samhĂ€llet. Den utmanade auktoriteten hos den politiska ledningen pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„ och hos den kyrkliga ledningen pĂ„ lokal nivĂ„. Allt detta skedde i en situation dĂ€r Finland nyligen hade nĂ„tt en gynnsam sĂ€rstĂ€llning inom det ryska kejsardömet och landets öde var beroende av kejsarens personliga vĂ€lvilja. Det ansĂ„gs viktigt att hĂ„lla fasaden gentemot S:t Petersburg i skick och att aktivt förebygga samhĂ€lleliga oroligheter och alla slags illojala uttryck mot det nya moderlandet. Under den Heliga alliansens Ă„r ansĂ„gs oroligheter hos folket som ett hot mot hela det politiska systemet och mot de konservativa regenternas makt. Samtidigt ville landets ledare bygga upp en nation, vars invĂ„nare skulle vara högt bildade och som flitigt skulle odla sin egen kultur. Även Runeberg anslöt sig till det hĂ€r projektet med all sin nationalromantiska anda. De pietistiska kretsarna var dock emot detta och istĂ€llet predikade de vĂ€rldsfrĂ„nvĂ€ndhetens budskap. För dem fanns fĂ€derneslandet i himlen, inte pĂ„ jorden. Deras mĂ„l var att Ă„stadkomma religiöst vĂ€ckta mĂ€nniskor. Nationalbyggandet och saker som tillhör detta sĂ„som kultur i allmĂ€nhet och sĂ€rskilt konst, bildning, litteratur och diktning ansĂ„gs oviktiga, till och med skadliga, av pietisterna. Allt som gav skĂ€l till att vĂ€nda sig bort frĂ„n Gud och som hindrade mĂ€nniskan frĂ„n att se sitt eget syndiga innerstas tillstĂ„nd skulle kastas bort. Den pietistiska massrörelsen, vars medlemmar trodde pĂ„ sĂ„dant sĂ€tt, blev en rörelse som ocksĂ„ hade en omfattande politisk inverkan. Man kan sĂ€ga att det privata blev politiskt. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen granskas de teologiska, filosofiska och politiska faktorer, pĂ„ vilka Runebergs motstĂ„nd mot pietismen grundade sig. PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt skiljde sig Runebergs religiösa Ă„sikter frĂ„n pietismens Ă„sikter? Vilka slags intryck mottog Runeberg av dĂ„tidens filosofiska tĂ€nkande, sĂ€rskilt av den romantiska filosofien och hegelianismen. Vilken roll spelade de i hans motstĂ„nd mot pietismen? De politologiska synvinklar som anvĂ€nds i avhandlingen bestĂ„r av den sociologiska analysen av vĂ€ckelserörelserna, av Runebergs egna politiska Ă„sikter, av hans stĂ€llning som sin generations opinionsbildare och av honom som representant för sitt stĂ„nd. En viktig del av den hĂ€r avhandlingen Ă€r var att undersöka nĂ€r Runeberg blev nĂ€rmare bekant med pietismen. Med hjĂ€lp av den moderna nĂ€tverksanalysen och de genealogiska metoderna bevisas det att det skedde redan pĂ„ 1820-talet. DĂ€rigenom vĂ„gar man tolka Runebergs verk frĂ„n 1820-talet för första gĂ„ngen med hjĂ€lp av den synvinkel som hans motstĂ„nd mot pietismen öppnar. I den tidigare forskningen har man granskat pietismens roll i Runebergs verk enbart frĂ„n och med Ă„r 1835. Hade inte de pietistiska vĂ€ckelserörelserna funnits i Finland under Ă„ren 1820-1850, skulle Runebergs vĂ€rldsbild utvecklat sig Ă„t ett helt annat hĂ„ll. Den utmaning som pietismen stĂ€llde för hans religiösa ock politiska tĂ€nkande var mer omfattande Ă€n man Ă€r van vid att tĂ€nka. Enligt den hĂ€r avhandlingen borde motstĂ„ndet mot pietismen anses som en ytterst viktig tolkningsnyckel vad gĂ€ller Runebergs verk, tĂ€nkande och vĂ€rldsbild
