16 research outputs found

    Augmenting Genetic Algorithms with Deep Neural Networks for Exploring the Chemical Space

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    Challenges in natural sciences can often be phrased as optimization problems. Machine learning techniques have recently been applied to solve such problems. One example in chemistry is the design of tailor-made organic materials and molecules, which requires efficient methods to explore the chemical space. We present a genetic algorithm (GA) that is enhanced with a neural network (DNN) based discriminator model to improve the diversity of generated molecules and at the same time steer the GA. We show that our algorithm outperforms other generative models in optimization tasks. We furthermore present a way to increase interpretability of genetic algorithms, which helped us to derive design principles.Comment: 9+3 Pages, 7+4 figures, 2 tables. Comments are welcome! (code is available at: https://github.com/aspuru-guzik-group/GA

    Self-referencing embedded strings (SELFIES): A 100% robust molecular string representation

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    The discovery of novel materials and functional molecules can help to solve some of society's most urgent challenges, ranging from efficient energy harvesting and storage to uncovering novel pharmaceutical drug candidates. Traditionally matter engineering -- generally denoted as inverse design -- was based massively on human intuition and high-throughput virtual screening. The last few years have seen the emergence of significant interest in computer-inspired designs based on evolutionary or deep learning methods. The major challenge here is that the standard strings molecular representation SMILES shows substantial weaknesses in that task because large fractions of strings do not correspond to valid molecules. Here, we solve this problem at a fundamental level and introduce SELFIES (SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings), a string-based representation of molecules which is 100\% robust. Every SELFIES string corresponds to a valid molecule, and SELFIES can represent every molecule. SELFIES can be directly applied in arbitrary machine learning models without the adaptation of the models; each of the generated molecule candidates is valid. In our experiments, the model's internal memory stores two orders of magnitude more diverse molecules than a similar test with SMILES. Furthermore, as all molecules are valid, it allows for explanation and interpretation of the internal working of the generative models.Comment: 6+3 pages, 6+1 figure

    Recent advances in the Self-Referencing Embedding Strings (SELFIES) library

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    String-based molecular representations play a crucial role in cheminformatics applications, and with the growing success of deep learning in chemistry, have been readily adopted into machine learning pipelines. However, traditional string-based representations such as SMILES are often prone to syntactic and semantic errors when produced by generative models. To address these problems, a novel representation, SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings (SELFIES), was proposed that is inherently 100% robust, alongside an accompanying open-source implementation. Since then, we have generalized SELFIES to support a wider range of molecules and semantic constraints and streamlined its underlying grammar. We have implemented this updated representation in subsequent versions of \selfieslib, where we have also made major advances with respect to design, efficiency, and supported features. Hence, we present the current status of \selfieslib (version 2.1.1) in this manuscript.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Tartarus: A Benchmarking Platform for Realistic And Practical Inverse Molecular Design

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    The efficient exploration of chemical space to design molecules with intended properties enables the accelerated discovery of drugs, materials, and catalysts, and is one of the most important outstanding challenges in chemistry. Encouraged by the recent surge in computer power and artificial intelligence development, many algorithms have been developed to tackle this problem. However, despite the emergence of many new approaches in recent years, comparatively little progress has been made in developing realistic benchmarks that reflect the complexity of molecular design for real-world applications. In this work, we develop a set of practical benchmark tasks relying on physical simulation of molecular systems mimicking real-life molecular design problems for materials, drugs, and chemical reactions. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility and ease of use of our new benchmark set by demonstrating how to compare the performance of several well-established families of algorithms. Surprisingly, we find that model performance can strongly depend on the benchmark domain. We believe that our benchmark suite will help move the field towards more realistic molecular design benchmarks, and move the development of inverse molecular design algorithms closer to designing molecules that solve existing problems in both academia and industry alike.Comment: 29+21 pages, 6+19 figures, 6+2 table

    On scientific understanding with artificial intelligence

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    Imagine an oracle that correctly predicts the outcome of every particle physics experiment, the products of every chemical reaction, or the function of every protein. Such an oracle would revolutionize science and technology as we know them. However, as scientists, we would not be satisfied with the oracle itself. We want more. We want to comprehend how the oracle conceived these predictions. This feat, denoted as scientific understanding, has frequently been recognized as the essential aim of science. Now, the ever-growing power of computers and artificial intelligence poses one ultimate question: How can advanced artificial systems contribute to scientific understanding or achieve it autonomously? We are convinced that this is not a mere technical question but lies at the core of science. Therefore, here we set out to answer where we are and where we can go from here. We first seek advice from the philosophy of science to understand scientific understanding. Then we review the current state of the art, both from literature and by collecting dozens of anecdotes from scientists about how they acquired new conceptual understanding with the help of computers. Those combined insights help us to define three dimensions of android-assisted scientific understanding: The android as a I) computational microscope, II) resource of inspiration and the ultimate, not yet existent III) agent of understanding. For each dimension, we explain new avenues to push beyond the status quo and unleash the full power of artificial intelligence's contribution to the central aim of science. We hope our perspective inspires and focuses research towards androids that get new scientific understanding and ultimately bring us closer to true artificial scientists.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, SMILES, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, SMILES has several shortcomings -- most pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100\% robustness: SELFIES (SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings). SELFIES has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this manuscript, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete Future Projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, SMILES, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, SMILES has several shortcomings -- most pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100\% robustness: SELFIES (SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings). SELFIES has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this manuscript, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete Future Projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, comments and suggestions for additional references are welcome

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, Smiles, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, Smiles has several shortcomings—most pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100% robustness: SELF-referencing embedded string (Selfies). Selfies has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this perspective, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete future projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages, and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science

    Nigam, Akshatkumar

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