26 research outputs found

    Enfermedad linfoproliferativa postrasplante de 贸rgano s贸lido

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    ABSTRACT: Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a group of disorders that may occur after transplantation. Its incidence is variable according to the transplanted organ. The clinical variability of this disease, its extra-nodal involvement and its broad histopathological spectrum make both classification and management very complex. This review provides an update about PTLD in patients with solid organ transplantation. Key words: Epstein-Barr Virus Infections; Lymphoproliferative Disorders; Organ Transplantation.RESUMEN: Con la denominaci贸n enfermedad linfoproliferativa postrasplante (ELPT) se conoce un grupo de trastornos que se pueden presentar con posterioridad al trasplante de 贸rganos s贸lidos, con incidencia variable dependiendo del tipo de 贸rgano trasplantado. La presentaci贸n cl铆nica inespec铆fica de esta enfermedad, el compromiso extranodal y su amplio espectro histopatol贸gico hacen que tanto la clasificaci贸n como el tratamiento sean complejos. Esta revisi贸n presenta una actualizaci贸n sobre la ELPT en pacientes con trasplante de 贸rgano s贸lido

    Successful treatment of microscopic polyangiitis with severe compromise of central nervous system and renal in a very elderly patient

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    RESUMEN: El compromiso neurol贸gico del sistema nervioso central (SNC) en las vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutr贸filos (ANCAS, del ingl茅s anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies) es raro y potencialmente catastr贸fico. El est谩ndar de tratamiento ha sido la ciclofosfamida con pulsos de esteroides, sin embargo, este esquema no tiene evidencia fuerte para el compromiso del sistema nervioso central y no est谩 exento de efectos adversos graves sobre todo en la poblaci贸n anciana. En los 煤ltimos a帽os, ha aparecido el rituximab como terapia alternativa a la ciclofosfamida para inducir la remisi贸n en este tipo de vasculitis, no obstante, su uso con compromiso neurol贸gico grave tambi茅n ha sido anecd贸tico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 84 a帽os de edad con poliange铆tis microsc贸pica y compromiso neurol贸gico y renal grave, tratada con rituximab evolucionando favorablemente alcanzando la remisi贸n de la enfermedad.ABSTRACT: The neurological involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) in vasculitis associated with ANCAS is rare and potentially catastrophic. The standard treatment is cyclophosphamide with pulses of steroids; however, this scheme has no strong evidence for central nervous system involvement and is not free of serious adverse effects especially in the elderly population. In recent year鈥檚 rituximab has appeared as an alternative therapy to cyclophosphamide to induce remission in this type of vasculitis, however its use with severe neurological involvement has also been anecdotal. We present the case of 84-year-old patient who presented a microscopic polyangiitis with severe neurological and renal involvement, treated with rituximab with a favorable evolution in reaching remission of the disease

    Seguimiento por un a帽o de la evoluci贸n del perfil cardiometab贸lico en pacientes trasplantados renales tratados con alemtuzumab, ciclosporina y esteroides en un hospital de referencia en Colombia

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    RESUMEN: In los pacientes trasplantados renales los eventos cardiovasculares ocurren 50 veces m谩s que en la poblaci贸n general y son la principal causa de muerte. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento del perfil cardio-metab贸lico y determinar la frecuencia de eventos cardiovasculares mayores en el primer a帽o del trasplante. M茅todos: estudio prospectivo en el que se evalu贸 el perfil cardio-metab贸lico en 67 pacientes adultos trasplantados durante el 2011. Resultados: la edad promedio fue 44,3卤12,05 a帽os, 68,7 % eran hombres y 95,5 %, hipertensos. En el 89,6 % se emple贸 alemtuzumab-esteroides y ciclosporina e introducci贸n tard铆a del antimetabolito. Se presentaron 3 diabetes mellitus postrasplante, 3 eventos cardiovasculares mayores y 12 rechazos agudos. Al a帽o, la alb煤mina, la hemoglobina, el 铆ndice de masa corporal, el calcio y la HbA1C aumentaron con respecto al valor previo al trasplante (p<0,05), mientras que la paratohormona, el f贸sforo, la creatinina y el 谩cido 煤rico disminuyeron (p<0,05). La tasa de filtraci贸n glomerular (TFG) al a帽o fue mayor en los pacientes sin rechazo (p 0,001). Conclusi贸n: la terapia inmunosupresora con alemtuzumab鈥揷iclosporina-esteroides mostr贸 que al a帽o del trasplante hubo mejor铆a significativa del metabolismo mineral 贸seo, el 谩cido 煤rico, la alb煤mina y la hemoglobina, pero empeoraron significativamente la HbA1c, el peso y el IMC, con una baja frecuencia de casos nuevos de diabetes mellitus y eventos cardiovasculares mayores.ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular events occur 50 times more often in kidney transplant patients than in the general population and are the leading cause of death. The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile and determine the incidence of major cardiovascular events in the first year after transplantation. Methods: This prospective study evaluated the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile in adult patients that were transplanted during 2011. Results: The median age was 44.3 卤 12.05 years, 68.7 % were men and 95.5 %, hypertensive. Alemtuzumab-cyclosporine and steroids were used in 89.6 %, delaying the introduction of the antimetabolite. In the first year after transplantation there were three cases of diabetes mellitus, three major cardiovascular events, and 12 cases of acute rejection. Albumin, hemoglobin, weight, body mass index (BMI), calcium and HbA1C increased (p<0.05) whereas paratohormone, phosphorus, creatinine and uric acid decreased (p<0.05). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was higher in patients without rejection (p=0.001). Conclusion: This immunosuppressive protocol with alemtuzumab, cyclosporine and steroids, and the delayed introduction of the antimetabolite improved bone mineral metabolism, uric acid, albumin and hemoglobin, but there were negative effects on HbA1c, weight and BMI. There was a low incidence of new onset diabetes mellitus and major cardiovascular events

    Severe neurotoxicity due to cefepime in a kidney transplanted patient: Case report

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    RESUMEN: El cefepime es un antibi贸tico betalact谩mico utilizado para tratar pacientes con infecciones complicadas. Debido a que su excreci贸n es predominantemente renal y a que su vida media se incrementa significativamente en pacientes con deterioro de la funci贸n renal, los efectos adversos pueden ser de mayor gravedad incluyendo los de 铆ndole neurot贸xica. Se informa el caso de una paciente trasplantada renal que present贸 neurotoxicidad secundaria al uso de cefepime.ABSTRACT: Cefepime is a betalactamic antibiotic used for the treatment of patients with severe infections. It is mainly excreted by the kidney, so that its half-life is significantly increased in patients with kidney failure, and in this population adverse effects may be more severe including neurotoxicity. We report the case of a kidney-transplanted patient who presented neurotoxicity associated with the use of cefepime

    Severe hypoxemic respiratory failure caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii in a late kidney transplant recipient

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    Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii is an uncommon infection in kidney transplant patients that can have an acute and rapid progression to respiratory failure and death. The period of greatest risk occurs in the first six months after the transplant, and it relates to the high doses of immunosuppression drugs required by patients. However, it may occur late, associated with the suspension of prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We present two cases of renal transplant patients who had severe hypoxemic respiratory failure due to P. jirovecii six years after transplantation. In addition to steroids, they received treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. One patient died, while the other had clinical recovery, with preservation of the renal graft function

    Plasmaf茅resis en rechazo agudo del injerto renal mediado por anticuerpos. Estudio realizado en el Hospital Pablo Tob贸n Uribe, Medell铆n, Colombia. A帽o 2005-2015

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    聽ABSTRACT聽Background: antibody-mediated renal allograft rejection is a complication after kidney transplantation, and it has poor prognosis for graft survival. Plasmapheresis has been used with controversial results; few trials indicate a trend towards superior graft survival in patients receiving this treatment; however, the evidence remains weak. Objetive: the aim of this study was to describe the experience in treating Antibody-mediated renal allograft rejection with plasmapheresis in kidney transplant recipients. Methods: retrospective and descriptive study of the patients that underwent three to nine session of plasmapheresis as a treatment of severe Antibody-mediated renal allograft rejection in Pablo Tob贸n Uribe Hospital. Results: between August 2005 and June 2015, 769 patients underwent kidney transplantation at our institution; 26 patients received plasmapheresis as part of the treatment for Antibody-mediated renal allograft rejection. All patients received induction therapy. Maintenance therapy used was tacrolimus, mycophenolic acid and steroids in 80,8% of the patients and cyclosporine, micophenolic acid and steroids in 19,2%. Antibody mediated rejection had an early onset in 61,5% of the cases. At six and 12 months after therapy, 44% and 53,8% patients respectively were back on dialysis. Complications were reported in 53,8% of the patients (hypocalcaemia, hypotension and anaphylaxis). Conclusion: in this cohort, 50% of patients who received Plasmapheresis as therapy for severe Antibody-mediated renal allograft rejection presented loss graft after one year of follow up. It is necessary adding to this therapynew treatment alternatives, among them intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab, eculizumab and bortezomib. M脡D.UIS. 2016;29(2):41-8.聽Keywords: Plasmapheresis. Graft rejection. Graft Survival. Kidney transplantation.聽Introducci贸n: el rechazo agudo mediado por anticuerpos es una complicaci贸n que se presenta luego del trasplante renal y es una causa importante de p茅rdida del injerto. La plasmaf茅resis es una de las terapias utilizadas para su tratamiento, algunos estudios sugieren mejor supervivencia del injerto renal con el uso de plasmaf茅resis; sin embargo su evidencia es d茅bil. Objetivo: este estudio tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia del uso de plasmaf茅resis en el rechazo agudo mediado por anticuerpos. Materiales y M茅todos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo realizado en el Hospital Pablo Tob贸n Uribe entre agosto de 2005 y junio de 2015 en pacientes con diagn贸stico de rechazo agudo mediado por anticuerpos, quienes recibieron entre tres y nueve sesiones de plasmaf茅resis. Resultados: se realizaron un total de 769 trasplantes renales; de los cuales 26 pacientes presentaron rechazo agudo mediado por anticuerpos y recibieron plasmaf茅resis como parte del tratamiento. Todos los pacientes recibieron terapia de inducci贸n al momento del trasplante y en el 80,8% la terapia de mantenimiento utilizada fue tacrolimus-micofenolato-prednisolona. El rechazo mediado por anticuerpos se present贸 en forma temprana en el 61,5% de los pacientes. A seis y doce meses el 44% y 53,8% de los pacientes respectivamente presentaron p茅rdida del injerto renal; las complicaciones se presentaron en el 53,8%聽 de los pacientes, las cuales fueron hipocalcemia, hipotensi贸n y anailaxia. Conclusi贸n: en esta cohorte el uso de plasmaf茅resis en el rechazo agudo mediado por anticuerpos no logr贸 evitar la p茅rdida del injerto renal en el 50% de los pacientes; se sugiere adicionar a esta terapia otras alternativas de tratamiento entre ellas, la inmunoglobulinas intravenosas, rituximab, eculizumab y bortezomib. M脡D.UIS. 2016;29(2):41-8.Palabras clave: Plasmaf茅resis. Rechazo de Injerto. Supervivencia de Injerto. Trasplante de ri帽贸n

    Absceso cerebral por Cladophialophora bantiana en un paciente con trasplante renal: reporte de un caso

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    Cerebral feohifomycosis are severe infections caused by dematiaceous fungi. Cladophialophora bantiana is one of the most commonly isolated species; it has central nervous system tropism and it often manifests as a brain abscess in immunocompetent patients. In immunocompromised patients, it can lead to brain abscesses and disseminated infections.Despite the availability of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs, it is a must to perform surgical management, in addition to drug therapy. However, mortality is high. The diagnostic approach must be invasive to establish a timely diagnosis and direct treatment based on culture and susceptibility tests.We report a case of brain abscess caused by C. bantiana in an immunosuppressed patient who was treated with surgical resection and voriconazole with an adequate response to therapy and without neurological sequels.Las feohifomicosis cerebrales son infecciones graves causadas por mohos demati谩ceos, entre los cuales Cladophialophora bantiana es una de las especies m谩s com煤nmente aislada. Esta tiene tropismo por el sistema nervioso central y frecuentemente produce abscesos cerebrales en pacientes inmunocompetentes; adem谩s, en los inmunocomprometidos tambi茅n puede ocasionar infecci贸n diseminada.Pese a la disponibilidad de medicamentos antif煤ngicos de amplio espectro, a menudo se requiere tambi茅n la intervenci贸n quir煤rgica; de todas maneras, la mortalidad es elevada.El diagn贸stico debe hacerse interviniendo para tomar la muestra y hacer el cultivo y las pruebas de sensibilidad.Se presenta aqu铆 el caso de un paciente con trasplante renal que present贸 un absceso cerebral por C. bantiana, el cual se extrajo mediante resecci贸n quir煤rgica. El paciente recibi贸 tratamiento con voriconazol, con adecuada respuesta, mejor铆a y sin secuelas neurol贸gicas

    La lipocalina asociada con la gelatinasa de neutr贸filos como factor temprano de predicci贸n de la funci贸n retardada del injerto renal

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    Introduction: Delayed graft function occurs in about 20 to 50 percent of kidney transplants.聽Objective: To describe the behavior of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGALu) in deceased-donor renal transplant recipients and to compare this indicator with the percentage of creatinine decrease (PdC) for the early detection of delayed graft function.聽Materials and methods: NGALu levels were evaluated in a prospective cohort in the first, 12th, 24th and 48th hours after kidney transplant, and compared with the daily PdC until day 5.聽Results: We included 79 patients in the study. Delayed graft function occurred in 13 patients (16.5%), and five patients (6.3%) required dialysis in the first week. NGALu levels at all cut-off points were higher in patients with delayed graft function (p=0.526, p=0.049, p=0.032, and p=0.001). NGALu levels above 120 ng/ml at 48 hours predicted delayed graft function with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 71%. A PdC of 59.5% best discriminated the delayed graft function, with a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 83% at 48 hours. Using logistic regression for the adjusted delayed graft function, the only significant values to predict it were those of PdC.聽Conclusions: NGALu levels measured at 48 hours after renal transplantation predicted delayed graft function, including the need for dialysis; however, this marker was not superior to the PdC for early detection.Introducci贸n. La funci贸n retardada del injerto renal se presenta en 20 a 50 % de los trasplantes renales.Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento de la lipocalina urinaria asociada a la gelatinasa de neutr贸filos en receptores de trasplante renal de donante fallecido y compararlo con el porcentaje de descenso de la creatinina s茅rica para detectar tempranamente la funci贸n retardada del injerto renal.Materiales y m茅todos. Se evaluaron los niveles de lipocalina urinaria asociada a la gelatinasa de neutr贸filos en una cohorte prospectiva 1, 12, 24 y 48 horas despu茅s del trasplante renal, y se compararon diariamente con los de la creatinina s茅rica hasta el quinto d铆a del trasplante.Resultados. Se incluyeron en el estudio 79 pacientes con trasplante renal de donante fallecido. La funci贸n retardada del injerto renal se present贸 en 13 pacientes (16,5 %) y cinco de ellos (6,3 %) necesitaron di谩lisis en la primera semana. Los valores de lipocalina urinaria asociada a la gelatinasa de neutr贸filos en todos los puntos de corte fueron mayores en los pacientes con funci贸n retardada del injerto renal (p=0,526, p=0,049, p=0,032 y p=0,001, respectivamente). Se estableci贸 un valor de m谩s de 120 ng/ml a las 48 horas como factor de predicci贸n de la funci贸n retardada del injerto, con una sensibilidad de 75 % y una especificidad de 71 %; el valor de creatinina s茅rica que mejor discrimin贸 la funci贸n retardada se present贸 a las 48 horas (59,5 %), con una sensibilidad de 92 % y una especificidad de 83 %. En la regresi贸n log铆stica los 煤nicos valores significativos para predecir la funci贸n retardada del injerto renal fueron los de la creatinina serica.Conclusi贸n. Los niveles de lipocalina urinaria asociada a la gelatinasa de neutr贸filos a las 48 horas del trasplante renal predijeron la funci贸n retardada, incluida la necesidad de di谩lisis, pero no fueron superiores a los de la creatinina s茅rica para la detecci贸n temprana

    Use of rituximab in pediatric patients with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. A single center study

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    ABSTRACT: Steroids are the cornerstone of therapy for nephrotic syndrome (NS) with a remission rate as high as 90%. In patients who do not respond to them or are steroid dependent, other immunosuppressive drugs have been used. Although rituximab use in NS is off-label, many authors have published their experience with it. Objective and methods: To describe retrospectively a group of seven children with nephrotic syndrome, either steroid-dependent (SDNS) or steroid-resistant (SRNS), treated with rituximab and mycophenolate, at Pablo Tob贸n Uribe Hospital, in Medell铆n, Colombia. Results: Two patients with SDNS and five with SRNS were evaluated; median age at diagnosis was 2 years (p25-75: 1-5); six months after treatment with rituximab there was reduction in proteinuria (93%), in the steroid dose (100%) and in the relapse episodes. However, proteinuria reappeared 12 months after treatment. Conclusion: During the first year after rituximab treatment of NS there is reduction in proteinuria and in the steroid dose, but thereafter there is relapse. It is suggested to carry out another study using a second dose of rituximab one year after the first one.RESUMEN: Los esteroides son el tratamiento de elecci贸n del s铆ndrome nefr贸tico con tasas de 茅xito hasta del 90%. En pacientes que no responden adecuadamente a ellos, se han usado diferentes esquemas de inmunosupresi贸n. Objetivo y m茅todos: describir la respuesta terap茅utica en un grupo de siete ni帽os con s铆ndrome nefr贸tico c贸rtico-dependiente (SNCD) o c贸rtico-resistente (SNCR) que recibieron tratamiento con rituximab y micofenolato mofetil en un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Medell铆n durante los a帽os 2010-2012. Resultados: dos pacientes ten铆an SNCD y cinco, SNCR; la mediana de edad en el momento del diagn贸stico fue de 2 a帽os (p25-75: 1-5); seis meses despu茅s de la aplicaci贸n del rituximab se encontr贸 disminuci贸n de la proteinuria en el 93% de los pacientes; los esteroides se lograron suspender en el 100%; adem谩s, disminuy贸 el n煤mero de reca铆das; sin embargo, la proteinuria reapareci贸 un a帽o despu茅s de dicho tratamiento. Conclusi贸n: con el rituximab disminuyen la proteinuria y la dosis de esteroides, pero la enfermedad recurre 12 meses despu茅s de usarlo. Se sugiere hacer otro estudio evaluando el efecto de una segunda dosis de rituximab al a帽o de la primera

    Acute renal failure due to rhabdomyolyisis

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    Acute renal failure is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in emergency, hospitalization and critical care services. In 15 % of cases it is due to rhabdomyolysis, in which there is breakdown of skeletal muscle with massive necrosis and leakage of muscle cell contents into the circulation. It has many different etiologies. The rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury results from the combination of several mechanisms, including tubular obstruction, vasoconstriction and oxidative stress. The most important therapeutic measures are: Aggressive repletion of fluids, forced diuresis and avoidance of exposure to nephrotoxic substances. In cases of severe uremia, metabolic acidosis, hiperkalemia or fluid overload it is necessary to start renal replacement therapy. As a rule, kidney function is completely recovered, but these patients have higher risk of future chronic kidney disease