365 research outputs found

    Interfície Bluetooth entre microcomputador i telèfon mòbil per a la captura i tractament de dades

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és comunicar una bicicleta elèctrica equipada amb una sèrie de sensors amb un dispositiu mòbil amb la finalitat de tractar les dades captades provinents d'aquests sensors. Utilitzar la placa de desenvolupament per emular, amb els seus elements, els sensors que portaria la bicicleta elèctrica. L'emulació ha d'ajustar-se en lo possible a la realitat, ja que la intenció és substituir en un futur els sensors emulats per sensors reals connectats a algun dels microcontroladors de la bicicleta. A més d'utilitzar els elements de la placa de desenvolupament per emular els sensors, s'ha de captar els valors que aquests generen. Per aquest objectiu cal desenvolupar el firmware3 per al microcontrolador. El firmware ha de ser robust, senzill i que, amb pocs recursos, sigui capaç d'oferir un bon rendiment. Un altre objectiu és crear un sistema de tipus client – servidor entre el telèfon mòbil i la bicicleta. La bicicleta estarà esperant rebre peticions de connexió de dispositius per enviar les dades que generin els sensors. El dispositiu mòbil serà un client que es connectarà al servidor per rebre les dades i quan finalitzi l'exercici es desconnectarà. La connexió entre la bicicleta i el telèfon mòbil s'ha de realitzar de forma senzilla, ja que molts usuaris potser poden trobar dificultats amb les noves tecnologies, com persones de la tercera edat. La transmissió de les dades s'ha de fer en temps real perquè pugui ser útil a l'usuari mentre realitza l'exercici. Aquesta connexió es farà a través de Bluetooth. L'aplicació del telèfon mòbil ha d'oferir la possibilitat de rebre dades des de la bicicleta i ha de generar un arxiu de log al telèfon de l'usuari d'aquestes dades rebudes de la bicicleta. Aquest arxiu ha de poder ser descarregable i llegible des d'un PC qualsevol sense necessitat d'instal·lar software addicional. A més, l'aplicació ha d'oferir un tractament d'aquests arxius/dades simple i útil per a l'usuari, amb la informació bàsica de l'exercici realitzat. Aquest tractament de les dades dels exercicis realitzats ha d'incloure un gràfic on es mostri l'evolució de les dades al llarg de l'exercici realitzat. L'objectiu d'aquesta aplicació no és fer un estudi exhaustiu de les dades sinó mostrar un possible tractament d'aquestes

    Uso de superficies free-form para simular los cambios locales de indice de refracción en lentes de plástico a partir de su medida polariscópica

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    In this paper we propose a method to convert the local variations of refractive index into local changes of one surface of the lens, which then can then be described as a free-form surface, easy to introduce in conventional simulation tools. The proposed method tries to provide an equivalent model of the lens with refractive index variations where the index changes have been replaced for local thickness variations on the lens' surface. The local thickness variations can be fitted at a freeform description that holds all the local index variations through the OPD (Optical patch difference) using a B-Spline description and a simplex algorithm to find the best fitted surface.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gestión y administración de los espacios públicos por parte de las municipalidades a través del plan de desarrollo urbano : caso riberas de los ríos en el departamento de Lambayeque

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    Esta investigación aborda el estudio del análisis del sistema urbano y su vulnerabilidad ante riesgos de desastres: caso riberas de los ríos en el departamento de Lambayeque, así como los espacios públicos, plan de desarrollo urbano, plan de incentivos municipales, a través del cual se busca mejorar la gestión municipal y en el cual se pretende como propuesta la inserción del plan de desarrollo urbano para incentivar su elaboración en las autoridades ediles del departamento de Lambayeque. El desorden urbano con que crecen las capitales de las tres provincias de la región Lambayeque, es a consecuencia de la falta de interés de las autoridades y funcionarios ediles, para ejecutar su gestión conforme a los planes de desarrollo urbano, el cual es un documento técnico donde se plasma la planificación urbana ordenada y sostenida de una ciudad. Allí se proponen estrategias que se discuten entre las autoridades locales y la sociedad civil. El problema central es la posesión de la población en lugares como las riberas de los ríos en busca de un lugar donde vivir, sin embargo ello hace que dicha población se encuentre vulnerable ante los desastres naturales como sucedió con el caso del fenómeno de las lluvias del niño costero. Por lo que al ser espacio público dichas riberas, se deberían de enmarcar en el plan de desarrollo urbano como fin preventivo. En conclusión, si se comprende el plan de desarrollo urbano a la ley N° 29332 Ley que crea el plan de incentivos a la mejora de la gestión municipal, como mecanismo de gestión y administración de los espacios públicos con el fin de incentivar la ejecución de los planes de desarrollo urbano por parte de las municipalidades, entonces se podrá mitigar la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones ubicadas en las riberas de los ríos ante riesgos de desastres en el departamento de Lambayeque

    Bathymetry Determination via X-Band Radar Data: A New Strategy and Numerical Results

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    This work deals with the question of sea state monitoring using marine X-band radar images and focuses its attention on the problem of sea depth estimation. We present and discuss a technique to estimate bathymetry by exploiting the dispersion relation for surface gravity waves. This estimation technique is based on the correlation between the measured and the theoretical sea wave spectra and a simple analysis of the approach is performed through test cases with synthetic data. More in detail, the reliability of the estimate technique is verified through simulated data sets that are concerned with different values of bathymetry and surface currents for two types of sea spectrum: JONSWAP and Pierson-Moskowitz. The results show how the estimated bathymetry is fairly accurate for low depth values, while the estimate is less accurate as the bathymetry increases, due to a less significant role of the bathymetry on the sea surface waves as the water depth increases

    The PDZ-binding motif of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus envelope protein is a determinant of viral pathogenesis

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    A recombinant severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) lacking the envelope (E) protein is attenuated in vivo. Here we report that E protein PDZ-binding motif (PBM), a domain involved in protein-protein interactions, is a major determinant of virulence. Elimination of SARS-CoV E protein PBM by using reverse genetics caused a reduction in the deleterious exacerbation of the immune response triggered during infection with the parental virus and virus attenuation. Cellular protein syntenin was identified to bind the E protein PBM during SARS-CoV infection by using three complementary strategies, yeast two-hybrid, reciprocal coimmunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy assays. Syntenin redistributed from the nucleus to the cell cytoplasm during infection with viruses containing the E protein PBM, activating p38 MAPK and leading to the overexpression of inflammatory cytokines. Silencing of syntenin using siRNAs led to a decrease in p38 MAPK activation in SARS-CoV infected cells, further reinforcing their functional relationship. Active p38 MAPK was reduced in lungs of mice infected with SARS-CoVs lacking E protein PBM as compared with the parental virus, leading to a decreased expression of inflammatory cytokines and to virus attenuation. Interestingly, administration of a p38 MAPK inhibitor led to an increase in mice survival after infection with SARS-CoV, confirming the relevance of this pathway in SARS-CoV virulence. Therefore, the E protein PBM is a virulence domain that activates immunopathology most likely by using syntenin as a mediator of p38 MAPK induced inflammation

    The effect of material orientation on void growth

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    In this work, we have brought to light the effect of material orientation on void growth. For that purpose, we have performed finite element calculations using a cubic unit-cell model with a spherical void at its center and subjected to periodic boundary conditions. The behavior of the material is described with an elastic isotropic, plastic orthotropic constitutive model with yielding defined by Yld2004-18p criterion (Barlat et al., 2005). We have used the multi-point constraint subroutine developed by Dakshinamurthy et al. (2021) to enforce constant values of macroscopic stress triaxiality T and Lode parameter L in calculations that have been carried out for different stress states resulting from the combination of T = 0.33, 1 and 2, with L = − 1, 0 and 1 (axisymmetric tension, generalized shear and axisymmetric compression, respectively). Firstly, we have performed numerical simulations in which the loading directions are collinear with the orthotropy axes of the material, so that the principal directions of macroscopic stress and strain are parallel. Investigation of the cases for which the minor loading axis coincides either with the rolling, the transverse or the normal direction, has shown that the initially spherical void turns into an ellipsoid whose rate of growth and eccentricity depend on both stress state and material orientation. A key result is that for specific material orientations the anisotropy switches the effect of Lode parameter on void growth, reversing the trends obtained for isotropic von Mises mate rials. Secondly, we have carried out calculations using a novel strategy which consists of including angular misalignments within the range 0∘ ≤ theta ≤ 90∘ , so that one loading direction is parallel to one of the symmetry axes of the material, and theta is the angle formed between the other two loading directions and the second and third orthotropy axes. In fact, to the authors" knowledge, these are the first unit-cell calculations ever reported in which the material is modeled using a macroscopic anisotropic yield function with prescribed misalignment between loading and material axes and, at the same time, the macroscopic stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter are controlled to be constant during loading. The finite element calculations have shown that the misalignment between loading and material axes makes the void and the faces of the unit-cell to rotate and twist during loading. Moreover, the main contribution of this work is the identification of an intermediate value of the angle theta for which the growth rate of the void reaches an extreme value (minimum or maximum), so that the numerical results indicate that material orientation and angular misalignment can be strategically exploited to control void growth, and thus promote or delay localization and fracture of anisotropic metal products. The conclusions of this research have been shown to be valid for three different materials (aluminum alloys 2090-T3, 6111-T4 and 6013) and selected comparisons have also been performed using two additional yield criteria (CPB06ex2 and Yld2011-27p).The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Project PURPOSE, grant agreement 758056. The authors express sincere gratitude to Dr. Oana Cazacu (University of Florida) for helpful discussions on plastic anisotropy of metallic materials

    New insights into the role of porous microstructure on dynamic shear localization

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    This paper provides new insights into the role of porous microstructure on dynamic shear localization. For that purpose, we have performed 3D finite element calculations of electromagnetically collapsing thick-walled cylinders. The geometry and dimensions of the cylindrical specimens are taken from the experiments of Lovinger et al. (2015), and the loading and boundary conditions from the 2D simulations performed by Lovinger et al. (2018). The mechanical behavior of the material is modeled as elastic-plastic, with yielding described by the von Mises criterion, an associated flow rule and isotropic hardening/softening, being the flow stress dependent on strain, strain rate and temperature. Moreover, plastic deformation is considered to be the only source of heat, and the analysis accounts for the thermal conductivity of the material. The distinctive feature of this work is that we have followed the methodology developed by Marvi-Mashhadi et al. (2021) to incorporate into the finite element calculations the actual porous microstructure of 4 different additively manufactured materials –aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg, stainless steel 316L, titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and Inconel 718– for which the initial void volume fraction varies between 0.001% and 2%, and the pores size ranges from ≈ 6 μm to ≈ 110 μm. The numerical simulations have been performed using the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach available in ABAQUS/Explicit (2016), which allows to capture the shape evolution, coalescence and collapse of the voids at large strains. To the authors’ knowledge, this paper contains the first finite element simulations with explicit representation of the material porosity which demonstrate that voids promote dynamic shear localization, acting as preferential sites for the nucleation of the shear bands, speeding up their development, and tailoring their direction of propagation. In addition, the numerical calculations bring out that for a given void volume fraction more shear bands are nucleated as the number of voids increases, while the shear bands are incepted earlier and develop faster as the size of the pores increases.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Project PURPOSE, grant agreement 758056

    Natural resources royalties and local development in Colombia

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    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the hypothesis of differentiated growth in the municipalities of Colombia which receives rents from exploitation of non-renewable natural resources in comparison with the rest of the country. A specific strategy is to estimate the empirical evidence for the producers regions of coal and oil and also use techniques related to impact evaluation, specifically the difference – in difference estimator (diff-in-diff) which compares the evolution of the economic activity into the regions affected by the royalties’ source of rents with the unaffected ones. An important aspect of this assessment is the legislation based on constitutional guidelines, represented in the law No 141 of 1994, which state the main structure to capture, distribute and invest royalties’ rents. This point of reference is important in terms of evaluate impact, before and after the event
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