253 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Interstitial Fibrosis and Inflammatory Cell Infiltration in Right Ventricles of Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

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    Objective. Systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (SScPAH) has a disturbed function of the right ventricle (RV) when compared to idiopathic PAH (IPAH). Systemic sclerosis may also affect the heart. We hypothesize that RV differences may occur at the level of interstitial inflammation and—fibrosis and compared inflammatory cell infiltrate and fibrosis between the RV of SScPAH, IPAH, and healthy controls. Methods. Paraffin-embedded tissue samples of RV and left ventricle (LV) from SScPAH (n = 5) and IPAH (n = 9) patients and controls (n = 4) were picrosirius red stained for detection of interstitial fibrosis, which was quantified semiautomatically. Neutrophilic granulocytes (MPO), macrophages (CD68), and lymphocytes (CD45) were immunohistochemically stained and only interstitial leukocytes were counted. Presence of epi- or endocardial inflammation, and of perivascular or intimal fibrosis of coronary arteries was assessed semiquantitatively (0–3: absent to extensive). Results. RV's of SScPAH showed significantly more inflammatory cells than of IPAH (cells/mm2, mean ± sd MPO 11 ± 3 versus 6 ± 1; CD68 11 ± 3 versus 6 ± 1; CD45 11 ± 1 versus 5 ± 1 , P < .05) and than of controls. RV interstitial fibrosis was similar in SScPAH and IPAH (4 ± 1 versus 5 ± 1%, P = .9), and did not differ from controls (5 ± 1%, P = .8). In 4 SScPAH and 5 IPAH RV's foci of replacement fibrosis were found. No differences were found on epi- or endocardial inflammation or on perivascular or intimal fibrosis of coronary arteries. Conclusion. SScPAH RVs display denser inflammatory infiltrates than IPAH, while they do not differ with respect to interstitial fibrosis. Whether increased inflammatory status is a contributor to altered RV function in SScPAH warrants further research

    Orthopedic surgery increases atherosclerotic lesions and necrotic core area in ApoE-/- mice

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    Background and aims Observational studies show a peak incidence of cardiovascular events after major surgery. For example, the risk of myocardial infarction increases 25-fold early after hip replacement. The acuteness of this increased risk suggests abrupt enhancement in plaque vulnerability, which may be related to intra-plaque inflammation, thinner fibrous cap and/or necrotic core expansion. We hypothesized that acute systemic inflammation following major orthopedic surgery induces such changes. Methods ApoE−/− mice were fed a western diet for 10 weeks. Thereafter, half the mice underwent mid-shaft femur osteotomy followed by realignment with an intramedullary K-wire, to mimic major orthopedic surgery. Mice were sacrificed 5 or 15 days post-surgery (n = 22) or post-saline injection (n = 13). Serum amyloid A (SAA) was measured as a marker of systemic inflammation. Paraffin embedded slides of the aortic root were stained to measure total plaque area and to quantify fibrosis, calcification, necrotic core, and inflammatory cells. Results Surgery mice showed a pronounced elevation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and developed increased plaque and necrotic core area already at 5 days, which reached significance at 15 days (p = 0.019; p = 0.004 for plaque and necrotic core, respectively). Macrophage and lymphocyte density significantly decreased in the surgery group compared to the control group at 15 days (p = 0.037; p = 0.024, respectively). The density of neutrophils and mast cells remained unchanged. Conclusions Major orthopedic surgery in ApoE−/− mice triggers a systemic inflammatory response. Atherosclerotic plaque area is enlarged after surgery mainly due to an increase of the necrotic core. The role of intra-plaque inflammation in this response to surgical injury remains to be fully elucidated. © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Lt

    Sex-specific cardiac remodeling in early and advanced stages of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most frequent genetic cardiac disease with a prevalence of 1:500 to 1:200. While most patients show obstructive HCM and a relatively stable clinical phenotype (stage II), a small group of patients progresses to end-stage HCM (stage IV) within a relatively brie

    Evaluation of pliable bioresorbable, elastomeric aortic valve prostheses in sheep during 12 months post implantation

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    Pliable microfibrous, bioresorbable elastomeric heart valve prostheses are investigated in search of sustainable heart valve replacement. These cell-free implants recruit cells and trigger tissue formation on the valves in situ. Our aim is to investigate the behaviour of these heart valve prostheses when exposed to the high-pressure circulation. We conducted a 12-month follow-up study in sheep to evaluate the in vivo functionality and neo-tissue formation of these valves in the aortic position. All valves remained free from endocarditis, thrombotic complications and macroscopic calcifications. Cell colonisation in the leaflets was mainly restricted to the hinge area, while resorption of synthetic fibers was limited. Most valves were pliable and structurally intact (10/15), however, other valves (5/15) showed cusp thickening, retraction or holes in the leaflets. Further research is needed to assess whether in-situ heart valve tissue engineering in the aortic position is possible or whether non-resorbable synthetic pliable prostheses are preferred.</p

    C4b-Binding Protein Is Present in Affected Areas of Myocardial Infarction during the Acute Inflammatory Phase and Covers a Larger Area than C3

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    BACKGROUND: During myocardial infarction reduced blood flow in the heart muscle results in cell death. These dying/dead cells have been reported to bind several plasma proteins such as IgM and C-reactive protein (CRP). In the present study we investigated whether fluid-phase complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein (C4BP) would also bind to the infarcted heart tissue. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Initial studies using immunohistochemistry on tissue arrays for several cardiovascular disorders indicated that C4BP can be found in heart tissue in several cardiac diseases but that it is most abundantly found in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This condition was studied in more detail by analyzing the time window and extent of C4BP positivity. The binding of C4BP correlates to the same locations as C3b, a marker known to correlate to the patterns of IgM and CRP staining. Based on criteria that describe the time after infarction we were able to pinpoint that C4BP binding is a relatively early marker of tissue damage in myocardial infarction with a peak of binding between 12 hours and 5 days subsequent to AMI, the phase in which infiltration of neutrophilic granulocytes in the heart is the most extensive. CONCLUSIONS: C4BP, an important fluid-phase inhibitor of the classical and lectin pathway of complement activation binds to jeopardized cardiomyocytes early after AMI and co-localizes to other well known markers such as C3b

    Socioeconomic benefit to individuals of achieving 2020 targets for four neglected tropical diseases controlled/eliminated by innovative and intensified disease management

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    __Background__ The control or elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) has targets defined by the WHO for 2020, reinforced by the 2012 London Declaration. We estimated the economic impact to individuals of meeting these targets for human African trypanosomiasis, leprosy, visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, NTDs controlled or eliminated by innovative and intensified disease management (IDM). __Methods__ A systematic literature review identified information on productivity loss and out-of-pocket payments (OPPs) related to these NTDs, which were combined with projections of the number of people suffering from each NTD, country and year for 2011±2020 and 2021±2030. The ideal scenario in which the WHO's 2020 targets are met was compared with a counterfactual scenario that assumed the situation of 1990 stayed unaltered. Economic benefit equaled the difference between the two scenarios. Values are reported in 2005 US, purchasing power parity-adjusted, discounted at 3% per annum from 2010. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to quantify the degree of uncertainty around the base-case impact estimate. __Results__ The total global productivity gained for the four IDM-NTDs was I 23.1 (I15.9±I 15.9 ±I 34.0) billion in 2011±2020 and I35.9(I 35.9 (I 25.0 ±I51.9)billionin2021±2030(2.5thand97.5thpercentilesinbrackets),correspondingtoUS 51.9) billion in 2021±2030 (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles in brackets), corresponding to US 10.7 billion (US7.4±US 7.4 ±US 15.7) and US16.6billion(US 16.6 billion (US 11.6 ±US24.0).ReductioninOPPswasI 24.0). Reduction in OPPs was I 14 billion (US6.7billion)andI 6.7 billion) and I 18 billion (US$ 10.4 billion) for the same periods. __Conclusions__ We faced important limitations to our work, such as finding no OPPs for leprosy. We had to combine limited data from various sources, heterogeneous background, and of variable quality. Nevertheless, based on conservative assumptions and subsequent uncertainty analyses, we estimate that the benefits of achieving the targets are considerable. Under plausible scenarios, the economic benefits far exceed the necessary investments by endemic country governments and their development partners. Given the higher frequency of NTDs among the poorest households, these investments represent good value for money in the effort to improve well-being, distribute the world's prosperity more equitably and reduce inequity

    The Socioeconomic Benefit to Individuals of Achieving the 2020 Targets for Five Preventive Chemotherapy Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    Background: Lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths (STH) and trachoma represent the five most prevalent neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). They can be controlled or eliminated by means of safe and cost-effective interventions delivered through programs of Mass Drug Administration (MDA)—also named Preventive Chemotherapy (PCT). The WHO defined targets for NTD control/elimination by 2020, reinforced by the 2012 London Declaration, which, if achieved, would result in dramatic health gains. We estimated the potential economic benefit of achieving these targets, focusing specifically on productivity and out-of-pocket payments. Methods: Productivity loss was calculated by combining disease frequency with productivity loss from the disease, from the perspective of affected individuals. Productivity gain was calculated by deducting the total loss expected in the target achievement scenario from the loss in a counterfactual scenario where it was assumed the pre-intervention situation in 1990 regarding NTDs would continue unabated until 2030. Economic benefits from out-of-pocket payments (OPPs) were calculated similarly. Benefits are reported in 2005 US(purchasingpowerparityadjustedanddiscountedat3Results:TheeconomicbenefitfromproductivitygainwasestimatedtobeI (purchasing power parity-adjusted and discounted at 3% per annum from 2010). Sensitivity analyses were used to assess the influence of changes in input parameters. Results: The economic benefit from productivity gain was estimated to be I251 billion in 2011–2020 and I313billionin20212030,considerablygreaterthanthetotalOPPsavertedofI313 billion in 2021–2030, considerably greater than the total OPPs averted of I0.72 billion and I0.96billioninthesameperiods.ThenetbenefitisexpectedtobeUS0.96 billion in the same periods. The net benefit is expected to be US 27.4 and US$ 42.8 for every dollar invested during the same periods. Impact varies between NTDs and regions, since it is determined by disease prevalence and extent of disease-related p

    Analysis of turbulent transport properties in the near field of an isothermal free jet.

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most frequent genetic cardiac disease with a prevalence of 1:500 to 1:200. While most patients show obstructive HCM and a relatively stable clinical phenotype (stage II), a small group of patients progresses to end-stage HCM (stage IV) within a relatively brief period. Previous research has shown sex-differences in stage II HCM with more diastolic dysfunction in female than in male patients. Moreover, female patients more often show progression to heart failure. Here we investigated if differences in functional and structural properties of the heart may underlie sex-differences in disease progression from stage II to stage IV HCM. Cardiac tissue from stage II and IV patients was obtained during myectomy (n = 54) and heart transplantation (n = 10), respectively. Isometric force was measured in membrane-permeabilized cardiomyocytes to define active and passive myofilament force development. Titin isoform composition was assessed using gel electrophoresis, and the amount of fibrosis and capillary density were determined with histology. In accordance with disease stage-dependent adverse cardiac remodeling end-stage patients showed a thinner interventricular septal wall and larger left ventricular and atrial diameters compared to stage II patients. Cardiomyocyte contractile properties and fibrosis were comparable between stage II and IV, while capillary density was significantly lower in stage IV compared to stage II. Women showed more adverse cellular remodeling compared to men at stage II, evident from more compliant titin, more fibrosis and lower capillary density. However, the disease stage-dependent reduction in capillary density was largest in men. In conclusion, the more severe cellular remodeling in female compared to male stage II patients suggests a more advanced disease stage at the time of myectomy in women. Changes in cardiomyocyte contractile properties do not explain the progression of stage II to stage IV, while reduced capillary density may underlie disease progression to end-stage heart failure

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice