9 research outputs found

    Askeleita foley-studiossa : Elokuvan äänityöt alusta loppuun omin käsin

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    Toiminnallisessa opinnäytetyössäni selvitän millaisilla toiminta- ja tekotavoilla päästään foley-työskentelyssä laadukkaaseen lopputulokseen ja minkälaisia puitteita ja välineitä se vaatii. Työssäni tuon esille yleisimpiä virheitä foley-työskentelyn aikana ja erityisesti yritän selvittää miten näitä virheitä on mahdollista välttää. Tutkimuskohteenani käytän elokuvia Hilipati ja The Inspector, joissa molemmissa olen toiminut foley-äänittäjänä ja artistina, Hilipatissa toimin myös äänisuunnittelijana. Hilipatin on ohjannut ja käsikirjoittanut Jouko Kallio ja elokuvan tuotannosta vastaa Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu. The Inspector on Timo Kurosen ohjaama ja Sami Kurosen käsikirjoittama lyhytelokuva, jonka on myös tuottanut Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu. Lähdekirjallisuutena käytin mahdollisimman laaja-alaista kirjallisuutta, joissa on käsitelty ääntä aina sen muodostumisesta editoimiseen. Tämän lisäksi olen haastatellut yhtä Suomen tunnetuimmista foley-artisteista, unohtamatta myöskään alan internet-lähteitä. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että koko prosessin läpiviemiseksi kunnialla, on projekti syytä aikatauluttaa kunnolla ja, että ilman tiettyjä vaatimuksia täyttävää välineistöä ja tilaa on mahdotonta saada aikaan uskottavan kuuloista äänimaisemaa.In my functional thesis I examine by what kind of practices it is possible to achieve first-rate quality in Foley and what kind of practices and tools are needed to acquire proper results. In my thesis I will discuss the common flaws in the process and specifically aim to find out how these flaws can be averted. My study focuses on short films Hilipati and The Inspector, in both of which I was working as a Foley recorder and as a Foley artist. In Hilipati I was also assigned as a sound designer. Hilipati is directed and written by Jouko Kallio and The Inspector is directed by Timo Kuronen and written by Sami Kuronen. Both movies are produced by Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. The literature used in my thesis is as wide as was possible to find and it focuses on sound all the way from the point it is recorded to the point at which it is edited. In addition, I have interviewed one of the Finland's most well-known Foley artists, without forgetting the wide supply of Internet sources. In my thesis it was found out that in order to succeed in completing the whole sound process it is essential to do a proper schedule. Further, without proper equipment and environment for Foley recordings it is impossible to achieve a plausible soundscape.Kaksi lyhytelokuvaa, Hilipati ja The Inspector

    Hand-Held Transistor Based Electrical and Multiplexed Chemical Sensing System

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    We describe a hand-held sensing system using a transistor based multiplexed platform and a detector that couples the electrochemical information wirelessly to a smartphone. The custom disposable platform exploits the ion-sensitive FET (ISFET) technology. Via simple surface modifications the design allows a broad range of analytes to be tested with low cost. We compared our read-out device to a commercial potentiometer using K+ as an example species analyte. The developed sensing system has a slightly better limit of detection and is notably less susceptible to external noise which is commonly observed with potentiometers. The designed platform is fabricated using standard electronic processes with gold surface and we used commercial discrete transistors as the transducing element. It can be mass produced with high yield and low cost. To circumvent the drift that typically occurs with modified solid state electrodes we incorporated a transducing layer between the electric conductor (gold pad) and the ionically conducting ion-selective membrane. The polyaniline doped with dinonylnaphtalene sulfonic acid (PANI-DNNSA) was used as a transducing layer for the first time. The PANI-DNNSA layer significantly reduces the drift of the electrodes compared to a configuration without the transducing layer. The system is easy to use with a transistor based detection that can be modified for a vast variety of existing potentiometric tests.</p

    A modelling study of OH, NO3 and H2SO4 in 2007– 2018 at SMEAR II, Finland : analysis of long-term trends

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    Major atmospheric oxidants (OH, O3 and NO3) dominate the atmospheric oxidation capacity, while H2SO4 is considered as a main driver for new particle formation. Although numerous studies have investigated the long-term trend of ozone in Europe, the trends of OH, NO3 and H2SO4 at specific sites are to a large extent unknown. The one-dimensional model SOSAA has been applied in several studies at the SMEAR II station and has been validated by measurements in several projects. Here, we applied the SOSAA model for the years 2007–2018 to simulate the atmospheric chemical components, especially the atmospheric oxidants OH and NO3, as well as H2SO4 at SMEAR II. The simulations were evaluated with observations from several shorter and longer campaigns at SMEAR II. Our results show that daily OH increased by 2.39% per year and NO3 decreased by 3.41% per year, with different trends of these oxidants during day and night. On the contrary, daytime sulfuric acid concentrations decreased by 2.78% per year, which correlated with the observed decreasing concentration of newly formed particles in the size range of 3– 25 nm with 1.4% per year at SMEAR II during the years 1997–2012. Additionally, we compared our simulated OH, NO3 and H2SO4 concentrations with proxies, which are commonly applied in case a limited number of parameters are measured and no detailed model simulations are available.Peer reviewe

    Solar eclipse demonstrating the importance of photochemistry in new particle formation

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    Solar eclipses provide unique possibilities to investigate atmospheric processes, such as new particle formation (NPF), important to the global aerosol load and radiative balance. The temporary absence of solar radiation gives particular insight into different oxidation and clustering processes leading to NPF. This is crucial because our mechanistic understanding on how NPF is related to photochemistry is still rather limited. During a partial solar eclipse over Finland in 2015, we found that this phenomenon had prominent effects on atmospheric on-going NPF. During the eclipse, the sources of aerosol precursor gases, such as sulphuric acid and nitrogen-containing highly oxidised organic compounds, decreased considerably, which was followed by a reduced formation of small clusters and nanoparticles and thus termination of NPF. After the eclipse, aerosol precursor molecule concentrations recovered and reinitiated NPF. Our results provide direct evidence on the key role of the photochemical production of sulphuric acid and highly oxidized organic compounds in maintaining atmospheric NPF. Our results also explain the rare occurrence of this phenomenon under dark conditions, as well as its seemingly weak connection with atmospheric ions.Peer reviewe

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    25 years of atmospheric and ecosystem measurements in a boreal forest - Seasonal variation and responses to warm and dry years

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    Boreal forests are an important source of trace gases and atmospheric aerosols, as well as a crucial carbon sink. As such, they form a strongly interconnected coupled system with the atmosphere. The SMEAR II station is located in a boreal Scots pine forest in Hyytiala, Finland, and has over 25 years of continuous measurements of atmospheric and ecosystem variables. In this study, we analyse the seasonal variations of trace gases, atmospheric aerosols, greenhouse gases, and meteorological variables, measured at the SMEAR II sta-tion during the past two and a half decades. Several ecosystem and atmospheric variables show seasonal correlations with each other, which suggests seasonal interactions within the climate system that links together ecosystem processes, greenhouse gases, trace gases and atmospheric aerosols. For instance, increased global radiation in summer increases air temperature and consequently affects the plant phenology, which promotes the ecosystem carbon exchange and biogenic volatile organic compound (biogenic VOC) release. This further affects the ambient concentrations of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) as well as the formation and growth of atmospheric organic aerosols. Organic aerosols subsequently influence aerosol optical properties and, through increased scattering, have the potential to cool the climate. We also discuss the impacts of the warm and dry summers of 2010 and 2018 on the studied variables. For these years, we find a higher-than-average ecosystem primary production especially in June, leading to an increased VOC flux from the forest. The increased VOC flux in turn leads to higher HOM and secondary aerosol concentration in the atmosphere. The latter increases light scattering by atmospheric aero-sol particles and thus leads to climate cooling. The results obtained in this study improve our understanding of how boreal forests respond to climate change.Peer reviewe

    25 years of atmospheric and ecosystem measurements in a boreal forest - Seasonal variation and responses to warm and dry years

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    Boreal forests are an important source of trace gases and atmospheric aerosols, as well as a crucial carbon sink. As such, they form a strongly interconnected coupled system with the atmosphere. The SMEAR II station is located in a boreal Scots pine forest in Hyytiala, Finland, and has over 25 years of continuous measurements of atmospheric and ecosystem variables. In this study, we analyse the seasonal variations of trace gases, atmospheric aerosols, greenhouse gases, and meteorological variables, measured at the SMEAR II sta-tion during the past two and a half decades. Several ecosystem and atmospheric variables show seasonal correlations with each other, which suggests seasonal interactions within the climate system that links together ecosystem processes, greenhouse gases, trace gases and atmospheric aerosols. For instance, increased global radiation in summer increases air temperature and consequently affects the plant phenology, which promotes the ecosystem carbon exchange and biogenic volatile organic compound (biogenic VOC) release. This further affects the ambient concentrations of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) as well as the formation and growth of atmospheric organic aerosols. Organic aerosols subsequently influence aerosol optical properties and, through increased scattering, have the potential to cool the climate. We also discuss the impacts of the warm and dry summers of 2010 and 2018 on the studied variables. For these years, we find a higher-than-average ecosystem primary production especially in June, leading to an increased VOC flux from the forest. The increased VOC flux in turn leads to higher HOM and secondary aerosol concentration in the atmosphere. The latter increases light scattering by atmospheric aero-sol particles and thus leads to climate cooling. The results obtained in this study improve our understanding of how boreal forests respond to climate change.Peer reviewe