967 research outputs found

    Weibel instability and associated strong fields in a fully 3D simulation of a relativistic shock

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    Plasma instabilities (e.g., Buneman, Weibel and other two-stream instabilities) excited in collisionless shocks are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration. Using a new 3-D relativistic particle-in-cell code, we have investigated the particle acceleration and shock structure associated with an unmagnetized relativistic electron-positron jet propagating into an unmagnetized electron-positron plasma. The simulation has been performed using a long simulation system in order to study the nonlinear stages of the Weibel instability, the particle acceleration mechanism, and the shock structure. Cold jet electrons are thermalized and slowed while the ambient electrons are swept up to create a partially developed hydrodynamic (HD) like shock structure. In the leading shock, electron density increases by a factor of 3.5 in the simulation frame. Strong electromagnetic fields are generated in the trailing shock and provide an emission site. We discuss the possible implication of our simulation results within the AGN and GRB context.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Magnetic Field Generation in Core-Sheath Jets via the Kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability

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    We have investigated magnetic field generation in velocity shears via the kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (kKHI) using a relativistic plasma jet core and stationary plasma sheath. Our three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations consider plasma jet cores with Lorentz factors of 1.5, 5, and 15 for both electron-proton and electron-positron plasmas. For electron-proton plasmas we find generation of strong large-scale DC currents and magnetic fields which extend over the entire shear-surface and reach thicknesses of a few tens of electron skin depths. For electron-positron plasmas we find generation of alternating currents and magnetic fields. Jet and sheath plasmas are accelerated across the shear surface in the strong magnetic fields generated by the kKHI. The mixing of jet and sheath plasmas generates transverse structure similar to that produced by the Weibel instability.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, in press, ApJ, September 10, 201

    Mixed quark-nucleon phase in neutron stars and nuclear symmetry energy

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    The influence of the nuclear symmetry energy on the formation of a mixed quark-nucleon phase in neutron star cores is studied. We use simple parametrizations of the nuclear matter equation of state, and the bag model for the quark phase. The behavior of nucleon matter isobars, which is responsible for the existence of the mixed phase, is investigated. The role of the nuclear symmetry energy changes with the value of the bag constant B. For lower values of B the properties of the mixed phase do not depend strongly on the symmetry energy. For larger B we find that a critical pressure for the first quark droplets to form is strongly dependent on the nuclear symmetry energy, but the pressure at which last nucleons disappear is independent of it.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, Phys. Rev. C in pres

    Evolution of Global Relativistic Jets: Collimations and Expansion with kKHI and the Weibel Instability

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    One of the key open questions in the study of relativistic jets is their interaction with the environment. Here, we study the initial evolution of both electron-proton and electron-positron relativistic jets, focusing on their lateral interaction with the ambient plasma. We trace the generation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field generated by both kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz (kKH) and Mushroom instabilities (MI). This magnetic field collimates the jet. We show that in electron-proton jet, electrons are perpendicularly accelerated with jet collimation. The magnetic polarity switches from the clockwise to anti-clockwise in the middle of jet, as the instabilities weaken. For the electron-positron jet, we find strong mixture of electron-positron with the ambient plasma, that results in the creation of a bow shock. Merger of magnetic field current filaments generate density bumps which initiate a forward shock. The strong mixing between jet and ambient particles prevents full development of the jet on the studied scale. Our results therefore provide a direct evidence for both jet collimation and particle acceleration in the created bow shock. Differences in the magnetic field structures generated by electron-proton and electron-positron jets may contribute to observable differences in the polarized properties of emission by electrons.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, ApJ, accepte

    New Relativistic Particle-In-Cell Simulation Studies of Prompt and Early Afterglows from GRBs

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    Nonthermal radiation observed from astrophysical systems containing relativistic jets and shocks, e.g., gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and microquasars commonly exhibit power-law emission spectra. Recent PIC simulations of relativistic electron-ion (or electron-positron) jets injected into a stationary medium show that particle acceleration occurs within the downstream jet. In collisionless, relativistic shocks, particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration is due to plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Weibel (filamentation) instability) created in the shock region. The simulations show that the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying highly non-uniform, small-scale magnetic fields. These fields contribute to the electron's transverse deflection behind the jet head. The resulting "jitter" radiation from deflected electrons has different properties compared to synchrotron radiation, which assumes a uniform magnetic field. Jitter radiation may be important for understanding the complex time evolution and/or spectra in gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets in general, and supernova remnants.Comment: : 4 pages, 1 figure and 1 table, typos are corrected, submitted for the Proceedings of The 4th Heidelberg International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, July 7-11, 2008, in Heidelberg, German

    INTEGRAL observations of TeV plerions

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    Amongst the sources seen in very high gamma-rays several are associated with Pulsar Wind Nebulae (``TeV plerions''). The study of hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray emission is providing an important insight into the energetic particle population present in these objects. The unpulsed emission from pulsar/pulsar wind nebula systems in the energy range accessible to the INTEGRAL satellite is mainly synchrotron emission from energetic and fast cooling electrons close to their acceleration site. Our analyses of public INTEGRAL data of known TeV plerions detected by ground based Cherenkov telescopes indicate a deeper link between these TeV plerions and INTEGRAL detected pulsar wind nebulae. The newly discovered TeV plerion in the northern wing of the Kookaburra region (G313.3+0.6 powered by the middle aged PSR J1420-6048) is found to have a previously unknown INTEGRAL counterpart which is besides the Vela pulsar the only middle aged pulsar detected with INTEGRAL. We do not find an INTEGRAL counterpart of the TeV plerion associated with the X-ray PWN ``Rabbit'' G313.3+0.1 which is possibly powered by a young pulsar.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of conference "The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy Gamma-ray Sources" Barcelona/Spain (2006

    Magnetic field generation in a jet-sheath plasma via the kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

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    We have investigated generation of magnetic fields associated with velocity shear between an unmagnetized relativistic jet and an unmagnetized sheath plasma. We have examined the strong magnetic fields generated by kinetic shear (Kelvin-Helmholtz) instabilities. Compared to the previous studies using counter-streaming performed by Alves et al. (2012), the structure of KKHI of our jet-sheath configuration is slightly different even for the global evolution of the strong transverse magnetic field. In our simulations the major components of growing modes are the electric field EzE_{\rm z} and the magnetic field ByB_{\rm y}. After the ByB_{\rm y} component is excited, an induced electric field ExE_{\rm x} becomes significant. However, other field components remain small. We find that the structure and growth rate of KKHI with mass ratios mi/me=1836m_{\rm i}/m_{\rm e} = 1836 and mi/me=20m_{\rm i}/m_{\rm e} = 20 are similar. In our simulations saturation in the nonlinear stage is not as clear as in counter-streaming cases. The growth rate for a mildly-relativistic jet case (γj=1.5\gamma_{\rm j} = 1.5) is larger than for a relativistic jet case (γj=15\gamma_{\rm j} = 15).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, presented at Dynamical processes in space plasmas II, Isradinamic 2012, in press, ANGEO. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.256

    Radiation from accelerated particles in relativistic jets with shocks, shear-flow, and reconnection

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    We have investigated particle acceleration and shock structure associated with an unmagnetized relativistic jet propagating into an unmagnetized plasma. Strong magnetic fields generated in the trailing jet shock lead to transverse deflection and acceleration of the electrons. We have self-consistently calculated the radiation from the electrons accelerated in the turbulent magnetic fields. We find that the synthetic spectra depend on the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet, the jet temperature, and the strength of the magnetic fields generated in the shock. We have also begun study of electron acceleration in the strong magnetic fields generated by kinetic shear (Kelvin-Helmholtz) instabilities. Our calculated spectra should lead to a better understanding of the complex time evolution and/or spectral structure from gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets, and supernova remnants.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2012 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C12102

    A Process for Co-Designing Educational Technology Systems for Refugee Children

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    There is a growing interest in the potential for technology to facilitate emergency education of refugee children. However, designing in this space requires knowledge of the displaced population and the contextual dynamics surrounding it. Design should therefore be informed by both existing research across relevant disciplines, and from the practical experience of those who are on the ground facing the problem in real life. This paper describes a process for designing appropriate technology for these settings. The process draws on literature from emergency education, student engagement and motivation, educational technology, and participatory design. We emphasise a thorough understanding of the problem definition, the nature of the emergency, and of socio-cultural aspects that can inform the design process. We describe how this process was implemented leading to the design of a digital learning space for children living in a refugee camp in Greece. This drew on involving different groups of participants such as social-workers, parents, and children