365 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Neuromotor Task Training for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Pilot Study

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    The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Neuromotor Task Training (NTT), recently developed for the treatment of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) by pediatric physical therapists in the Netherlands. NTT is a task-oriented treatment program based upon recent insights from motor control and motor learning research. Ten children with DCD (intervention group) were tested before and after 9 and 18 treatment sessions on the Movement ABC and a dysgraphia scale in order to measure the effectiveness of treatment on gross and fine motor skills in general and handwriting in particular. Five children (no-treatment control group) were tested twice with a time lag of nine weeks on the Movement ABC in order to measure spontaneous improvement. No improvement was measured for the children in the notreatment control group, whereas a significant improvement was found for children in the intervention group for both quality of handwriting and performance on the Movement ABC after 18 treatment sessions

    Phase diagram of self-assembled rigid rods on two-dimensional lattices: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations

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    Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been carried out to study the critical behavior in a two-dimensional system of particles with two bonding sites that, by decreasing temperature or increasing density, polymerize reversibly into chains with discrete orientational degrees of freedom and, at the same time, undergo a continuous isotropic-nematic (IN) transition. A complete phase diagram was obtained as a function of temperature and density. The numerical results were compared with mean field (MF) and real space renormalization group (RSRG) analytical predictions about the IN transformation. While the RSRG approach supports the continuous nature of the transition, the MF solution predicts a first-order transition line and a tricritical point, at variance with the simulation results.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, supplementary informatio

    Dynamical structure factor of the anisotropic Heisenberg chain in a transverse field

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    We consider the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a transverse magnetic field at zero temperature. We first determine all components of the dynamical structure factor by combining exact results with a mean-field approximation recently proposed by Dmitriev {\it et al}., JETP 95, 538 (2002). We then turn to the small anisotropy limit, in which we use field theory methods to obtain exact results. We discuss the relevance of our results to Neutron scattering experiments on the 1D Heisenberg chain compound Cs2CoCl4{\rm Cs_2CoCl_4}.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Теоретичні аспекти та проблеми вивчення давньоруських бібліотек

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    У статті відбито сучасну тенденцію в гуманітарній науці, де відбувається подальша міждисциплінарна інтеграція, спостерігається застосування різних методологічних підходів, які доповнюють та збагачують один одного; інтеграція спеціальних історичних дисциплін, їх поступова трансформація в замкнену галузь знання. У нашому випадку це – історичне бібліотекознавство і його новий напрям, який пропонує автор статті, – бібліотечне пам’яткознавство.В статье отображена современная тенденция в гуманитарной науке, где происходит дальнейшая междисциплинарная интеграция, наблюдается применение различных методологических подходов, которые дополняют и обогащают друг друга: интеграция специальных исторических дисциплин, их постепенная трансформация в замкнутую отрасль знаний. В нашем случае это историческое библиотековедение и его новое направление, которое предлага- ет автор статьи, – библиотечное памятниковедение.The article reflects the modern trends in humanitarian science for further interdisciplinary integration, and the use of different methodological approaches that complement each other, as well as describes an integration of special historical disciplines, and graduate transformation into the sphere of the general knowledge. In our case we look at the historical librarian studies and specifically at the branch offered by the author, – librarian study of monuments

    Thermal conductivity of anisotropic and frustrated spin-1/2 chains

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    We analyze the thermal conductivity of anisotropic and frustrated spin-1/2 chains using analytical and numerical techniques. This includes mean-field theory based on the Jordan-Wigner transformation, bosonization, and exact diagonalization of systems with N<=18 sites. We present results for the temperature dependence of the zero-frequency weight of the conductivity for several values of the anisotropy \Delta. In the gapless regime, we show that the mean-field theory compares well to known results and that the low-temperature limit is correctly described by bosonization. In the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic gapped regime, we analyze the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity numerically. The convergence of the finite-size data is remarkably good in the ferromagnetic case. Finally, we apply our numerical method and mean-field theory to the frustrated chain where we find a good agreement of these two approaches on finite systems. Our numerical data do not yield evidence for a diverging thermal conductivity in the thermodynamic limit in case of the antiferromagnetic gapped regime of the frustrated chain.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX4 including 6 figures; published version, main modification: added emphasis that the data of our Fig. 3 point to a vanishing of the thermal Drude weight in the thermodynamic limit in this cas

    Correlation functions in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    Transfer-matrix methods are used to study the probability distributions of spin-spin correlation functions GG in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model, on long strips of width L=315L = 3 - 15 sites, for binary field distributions at generic distance RR, temperature TT and field intensity h0h_0. For moderately high TT, and h0h_0 of the order of magnitude used in most experiments, the distributions are singly-peaked, though rather asymmetric. For low temperatures the single-peaked shape deteriorates, crossing over towards a double-δ\delta ground-state structure. A connection is obtained between the probability distribution for correlation functions and the underlying distribution of accumulated field fluctuations. Analytical expressions are in good agreement with numerical results for R/L1R/L \gtrsim 1, low TT, h0h_0 not too small, and near G=1. From a finite-size {\it ansatz} at T=Tc(h0=0)T=T_c (h_0=0), h00h_0 \to 0, averaged correlation functions are predicted to scale with Lyh0L^y h_0, y=7/8y =7/8. From numerical data we estimate y=0.875 \pm 0.025,inexcellentagreementwiththeory.Inthesameregion,theRMSrelativewidth, in excellent agreement with theory. In the same region, the RMS relative width Woftheprobabilitydistributionsvariesforfixed of the probability distributions varies for fixed R/L=1as as W \sim h_0^{\kappa} f(L h_0^u)with with \kappa \simeq 0.45,, u \simeq 0.8; ; f(x)appearstosaturatewhen appears to saturate when x \to \infty,thusimplying, thus implying W \sim h_0^{\kappa}in in d=2$.Comment: RevTeX code for 8 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Physical Review E (1999

    The Oscillatory Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of Dyson's Hierarchical Model: A Renormalization Group Analysis

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    We calculate 800 coefficients of the high-temperature expansion of the magnetic susceptibility of Dyson's hierarchical model with a Landau-Ginzburg measure. Log-periodic corrections to the scaling laws appear as in the case of a Ising measure. The period of oscillation appears to be a universal quantity given in good approximation by the logarithm of the largest eigenvalue of the linearized RG transformation, in agreement with a possibility suggested by K. Wilson and developed by Niemeijer and van Leeuwen. We estimate γ\gamma to be 1.300 (with a systematic error of the order of 0.002) in good agreement with the results obtained with other methods such as the ϵ\epsilon -expansion. We briefly discuss the relationship between the oscillations and the zeros of the partition function near the critical point in the complex temperature plane.Comment: 21 pages, 10 Postcript figures, latex file, uses revte

    Monte Carlo Renormalization of the 3-D Ising model: Analyticity and Convergence

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    We review the assumptions on which the Monte Carlo renormalization technique is based, in particular the analyticity of the block spin transformations. On this basis, we select an optimized Kadanoff blocking rule in combination with the simulation of a d=3 Ising model with reduced corrections to scaling. This is achieved by including interactions with second and third neighbors. As a consequence of the improved analyticity properties, this Monte Carlo renormalization method yields a fast convergence and a high accuracy. The results for the critical exponents are y_H=2.481(1) and y_T=1.585(3).Comment: RevTeX, 4 PostScript file

    Dimer and N\'eel order-parameter fluctuations in the spin-fluid phase of the s=1/2 spin chain with first and second neighbor couplings

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    The dynamical properties at T=0 of the one-dimensional (1D) s=1/2 nearest-neighbor (nn) XXZ model with an additional isotropic next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) coupling are investigated by means of the recursion method in combination with techniques of continued-fraction analysis. The focus is on the dynamic structure factors S_{zz}(q,\omega) and S_{DD}(q,\omega), which describe (for q=\pi) the fluctuations of the N\'eel and dimer order parameters, respectively. We calculate (via weak-coupling continued-fraction analysis) the dependence on the exchange constants of the infrared exponent, the renormalized bandwidth of spinon excitations, and the spectral-weight distribution in S_{zz}(\pi,\omega) and S_{DD}(\pi,\omega), all in the spin-fluid phase, which is realized for planar nnnn anisotropy and sufficiently weak nnn coupling. For some parameter values we find a discrete branch of excitations above the spinon continuum. They contribute to S_{zz}(q,\omega) but not to S_{DD}(q,\omega).Comment: RevTex file (7 pages), 8 figures (uuencoded ps file) available from author

    The anisotropic XY model on the inhomogeneous periodic chain

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    The static and dynamic properties of the anisotropic XY-model (s=1/2)(s=1/2) on the inhomogeneous periodic chain, composed of NN cells with nn different exchange interactions and magnetic moments, in a transverse field h,h, are determined exactly at arbitrary temperatures. The properties are obtained by introducing the Jordan-Wigner fermionization and by reducing the problem to a diagonalization of a finite matrix of nthnth order. The quantum transitions are determined exactly by analyzing, as a function of the field, the induced magnetization 1/n\sum_{m=1}^{n}\mu_{m}\left (jj denotes the cell, mm the site within the cell, μm\mu_{m} the magnetic moment at site mm within the cell) and the spontaneous magnetization 1/nm=1n<Sj,mx,>1/n\sum_{m=1}^{n}\left< S_{j,m}^{x},\right> which is obtained from the correlations <Sj,mxSj+r,mx>\left< S_{j,m}^{x}S_{j+r,m}^{x}\right> for large spin separations. These results, which are obtained for infinite chains, correspond to an extension of the ones obtained by Tong and Zhong(\textit{Physica B} \textbf{304,}91 (2001)). The dynamic correlations, <Sj,mz(t)Sj,mz(0)>\left< S_{j,m}^{z}(t)S_{j^{\prime},m^{\prime}}^{z}(0)\right>, and the dynamic susceptibility, χqzz(ω),\chi_{q}^{zz}(\omega), are also obtained at arbitrary temperatures. Explicit results are presented in the limit T=0, where the critical behaviour occurs, for the static susceptibility χqzz(0)\chi_{q}^{zz}(0) as a function of the transverse field hh, and for the frequency dependency of dynamic susceptibility χqzz(ω)\chi_{q}^{zz}(\omega).Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 01 table. Revised version (minor corrections) accepted for publiction in Phys. Rev.