153 research outputs found

    A quick PCR-based method for identification of Melolontha melolontha and Melolontha hippocastani (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae

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    The common cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) and the forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani) are among the most destructive insect pests in many European countries. Larvae feed on the roots of numerous plant species, thus inflicting severe damage and heavy economic losses. The two species are often discussed together because they are difficult to distinguish during the larval stage.However, they differ slightly in ecology and development. The aim of this study was to develop a quick PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) method for easily identifying the two Melolonthaspecies through tissue samples or larvae, when reliable morphological identification is lacking. The strength of the method was tested on 43 M. melolonthaand 37 M. hippocastani individuals. We demonstrate that the technique is rapid and inexpensive, with strong implications for the effective management of these insect pests

    Wielokulturowość w Aveiro w Portugalii. Własne doświadczenia z udziału w programie Erasmus

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    The text presents multiculturalism in Portugal illustrated with the example of the city of Aveiro. The statistics and the explanation of the situation are provided. The risks, as well as the positive aspects of multiculturalism in the country of Portugal are emphesized. The author describes her observations on the concept of interculturalism through her experiences in the Erasmus programme and the practice at a local kindergarten

    Disposable income and consumption expenses in pensioners’ households in Poland in the years 2010-2019 – the analysis of changes in view of demographic transformations

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    Purpose – The aim of the article is to study the changes of disposable income and consumption expenses in pensioners’ households in the years 2010-2019 and the attempt to draw conclusions corresponding to the deepening process of society ageing.Research method – Categories of disposable income and consumption expenses as well as selected issues from the field of demographic transformations were presented in the theoretical considerations, using the descriptive analysis method. The basis of empirical considerations were secondary data from the Central Statistical Office. Conclusions – The average amount of pension benefits in the common occupational system is generally lower than the average work income and it can be claimed that it gets lower systematically. Disposable incomes in pensioners’ households in 2019 were about 50% higher than in 2010. This tendency was reflected in the increase (of about 3% a year on average) of real expenses on con-sumption produce and services per capita in households. The increase was comparable to the general increase of consumption expenses of households in Poland. In the years 2010-2019 expenses related to food, house maintenance and energy carriers were increasing more slowly than the rise of income.Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Conducted considerations constitute a point of view in the evaluation of the changes in the income situation of pensioners’ households in view of the deepening process of ageing of the Polish society. In times of extensive demographic changes related to the ongoing process of society ageing, the elderly constitute a numerous and important consumer group on the market.Anna Gardocka-Jałowiec: [email protected] Niemczyk: [email protected] Gardocka-Jałowiec - Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of BialystokAgata Niemczyk - Department of Tourism, Institute of Management at the Cracow University of EconomicsBerbeka J., Klimek K., Niemczyk A., Rudnicki M., Seweryn R., 2021, Turystyka a jakość życia seniorów, Difin, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2010 r., 2011, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2011 r., 2012, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2012 r., 2013, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2013 r., 2014, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2014 r., 2015, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2015 r., 2016, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2016 r., 2017, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2017 r., 2018, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2018 r., 2019, GUS, Warszawa.Budżety gospodarstw domowych w 2019 r., 2020, GUS, Warszawa.Emerytury i renty w 2012 r., 2013, GUS, Warszawa.Emerytury i renty w 2019 r., 2020, GUS, Warszawa.Gardocka-Jałowiec A., 2015, Zmiany konsumpcji a kreowanie innowacji, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok.Konsumpcja w Polsce w 2011 r., 2020, IBRKiK, Warszawa.Lopes de Castro G., 2008, Consumption, disposable income and liquidity constraints, “Banco de Portugal. Economic Bulletin”, pp. 75-84, https://www.bportugal.pt/sites/ default/files/anexos/papers/ab200607_e.pdf [date of entry: 15.06.2021].Prognoza ludności na lata 2008-2035, 2009, GUS. Departament Badań Statystycznych, Warszawa.Racjonalność konsumpcji i zachowań konsumentów, 2004, Kieżel E. (red.), PWE, Warszawa.Rajan R.G., 2010, Fault lines: how hidden fractures still threaten the world economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton – New York.Solomon M.R., Bamossy G., Askegaard S., Hogg M.K., 2010, Consumer behaviour. A european perspective, Prentice Hall, New York – London.Starzenie się społeczeństwa polskiego i jego skutki, 2011, Opracowania Tematyczne OT-601, Kancelaria Senatu, Warszawa.Sytuacja osób starszych w Polsce w 2019 r., 2021, GUS, Warszawa – Białystok.Zalega T., 2017, Zachowania konsumentów w obliczu kryzysu, [w:] Zachowania konsumentów. Globalizacja, nowe technologie, aktualne trendy, otoczenie społeczno-kulturowe, Bartosik- -Purgat M. (red.), WN PWN, Warszawa.4(106)455


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    In 2021. European Commission formally called for a fifth industrial revolution (Industry 5.0). Discussions by participants from all over Europe in two virtual workshops organised by Directorate "Prosperity" of Directorate-General for Research and Innovation on 2 and 9 July 2020 resulted in the document "Industry 5.0: Towards a Sustainable, Human-centric, and Resilient European Industry" issued on 4 January 2021.Industry 5.0 recognises the power of industry to achieve societal goals beyond job creation and growth to become a resilient provider of well-being, making production respect the limits of the planet and placing the well-being of industrial workers at the centre of the production process. Industry 5.0 complements the existing Industry 4.0 paradigm as research and innovation drives the transition to a sustainable, human-centred and resilient European industry.Given that technological advances are changing the way value is created, exchanged and distributed, there is an urgent need to design these technologies to support future societal values. The emergence of these changes and the questions closely linked to technological innovation require industry to rethink its position and role in society.The purpose of this article is to analyse the assumptions of Industry 5.0 and compare them with the Industry 4.0 paradigm.


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    The new challenges in almost all organisations are based on people. It is their competences, knowledge and skills that enable any organisation to grow. Personnel are a resource that must be properly taken care of. Effective talent management is mainly based on planning and building career paths. Talent management is one of the most important business priorities for organisations that care about achieving business goals, knowledge management and managing staff potential. Research shows that entities that identify and manage talent produce 15 per cent higher results for their stakeholders compared to pillars that do not run such programmes.The aim of this article is to present the activities carried out within the framework of TALENT MANAGEMENT ERASMUS+ project nr 2021-2-ES01-KA210-ADU-000048687, which is dedicated to economically active employees over 45 years of age and promotes integration in the labour market.

    The role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus type II (DM2) is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases worldwide with a constantly increasing prevalence. It represents an important clinical challenge. The studies are concentrating on improving our knowledge of both pathogenesis and therapeutic opportunities. The influence of intestinal flora on many health conditions is being investigated. It was found that the gut microbiota of the healthy and diabetic individuals are different. This provides a highly important focus for the consideration of whether and how, based on the content of the intestinal flora, the development and treatment of this disease and its complications can be affected. PURPOSE: The aim of the study is to present the current state of knowledge about the The role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and therapy of type 2 diabetes. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The available literature in PubMed was reviewed to write the article, using the keywords ,,gut microbiota diabetes”, ,,diabetes mellitus”, ,,intestinal microbiome diabetes”, ,,dysbiosis diabetes” and ,,gut microbiota diabetes”. CONCLUSION: The intestinal microbiome is a diverse community of microorganisms that inhabit the gut and has been shown to be essential for the health of the body. Modifications in the diversity and frequency of microorganisms residing in the gut, and the accumulation of metabolites they generate, have been correlated with DM2. The study of intestinal microflora could lead to the discovery of new methods of diagnosis and therapies of DM2 and its complications, such as diabetic kidney disease, neuropathy, retinopathy and cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, further studies are needed to understand the role of the gut microbiome in the pathogenesis and therapy of DM2

    How do smartphones affect physical and mental health

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    Introduction and the aim of the study: Fast technology makes the use of mobile phones global. On one hand, it offers a wide range of opportunities, such as improved interpersonal communication, quick access to information and entertainment, on the other- it may have a negative impact on physical activity or mental well-being. The aim of this study is to summarize the current state of knowledge about the relationship between problems related to smartphone use and health.Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted using the medical databases PubMed and Google Scholar. Articles were retrieved in English, employing the key words: “smartphone addiction”, “mental health” in appropriate configurations. The analysis encompassed data from 39 scientific references published between 2014 and 2024.Conclusions: Problematic smartphone use is a rapidly developing phenomenon, whereas mental health deviance may pose as a risk factor as much as an effect of smartphone overuse. Research results are needed to better describe this disorder and its medical consequences

    The impact of regular yoga practice on the course of endocrinological and diabetological disorders - a literature review.

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    Introduction and purpose: Yoga originates from ancient Indian culture. Its practice includes asanas (yoga poses) and relaxation (shavasana). An important element of yoga is breath control. It can also be practiced by individuals who are not adapted for physical activity. Numerous studies have proven the positive impact of yoga on various disorders. The aim of this study is to outline the role of yoga in the treatment of diseases with underlying endocrinological disorders: polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, and type 2 diabetes. Brief description of the state of knowledge: The growing interest in yoga practice has led to many studies evaluating the impact of regular yoga training on normalizing abnormal hormone levels, metabolic parameters, anthropometric measurements, as well as reducing clinical symptoms of a particular disease. The importance of yoga practice in improving the respiratory and circulatory system functions, regulating menstrual cycles, and ultimately - improving mental health, has also been the subject of research among endocrine patients. Their results suggest a positive impact of regular yoga training on many aspects of endocrine diseases and its advantage over conventional forms of physical activity. Summary: Regular practice of yoga is beneficial as an additional element of therapy for endocrine diseases. It has an impact not only on the regulation of hormonal disorders or anthropometric parameters, but also on improving the mental state, which is often disturbed in endocrine patients.  It is worth considering this form of physical activity instead of standard exercises, taking into account its additional benefits

    Subungual melanoma - what you need to know about it. A literature review

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    Introduction and objective:Melanoma is one of the most malignant skin cancers originating from pigment cells, accounting for 5–7% of all skin cancers. The prognosis, especially in case of late diagnosis, is poor. The aim of the study is to systematise information on subungual melanoma. To raise awareness among the public and professionals working in the skin care sector of the diagnosis, early detection and treatment of subungual melanoma. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Subungual melanoma originates from subungual melanoma lentigines and constitutes from 0.7% to 3.5% of all malignant melanomas. Among dark-skinned populations, this subtype accounts for up to 30% and is the most common subtype of malignant melanoma among African Americans, Asians, and Latinos. Subungual melanoma occurs asymmetrically, most often affecting the big toe or thumb. In this disease, the starting point are melanocytes, which undergo malignant transformation within the nail matrix. A symptom of the disease may be melanonychia, a streak of pigment or irregular discoloration, eventually it takes the form of a triangle. This symptom indicates an advanced stage of the disease. The basis for making the diagnosis is dermoscopy and biopsy. Grazzini et al. suggest conducting a biopsy in each case where one nail plate is affected and the lesion persists for more than 6 months. An important element of diagnostics that helps diagnose of subungual melanoma is the ABCDEF algorithm. Knowledge of the above-mentioned helps to detect disturbing symptoms at an early stage of the disease, which improves the prognosis and increases the chances of cure. Summary:Early detection of melanoma gives a better chance of cure, reduces mortality and complications of the disease, therefore any action to increase public knowledge and awareness on the subject is important

    The association between breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma - a comprehensive review

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    Introduction and purpose: Recently, the topic of the incidence of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma has become very popular. The aetiology of the disease is not fully understood. Many women worldwide have undergone breast implant surgery, so raising awareness about the possibility of developing BIA-ALCL is crucial for early diagnosis. The aim of this article is to review and compile the currently available knowledge regarding the association of anaplastic large cell lymphoma with breast implants in patients who have undergone implant plastic surgery. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Literature data indicate a multifactorial aetiology of BIA-ALCL. Textured surface breast implants are suspected to be a significant risk factor, as they may lead to the development of chronic inflammation. The most common symptoms of BIA-ALCL include the accumulation of serous fluid around the breast implant, pain, swelling or breast asymmetry. A proper diagnostic and therapeutic process improves the prognosis. Material and methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The search strategy was based on the following terms: BIA-ALCL; lymphoma; breast implants; textured implants. Conclusions: Although BIA-ALCL is a rare disease, it is important to know the risk factors and clinical signs that may suggest the disease. A proper diagnostic process allows the disease to be detected at an early stage and treated effectively. Knowledge of the occurrence of potential complications of implant surgery allows patients to take informed consent and increases vigilance on the part of clinicians