17 research outputs found

    Reorientando a identidade nacional em Native speaker, de Chang-rae Lee, e O sol se põe em São Paulo, de Bernardo Carvalho

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    Uma leitura comparativa entre os romances Native speaker (1995), do escritor norte-americano Chang-rae Lee, e O sol se põe em São Paulo (2007), de Bernardo Carvalho, permite uma reavaliação da construção das identidades minoritárias presentes nas duas megalópoles americanas de Nova York e São Paulo. Os enredos dos dois romances são marcados por uma crise de identidade vivida por um homem, descendente de imigrantes asiáticos (da Coreia num caso e do Japão no outro), que procura negociar sua identidade americana (falando em termos hemisféricos) em termos da origem e língua de sua família. Contudo, apesar das ansiedades parecidas sobre a assimilação presentes nos dois romances, ambos revelam diferenças significativas em relação às formas como os Estados Unidos e o Brasil responderam às diferenças culturais ao mesmo tempo que desafiam os mitos nacionais de inclusão e pertencer.&nbsp


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    Anti-Nostalgia e a Masculinidade Tóxica na obra de Michel Laub e Luiz Ruffato

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    This paper examines expressions of male heterosexual identity present in Michel Laub’s O diário da queda and Luiz Ruffato’s Inferno Provisório. Heterosexual masculinity is nearly always oriented towards the past (unlike feminism, which is nearly always oriented towards the future), and Michel Laub and Luiz Ruffato both reveal a keen sensitivity to masculinity’s backward-looking orientation by exploring contemporary masculinity’s toxic manifestations: male violence and aggression, male fears of feeling or expressing emotion, male fears of emasculation, male detachments from committed relationships, etc. In so doing, these authors challenge typical narratives of masculinity that idealize the past. Instead, these authors present past-oriented narratives that are essentially anti-nostalgic. In doing so, both Laub and Ruffato adopt the strategies of feminism in working to turn masculinity’s orientation towards the future

    Anti-Nostalgia e a Masculinidade Tóxica na obra de Michel Laub e Luiz Ruffato

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    This paper examines expressions of male heterosexual identity present in Michel Laub’s O diário da queda and Luiz Ruffato’s Inferno Provisório. Heterosexual masculinity is nearly always oriented towards the past (unlike feminism, which is nearly always oriented towards the future), and Michel Laub and Luiz Ruffato both reveal a keen sensitivity to masculinity’s backward-looking orientation by exploring contemporary masculinity’s toxic manifestations: male violence and aggression, male fears of feeling or expressing emotion, male fears of emasculation, male detachments from committed relationships, etc. In so doing, these authors challenge typical narratives of masculinity that idealize the past. Instead, these authors present past-oriented narratives that are essentially anti-nostalgic. In doing so, both Laub and Ruffato adopt the strategies of feminism in working to turn masculinity’s orientation towards the future

    A Identidade Sincrônica e Diacrônica em Macunaíma

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    Dispatch from Brazil

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    This submission includes a brief critical introduction and translation of contemporary Brazilian writer Luiz Ruffato's 2013 speech presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair


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    by Luiz RuffatoTranslation by Rex P. Nielso