1,456 research outputs found

    Systemic infections after acute stroke

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    After an acute stroke, systemic infection can complicate the recovery process and lead to a worse clinical outcome, including a higher risk of mortality. Post-stroke infection (PSI) is responsible for the majority of the mortality occurring between 1 week and 1 month after stroke, peaking towards the end of the second week. The effects of PSI on longer-term outcome and other aspects of recovery, such as cognition, mood and quality of life, are largely unknown. The cerebrovascular event itself may result in a systemic immunosuppressed state, hence lowering the threshold for subsequent systemic bacterial infections. Although there have been advances in the basic understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of PSI, clinical studies have not provided any clear guidelines on the best methods of managing or preventing PSI. This article provides a review of the current knowledge of the phenomenon of PSI and the possible future developments in the understanding and treatment of PSI

    Characterization of early ultrastructural changes in the cerebral white matter of CADASIL small vessel disease using high pressure freezing/freeze-substitution

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    AIMS: The objective of this study was to elucidate the early white matter changes in CADASIL small vessel disease. METHODS: We used high pressure freezing and freeze substitution (HPF/FS) in combination with high resolution electron microscopy (EM), immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy of brain specimens from control and CADASIL (TgNotch3R169C ) mice aged 4 to 15 months to study white matter lesions in the corpus callosum. RESULTS: We first optimized the HPF/FS protocol in which samples were chemically prefixed, frozen in a sample carrier filled with 20% polyvinylpyrrolidone and freeze-substituted in a cocktail of tannic acid, osmium tetroxide and uranyl acetate dissolved in acetone. EM analysis showed that CADASIL mice exhibit significant splitting of myelin layers and enlargement of the inner tongue of small calibre axons from the age of 6 months, then vesiculation of the inner tongue and myelin sheath thinning at 15 months of age. Immunohistochemistry revealed an increased number of oligodendrocyte precursor cells, although only in older mice, but no reduction in the number of mature oligodendrocytes at any age. The number of Iba1 positive microglial cells was increased in older but not in younger CADASIL mice, but the number of activated microglial cells (Iba1 and CD68 positive) was unchanged at any age. CONCLUSION: We conclude that early WM lesions in CADASIL affect first and foremost the myelin sheath and the inner tongue, suggestive of a primary myelin injury. We propose that those defects are consistent with a hypoxic/ischaemic mechanism

    Assessing the accuracy of blending Landsat-MODIS surface reflectances in two landscapes with contrasting spatial and temporal dynamics: A framework for algorithm selection

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    Blending algorithms model land cover change by using highly resolved spatial data from one sensor and highly resolved temporal data from another. Because the data are not usually observed concurrently, unaccounted spatial and temporal variances cause error in blending algorithms, yet, to date, there has been no definitive assessment of algorithm performance against spatial and temporal variances. Our objectives were to: (i) evaluate the accuracy of two advanced blending algorithms (STARFM and ESTARFM) and two simple benchmarking algorithms in two landscapes with contrasting spatial and temporal variances; and (ii) synthesise the spatial and temporal conditions under which the algorithms performed best. Landsat-like images were simulated on 27 dates in total using the nearest temporal cloud-free Landsat-MODIS pairs to the simulation date, one before and one after. RMSD, bias, and r2 estimates between simulated and observed Landsat images were calculated, and overall variance of Landsat and MODIS datasets were partitioned into spatial and temporal components. Assessment was performed over the whole study site, and for specific land covers. Results addressing objective (i) were that: ESTARFM did not always produce lower errors than STARFM; STARFM and ESTARFM did not always produce lower errors than simple benchmarking algorithms; and land cover spatial and temporal variances were strongly associated with algorithm performance. Results addressing objective (ii) indicated ESTARFM was superior where/when spatial variance was dominant; and STARFM was superior where/when temporal variance was dominant. We proposed a framework for selecting blending algorithms based on partitioning variance into the spatial and temporal components and suggested that comparing Landsat and MODIS spatial and temporal variances was a practical method to determine if, and when, MODIS could add value for blending

    Blending Landsat and MODIS Data to Generate Multispectral Indices: A Comparison of “Index-then-Blend” and “Blend-then-Index” Approaches

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the accuracy of two advanced blending algorithms, Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM) and Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (ESTARFM) to downscale Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) indices to the spatial resolution of Landsat. We tested two approaches: (i) "Index-then-Blend" (IB); and (ii) "Blend-then-Index" (BI) when simulating nine indices, which are widely used for vegetation studies, environmental moisture assessment and standing water identification. Landsat-like indices, generated using both IB and BI, were simulated on 45 dates in total from three sites. The outputs were then compared with indices calculated from observed Landsat data and pixel-to-pixel accuracy of each simulation was assessed by calculating the: (i) bias; (ii) R; and (iii) Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD). The IB approach produced higher accuracies than the BI approach for both blending algorithms for all nine indices at all three sites. We also found that the relative performance of the STARFM and ESTARFM algorithms depended on the spatial and temporal variances of the Landsat-MODIS input indices. Our study suggests that the IB approach should be implemented for blending of environmental indices, as it was: (i) less computationally expensive due to blending single indices rather than multiple bands; (ii) more accurate due to less error propagation; and (iii) less sensitive to the choice of algorithm

    Dynamical Ising-like model for the two-step spin-crossover systems

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    In order to reproduce the two-step relaxation observed experimentally in spin-crossover systems, we investigate analytically the static and the dynamic properties of a two-sublattice Ising-like Hamiltonian. The formalism is based on a stochastic master equation approach. It is solved in the mean-field approximation, and yields two coupled differential equations that correspond to the HS fractions of the sublattices A and [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Critical dynamics in thin films

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    Critical dynamics in film geometry is analyzed within the field-theoretical approach. In particular we consider the case of purely relaxational dynamics (Model A) and Dirichlet boundary conditions, corresponding to the so-called ordinary surface universality class on both confining boundaries. The general scaling properties for the linear response and correlation functions and for dynamic Casimir forces are discussed. Within the Gaussian approximation we determine the analytic expressions for the associated universal scaling functions and study quantitatively in detail their qualitative features as well as their various limiting behaviors close to the bulk critical point. In addition we consider the effects of time-dependent fields on the fluctuation-induced dynamic Casimir force and determine analytically the corresponding universal scaling functions and their asymptotic behaviors for two specific instances of instantaneous perturbations. The universal aspects of nonlinear relaxation from an initially ordered state are also discussed emphasizing the different crossovers that occur during this evolution. The model considered is relevant to the critical dynamics of actual uniaxial ferromagnetic films with symmetry-preserving conditions at the confining surfaces and for Monte Carlo simulations of spin system with Glauber dynamics and free boundary conditions.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figure

    Health benefits of supplementing nursery pig diets with microalgae or fish oil

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    Weaning stress can negatively impact a pig’s performance; dietary supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) reduces inflammatory stress and promotes nursery pig’s health and growth. Fish oil (FO) is a major source of n-3 PUFA; however, microalgae (AL) may provide an alternative source of n-3 PUFA. The aim of this study was to assess the health benefits of supplementing a plant protein-based nursery diet with 3.12% AL or 1.25% FO providing equal total n-3 PUFA compared to a control (CON) diet. Seventy-two pigs were fed experimental diets for three weeks (phases 1 and 2), followed by a common standard diet for three weeks (phase 3). Following phase 2, 8 pigs per treatment underwent a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) immune stress challenge to assess the acute-phase response and 8 pigs per treatment were vaccinated with novel antigens to assess acquired immunity. No significant differences in piglets’ growth were observed, despite decreased feed intake in FO piglets compared to AL piglets in phase 3. AL supplementation tended to reduce, and FO supplementation significantly reduced the LPS-induced fever response. The AL pigs had significantly reduced cortisol responses, increased cytokine concentrations, and increased chromogranin A concentrations compared to FO and CON pigs following LPS challenge. Results suggest that AL or FO supplementation in nursery diets differentially modulate the acute-phase response, possibly due to different n-3 PUFA profiles between the two ingredients

    Ground states of unfrustrated spin Hamiltonians satisfy an area law

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    We show that ground states of unfrustrated quantum spin-1/2 systems on general lattices satisfy an entanglement area law, provided that the Hamiltonian can be decomposed into nearest-neighbor interaction terms which have entangled excited states. The ground state manifold can be efficiently described as the image of a low-dimensional subspace of low Schmidt measure, under an efficiently contractible tree-tensor network. This structure gives rise to the possibility of efficiently simulating the complete ground space (which is in general degenerate). We briefly discuss "non-generic" cases, including highly degenerate interactions with product eigenbases, using a relationship to percolation theory. We finally assess the possibility of using such tree tensor networks to simulate almost frustration-free spin models.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, small corrections, added a referenc
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