242 research outputs found

    A Planet in a 0.6-AU Orbit Around the K0 Giant HD 102272

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    We report the discovery of one or more planet-mass companions to the K0-giant HD 102272 with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. In the absence of any correlation of the observed periodicities with the standard indicators of stellar activity, the observed radial velocity variations are most plausibly explained in terms of a Keplerian motion of at least one planet-mass body around the star. With the estimated stellar mass of 1.9M_\odot, the minimum mass of the confirmed planet is 5.9MJ_J. The planet's orbit is characterized by a small but nonzero eccentricity of ee=0.05 and the semi-major axis of 0.61 AU, which makes it the most compact one discovered so far around GK-giants. This detection adds to the existing evidence that, as predicted by theory, the minimum size of planetary orbits around intermediate-mass giants is affected by both planet formation processes and stellar evolution. The currently available evidence for another planet around HD 102272 is insufficient to obtain an unambiguous two-orbit solution.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Metallicities of Planet Hosting Stars: A Sample of Giants and Subgiants

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    This work presents a homogeneous derivation of atmospheric parameters and iron abundances for a sample of giant and subgiant stars which host giant planets, as well as a control sample of subgiant stars not known to host giant planets. The analysis is done using the same technique as for our previous analysis of a large sample of planet-hosting and control sample dwarf stars. A comparison between the distributions of [Fe/H] in planet-hosting main-sequence stars, subgiants, and giants within these samples finds that the main-sequence stars and subgiants have the same mean metallicity of \simeq +0.11 dex, while the giant sample is typically more metal poor, having an average metallicity of = -0.06 dex. The fact that the subgiants have the same average metallicities as the dwarfs indicates that significant accretion of solid metal-rich material onto the planet-hosting stars has not taken place, as such material would be diluted in the evolution from dwarf to subgiant. The lower metallicity found for the planet-hosting giant stars in comparison with the planet-hosting dwarfs and subgiants is interpreted as being related to the underlying stellar mass, with giants having larger masses and thus, on average larger-mass protoplanetary disks. In core accretion models of planet formation, larger disk masses can contain the critical amount of metals necessary to form giant planets even at lower metallicities.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Three red giants with substellar-mass companions

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    We present three giant stars from the ongoing Penn State-Toru\'n Planet Search with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which exhibit radial velocity variations that point to a presence of planetary --mass companions around them. BD+49 828 is a M=1.52±0.22M=1.52 \pm 0.22 MM_{\odot} K0 giant with a msinim sini=1.60.2+0.41.6^{+0.4}_{-0.2} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=4.20.2+0.32a=4.2^{+0.32}_{-0.2} AU (2590180+3002590^{+300}_{-180}d), e=0.350.10+0.24e=0.35^{+0.24}_{-0.10} orbit. HD 95127, a logLL/LL_{\odot}=2.28±0.382.28 \pm 0.38, R=20±9R = 20\pm 9 RR_{\odot}, M=1.20±0.22M=1.20 \pm 0.22 MM_{\odot} K0 giant has a msinim sini=5.010.44+0.615.01^{+0.61}_{-0.44} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=1.280.01+0.01a=1.28^{+0.01}_{-0.01} AU (4825+5482^{+5}_{-5}d), e=0.110.06+0.15e=0.11^{+0.15}_{-0.06} orbit. Finally, HD 216536, is a M=1.36±0.38M=1.36 \pm 0.38 MM_{\odot} K0 giant with a msini=1.470.12+0.20m sin i=1.47^{+0.20}_{-0.12} MJM_{J} minimum mass companion in a=0.6090.002+0.002a=0.609^{+0.002}_{-0.002} AU (148.60.7+0.7148.6^{+0.7}_{-0.7}d), e=0.380.10+0.12e=0.38^{+0.12}_{-0.10} orbit. Both, HD 95127 b and HD 216536 b in their compact orbits, are very close to the engulfment zone and hence prone to ingestion in the near future. BD+49 828 b is among the longest period planets detected with the radial velocity technique until now and it will remain unaffected by stellar evolution up to a very late stage of its host. We discuss general properties of planetary systems around evolved stars and planet survivability using existing data on exoplanets in more detail.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by Ap

    TAPAS IV. TYC 3667-1280-1 b - the most massive red giant star hosting a warm Jupiter

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    We present the latest result of the TAPAS project that is devoted to intense monitoring of planetary candidates that are identified within the PennState-Toru\'n planet search. We aim to detect planetary systems around evolved stars to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidence of star-planet interaction processes. The paper is based on precise radial velocity measurements: 13 epochs collected over 1920 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and its High-Resolution Spectrograph, and 22 epochs of ultra-precise HARPS-N data collected over 961 days. We present a warm-Jupiter (Teq=1350KT_{eq}=1350 K, m2sini=5.4±m_{2} sin i=5.4\pm0.4MJM_{J}) companion with an orbital period of 26.468 days in a circular (e=0.036e=0.036) orbit around a giant evolved (logg=3.11±0.09\log g=3.11\pm0.09, R=6.26±0.86RR=6.26\pm0.86R_{\odot}) star with M=1.87±0.17MM_{\star}=1.87\pm0.17M_{\odot}. This is the most massive and oldest star found to be hosting a close-in giant planet. Its proximity to its host (a=0.21aua=0.21au) means that the planet has a 13.9±2.0%13.9\pm2.0\% probability of transits; this calls for photometric follow-up study. This massive warm Jupiter with a near circular orbit around an evolved massive star can help set constraints on general migration mechanisms for warm Jupiters and, given its high equilibrium temperature, can help test energy deposition models in hot Jupiters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&

    Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N. III. HD 5583 and BD+15 2375 - two cool giants with warm companions

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    Evolved stars are crucial pieces to understand the dependency of the planet formation mechanism on the stellar mass and to explore deeper the mechanism involved in star-planet interactions. Over the past ten years, we have monitored about 1000 evolved stars for radial velocity variations in search for low-mass companions under the Penn State - Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search program with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Selected prospective candidates that required higher RV precision measurements have been followed with HARPS-N at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo under the TAPAS project. We aim to detect planetary systems around evolved stars to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidence of star-planet interaction processes. For HD 5583 we obtained 14 epochs of precise RV measurements collected over 2313 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), and 22 epochs of ultra-precise HARPS-N data collected over 976 days. For BD+15 2375 we collected 24 epochs of HET data over 3286 days and 25 epochs of HARPS-S data over 902 days. We report the discovery of two planetary mass objects orbiting two evolved Red Giant stars: HD~5583 has a m sin i = 5.78 MJ_{J} companion at 0.529~AU in a nearly circular orbit (e=0.076), the closest companion to a giant star detected with the RV technique, and BD+15~2735 that with a m sin i= 1.06 MJ_{J} holds the record of the lightest planet found so far orbiting an evolved star (in a circular e=0.001, 0.576~AU orbit). These are the third and fourth planets found within the TAPAS project, a HARPS-N monitoring of evolved planetary systems identified with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    TAPAS - Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems with HARPS-N. II. Super Li-rich giant HD 107028

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    Lithium rich giant stars are rare objects. For some of them, Li enrichment exceeds abundance of this element found in solar system meteorites, suggesting that these stars have gone through a Li enhancement process. We identified a Li rich giant HD 107028 with A(Li) > 3.3 in a sample of evolved stars observed within the PennState Torun Planet Search. In this work we study different enhancement scenarios and we try to identify the one responsible for Li enrichment for HD 107028. We collected high resolution spectra with three different instruments, covering different spectral ranges. We determine stellar parameters and abundances of selected elements with both equivalent width measurements and analysis, and spectral synthesis. We also collected multi epoch high precision radial velocities in an attempt to detect a companion. Collected data show that HD 107028 is a star at the base of Red Giant Branch. Except for high Li abundance, we have not identified any other anomalies in its chemical composition, and there is no indication of a low mass or stellar companion. We exclude Li production at the Luminosity Function Bump on RGB, as the effective temperature and luminosity suggest that the evolutionary state is much earlier than RGB Bump. We also cannot confirm the Li enhancement by contamination, as we do not observe any anomalies that are associated with this scenario. After evaluating various scenarios of Li enhancement we conclude that the Li-overabundance of HD 107028 originates from Main Sequence evolution, and may be caused by diffusion process.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N. V.: A Massive Jupiter orbiting the very low metallicity giant star BD+03 2562 and a possible planet around HD~103485

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    We present two evolved stars from the TAPAS (Tracking Advanced PlAnetary Systems) with HARPS-N project devoted to RV precision measurements of identified candidates within the PennState - Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search. Evolved stars with planets are crucial to understand the dependency of the planet formation mechanism on the mass and metallicity of the parent star and to study star-planet interactions. The paper is based on precise radial velocity (RV) measurements, for HD 103485 we collected 57 epochs over 3317 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and its High Resolution Spectrograph and 18 ultra-precise HARPS-N data over 919 days. For BD+03 2562 we collected 46 epochs of HET data over 3380 days and 19 epochs of HARPS-N data over 919 days. We present the analysis of the data and the search for correlations between the RV signal and stellar activity, stellar rotation and photometric variability. Based on the available data, we interpret the RV variations measured in both stars as Keplerian motion. Both stars have masses close to Solar (1.11 and 1.14), very low metallicities ([Fe/H]=-0.50 and -0.71), and, both have Jupiter planetary mass companions (m sin i=7 and 6.4 Mj), in close to terrestrial orbits (1.4 and 1.3~au), with moderate eccentricities (e=0.34 and 0.2). However, we cannot totally exclude that the signal in the case of HD~103485 is due to rotational modulation of active regions. Based on the current data, we conclude that BD+03 2562 has a bona fide planetary companion while for HD 103485 we cannot totally exclude that the best explanation for the RV signal modulations is not the existence of a planet but stellar activity. If, the interpretation remains that both stars have planetary companions they represent systems orbiting very evolved stars with very low metallicities, a challenge to the conditions required for the formation of massive giant gas planets.Comment: Acepted A&A 12 pages, 11 figure

    A symptomatic pelvic rib

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    Pelvic rib is a rare anomaly where ectopic rib is found in a pelvic region. It is usually found occasionally in asymptomatic patients. We report a case of 15-year-old male, diagnosed with a symptomatic pelvic rib. It had an unusual presentation creating a pseudotumour associated with pain and reduced range of motion in the hip joint. Patient was operated on with good result and final diagnosis was confirmed in pathological examination. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 406–408

    Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems with HARPS-N (TAPAS). I. A multiple planetary system around the red giant star TYC 1422-614-1

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    Context. Stars that have evolved-off the Main Sequence are crucial in expanding the frontiers of knowledge on exoplanets toward higher stellar masses, and to constrain star-planet interaction mechanisms. These stars, however suffer from intrinsic activity that complicates the interpretation of precise radial velocity measurement and are often avoided in planet searches. We have, over the last 10 years, monitored about 1000 evolved stars for radial velocity variations in search for low-mass companions under the Penn State - Toru\'n Centre for Astronomy Planet Search with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Selected prospective candidates that required higher RV precision meassurements have been followed with HARPS-N at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. Aims. To detect planetary systems around evolved stars, to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidences of star-planet interaction processes. Methods. We have obtained for TYC 1422-614-1 69 epochs of precise radial velocity measurements collected over 3651 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, and 17 epochs of ultra precise HARPS-N data collected over 408 days. We have complemented these RV data with photometric time-series from the All Sky Automatic Survey archive. Results. We report the discovery of a multiple planetary system around the evolved K2 giant star TYC 1422-614-1. The system orbiting the 1.15 M_\odot star is composed of a planet with mass msinisin i=2.5 MJ_J in a 0.69 AU orbit, and a planet/brown dwarf with msinisin i=10 MJ_J in a 1.37 AU orbit. The multiple planetary system orbiting TYC 1422-614-1 is the first finding of the TAPAS project, a HARPS-N monitoring of evolved planetary systems identified with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Transit timing variation and activity in the WASP-10 planetary system

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    Transit timing analysis may be an effective method of discovering additional bodies in extrasolar systems which harbour transiting exoplanets. The deviations from the Keplerian motion, caused by mutual gravitational interactions between planets, are expected to generate transit timing variations of transiting exoplanets. In 2009 we collected 9 light curves of 8 transits of the exoplanet WASP-10b. Combining these data with published ones, we found that transit timing cannot be explained by a constant period but by a periodic variation. Simplified three-body models which reproduce the observed variations of timing residuals were identified by numerical simulations. We found that the configuration with an additional planet of mass of \sim0.1 MJM_{\rm{J}} and orbital period of \sim5.23 d, located close to the outer 5:3 mean motion resonance, is the most likely scenario. If the second planet is a transiter, the estimated flux drop will be \sim0.3 per cent and can be observable with a ground-based telescope. Moreover, we present evidence that the spots on the stellar surface and rotation of the star affect the radial velocity curve giving rise to spurious eccentricity of the orbit of the first planet. We argue that the orbit of WASP-10b is essentially circular. Using the gyrochronology method, the host star was found to be 270±80270 \pm 80 Myr old. This young age can explain the large radius reported for WASP-10b.Comment: MNRAS accepte