204 research outputs found

    Competencies of Comissioner for Competition in Creation and Enforcement of Competition Policy

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    AbstractThe EU's Competition Policy applies rules to make sure that companies compete with each other and innovate and offer good prices to consumers. The European Commission's Directorate General for Competition oversees issues of antitrust, mergers, cartels, liberalisation, state aid and the challenges of globalisation. The article presents one of the executive authority of European Union, i.e. Commissioner for Competition and its power in creating competition policy in all Member States. It also describes the position of this commissioner in the European Commission structure and puts importance on the emphasizes the importance of European competition policy for consumers.Descriptive method was used in the paper

    Impacto da crise do COVID-19 no sistema bancário português. Abordagem de ordenação linear

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    The goal of this paper is to assess the resilience of Portuguese banks to the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, diagnostic variables of 19 banks were selected and prioritized using linear ordering methods. This methodology allowed us to perform rankings of banks using six linear ordering methods and taking into account two weighting procedures and two variants of the diagnostic feature. The study was also supplemented by a sensitivity analysis and an optimization procedure aimed at identifying the optimal linear ordering method. The main results obtained show that the resilience of Portuguese banks is not evenly distributed among individual banks. These findings could be used by regulators to plan support measures for the most fragile banks.El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la resistencia de los bancos portugueses al impacto potencial de la pandemia por COVID-19. Para ello, se seleccionaron y priorizaron variables de diagnóstico de 19 bancos mediante métodos de ordenamiento lineal; esta metodología permitió realizar rankings de bancos utilizando seis métodos de ordenamiento lineal teniendo en cuenta dos procedimientos de ponderación y dos variantes de la característica de diagnóstico. El estudio también se complementó con un análisis de sensibilidad y un procedimiento de optimización destinado a identificar el método ideal de ordenación lineal. Los principales resultados obtenidos muestran que la resistencia de los bancos portugueses no se distribuye uniformemente entre los bancos individuales. Los reguladores podrían utilizar estos resultados para planificar medidas de apoyo a los bancos más frágiles.O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a resistência dos bancos portugueses ao potencial impacto da pandemia COVID-19. Para isso, variáveis de diagnóstico de 19 bancos foram selecionadas e priorizadas por meio de métodos de ordenação linear. Essa metodologia permitiu classificar os bancos usando seis métodos de ordenação linear e levando em consideração dois procedimentos de ponderação e duas variantes da característica diagnóstica. O estudo também foi complementado com uma análise de sensibilidade e um procedimento de otimização, com o objetivo de identificar o método de ordenação linear ideal. Os principais resultados obtidos mostram que a resistência dos bancos portugueses não se encontra uniformemente distribuída entre os bancos individuais. Os reguladores poderiam usar esses resultados para planear medidas de apoio aos bancos mais frágeis

    Do Commercial Banks in Poland Pass the Bank Tax On to Their Customers?

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    Theoretical background: Bank tax was introduced in Poland in February 2016. As a consequence, several banks with assets surpassing certain value need to cope with the additional burden.Purpose of the article: The aim of the research is to verify whether Polish banks that nominally are subject to the bank tax indeed shifted onto their clients most of the cost connected with this new levy and, thus, now these are the clients who effectively bear the burden of bank tax.Research methods: The analysis is based on monthly data for the years 2010–2021, for which a multilayer comparison of performance of banks subject to the bank tax was made from various perspectives: (1) before and after the introduction of bank tax and (2) with remaining banks not subject to a bank tax – which serve as a control sample. The analysis took into account the composition of Polish bank sector, while focusing on the development of: (1) revenues, costs and income from commissions and charges, (2) revenues and income from interest, (3) level of commissions and charges as well as interest imposed on different bank products, (4) banks profitability, (5) their balance sheet total and (6) ROA.Main findings: The analysis does not confirm increases in revenues of commercial banks and foreign branches following the introduction of the bank levy, whereas the profitability and ROA of these banks worsened significantly. At the same time, the performance of banks not affected by the levy did not deteriorate, which allows to conclude that banks did not manage to shift the cost of bank tax onto their customers. Conclusions are important primarily from the perspective of fiscal policy (they answer the question on effective tax incidence) and supervisory policy (to what extent the introduction of the tax erodes the performance of the banking sector, inhibiting the accumulation of capital determining the level of financial stability)

    Procjena rezultata sanitarne i veterinarske inspekcije zaklanih ovaca u Poljskoj u razdoblju 2017.-2019. godine

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    The aim of this study was to follow and evaluate the sanitary and veterinary inspection results of slaughtered sheep in Poland in the period 2017-2019. More than 175,000 sheep were slaughtered in Poland during this period. Post-mortem veterinary inspection revealed symptoms and/or lesions in 19,799 animals, which constituted 11.30% of all examined sheep. Of these, 134 animals (0.08%) were considered unfit for consumption. The most numerous cases were with foci of pus, contamination and congestion (5.07%) and fasciolosis (4.72%). The highest number of foci of pus, contamination and congestion in sheep carcasses were found in the Małopolskie and Podlaskie voivodeships. Most of the cases deemed unfit for consumption were found in the Podkarpackie (30), Świętokrzyskie (29) and Podlaskie (23) voivodeships, accounting for over 61% of all disqualified sheep carcasses in 2017-2019 in Poland.Cilj ove studije bio je pratiti i procijeniti rezultate sanitarne i veterinarske inspekcije zaklanih ovaca u Poljskoj u razdoblju 2017. - 2019. godine. Više od 175 000 ovaca je zaklano u Poljskoj u tom razdoblju. Obdukcijska veterinarska inspekcija otkrila je simptome i/ili lezije u 19 799 životinja, što predstavlja 11,30 % svih pregledanih ovaca. 134 zaklane životinje smatrane su neprikladnima za konzumaciju (0,08 %). Najbrojniji su bili slučajevi s gnojnim žarištima, kontaminacijom i kongestijom (5,07 %) i fasciolozom (4,72 %). Najveći broj gnojnih žarišta, kontaminacije i kongestije u lešina ovaca pronađen je u Małopolskie i Podlaskie vojvodstvima. Najviše slučajeva koji su smatrani neprikladnima za konzumaciju pronađeno je u Podkarpackie (30), Świętokrzyskie (29) i Podlaskie (23) vojvodstvima, što je predstavljalo više od 61 % svih lešina ovaca proglašenih neprikladnima za konzumaciju u razdoblju 2017.-2019. godine u Poljskoj


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    The article presents the main ideas of sustainable tourism – new form of tourism promoted by authorities, environmental and socialinstitutions and international organizations. It implies taking into account economic, environmental, and socio-cultural aspect byplanning and management of tourism. The article presents historical background of the idea of sustainability and main internationalevents concerning this topic. The author highlights negative effects of tourism that can be prevented by applying the principles ofsustainable development.KEYWORDS: sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, ecotourism

    Jednostki obiektywne w systemie regionów

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    The region can be taken and defined as the specific territorial area, were the extent is designated from arbitrarily established administrative and statistic borders. This interpretation seems to be the most effective from the practical point of view. Because of that, the majority of public statistic researches, is led by taking advantage of existing, legal structures. However a region can be singled out in more specific way, with taking into consideration various social and economic conditions. This unambiguity wakes up doubts on how unformalized are those objectively existing regions and if they should be used in regional and local development processes. Till now, the researchers' interests were mainly focused on macro regions e.g. provinces, microregions (group of communes), or on the local units' development e.g. communes and poviats. Practically, the utilization of spatial unit was closed in administrative borders. However, this selective approach to the regional development, can limit a cognitive value as well as practical use of this type of operations. It requires methodological correctness to be lead with reference to all rungs of regional taxonomy and that units of all rungs would be used in regional development managementRegion może być rozumiany i definiowany jako określony obszar terytorialny, którego zasięg wyznaczają arbitralnie ustalone granice administracyjne lub statystyczne. Taka interpretacja wydaje się najefektywniejsza z praktycznego punktu widzenia, w związku z tym większość badań statystyki publicznej prowadzi się wykorzystując istniejące struktury ustalone drogą legislacyjną. Jednakże region może być wyodrębniony w sposób bardziej specyficzny, z uwzględnieniem rozmaitych uwarunkowań społeczno-ekonomicznych i wówczas kryterium jego wyodrębnienia stanowią kierunki i natężenia oddziaływania badanych zjawisk. Ta niejednoznaczność budzi więc wątpliwości, na ile to regiony niesformalizowane, istniejące obiektywnie, powinny być wykorzystywane w procesach rozwoju regionalnego i lokalnego. Zainteresowanie badaczy skupiało się do tej pory przede wszystkim na regionach typu makro np. województwach lub mikroregionach (grupy gmin) czy na rozwoju jednostek lokalnych np. gmin czy powiatów. Praktyczne zaś wykorzystanie jednostek przestrzennych zamykało się w granicach administracyjnych. To wybiórcze podejście do problematyki rozwoju regionalnego może jednak ograniczać zarówno wartość poznawczą, jak i praktyczną przydatność tego typu działań. Poprawność metodologiczna wymaga, by studia były prowadzone w odniesieniu do wszystkich szczebli taksonomii regionalnej i by, jednostki wszystkich szczebli były wykorzystywane w zarządzaniu rozwojem regionalny

    Ryzyko w sektorze publicznym

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    Modern organizations are exposed to an increasing risk. The main reason for this situation are the processes of globalization, modern and creative economy and ubiquitous computerization of society. The risk also appeared in the public sector. The aim of this study is to diagnose the changes in the specific area which is the public administration and the characteristics of the main types of riskWspółczesne organizacje narażone są na coraz większe ryzyko. Główną przyczyną są procesy globalizacji, nowoczesna i kreatywna gospodarka oraz wszechobecna informatyzacja społeczeństwa. Ryzyko pojawiło się także w sektorze publicznym. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest diagnoza zmian zachodzących w specyficznym obszarze, jakim jest administracja publiczna, oraz charakterystyka najważniejszych rodzajów ryzyk

    Kierunki rozwoju rynku energii wiatrowej

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    The renewable energy is developing very dynamically. Some actions taken in the area of this kind of energy is an effect of the energy policy pursued by countries and international organizations. It results from the diligence and care about the natural environment as well as from the need of energy safety in particular regions. From among different renewable energy sources the special attention is worth to be put to the wind energy. This is the sector where the most dynamic changes are being made. Significant changes are also made in the polish wind energy sector. Few years ago, in Poland were standing up first professional wind farms projects. Nowadays, this sector of energy is starting to play more and more relevant role. In 2010 wind energy became a dominant renewable energy source in Poland.Energetyka odnawialna rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Część działań podejmowanych w zakresie tej energetyki jest efektem prowadzonej przez państwa i międzynarodowe organizacje polityki energetycznej wynikającej nie tylko z dbałości i troski o środowisko naturalne, ale także o bezpieczeństwo energetyczne poszczególnych regionów. Spośród różnych źródeł energii odnawialnej na szczególną uwagę zasługuje energetyka wiatrowa. To w tym sektorze zachodzą najbardziej dynamiczne zmiany. Także w Polsce w sektorze energetyki wiatrowej podejmowane są znaczące przedsięwzięcia. O ile kilka lat temu powstawały pierwsze profesjonalne projekty farm wiatrowych, o tyle obecnie sektor ten zaczyna odgrywać coraz istotniejszą rolę. W 2010 r. energetyka wiatrowa stała się dominującym źródłem energii pochodzącej ze źródeł odnawialnych w Polsce

    Zarządzanie jakością w rozwoju agroturystyki w wybranych powiatach województwa małopolskiego

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    Quality management in agritourism is an essential factor in this popular form of rural tourism development. Ascpects of management in agritourism services relate to all kinds of basic services and complementary ones related to runnning agritourism activity. The quality can be seen in the level of services for tourists, in providing accommodation and catering. Quality in agritourism is also suitable recreational services offered to vacationists. Quality management in agritourism is important becasue effectively implemented enables the provision of tourism services for guests at a sufficiently high level. In this paper the methods of quality management in agritourism on the example of the four counties in the Malopolska: Limanowa, Myslenice, Suski and Wadowice have been presented. The state of agritourism development in this region of Malopolska have been characterized. The quality of agritourism services have been shown, taking into account the agritourism products offered, innovative services, institutional surroundings support and relation marketing. The results of studies carried out in offices of the municipalities mentioned administrative units and owners of tourist farms operating in selected two municipalities. Quality in agritourism significantly affects the agritourism flow. Categorized agritourism farms, associated in agritourism associations, having an interesting and varied leisure offers for its guests have a better chance to reach potentials tourists. Appropriate and high-level service vacationers are also the elements of quality determing the agritourism flow development